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Billy," greeted the doctor, as he advanced. Billy sat up in surprise and returned a breathless, "Hello, Doctor Horton; where

'd you come from?" Then Buster gave a vigorous tug at Billy's coat, and they renewed their battle, rolling over and over

on the snow. The doctor stood quietly watching them, with a smile of understanding lighting up his face.

When the two had exhausted their breath and stopped again to rest, the doctor said, "Where did you come from, Billy?"

"Me?" was Billy's surprised answer; "I did n't come at all. It was Buster that did the coming."

For the first time since he had rounded the point the doctor now looked beyond the boy and dog and recognized the low cabin in the clearing. Then he understood. He had dropped in upon the scenes of his summer's vacation from a different direction, and had not noticed any familiar objects until he saw the cabin.

Billy's mother welcomed them at the door. She served the doctor with hot coffee and food, while he told her of the snow-bound train. Billy listened eagerly to the account of the block, the hungry passengers, and how Buster had obeyed the command to "Go fetch 'em!" "We'll take them something right away," said Billy eagerly, when the doctor had finished his tale. And a minute later Billy appeared dragging his sled, with the little prancing dog tugging away at the end of the rope.

The loading of the sled began. Billy and his mother generously offered all their store of winter supplies, but Dr. Horton would take only such things as were most needed by the passengers, and he was careful to leave a store for Billy and his mother. He assured them that the first incoming train after the blockade would bring them more supplies in return for their generous offering.

With the sled piled high with many provisions, they made all secure with a rope; then the three of them set out to pull it up the long slope of the valley to the pass. They made a strange procession. Dancing ahead, with many eager barks and extra tugs, was Buster, with the end of the rope tied in his collar. Behind him came Billy with the rope over his shoulder, head bent low, and pulling steadily. Next to the sled was the doctor, who had

a separate line to the sled, and his pulling matched that of the boy's and the dog's combined efforts. Thus they proceeded, tandem style, the eager dog wasting effort in his haste and excitement. They were forced to stop often to rest. At such times they dropped upon the snow and relaxed. Whenever a rest was called, Buster would sit beside Billy and look down into his face with a pleased expression, and always with one fore paw resting lightly upon an outstretched arm.

It was mid-afternoon before they at last reached the pass and looked down upon the helpless train. They rested for the last time, and then descended quickly to where an eager group stood watching their approach. The arrival of the strange outfit called forth all the passengers, who crowded about, eager to hear how relief had come to them and to have a glimpse of Billy and the wonderful little dog.

Billy was made comfortable in the private car of Dr. Horton. It was the first train he had ever boarded. Beside him upon the deep, soft cushion of the seat lay Buster, sleeping peacefully, with his head pillowed upon Billy's knee.

It was the announcement that supper was ready that caused a hasty scramble for seats in the dining-car, and also roused Billy from his talk with the doctor. He declined the urgent invitation to have supper before starting homeward. He knew that his mother would be waiting supper for him at home, and so was in haste to be on his way.

Again the three of them started for the pass. This time they had only the empty sled to pull. They climbed silently to the pass, where they paused and looked down upon the buried train with its tiny row of lights just peeping out and the tops of the cars making a line of low-lying barges in the snow For a long time neither of them spoke. It was Buster tugging at Billy's trouser-leg that finally caused them to stir.

"No, Buster, you can't go!" said Billy, as he stooped and gently loosened the dog's teeth and tried hard to control his feelings. With a tremendous effort he mas

tered them and straightened up. Turning to the doctor, he put out his hand.

The doctor grasped it, and they parted in silence. Billy made his way quickly down the slope without turning his head. He was not ashamed of the tears he could not keep back-only he did not wish the doctor to see them, and think him a baby about his dog.

Buster squatted upon the snow, and pointing his sharp muzzle upward, gave a long, mournful howl. Billy stopped short. The dog's appeal had reached his heart. For a moment he forgot about the doctor and faced around. He wanted to snatch up his shaggy friend and run. was watching him intently.

The dog

"Billy," came the husky voice of the doctor, "have n't you forgotten something?"

Billy patted his pockets. "N-n-o-o, I guess not," he answered, trying to speak cheerfully, and starting again into the welcoming dusk.

"Billy," and the word came like a command, "you have forgotten your dog." Billy gasped, but could say nothing. "And say, Billy, the first train up will bring some supplies for you."

But Billy was not thinking of supplies. He had dropped to his knees and held out his hands.

With an eager bark, Buster leaped down the slope into his young master's waiting arms and was hugged breathless. against a throbbing heart.

The doctor stood alone in the pass and watched them as they entered the deeper shadows in the little valley. Soon they were lost to view. For a long time he remained standing silently there alone. From the depths below him came the sharp barking of a dog. Slowly the doctor faced about and looked at the twinkling lights of the train. Then, with a final pause, he looked once more into the gathering shadows of the little valley, sighed, and started slowly toward the train.

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He nine years old wrought by Little Irouse.


I'VE a sampler worked by Great-great-aunt Louise;
It's framed and hangs by my bed.

There's a cross-stitch picture of stiff green trees
And the Lord's Prayer, done in red;

Then the Fifth Commandment (the one I love,
About honoring Father and Mother),

And a fancy alphabet worked above,

And then, over that, another.

And in faded silken letters of gold,

As fine and neat as you please,

Are the date and the words, "At nine years old,
Wrought by little Louise."

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Then Great-grandmother told me of little Louise,

And what do you think she said?

"My dear, that child was the greatest tease,

And her hair was fluffy and red!

She hated to sew, and pouted and cried
Before that sampler was made;

And when it was done, she ran outside

And shouted and romped and played!"
To think that a little girl just like me
Worked all those letters and trees!
That sampler 's precious as it can be-
"Wrought by little Louise."

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