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There was a ringing in my ears, the room | and permitted the revealment which, by

swam round, and I awoke to life and consciousness again, to find myself in the arms of Mrs. Rose-Mrs. Rose no more' to me or mine, but Rose Montalban, my father's honored widow!

I knelt at her feet in prayer and supplication: nature pleaded powerfully in my bosom, and at length floods of genial tears swelled forth. Forgiveness-sweet word! what precious forgiveness she heaped on her penitent daughter!

It is not quite a score of years since she was removed to a better world. Aunt Theodosia took up her residence with us, and notwithstanding bodily infirmity, her latter end was peace. Never more were the dark angels feared by me. Never more was my beloved mother separated from my side, for our reunion was one of perfect felicity. She died in my arms, blessing me with her latest breath, as a dutiful and devoted daughter. And oh! what memory of earth equals the memory of a dying parent's benediction!

Lady Blanche's housekeeper at the Hall had a knowledge of my mother's position, and aided her in applying for and obtaining the vacant post of nursery governess, or attendant on Miss Ursula; for oh! the mother's heart yearned irrepressibly towards her offspring; and who was to find out her secret at the Grange, where she was a stranger? But Aunt Dosy remembered that picture which father had shown her with my so much pride and love: once seen, it was never to be forgotten; and the beautiful lineaments were stamped indelibly on her memory. She knew my mother instantaneously, and deeply the discovery agitated and affected her. The conflict was severe between her sense of duty and the tender pity she felt. But it was not in her nature to turn a deaf ear to the mother's prayers and entreaties; and Aunt Dosy promised not to betray the secret to the Dowager Mrs. Montalban, or her brother Everard, or her sisters, if Mrs. Rose, on her part, promised never to betray the relationship in which she stood to me. It is worthy of remark, that on the very day when my violent and ungovernable temper led me into the commission of a heinous offence, the sudden passage of my aged grandmother into eternity unsealed Aunt Theodosia's lips,

God's blessing, changed my evil disposition so materially, and in some measure oblite rated my offence in a human point of view, by affording time for repentance and amend


Not to all of us are such momentous warnings vouchsafed. Pride and passion lead to crime; and sometimes, alas! penitence comes too late.

From "Bentley's Miscellany."


ABOUT half way up Ludgate hill, on the right-hand side, is a narrow court called St. Martin's-court.

In a dark corner of this place the wayfarer may discover, in consequence of the brickwork being removed to a sufficient depth, to afford porters, &c., ample space to enable them to rest their loads, a portion of the old London wall. Although this is but a small fragment, it is altogether the most ancient in Blackfriars, of an older date than the great fire of 1666; still the neighborhood is not devoid of interesting associations. In 1276 a church was founded here for the order of Black or Dominican Friars, from which circumstance the district At the dissolution of the takes its name. monasteries the church was pulled down, and the house dissolved.

In Elizabeth's time Blackfriars contained the residence of many persons of note and fashion, and here the famous queen was wont not unfrequently to favor with a visit such of her loving subjects as seemed to be getting overburdened with wealth.

In passing from St. Martin's-court, towards Apothecaries' hall, several of the fronts of the houses are decorated with small stone carvings. Those marks are often met with on London houses, and sometimes contain the badge of the incorporated company to whom the property belongs; but more frequently they are relics of the now almost neglected custom observed by every class of tradesmen of that time of using a sign. After passing Apothecaries' hall, and proceeding a little farther in the same direction, a mark on the corner of a narrow lane indicates the way to Printing-house-square. It is a snug old-fashioned looking place, and

but for the many voices of numerous children | should be continued until similar employat play, and the passage of small streams of ment could be procured. The number of persons to and from the Times advertisement- sheets then impressed in the hour was 1,100. office, the whole would form as retired a A machine erected in 1846 threw off 6,000 looking nook as could be met with in Lon- sheets of eight pages an hour; but another don. In the reign of Charles II. proclama- has since been erected which throws off tions, &c., were printed here by the King's 10,000 an hour. A newspaper and suppleprinter. The building of that date was de- ment of Jan. 23, 1845, contained 1,706 adstroyed by fire about the middle of the last vertisements. A page of advertisements, century, and what Maitland calls "the com- containing six columns, is worth £108. The pletest printing-house in the world" erected usual daily circulation of the Times is 35,000; on the spot. After the removal of the but on extraordinary occasions 54,000 copies Queen's printer to New-street, Fleet-street, have been printed. Mr. Walter, who so long 1770, this house became, in 1788, the print- and ably conducted this wonderful journal, ing and publishing place of the celebrated died in 1847. Times newspaper, a publication which may be justly classed among the wonders of the


From "The Tribune."


