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cundated, foon acquires a hard fhell, no otherwife than a hufky fruit, or feed, is detached from its pedicle, and is extruded to answer the natural ends, and for further propagation in due time; and that we may not forget any part of our analogy, we muft obferve further, that, after fuch foecundation, as we have mentioned, is completed, the ova of the oviparous kinds of animals, and the ova, or feeds of vegetables, have the fame neceffity for a certain portion of heat to affift their motion and growth, without which they cannot be put in motion, nor be capable of receiving nourifhment; nor confequently can they grow, but muft inevitably perifh; and when an egg is in a ftate of incubation or other artificial heat, in order to the propagation of the animal contained in it, the motion is no fooner begun by the heat, in the organization, than the nutritious parts begin by degrees to be conveyed to it by the umbilical veffels, and fo continue, till the whole is taken in by the animal. The fame is the cafe in every feed fowed in the ground; the finer nutritious parts of the feed are conveyed to the little organization, till it has exhausted them, whereby it becomes capable of farther nourishment, as we shall explain it hereafter, when we come to speak of the analogy of the fluids in animals and vegetables.

• All these obfervations make it evident, beyond contradiction, that a refined fluid, from the feminal matter of the male, impregnates the organization in the ovum in the female of every animal; mingles with the fubtile fluids contained in it, and promotes its growth and progrefs; fo in vegetables, the refined part of that pulpy fluid, thrown out from the globules of farina, alfo mixes with the juices of, and impregnates the little organization in, the feed of every plant. Now by this admixtion and combination of thefe refined fluids, which we have often called an effluvium in the male parts, there is an immediate alteration produced that was not exiftent in the ovum or feed before; for the innate juices of the organization has qualities peculiar to itself, as to colour, tafte, fmell, &c. be its quantity never fo fmall; fo no one can in the leaft doubt, but the impregnating effluvium of the male parts of animals and vegetables has its own peculiar qualities, as to colour, taste, fmell, &c. Now, therefore, it can be no difficult matter to conceive how the congress of a black man with a white woman, or vice verfa, fhould propagate a proles of a colour between both; the common experiment of mixing what we call a fiefh-colour and black, in certain proportions, will produce a tawney, and in great measure also influence its form, as it grows. And thus in vegetables, if the farina of one


fpecies of plant or tree should reach the flower of another, and fæcundate the ovarium, the colour of the future flower and fruit would be variegated, and the form of the fruit a great deal influenced too.'

Our author takes notice, in this place, of the benignity of the DIVINE BEING, in having done every thing that might favour the propagation of the human race; for he obferves, that tho' different Species of men and women fometimes meet, and copulate, there is fuch an agreement between the refined parts of the feminal matter of the male and the innate jucies of the organization of the female, that there is nothing in their commixion which can prevent the proles from being capable of further propagation, with any other different fpecies of the human race. He likewife endeavours to account for a phenomenon, which was never, that we know of, accounted for before. When different Species of animals copulate, as for example, a male afs and a mare, their proles cannot produce another proles of any kind: the reafon of this, he tell us, is, that the impregnating effluvia, the feminal matter of the mule are fo much degenerated, by the former unnatural mixtures of the parents, from any ho mogeneity with the particles of the innate juices of the orga-. nization in the ovum of its female, or any other whatsoever; that, inftead of that agreement that naturally happens in the fæcundation upon the coit of homogeneous animals, the accefs of thofe effluvia, in fuch as are heterogeneous, either utterly deftroys the organization, or they have not the proper qualities for promoting any further propagation, and fo leave the ova unimpregnated, and confequently incapable of ever coming to any thing.

In the third chapter, he treats of three kinds of organizations, which ferve to the propagation and other advantages of animals and vegetables, viz. the primary, the fecondary and the fubordinate, organizations. As animals and vegetables are first propagated from eggs, each containing a perfect organization of its own fpecies, he calls this a primary organization. The fecondary organizations are thofe implications of fibres placed in other parts of the plant or animal, and which are capable of producing their species, as well as the firft or primary organizations: and the fubordinate are fuch organizations as are placed in certain parts, as at the base of a peculiar limb, &c. to ferve occafionally for the use of the animal who poffeffes them. Of this laft kind are the teeth, the nails and hoofs, the hairs and feathers of animals.

In the larger animals, fays he, one complete organizatiou is fufficient to perfect the whole; for animal fubftances


are naturally emollient and flexible, and confequently capable of explication and dilatation, from its beginning to the perfect ftate of the animal, without any neceffity for a fecondary organization; but in vegetables there is need of divers fecondary organizations, whofe fibres are more rigid, and of a harder nature, and therefore incapable of being explicated to fo great a degree of extenfion, as many trees and plants acquire.

In all trees or plants the primary organization being, as we have before obferved, in the feed or ovum, the first explication is completed in the first shoot; because, when this is done, then the fecondary organization, which confifts of the rudiments of the firft ramification, depofited and growing at the end of this fhoot in the most convenient place, has room for its explication. And, when each ramification is explicated to its proper length, it may to the fucceeding ones it contains, in like manner, be accounted another fhoot; and fo on to the extremities of every ramification, as long as the tree or plant can grow. Hence every branch coming out of another, proceeds from a perfect organization, depofited at the upper end of the first, where it occafionally appears; and hence every branch is capable of growing into a perfect tree or plant, like the parent of the ovum, which produced it firft; fo that, to fum it up, the first shoot of a tree or plant grows on to form the trunk, fending off other ramifications from its organizations, as it rifes; whilft each ramification goes to form a limb or arm, as it spreads; fending off other ramifications, from its organizations, and so on, to the utmost extremity and growth.

