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Printed for D. HENRY and R. CAVE, at ST JOHN'S GATE,

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We are much obliged to a kind Correspondent for the following VERSES upon compleating the XXXVIth VOLUME of our MISCELLANY.

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N default of a better, at clofing the Year, r


be your

Honeft URBAN, let me be your Bard Volunteer:
From the City remote, and its Pleafures and Strife,
Now I have led from my Birth, and I ftill lead my Life
I'm content, though my Visitors here are but few,
to 1. Since once in a Month I am fure to see you.

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39 In you, my old Chrony, near forty Years try'd,st
Still honeft and gay, I rejoice and confide;
You are all that I with in a Friend to obtain ;
Though fober, not rigid; though learned, not vain :
Through Parties that rage, like the Sea, on each Side,
In Safety my Bark, though a Pinnace, you guidem p
You teach me a Tak, yet more hard to perform,
bWhen the Paffions arife, how to weather the Storm:
You give me found Leffons, with Eafe understood,
That teach me at once to be wife and be good.

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-91 You fearch for my Pleasure the Universe round, -And bring me whate'er by your Agents is found:



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From the Hoards of old TIME, what Dame NATURE, laid by,

When the World that we tread was fcarce older than I;"

Shells, Foffils, and Ores, from the Land and the Deep,

That now are grown coftly, though once they were cheap';
And Gems, from a Mine that was precious of old,
Where Seienee matures what is better than Gold.

When with thefe, and much more, which 'tis endlefs to name,
You enter my Dwelling, I will not for Fame.

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When in Summer I get you alone in my Bower,
And fnug at my Hearth in cold. Winter's dark Hour,
To vary the Subject, the Joy to prolong,

You tell me a Story, and fing me a Song;.

You inftruct me with News, and divert me with Show

My dear honest Friend, may you always do fo!

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HE Preface to the xxxvith Vol. of the Magazine can vary from the
preface to the xxxvth only by recapitulating different articles of ufe
or entertainment, which a diligent compilation, and the favours of
our correfpondents have enabled us to lay before the publick; we fhall there-
fore give a fummary of the contents of the Volume under the feveral months.

JANUARY The Oracle a Tale from the Greek; Dr Watson's improvement
of the Philadelphia method of preventing damage by Lighteninig; experiments
to prove water compreffible; account of an extraordinary difeafe in New-En-
gland; and a defcription of the Duke of Bridgewater's navigable Canal

FEBRUARY. An account of the Life of the late Dr Headley Bishop of Winchef-
ter; of the perfecution of Rouffeau; and of a fubterraneous church discovered
under the ruins of the fire in Cornhill; a defcription of Irish pilgrimages; a
comparison of the Manners and
of Egypt and China; an Account of

a Fith never before defcribed; fervations on the fafcinating Power

of Serpents. The remarkable Trial of Gibson the Attorney for Forgery; Anec-
dotes of the Life of Teresa Conflantia Philips.

MARCH. Difcovery of a Plant that dies a beautiful pink colour. A curious
Account of British Antiquities from a MS. of Dr Stukeley. A cheap way
of making Watch coats for Soldiers and Sailors the Life of Quin the
Player; General Irwin's defcription of a remarkable Storm at Gibraltar s
and ufeful Improvements in the construction of Water-wheels.

APRIL. A method of taking equal altitudes at Sea; an Account of a journey
through Scotland; of the fate of Popery in Ireland; of the virtues of the wild
Carrot as a diffolvent of the ftone; curious Improvements in Husbandry;
fatal difeafes and the Cure; and Queries relating to the Game-act,
with Anfwers. boolishing



MAY. An Account of the Life and Writings of Dr Squire, late Bishop of St
Davids, and of Buchannan the Scotch Historian; a Defcription of feveral re-
markable Natural Curiofities; an Account of foreign Seminaries for the Edu-
cation of English Youth: and fome Particulars of the young Pretender.

Juse, The Lords Proteft against privilege in the cafe of Mr Wilkes; A Co-
rious Anecdote concerning Duelling; Antiquities relative to Robin Hood; A
Narrative of the Diftrefs and Deliverance of Capt. Harrison and his Crew. An
Account of the Life of Lord Clive; an eafy Cure for an inveterate Scurvy; and
a fure method to deftroy Ants.d

JULY. Tranflation of a Letter from Lady Mary Wortley Montague at Conftantinople
that is in no other collection: A Defcription of a new invented ftove, which
will warm feveral rooms with the fame fire, and never fmoke. An Account of
the Wonderful Deliverance of the Marefchal de la Force from the Maffacre of
Saint Bartholomew; and an Account of Medical Waters in Carnarvonbire.

AUGUST. An Authentic Account of a remarkable Difcovery at Poplar; of
curious Improvements in Watch making, and the fubftance of an Act for eftas.
blishing free ports in America.

SEPTEMBER. The danger of drinking Sea-water in fcorbutic Cafes demon-
ftrated by a fact. A curious Account of a white Negroe; of an Improvement
in refracting Telofcopes; a Defcription of a New-invented Ballance. The
Double Miflake, a Tale, and a remarkable petition to Cromwell, with his answer.

OCTOBER. A defcription of the Rhubarb plant, now growing in England;
remarkable cure of a Confumption, and cafe of a locked jaw; Teveral letters.
on the high price of; provifions and Riches and Glory, a Tale.

NOVEMBER. A Summary of Mr Hume's difpute with Rouleau; the remark.
able Cafe of Anne Countess of Anglefey, Circumftancial and Authentic Account
of burning a Gentoo Lady; Defciption of the new Neapolitan Microscopes; and
a curious Effay on Evaporation,

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