A FEW days since we had an opportunity of conversing with Mr. Stebbings June, who arrived from Ceylon about three weeks ago in the bark Regatta, bringing with him the cargo of elephants which now accompany Mr. Barnum's travelling menagerie. During his visit, Mr. June was obliged to traverse the greater part of the island in his search for a sufficient number of elephants of the size and quality required for an imposing exhibition. Consequently, he saw a great deal of the wild tropical regions of the interior and of the character and customs of the Cingalese. We give, herewith, an outline of his experience, which, if not quite equal to Mr. Gordon Cumming's South African stories, still furnishes an interesting chapter of adventure.

The Times was first commenced by Mr. John Walter, printer to the Customs, who was for many years before his death the principal proprietor. The son became joint proprietor, and exclusive manager of the Times at the commencement of the year 1803. The latter gentleman first imparted to the daily press its vast range and celerity of information, its authentic accuracy, its universal correspondence, its lucid arrangement, and marvellous dispatch; and, more than all, its dignity in the social scale, and its political position as what has been called the fourth estate of the realm. Mr. Walter was the first to bring the steam-engine to the assistance of the public press. To take off 5,000 impressions in an hour was once deemed as ridiculous as the idea of paddling a ship fifteen miles against wind and tide. It took a long while in those days to print off 3,000 or 4,000 copies of the Times. After Mr. June, with Mr. Nutter, of Boston, obstacles, not only caused by the difficult sailed on his elephantine expedition in July application of the machinery, but by the last, and arrived at Point de Galle, a seaopposition of the workmen, Mr. Walter suc- port on the southwestern extremity of Ceyceeded in secretly completing the steam- lon, in the early part of October. This port press in a house adjoining to the printing- and Trincomalee, on the northeastern coast, office. The suspicious pressmen had threat- are the only large harbors which the island ened destruction to every one whose inven- possesses. The first object of Messrs. June tions might suspend their employment- and Nutter, on landing, was to procure some "destruction to him and his traps." They elephants, either from the government were directed to wait for expected news authorities, or from the temples, which own from the Continent. It was about six o'clock large numbers of them, and thus avoid the in the morning of Nov. 29, 1814, when Mr. necessity of catching and taming wild aniWalter went into the press-room and aston- mals. In this, however, they were disapished its occupants by telling them that the pointed. The new governor had just enTimes was already printed by steam, buttered on his duties, and all official arrangethat, if they were peaceable, their wages ments seemed to be in a confused and un

satisfactory state. Besides, many of the roads in the interior had been injured by severe rains, and a greater number of the animals than usual was required, for the purpose of repairing them. Accordingly, after reaching Colombo, the maritime capital of the country, which lies on the western coast, about 60 miles north of Point de Galle, and finding no chance of procuring what he wanted, Mr. June determined to start for the city of Kandy, in the interior, and forty miles distant. An excellent carriage road has been constructed between the two places, on which a mail-coach makes three trips every week. Kandy, which is a large town, situated on a beautiful tableland 1,700 feet above the sea and surrounded by mountains, was the residence of the kings of Kandy, the native monarchs of the island, previous to their overthrow by the English, in 1815. Here again Mr. June was disappointed in his hope of finding elephants for sale, and notwithstanding the rainy season had just set in and the undertaking was considered hazardous in the extreme, he determined to take to the jungles and select a ship-load from among the wild herds.

southwest from April to September, and from the northeast from November to February. The elephants, who prefer the rainy season, range in the thick jungle covering the table-land and hills around the base of the mountain chain, following the rains from one side of the island to the other.

With a guide, interpreter, and a number of native assistants, Mr. June started for the haunts of the elephants in the jungles northwest of Kandy, while Mr. Nutter explored the southern part of the island. They were obliged to leave the travelled road, and trust themselves to the wild jungle-paths leading through the uncultivated districts frequented by the animals. These regions are covered with a growth of shrubbery and small trees, so thickly matted together with vines, that it is impossible to force the body through. Here and there, out of this sea of vegetation, rise the trunks of enormous trees, growing more frequent in the neighborhood of the mountains, where they frequently form forests of the grandest character. In hunting elephants, the paths made by the natives cannot always be followed, but new ones must be cut, which is a very slow and toilsome work. The elephants, however, find the jungle no obstacle to their progress, but with their heads lowered, crash through it at full speed. The noise of a herd in motion can be heard at a great distance.

