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and collectors of internal revenue, 101; mili-
tary department of, 124; mail service in,
155; land grants to, 174; pensioners in, 177,
178; temperature and rain-fall, 186; average
yield and prices of crops, 187; prices of
farm stock, 188; colleges in, 193.

Capital, 390; area, 390; population, 390,
394; settlement, 390; ceded to the United
States, 390; admitted to the Union, 390;
new constitution ratified, 390; government,
390; legislature, 390; qualification of voters,
891; judiciary, 391; Supreme court, 391;
Circuit and District courts, 391; United
States courts, 391; terms of courts, 391;
finances, 391; state debt, 392; education,
392; State University, 392; Normal Schools,
392; State Superintendent, 392; boards of
education, 392; county superintendent, 392;
public school fund, 392; public schools, 392;
schools of St. Louis, 393; charitable insti-
tutions, 393; Institution for the Blind, 393;
Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 393; Asylum
for the Insane, 393; penitentiary, 393, 394;
wealth and industry, 394; soil and agricul
ture, 394; vineyards, 394; minerals, 394;
position, 395; manufactures, 395; tonnage,
395; products, 395; votes at Presidential
elections, 716.

MOHAMMEDAN, calendar, 10; year, 10; months,
10; countries, 610.
MOHAMMEDANS, number of, 609.
MONEY order system, 154.

MONTANA TERRITORY, Governors of, 69; dele-
gate from, 76; assessor and collector of in-
ternal revenue, 101; gold and silver product
of, 220, 221.

Capital, 497; area, 497; population, 497,
499; organization, 497; boundaries, 497;
government, 497; judiciary, 497; Supreme
court, 497, 498; Probate courts, 497; finances,
498; expenditures, 498; public debt, 498;
education, 498; Superintendent of Public
Instruction, 498; county superintendents,
498; school returns, 498; wealth and in-
dustry, 499; immigration, 499; Surveyor
General, 499; character of the country, 499;
stock raising, 499; silver and gold mines,
499; other minerals, 500; assessed value of
property, 500; banks, 500.

MONTENEGRO, reigning prince of, 591; popula-
tion, 591; army, 591.

MOON, eclipses of, 11, 12, 14; longitude of, 19;
phases of, 23-45; rising and setting of, 23-45.


MUSEUM, Agricultural, 184.

MURPHY, GOVERNOR, of Arkansas, remarks
upon the condition of education, 283.


NAPOLEON III. Charles Louis, Emperor of the
French, 548.

NASSAR-ED DIN, Shah of Persia, 597.
NATAL, area and population, 600; erected to a

separate government, 600; revenue and ex-
penditures, 600; imports and exports, 600.
NATIONAL BANKS, 242; notes of, 242; taxation
of, 243; money reserve of, 244.
NATIONAL DEBT, 240, 244, 635, 637, 640, 642.
NATIONAL PLATFORMS of 1868, Republican, 265;

Soldiers' and Sailors' at Chicago, 266; Dem-
ocratic, 268; Soldiers' and Sailors' at New
York, 269.


NAVAL FORCE, 138, 145.

NAVY DEPARTMENT, (see department of the
Navy); list, 132; grades of officers, 12;
retired list, 135; marine corps, 136; resig
nations, deaths and dismissals, 136.
NAVY PENSIONS, 176, 178.

NAVY yards and shore stations, 140.
NAVY of Great Britain, 573; governed by, 573;
strength of, 574.
NEBRASKA, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators
of, 72, 263; Representative in Congress, 75,
264; assessor and collector of internal re-
venue, 101; mail service in, 155; land grants
to, 174; pensioners in, 177; temperature and
rain-fall of, 186; average yield and prices of
crops, 187; prices of farm stock, 188.

Capital, 395; area, 395; population, $6,
397; settlement, 395; admitted to the union,
395; government, 395; legislature, 395; qual
ification of voters, 396; judiciary, 296; se
preme court, 396; District courts, 396; Unit-
ed States courts, 396; finances, 36; sinking
fund, 396; education, 397; Board of Educs
tion, 397; Superintendent of Public Instrac-
tion, 397; Normal School, 397; wealth and
industry, 397; timber, 397; stock-raising,
397; coal-beds, 397; products, 397; banks,
397; votes at presidential elections, 783.

