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the Meeting, 105; A Call from, 128; From Shao-
wu, 234; Influence of a Home, 353; Annual Church
Meeting, 354; A Dedication, 354; A Memorial, 354;
Additions, Self-support, 395; Further Additions,
458; Forward Movement, 473, 487; Pagoda Anchor-
age, 510.

French Evangelical Society, 257.

Harpoot, Revival at, 41.

Illustrations. Marcus Whitman, 8; Three who United
with the Church, 37; Teachers of Boarding School,
Palani, 38; School at Palani, 40; Euphrates College,
Harpoot, 50; Group of Pupils in, 50; Graduating
Class, American College for Girls, Constantinople,
48; Wards of American Missions in Turkey, 48;
Mongol Tents at Baha Hunggur, 81; Mongol Tem-
ple at Tou Tai, 82; House of the Prayer Wheel,
Borachai Temple, Mongolia, 84; A Question in
Translation, 52; Pendari Sanathy, 89; A Young
Tosk Albanian, 92; Gheg Albanian Lady, 93; Mis-
sion Premises at Van, 95; Hindu Temple Near
Manepy, Ceylon, 121; Vahans, or Vehicles on which
Idols Ride, 123; Hindu Religious Ceremonial, 124;
Mrs. E. R. Montgomery, 132; Mrs. Charlotte J.
Perkins, 134; Low Caste Applicants for Relief at
Ahmednagar, India, 136; A Chinese Christian, 161;
Mother and Child, 162; Chinese Porters at Hong
Kong, 164; Theological Class at Kyoto, with their
Instructors, 169; Faculty of Jaffna College, Cey-
lon, 171; Mrs. M. E. Barnum,-Aram, 205; Or-
phans at Dinner at Oorfa, 207; Boys Coming to
the Home, 208; A Rescued Orphan Girl, 208;
Rev. Kara Krikore, 218; Interior of First Prot-
estant Church, Aintab, 220; A Little Sufferer, with
Bound Feet, 249; Chinese Women at the Photog-
rapher's, 250; Chinese Mothers and Children, 252;
Mrs. Mary E. Logan and Miss Beulah Logan, 289;
A Church Built by Natives of Micronesia, 291; Mt.
Silinda, 296; Evangelical Workers in Austria, 298;
Samuel Bacon Fairbank, 300; Kamundongo Sta-
tion and Mission Ox, 329; Graves of Kings of
Bihe, 381; Natives of Bihe, 332; House in Bi-
arritz, France, 340; Roman Bridge over the
Tigris, with Diarbekir Beyond, 374; Church and
Schoolhouse at Kalise, 376; Segregation Camps at
Poona, 386; Dr. Whitney and Wife, 417; Dr. Whit-
ney's Hospital at Tokyo, 418; Hospital Staff with
Nurses and Bible Women, 419; Station Masters;
Conductors, and Friends of the Railroad Mission,
420; Pastor Ding and Family, of Foochow, 427,
Greek Girl, with Distaff and Spindle, 465; Modern
Athens, with Ruins of Parthenon, 466; Greek Peas-
ants of Thessaly, 468; Rooms of the American
Board in New Congregational House, 493; A Chi-
nese Coolie, 525; Hired Mourners for Funeral Pro-
cessions, 526; Boats on the Peiho River, Tientsin,


India. (See Madura and Matathi Mistipns.) Items,
68, 259, 294, 387; 338: Plague in, 4, 47:130, 210, 231;
Three, Young Christians of, 37; Prayer for, 85;
Pandita Rahabal, 90; The Sorrows of, 135; How a
Village Opens, 153; Chrisi Supreme, 172; Gossner
Mission in Chota Nagore 195; Fair Play from
Moslems, 195; Wonderful.Steadfastness, 196; Hin-
du Temple Desecrated, 213; A Defense of Caste,
360; Heathen Festival, 360 Segregation Camps in,


International Missionary Union, 170, 299.
Irresponsible Missionaries, 46, 68.
Jaffna College, 171.

Japan. Items, 131, 212, 257; The Doshisha, 6, 168,
255, 270; The Great Hokkaido, 12; Are Christians
Disloyal? 19; Urukawa, 20; Joshu-An Ordination,
20; Kyushu, 21; Sickness in, 45; Work in, 47;
Turning of the Tide in, 55; Anniversary at Kochi,
58; Not a Bad Record, 59; Street Preaching in Ky-
oto, 59; Maebashi, a Reaction, 60; Tottori and
Outstations, 61; Face to Face with God, 62; Reac-
tion in, 86; A Hopeful Tour, 106; The Kuriles,
107; In the Province of Joshu, 142; Osaka,
143; Tsuyama, a Hopeful Work, 143; New The-
ological School at Kyoto, 168; Statistics of Mis-
sionary Work in, 174; A New Church in To-
kyo, 190; Preaching in Prison, 191; Missionary
Touring in, 221; Kumi-ai Churches and the Doshi-
sha, 270; An Open City, 270; A Tour in the Oka-
yama Field, 318; An Extended Tour, 318; Hopeful
Impressions, 319; Shaka's Birthday, 355; A Most
Enjoyable Work, 356; Coöperation in, 381; Chris-
tian Statesmen in, 383; Home Missions in, 383; A

Fine Christian Work in Tokyo, 417; Morals in,
491; Politics in, 489.