Mr. June had the greatest success in the

In order to understand the nature of such an expedition, some account of the topography of the island is necessary. The shores of Ceylon are generally low, although in the southern part bluff and rocky. For some distance inland the ground is level, and for the most part cultivated, being cov-low lands in the northern part of the island, ered with fields of paddy (a coarse kind of rice) and groves of cinnamon. Toward the centre it rises into a table-land, from 2,000 to 3,000 feet above the sea, and almost entirely covered with dense and luxuriant forests. This gradually rises into a mountain chain, which divides the island from north to south, into two nearly equal parts. Adam's Peak, about 30 miles southwest of Kandy, attains an altitude of more than 6,000 feet, and has been considered the highest of the range. Mr. June, however, informs us that on his way from Kandy to Fort Patrick, east of the mountains, he passed a still higher peak. This geographical division of the island is, singularly enough, a division of climate also-tremendous floods of rain deluging one side, while on the other the water is carefully hoarded to prevent a scarcity. The season shifts with the monsoon, which blows from the

near Anarajahpoora. The method of catching elephants, as described by him, must be a very exciting kind of business. The first step is to make a kraal, or pen, in some spot where the animals abound. This is constructed of heavy posts, set upright in the ground, closely bound together with withes, and made firm by other posts resting against them on the other side, as stays. The kraal forms three sides of a square, having an aperture on the fourth for the entrance of the elephants, from each side of which extends a long pallisade, slanting outward, like the mouth of a funnel. When all is completed, the natives lay in wait till a fine herd has wandered near the opening of the trap; then, surrounding them, they urge them forward with shouts and firing of muskets, till the frightened animals rush through the entrance and are safe within the kraal.

Now comes the work of catching and securing them, which would be a difficult and dangerous task were it not for the assistance rendered by tame elephants, trained for the purpose. One of these animals will gradually entice one of the imprisoned herd to a little distance from his fellows, and engage his attention by a gentle caress. He rubs his ears, strokes his trunk softly, and mumbles phrases of elephantine endearment, until the susceptible beast is completely beguiled by these tokens of affection. Presently a second tame elephant comes up on the other side and repeats the process, till the most complete confidence is established. Then, at the right period, they dextrously twine both their trunks around the trunk of the victim, and hold him as in a vice. These elephants wear collars around their shoulders, to which stout ropes are fastened. While the trunk of the wild animal is held, two or three natives are busy in fastening these ropes to his hind legs, and he is thus incapable of moving either forward or backward, except as his loving friends allow. He is then taken and made fast to a tree, where he is suffered to remain three or four days without food or drink. At the end of this time the tame elephants are brought up again, and, after being secured, he is taken down to a stream and watered He is approached very cautiously at first, but in the course of ten days or two weeks becomes docile enough to be driven at large with the tame beasts.

are shot, principally by the British officers stationed in Ceylon, who appear to enjoy sporting on such a gigantic scale. A cool head and a sure aim are all that is required. A slight hollow in the elephant's forehead, just between and above his eyes, is penetrable by a musket ball, and a single shot is generally sufficient to bring him down.

The Ceylon elephants are divided into two classes-the tuskar, or tusked elephants, and the aliar, who are destitute of those appendages. The former are much more valuable than the latter, and are principally caught for the priests, to be employed in the service of the temples.

Among the wild elephants, one is occasionally found who, from his mischievous or unsocial disposition, is banished from the herd, and becomes a sort of outcast. These are called rogue elephants. Mr. June succeeded in capturing one of them, which gave him a great deal of trouble before he was shipped at Point de Galle, but which he now considers the most valuable animal in his collection. On one occasion, while in Kandy, he broke from the court-yard in which he was confined during the night, and after considerable search, was found demolishing a plantation of bananas. He also attempted to escape while on the road to Colombo, but happening to cross a field of paddy which had just been irrigated, he sank to his knees, and was captured.