NETHERLANDS, 579; capital, 579; area, 579;

population, 579; history, 579; reigning soV-
ereign and family, 579: House of Orange
Nassau, 579; Legislative Chambers, 579;
ministry, 580; education, universities, 580;
revenue, expenditure and debt, 580; army
and navy, 550; commerce, imports and ex-
ports, 580; colonial statistics, 580.

NEVADA, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators of,
72, 263; Representatives of, 75, 264; assess
or and collector of internal revenue, 101;
mail service in, 155; land grants to, 174, 400;
gold and silver produced, 220.

Capital, 398; area, 398; population, 39,
400; ceded to the United States, 398; settle-
ments, 398; admitted to the union, 398;
boundaries, 398: government, 398; legi-la
ture, 398; qualification of voters, 398; judi-
ciary, 398; Supreme court, 398; District
courts, 398; terms of courts, 398; United
States courts, 398: finances, 399; state debt,
399; education, 399; Board of Education,
399; Superintendent of Public Instruction,
899; county superintendents, 899; boards
of trustees, 399; boards of examiners, 399;
charitable institutions, 400; prison, 400;
wealth and industry, 400; immigration, 400;
Indians, 400; surface, 400; forests, 400; min-
ing, 400; Sutro tunnel, 400; salt, 401; mills
for crushing ores, 401; votes at presidential
elections, 735.

NEW HAMPSHIRE, Governors of, 67; U. S. Set-
ators of, 72, 263; Representatives in Con-
gress, 75, 264; collector of customs in, 98;
assessors and collectors of internal revenue,
101; mail service in, 155; pensioners in,
177 temperature and rain-fall, 186; average
yield and prices of crops, 187; prices of
farm stock, 188; college in, 200.

Capital, 401; area, 401; population, 401,
405; settlement, 401; United States consti-
tution ratified, 401; government, 401; legis.
lature, 402; qualification of voters, 402; ju-
diciary, 402; Supreme court, 402; United
States courts, 402; terms of Supreme court,
402; finances, 403; state debt, 403; literary


fund, 404; education, 404; Dartmouth Col-
lege, 404; Agricultural College, 404; Super-
intendent of Public Instruction, 404; school
committees, 404; teachers' conventions, 404;
public schools, 404; charitable institutions,
405; Asylum for the Insane. 405; Reform
School, 405; state prison, 405; wealth and
industry, 405; agriculture, 406; manufac-
tures, 406; lumber, 406: farms, 406; pro-
ducts, 406; banks, 406; votes at presidential
elections, 670.

NEW JERSEY, Governors of, 67; U.S. Senators
of, 72, 263; Representatives in Congress, 75,
264; collectors of customs in, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 101; mail
service in, 155; pensioners in, 177, 178; tem-
perature and rain-fall of, 186; average yield
and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock, 188; colleges in, 200.

Capital, 406; area, 406; population, 406,
410; settlement, 406; United States consti-
tution ratified, 406; government, 406; legis-
lature, 407; qualification of voters, 407; mi-
litia, 407; judiciary, 407; Supreme court,
407; court of Errors and Appeals, 407; Unit-
ed States courts, 407; terms of courts, 407;
finances, 408; state debt, 408; education,
408; Princeton College, 408; Board of Edu-
cation, 408; Superintendent of Public In-
struction, 408; county superintendents, 408;
board of examiners, 408; Normal School,
409; public schools, 409; charitable institu-
tions, 409; Lunatic Asylum, 409; Home for
disabled soldiers, 409; Soldiers' Children's
Home, 409, 410; state prison, 409, 410; wealth
and industry, 410; garden products, 410;
zinc and marl, 410; manufactures, 410; pro-
ducts, 410; banks, 410; railroads, 410; votes
at presidential elections, 672.
NEW MEXICO, Governors of, 69; delegates from,

76; assessor and collector of internal rev-
enue, 101; mail service in, 155; gold and
silver product of, 220, 221.

