The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1950 |
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 81
Стр. 94
... April 20 , 1950 . Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Geor- gia , E. Marvin Underwood , Judge . James Walter Meadows , in pro . per . J. Ellis Mundy , U. S. Atty . , Atlanta , Ga . , Harvey H ...
... April 20 , 1950 . Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Geor- gia , E. Marvin Underwood , Judge . James Walter Meadows , in pro . per . J. Ellis Mundy , U. S. Atty . , Atlanta , Ga . , Harvey H ...
Стр. 96
... April 20 , 1950 . Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia ; Frank M. Scarlett , Judge . No appearance entered on behalf of appellant . Wm . T. Morton , Asst . U. S. Atty . , Augusta , Ga . , J ...
... April 20 , 1950 . Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia ; Frank M. Scarlett , Judge . No appearance entered on behalf of appellant . Wm . T. Morton , Asst . U. S. Atty . , Augusta , Ga . , J ...
Стр. 686
... April 5 , 1947 . plaintiff , furnished by defendant to the lar circumstances cartons furnished by de- Texas West Indies Rice Company . Neither the plaintiff , nor any of its officers or stock- holders , had any interest in the Texas ...
... April 5 , 1947 . plaintiff , furnished by defendant to the lar circumstances cartons furnished by de- Texas West Indies Rice Company . Neither the plaintiff , nor any of its officers or stock- holders , had any interest in the Texas ...
Judges VII | 5 |
Table of Cases Reported XVII | 17 |
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure LI | 23 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
action affirmed agreement alleged amended amount appellant's appellee application April April 11 Attorney Atty award Board cause certiorari charge Chief Judge Circuit Judge Cite as 181 Civil Procedure claims Code Commissioner Company contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals CURIAM damages decision defendant denied dismissed District Court District Judge electric employees evidence excess profits tax F.Supp fact Federal fendant filed habeas corpus held income insured interest Internal Revenue invention issue judgment jurisdiction jury KEY NUMBER SYSTEM L.Ed Labor liability ment motion Motors negligence North Dakota operation opinion parties Patent Office petition petitioner plaintiff prior art proceedings purpose question reason remanded res judicata S.Ct Santa Fe Section Stat statute suit summary judgment supra Supreme Court Tax Court taxpayer tion trade-mark trial court trust United States Court United States District verdict vessel violation Washington York City