Mr. June attempted to cross the mountain chain east of Kandy, into the country of the Veddahs, or aboriginal inhabitants of Ceylon, but was obliged to return on account of the rough nature of the country, which is here a primitive wilderness. In addition to the almost impenetrable forests and jungles, the mountains rise in a line of sheer precipice, many hundred feet in height, and not to be scaled without great difficulty and danger, The Veddahs, who inhabit the wilderness

The natives have another way of taking them, but it is not often practised. The elephant, like all gentlemen living in the tropics, is fond of a siesta during the heat of the day. Occasionally he will rest his huge bulk against some convenient tree, and take an hour's doze with great satisfaction. Some of the Cingalese are daring enough, at this time, to creep stealthily through the jungle till they reach his very feet. Notwith-east of the mountains, are about on a par standing his thick hide, the elephant is very sensitive to touch. The native, provided with a rope, the other end of which is made fast to a tree, touches very gently the hind leg of the animal, who lifting his foot to shake off the supposed fly, instantly gives an opportunity for a noose to be slipped under. The same process is repeated with the other foot, and the elephant wakes up and finds himself caught. Large numbers

with the Bushmen of South Africa. They are divided into two classes, the village and the forest Veddahs, the former of whom dwell in communities and exhibit some faint glimmering of humanity. The latter run wild in the jungles, subsisting on roots and plants, and climbing into the branches of trees to sleep. Mr. June saw two of these creatures, who had been captured by the Cingalese, and describes them as being

but little in advance of the orang-outang. They are small in stature, and they have the long arms of the simia tribe. Very little is known of that part of the island which they inhabit.

Mr. June represents the Cingalese, who are supposed to have originally emigrated from the Malabar Coast, as an amiable and inoffensive people. They are for the most part devoted to the culture of the soil, which is exceedingly fertile. The cinnamon tree, which requires a moist, warm climate, grows only in the southeastern part of the island, and seems to thrive best in a poor and flinty soil. The climate of Ceylon is mild and salubrious, the monsoons which blow alternately from the Indian Sea and the Bay of Bengal mitigating the severity of the tropical heats.

After collecting their nine elephants at Point de Galle, Messrs. June and Nutter carried them to the Regatta on a large lighter and stowed them away in the hold, which had been prepared for their reception. Thousands of people from all the surrounding country came down to the shore to witness the operation. Considerable persuasion was necessary to induce the heavy animals to trust themselves on the unsteady lighter, and the rogue actually broke the ropes by which he was bound and made off at full speed, to the terror of the crowd, who scattered themselves in all directions. He was secured, however, and at last deposited on board, where he behaved remarkably well during the passage. One of the younger animals died after leaving the Cape of Good Hope, and was thrown overboard; the others arrived safely, after their voyage of 12,000 miles. They were accompanied by a native Cingalese, who will make with them the tour of the United States. Henceforth, instead of crashing through the jungles of Ceylon, they will quietly devour the gingerbread contributions of admiring thousands, under the shadow of Barnum's colossal tent.

From "Chambers' Edinburgh Journal."


You are to be married, Mary:
This hour, as I silent lie

In the dreamy light of the morning,
Your wedding-hour draws nigh.

Miles off, you are rising, dressing,

To stand amid bridal throng,
In the same old rooms we play' d in,
You and I-when we were young.

Your bridemaids-they were our playmates;
Those old rooms, every wall,
Could speak of our childish frolics,

Loves, jealousies, great and small.
Do you mind how pansies changed we,
And smiled at the word "forget?"
'Twas a girl's romance-yet somewhere
I have kept my pansy yet.

Do you mind our verses written

Together? our dreams of fame ?-
Of love-how we'd share all secrets
When that sweet mystery came?
It is no mystery now, Mary;

It was unveiled year by year:
Till-this is your marriage-morning,
And I-I am lying here.

I cannot picture your face, Mary,
The face of the bride to-day:
You have outgrown my knowledge
In years that have slipp'd away:
I see but the girlish likeness,
Brown eyes, and brown falling hair:
God knows, I did love you dearly,
And was proud that you were fair!
Many speak my name, Mary,
While yours in home's silence lies:
The future I read in toil's guerdon,

You will read in your children's eyes.
The past the same past with either-
Is to you a soft, pleasant scene:
But I cannot see it clearly,

For the graves that rise between.

I am glad you are happy, Mary!
These tears, did you see them fall,
Would show, though you have forgotten,
I have remember'd all.

And though my cup is left empty,

And yours with its joy runs o'er, God keep you its sweetness, Mary, Brimming for evermore!



"MINE is the fame most blazon'd of all;
Mine is the goodliest trade;
Never was banner so wide as the pall,

Nor sceptre so feared as the spade."

This is the lay of the sexton gray-
King of the church-yard he-
While the mournful knell of the tolling bell
Chimes in with his burden of glee.

He dons a doublet of sober brown,
And a hat of slouching felt;

The mattock is over his shoulder thrown,
The heavy keys clank at his belt,

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