Capital, 500; area, 500; population, 500;
settlement, 500; ceded to the United States,
500; constituted a territory, 500; govern-
ment, 500; legislature, 500; judiciary, 500;
Supreme and District courts, 501; education,
501; schools, 501; Spanish dialect, 501;
wealth and industry, 501; productions, 501;
mining operations, 501; salt, 502.
NEW SOUTH WALES, area, 601; population, 601;
immigrants, 601; parliament, 601; schools,
601; revenue, expenditure and debt, 601;
trade, imports and exports, 601; coal, 601.
NEW YORK, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators,
72, 263; Representatives in Congress, 75,
261; collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 101, 102;
mail service in, 155; pensioners in, 177, 178;
temperature and rain-fall of, 186; average
yield and prices of crops, 187; prices of farm
stock, 188; colleges in, 200.

Capital, 411; area, 411; population, 411,
419; settlement, 411; United States consti-
tution ratified, 411; state constitution adopt-
ed, 411; government, 411; Governor's staff,
411; legislature, 411; judiciary, 412; court
for Trial of Impeachments, 412; court of
Appeals, 412, 413; Supreme court, 412, 413;
County courts, 412; Criminal courts, 412;
United States courts, 413; terms of courts,
413; finances, 413; general and other funds,
414; state debt, 414; canal fund, 414; canal
debt paying interest, 414; education, 414;


Regents of the University of the State of
New York, 414; University Convocation,
415; Columbia College, 415; other colleges
and universities, 415; Superintendent of
Public Instruction, 415; school commission-
ers, 415; Normal Schools, 415; teachers in-
stitutes, 416; public schools, 416; private
schools, 416; charitable institutions, 416;
Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 416, 417;
Institution for the Blind, 417; Asylum for
Idiots, 417; Lunatic Asylums, 417; Inebri-
ate Asylum 417, 418; Western House of
Refuge, 418, state prisons, 418, 419; wealth
and industry, 419; arrivals of foreigners, 419;
agriculture, 420; receipts for customs, 420;
canals and railroads, 420; minerals, 420; pro
ducts, 420; banks, 242, 244, 420; insurance
companies, 420; imports, 420; votes at presi-
dential elections, 678.

NEW YORK CITY, 516; area of Manhattan Isl-
and, 516; population, 516, 521; government,
516; board of aldermen, 516; board of as-
sistant aldermen, 516; board of supervisors,
516; commissioners of charities and correc-
tions, 516; executive departments, 517; ex-
ecutive county officers, 517; commissioners
of Central Park, 517; Metropolitan police
department, 517, Courts, 517; Police courts,
517; Criminal courts of record, 518; Civil
courts, 518; fire department, 518; board of
health, 518; Croton aqueduct, 518; educa-
tion, 518; school officers, 518; periodicals
and libraries, 518; churches, 518; charitable
institutions, 519, 521; post office, 519; rev-
enue officers, 510; military, 519; banks, 519;
insurance companies, 519; number of man-
ufacturing and mining companies, 519; city
railroads and ferries, 519; 'imports and ex-
ports, 520; arrivals of steamers, ships, &c.,
520; valuation of taxable property, 520; ap-
propriations, 520; amount of tax, 521; im-
migration, 521; representation in the State
Legislature and in Congress, 521.

NEW ZEALAND, area, 601; population, 601; par-
liament, 601; revenue, expenditures and
debt, 601; industry, 601.

NICARAGUA, capital, 527; area, 527; population,
527; government, 527; divisions, 527; reve-
nue, expenditures and debt, 527; imports
and exports, 527.

NICHOLAS I, Prince of Montenegro, 591.
NOMINATION of President and Vice President,
267, 272.

NORMAL schools, 210.

NORMAL and Training schools, 210.
NORTH CAROLINA, line of sun's eclipse passes
through, 13; Governors of, 67; U. S. Sena-
tors, 72, 263; Representatives in Congress,
75, 264; collectors of customs in, 98; asses-
sors and collectors of internal revenue in,
102; mail service in, 155; temperature and
rain-fall of, 186; average yield and prices of
crops, 187; prices of farm stock, 188; col-
leges in, 200; gold product, 221.