And when we see some species of trees or plants rife very high and flender, without leaf or branch, it can be fo only, because no part of them have fuch fecondary organizations, in the way to produce them; fo that the ala of every leaf contains an organization too, from whence a tree or plant may be propagated, which daily experience will fhew. Every one who is converfant in country affairs, knows that to cut an ozier in pieces, and plant them, they will produce trees; and fo will cuts, of gooseberry and currant-trees ; and I am now pretty fure tender cuts of any others will do the fame. I have tried feveral at different times, which I cut and planted, taking an account of the number of these organizations in each piece, and always found that the sproutings were from these organizations; and, on the other hand, have often experienced that no piece without an organization ever grew, but rotted away. I have planted cuttings


and flips of various plants, and, from many repeated obfervations and experiments, found that no part produced a bud or germ but these organizations.'

In this chapter, and indeed in many other parts of his work, our ingenious author has interspersed several judicious and pious reflections on the wifdom and goodness of the great former and father of the univerfe; fetting herein an excellent example to all who ftudy the works of nature, of propofing to themselves, as one great end of all their enquiries, the cultivation of high and honourable apprehenfions of the divine perfections.

In the fourth chapter he confiders the analogy between the fluids of animals and vegetables, and endeavours to explain the fecretions in both. As in the general organization of animals and vegetables, fays he, there is this indifputable analogy; fo it alfo wonderfully holds in the fluids that feverally belong to them. And, to conceive it well, we need only take a view of any particular feed, and we shall find treafured up in it not only the organization I have been speaking of, but also its native or innate juices; that is, a certain quantity of every individual fluid, which is afterwards to be found in larger quantities, in the tree or plant that arises from the feed, depofited there, each in its peculiar veffel, ready to be encreased and fecreted in its due order, upon the accretion of the organization; and capable of being joined by fimilar particles, arifing from the general nutritious juices in the earth, their natural matrix.

He illuftrates this by fome obfervations made on different feeds, and then proceeds thus. We must then confider the nutritive juices produced by the mutual concurrence of the air, water, and the earth, the natural matrix of the vegetable kingdom, to be an heterogeneous fluid, composed of all the fpecies of juices, which are found in every part of all trees or plants whatsoever; and this must be looked upon as the general magazine of provifion for all thofe vegetables which are nourished by them, in whatsoever climate they grow; and then we must look upon the feed or ovum to have treasured up in it, originally, an innate fufficient quantity of every one of the particular juices of its parent, each in its own peculiar veffel, proportioned to the capacity of its receptacle, whether it be a primary or fecondary organization of tree or plant; or in other words, whether it be the feed or bud. And, next to this, we may obferve, as in the feveral instances above mentioned, a congeries of substances comprehended in the parenchyma of every feed, the very


fame with thofe different innate juices natural to the little organization, which are contained in this feed along with it, and inclofed in the fame covering, intended, as the firft fupply, to be received for nutrition by the tender parts of the organization; until it is capable of receiving, fecreting, and being nourished by the proper juices out of the general fluid mentioned, always fufficiently abundant in this natural matrix, the earth.

• But now we are to confider the manner of the fecretion of these peculiar juices, into the feveral veffels in the little organizations; which probably may be in the following manner as foon as the feed is put into its natural matrix, the earth, its cafe or covering is foon burft open, by the access of moisture and heat, which, gradually, first diffolve the several nutritious juices fupplied by the parenchyma, and put them in motion; whilft, at the fame time, the organization is releafed from the preffure of this parenchyma by degrees; and now the absorbent veffels or radiculi of the organization, being touched on all fides by the fluids of the diffolved parenchyma, receive it, and carry it up to the little fecretory veffels, none of which will admit any other particles of the general fluid to pass into them, but fuch as are fimilar to that which it contains already; they alone being capable of being attracted by their kindred particles; and, as the quantity is thus increafed within, the attraction will grow ftronger, and the explication of the plant be more accelerated, till the organization arrives to its full growth; each part carrying on its particular business; fome attracting and feparating to themfelves, out of this general fluid thatis driven up, the juices of the leaf; fome of the gun; fome of the flower; fome of the fruit; and fo on, till the full completion of the whole, whether of tree or plant; according to their peculiar natures and neceffities; for when the general fluid is carried to the fecretory veffels, and each has feparated and attracted its own particles, the others, which are heterogeneous to thefe, pass over these orifices, and are attracted in their turn, into thofe wherein their innate kindred juces lay before, and by no others; the roots always receiving the general mafs of fluids for those purposes.

The juices attracted into a tree or plant, being the general mafs, as is obferved before, which is compofed of particles of innumerable various fubftances, it is no wonder, after every part of any tree or plant has attracted its kindred particles, that the fuperfluous juices fhould be carried off by perfpiration,

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