Capital, 421; area, 421; population, 421,
425; settlement, 421; United States consti-
tution ratified, 421; secession of, 421; re-ad-
mitted to the union, 421; government, 421;
legislature, 421; qualification of voters, 422;
judiciary, 422; Supreme court, 422, 423; Su-
perior court, 422, 423; United States courts,
423; terms of courts, 423; finances, 423;
state debt, 423; education, 424; State Uni
versity, 424; Board of Education, 424; pub-
lic school system, 424; literary fund, 424;
Superintendent of Public Instruction, 424;


charitable institutions 424; Insane Asylum,
425; Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 425;
state prison, 425; wealth and industry, 425;
divisions of, 426; fisheries, 426; minerals,
426; products, 426; manufactures, 426; banks,
426; votes at presidential elections, 686.
NORTH GERMANY, 554; area and population,
(see Germany); government, 554; new con-
stitution, 554; federal council and parlia-
ment, 554; finances, 555; expenditures and
revenue, 555; army and navy, 555.
NORWAY, capital, 587; area, 587; population,

587; government, 587; democratic constitu-
tion, 587; the Storthing, 587; education, 587;
finances, 587; army and navy, 588; imports
and exports, 588; commercial navy, 588.
NOTES, legal tender, 241; of National banks,


OBITUARIES, Abbott, Amos, 778; Adler, George
J., 773; Allen, Wm., D. D., 773; Andrea,
Jerome de, 773; Andrews, Timothy P., 773;
Asboth, Alexander, 773:

Baker, Lafayette C., 773; Baraga, Freder-
ick, D. D., 774; Baugher, Henry L., D. D.,
774; Baxter, Portus, 774; Bayard, Richard
H., 774; Beach, Moses Yale, 774; Beach,
Wooster, M. D., 774; Beall, S. W., 774;
Beecher, Lieut. Frederick, 774; Bell, Henry
H., 774; Bell, Samuel Dana, 775; Berryer,
Antoine Pierre, 775; Blakeney, Sir Edward,
775; Boyd, John H., 775; Bradbury, Wm.
B., 775; Brewster, Sir David, 775; Brooke,
Sir James, K. C. B., 776; Brougham, Henry,
Lord Brougham and Vaux, 776; Brown, Rev.
John Newton, 777; Buchanan, James, 777;
Buel, Alexander W., 778.

Cagger, Peter, 778; Campbell, John H.,
778; Campbell, Thompson, 778; Cardigan,
Jas. Thos. Brudenell, 778; Carson, Kit, 778,
Cattermore, George, 779; Christy, George,
779; Clark, Laban, D. D., 779; Cobb, How-
ell, 779; Coles, Edward, 780; Coquerel,
Athanase, 780; Coyne, Joseph Stirling, 780;
Cranworth, Lord the Right Hon. Monsey
Rolfe, 780.

Dean, Julia, 780; Duffield, Geo., D. D.,

Elliott, Charles Loring, 781; Ellsworth,
Wm. W., 781; Engle, Frederick, 781.

Fessenden, T. X. D., 781; Finney, Dar-
win A., 781; Force, Peter, 781; Ford, Thos.
H., 781; Fulford, Francis, D. D., 782.

Gannon, Mary, 782; Gates, William, 782;
Gansevoort, Guert, 782; Gibbs, Alfred, 782;
Gillespie, Wm. Mitchell, 782; Gilmer, John
A., 782; Goodrich, Chauncey A., D. D., 782;
Granger, Francis, 782; Grayson, Wm., 782;
Gurley, Phineas D., D. D., 783.

Halpine, Charles G., 783; Hampden, the
Rt. Rev. Reun Dickson, 783; Hartstene,
Henry, 783; Havin, Leonor Joseph, 783;
Hawks, Right Rev. Cicero S., D. D., LL. D.,
784; Head, Sir Edmund Walker, 784; Her-
rick, Anson, 784; Higgins, Matthew James,
784; Hindman, Thos. C., 784; Hinds, James,
784; Hopkins, John Henry, 784; Hughes,
Ball, 785.

Ingersoll, Joseph R., 785.

Johnson, Herman M., D. D., 785; Junkin,
George, D. D., 785.

Kean, Charles, 785; Kearney, Lawrence,
786; Kimball, Heber C., 786; Krummacher,
Frederic Wilhelm, 786.


Leser, Rev. Isaac, 787; Leutze, Emmanuel,
787; Limayrac, Paulin, 787; Lincoln, Levi,
787; Longley, Chas. Thomas, 787; Louis I.,
Chas. Augustus, 788; Lover, Samuel, 788.

McCall, George Archibald, 788; McGee,
Thomas D'Arcy, 789; McRae, John J., 789;
Magee, John, 789; Mann, Abijah, Jr., 789;
Mann, James, 789; Marochetti, Chas. Baron,
790; Marsh, John, D. D., 790; Mattison, Hi-
ram, D. D., 790; Mayne, Sir Richard, K. C.
B., 790; Menkin, Adah Isaacs, 790: Michael
III., Prince of Servia, 791; Miller, James
F., 791; Milman, Henry Hart. 791; Mitchell,
S. Augustus, 791; Monagas, Gen. Jose
Tadeo, 792; Mongkont, Chao Pha, King of
Siam, 792; Morehead, Chas. S., 792; Muzaf
fer-ed-diu, Emir of Bokhara, 792.

Navaez, Don Ramon Marie, Duke of Va-
lencia, 792; Nicolson, Samuel, 793; Noyes,
Joseph C., 793.

Pendleton, John S., 793; Pickering, Oc-
tavius, 793; Poe, Adam, D. D., 793.

Raphall, Rev. Morris Jacob, 793; Rives,
Wm. C., 794; Robertson, Anthony L., 794;
Rossini, Gioachino, 794; Rothschild, James,
Baron, 795.

Salisbury, James, Marquis of, 795: Seg-
mour, Thomas H., 795; Slemmer, Adam J.,
795; Smith, Benjamin Franklin, 795; Smith,
Seba, 796; Sommers, Chas. G., D. D., 796;
Steele, Frederic, 796; Stevens, Edwin A.,
796; Stevens, Thaddeus, 796; Stockton,
Thos. Hewlings, 798; Stohlman, Chas. F. E
D. D., 798; Stoughton, Edward H., 798.

Theodorus, King of Abyssinia, 798;
Thompson, Waddy, 799; Tod, David, 799;
Tracy, Andrew, 799.

Vassar, Matthew, 799; Vaughan, Robert,
D. D., 800.

Walewski, (Comte de) Florian, 800; Wells.
Samuel, 800; Whittlesey, Thos. T., 800;
Wick, Wm. W., 800; Wilmot, David, 800;
Woodruff, John, 800; Wortendyke, Jacob
R., 800.

OccULTATIONS of Regulus and Aldebaran, 19.
ECUMENICAL Councils, 614.
OFFICERS of the Government of the United

States, 60; presidents, 60; vice-presidents,
60; secretaries of state, 60; secretaries of
the treasury, 61; secretaries of war, 61; sec-
retaries of the navy, 61; secretaries of the
interior, 61; postmasters-general, 62; at-
torneys-general, 62; chief justices of the
supreme court, 62; associate justices of the
supreme court, 62; presidents pro-tempore
of the Senate, 63; speakers of the House of
Representatives, 63.

OHIO, Governors of, 67; U. S. Senators, 72, 963;
Representatives, 75, 264; collectors of cus-
toms, 98; assessors and collectors of inter-
nal revenue, 102; mail service in, 156; pen-
sioners in, 177, 178; temperature and rainfall,
186; average yield and prices of crops, 187;
prices of farm stock, 188; colleges, 200.

Capital, 426; area, 426; population, 426;
ceded to the United States, 426; settlement
of, 426, 432; admitted to the Union, 426;
government, 426; legislature, 427; qualifica-
tion of voters, 427; state militia, 427; judi-
ciary, 427; Supreme court, 427, 428; United
States courts, 427; finances, 428; state debt,
428; education, 428; school commissioners,
428; board of examiners, 429; school dis-
tricts, 429; public schools, 429; private
schools 429; colleges, 430; charitable insti-
tutions, 430; Lunatic Asylums, 430, 431;


Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 430,
431; Institution for the Blind, 430, 431;
Asylum for Idiots, 430; Reform School, 430,
431; penitentiary, 431, 432; wealth and in-
dustry, 432; vineyards, 432; coal and iron,
432; salt, 432; railroads, 432, 433; commerce,
432: products, 433; banks, 433; votes at presi-
dential elections, 698.

OLDENBURG, capital, 559; area, 559; popula-
tion, 559; reigning sovereign and family,
559; government, 560; revenue, expendi-
tures, debt, 560; army, 560; commerce, 560.
ORD, E. O. C., Maj. Gen., appointed command-.
er of 4th Military District, 234; orders an
election, 281.

ORDNANCE Department, 114; bureau of the
navy, 128.

OREGON, Governors of, 68; U. S. Senators of,
72, 263; Representatives in Congress, 75,
264; collector of customs and surveyor, 98;
assessor and collector of internal revenue,
101; mail service in, 156; land grants to, 174,
435 pensioners in, 177; temperature and
rainfall. 186; colleges in, 202; gold product,
220, 221.

Capital, 433; area, 433; population, 433,
436; settlement, boundary, 433; admitted to
the Union, 433; government, 433; legisla-
ture, 433; qualification of voters, 433; judi-
ciary, 434; Supreme court, 434; United States
courts, 434; finances, 434; state debt, 434;
education, 435; Willamette University, 435;
Superintendent of Public Instruction, 435;
charitable institutions, 435; Insane Asylum,
435; penitentiary, 435; wealth and industry,
436 natural divisions, 436; forests, 436;
fisheries, 436; Columbia river, 436; votes at
Presidential elections, 732.
ORGANIZATION of the army, 122.
ORIENTAL Churches, 615.


PAGANS, in America, 524; in Europe, 539; in
Asia, 592; in the world, 609.
PAPAL STATES, 580; capital, 580; area, 580;
population, 580; history, 580; reigning sov-
ereign, 580; government, 580; Councils, 580;
ministry, 580; revenue, expenditures, and
debt, 580; army, 581; commerce, 581; rail-
ways, 581.

PARAGUAY, 531; capital, 531; area, 531; popula-
tion, 531; history, 531; disputed territory,
531; government, 531; sources of income, 531;
debt, 532; army and navy, 532; exports and
imports, 532.

PARLIAMENT of Great Britain, 570; duration
of, 571.

PARLIAMENTARY elections in Great Britain,
571: grants to popular education, 572.
PASSPORTS, clerk of, 81.

PATENT office, 169, 181; commissioner of, 169;
established, 181; receipts and expenditures,
181; business of, 182; library of, 182.
PATENTS, applications for, 181, 182; issued, 181,


PAY of cadets, 111; of the army, 121; of the
navy, 141.

PAY Department of the army, 113.
PEDRO II., Emperor of Brazil, 526.
PENITENTIARIES, (see each State).
PENNSYLVANIA, Governors of, 68; U. S. Sena-
tors, 72, 263; Representatives in Congress,
75, 264 collectors of customs, 98; assessors
and collectors of internal revenue, 102; mail
service in, 156; pensioners in, 177, 178; tem-


perature and rainfall, 186; average yield and
prices of crops, 187; prices of farm stock,
188; colleges in, 202.

Capital, 437; area, 437; population, 437,
444; settlement of, 437; United States con-
stitution ratified, 437; government, 437; leg.
islature, 437: qualification of voters, 437;
judiciary, 437; Supreme court, 437, 438;
District courts, 438; courts of Common
Pleas, 438; United States courts, 438;
terms of courts, 438; finances, 439; state
debt, 439; education, 439; history of school
system, 439: colleges, 439, 441; Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction, 439; school
districts, 439; Normal schools, 440, 441;
public schools, 440; colleges, academies
and seminaries, 441; charitable institutions,
441; Insane Asylum, 441, 442, 443; Institu-
tion for the Deaf and Dumb, 441, 442; Insti-
tution for the Blind, 441, 442; Training-
School for Feeble-minded Children, 441, 442;
Philadelphia House of Refuge, 441; House
of Refuge for West Pennsylvania, 441, 442;
Pennsylvania Hospital, 442; West Pennsyl
vania Hospital, 443; penitentiaries, 443;
wealth and industry, 444; foreigners in the
State, 444; agriculture, 444; coal and petro-
leum,444; railroads,444; products,444; banks,
444; votes at Presidential elections, 764.
PENSION office, 175.

PENSIONS, 169; commissioner of, 170; army
pensions, 175; navy pensions, 176, 178.
PENSIONERS, 176, 178, 179.
PEREZ, JOSÉ JOAQUIN, president of Chili, 527.
PERSIA, capital, 597; area, 597; population,

597; chief cities, 597; sovereign, 597; rev-
enue, 597; army, 597; imports and exports,
PERU, capital, 532; area, 532; population, 532;
history, 532; government, 532; new consti-
tution adopted, 532; Senate and House of
Representatives, 532; religion, 532; minis-
try, 532; revenue, expenditures, and debt,
532; army and navy, 532; exports and im-
ports, 532; arrivals and clearances, 532.
PETER I., Grand Duke of Oldenburg, 559.
PHASES, of Venus, 15; of the moon, 23-45.
PHILADELPHIA, high water at, 21.
PIUS IX., Sovereign Pontiff of Rome, 580.
PLANETS, small or asteroids, 14; exterior, 15;
interior, 15; ephemeries of, 16, 17; situa-
tion of, 23-45; conjunctions of, 46; diameter
and revolutions of, 47; primary and aster-
oids, 47.

PLANETARY conjunctions, 46; characters, 46.
PLATFORMS, (see National Platforms).
POLAND, population, 584; government, 584;
loss of independence, 584; finances, 584.
POLARIS, time of passing the meridian, 49;
mean distance from the pole, 1869, 49.
POLITICAL classification of Congress, 264.
POLYNESIA, (see Australasia and Polynesia).
POPE, JOHN, Maj. Gen., appointed commander

of 3d District, 234; orders issued by, 275, 306.
POPULATION, of States and Territories, (see each
State and Territory); of America, 523; of
independent American States, 523; of Euro-
pean possessions in America, 524; of Europe,
538; of States of Europe, 539, 540; of Asia,
592; of States and divisions of Asia, 592; of
Africa, 598; of divisions and subdivisions,
598; of Australasia and Polynesia, 601; (also
see each division of Europe, Asia, Africa, &c.,
for population of each).
PORTUGAL, capital, 581: area, 581: population,
581; history, 581; islands and colonies, 581;

reigning sovereign and family, 581; govern-
ment, 581; Legislative Chambers, 581; coun-
cil of ministers, 581; education, 581; uni-
versity, 581; revenue, expenditure and debt,
581; army, 581; navy, 582; exports and im-
ports, 582.

POSTAGE, rates of domestic, 157; foreign, 158,
161; regulations with respect to, 157, 159.
POSTAGES on United States and European
mails, 156.

POSTAL Conventions, 150; with Great Britain,
150; with other foreign countries, 150; with
Hong Kong, 151; mail steamship service to
China and Japan, 151.

POSTAL money order system, 154.
POSTAL service, 151; post offices and delivery
of letters, 151: statistics for fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1867, 152; revenue and expen-
ditures from 1854 to 1868, inclusive, 154; es-
timates for 1869, 155; appropriations for
special service, 155; table of mail service
and of postal receipts and expenditures for
year ending June 30, 1867, by States, 155;
rates of domestic postage, 157; postage on
transient printed matter, 157; foreign let-
ters, 158; rates of postage on printed mat-
ter for foreign countries, 158; regulations
with respect to newspapers, book packets,
patterns, samples, &c., to foreign countries,
159; United States exchange offices for for-
eign mails, 160; table of postage to foreign
countries, 160.

POSTMASTER General, 80; duties of, 148.
POSTMASTERS General, 62.

Post Office Department, 148; bureaus in, 148;
chief officers in, 149; revenues and expen-
ditures of, 149.

Post Offices, 151.

PRE-EMPTION law and right, 171, 175.

PRESBYTERIANS, Old School in United States,

621; New School, 621; other branches, 621,
622; in Great Britain and Colonies, 622.
PRESIDENT of the United States, how chosen,
79: powers and duties of, 79.

PRESIDENTS of the United States, 60, 79, 80.
PRESIDENTS of colleges, 197.

PRESIDENTS pro-tempore of the Senate, 63.
PRICES of farm stock, 188.
PRIVATE land claims, 174.

PROCEEDINGS of fortieth Congress, 225.
PROCLAMATIONS of President Johnson, 255-257.
PRODUCTIONS, (see each State).

PROTESTANTISM in America, 524; divisions of,

PROTESTANT Churches, 616.

PROTESTANT Episcopal Church of the United
States, 616.

PRUSSIA, capital, 555; area, 555: population,
555, 556; table of provinces, 555; languages
spoken, 555; chief cities, 556; reigning sov-
ereign and family, 556; increase of territory.
556; list of sovereigns, 556; government,
556; constitution, 556; House of Lords and
Chamber of Deputies, 556; the executive,
557: education, 557; finances, 557; revenue,
expenditures and debt, 557; army and navy,
557. 558; fortresses, merchant navy, 558;
imports and exports, 558; mines, 558; banks,
558; railroads and telegraph lines, 558.
PUBLIC buildings of Washington, 513.
PUBLIC debt of the United States, 239, 244; com-
parative view of, 240.

PUBLIC Lands, 169, 170; surveyors of, 169; area
of, 170; survey of, 170; grants of, 174.
PUBLIC Laws of the United States, 246.

PUBLIC Resolutions, 254.

PUBLIC School expenses in principal cities of
United States, 213.


QUALIFICATIONS, of Senators of United States,
70; of Representatives, 70; of cadets at the
Military Academy, 110; of candidates for the
Naval Academy, 130; of cadet engineers, 131.
QUALIFICATION of voters, (see each State).
QUARTERMASTER's Department, 112.
QUEENSLAND, 601; area, 601; population, 609;
immigration, 602; establishment, 602: Par-
liament, 602; revenue and expenditures, 602;
exports and imports, 602.
QUICKSILVER, Mines of Almaden, 645; use of,
648; history of, 658.


RAIN-FALL, table of for twelve months, 186.
RATIFICATION of constitutions of Southern
states, 235; of constitutional amendment-
fourteenth, 258; fifteenth, 801.
Office, 181; of the Post Office, 149-155; of
the United States, 237; from Internal Rev-
enue, 237.

RECONSTRUCTION in the Southern states, 253.
REED, Gov., of Florida, urges provision for
charitable and penal institutions, 310.
REFORM BILL of Great Britain, 570–571.
REFORMED CHURCHES, in the United States,
622; in Europe and Africa, 622.

REGISTER OF THE TREASURY, 97; duties of 96.
REGISTRATION of voters in Southern states, L
REGULUS, Occultation of, 19.

RELIGION, in the American states, 524; in the
European states, 539; in Asia, 592.
creeds, 609; Christians, 609; Jews, 609; East
Asiatic, 609; Mohammedans, 609; Pagans,
609; Christianity, 609.

REPRESENTATIVES, in fortieth Congress, 74;
in forty-first Congress, 263.

Platform, 265.

RESIGNATIONS, deaths and dismissals in the
navy, 136.

RETIRED LIST, of Army, 119; of Navy, 135.
REUSS, chief town, 562; Elder line, area and
population, 562; Younger line, area and
population, 562; Elder line, reigning sover-
eign and family, 562; new constitution, 562;
income, expenditures, debt, troops. 52;
Younger line, reigning sovereign and family,
562; government, 562; income, expendi-
tures, debt, troops, 562.

RHODE ISLAND, Governors of, 68; U. S. Sen-
ators, 72, 263; Representatives in Congress,
75, 264; collectors of customs and surveyors,
98; assessors and collectors of internal rev
enue, 103; mail service in, 156; pensioners
in, 177, 179; temperature and rainfall, 186;
average yield and prices of crops, 187; prices
of farm stock, 188; colleges in, 202.

Capitals, 445; area, 445; population, 445,
448; settlement of, 445; U. S. constitution
ratified, 445; government, 445; legislature,
445; qualification of voters, 445: Judiciary,
445; Supreme court, 445, 446; court of Com-
mon Pleas, 445, 446; United States courts,
446; terms of courts, 446; finances, 446;
state debt, 446; education, 447; Brown Uni-
versity, 447; School Commissioner, 417;

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