Korea, 112, 280.

Livingstonia Mission, 27, 362, 513.

London Missionary Society. A Deputation to Mada-
gascar, 173.

Madagascar, 29, 69, 112, 173, 281, 425.

Madura Mission. Items, 334, 336; Another Pastor,
27; New Hospital at Madura, 89; Typical Village,
Church in, 99; Pasumalai College, 126; College,
Christian Association, 233; A Theological Semi-
nary Itinerating, 266; An Open Field, 278; Encour-
agement, 352; The Necessity and Methods of In-
dustrial Work, 352; An Awakened Priest, 394;
Pasumalai Seminary, 458; New Villages, 509; How
Far the Money Goes, 490.

Manchuria, Spiritual Harvesting, 195, 215.

Maps. Hokkaido, 12; Marshall Islands, 227; Micro-
nesia, 262; Lagoon of Ruk, 271.
Marash. A Christian College, 7, 24.
Marathi Mission. Alleviation of Distress from Fam-
ine, 26; Religious Work, 26; Schools at Bombay,
64; Outstations of Ahmednagar, 101; Relief Work
and Preaching, 102; Orphans at Bombay, 128; From
Bombay, 130; Good Resulting from Tribulations,
148; A Typical Case, 165; Results of the Famine,
186; Effect of the Plague, 231; Annual Report of,
231; Willing Listeners, 232; Many Inquirers, 278.
Marriage, 113.

Marsovan, 63.

Memorial from Prudential Committee and Executive
Officers of the American Board to the Churches, 2.
Mexican Mission. Growth of Guerrero, 144; Hermo-
sillo and Outstations, 230.

Micronesia. Items, 88, 126, 293, 378; Marshall Islands,
210, 227; Caroline Islands and Religious Liberty,
261, 297; Ruk Archipelago, 271; Faitruk, 272; The
First Service, 272; Opposition Arises, 273; A
Transformation, 274; Some of the Caroline Islands
in 1897, 289; Gilbert Islands, 320; Ladrone Islands,
338; Caroline Islands, 424.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting, 469.
Missionary Concert Programs, 5, 43.
Missionary Herald, 486; Extra, 253.

Missions of A. B. C. F. M., Tabular View of, 10.
Mongolia, 81.

Morning Star, The, 88, 125, 209.

North American Indians, Kitkahtlas, 515.
North China Mission. Ordinations, 17; Quality of
Work Done, 18; Work for Women, 67; Mercenary
Inquirer, 67; Eager Listeners, 149; Village Work,
150; Growth at Peking, 187; Pang-Chuang, 188;
An Awakened Village-Interesting Converts, 236;
North China College, 297; A Missionary Tour, 316;
Church at Paoting-fu-An Ordination, 392; An Or-
dination-Cheering Items, 397; An Indefatigable
Preacher, 511; After Many Days, 511; A Preach-
ers' Conference, 512.

Notes for the Month, 32, 73, 113, 155, 197, 242, 282,
323, 366, 406, 460, 519.

Orphans in Turkey, 129, 204, 240, 334.

Plague in India, 4, 47, 130, 135, 210, 231, 385.
Polynesia. New Guinea, 153, 404.
Ponape, 88, 378, 424.
Retrenchment, 44.
Revivals, 41.

Scorn of Job, 269.

Shansi Mission. A Day of Promise, 67; A Village
Prayer Meeting, 151; Some Faithful Christians,
152; Medical Work in, 173; From Fen-cho-fu, 189;
A Joyful Experience, 459.
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, A Bicen-
tennial, 173.

South Africa. Progress in, 46.

South China Mission. Indirect Gospel Work, 17;
The Blind See, 66; A Steadfast Believer, 149; A
Country Farm-A Million People, 234; Rude Mul-
titudes, 235; Plague at Canton, 334; Large Addi-
tions, 396.

Spain, Mission in, 165, 209; International Institute for
Girls in, 339; Evangelistic Work not Affected, 358;
For the Gospel, 436.

Student Volunteer Convention, 86, 125, 138.

Tenth Legion and the Quiet Hour, 4.
Theological School at Kyoto, 168.
Tibet, 361.

Treasurer's Report, 454.

Turkey. (See Missions in European, Western, Cen-
tral, and Eastern Turkey.) New York Herald's
Representative in, 3; Dr. Hepworth in, 45; Indem-
nity from, 46; A Model Church in, 140; Orphans
in, 129, 204; Missionary Touring in Koordistan,
373; Reinforcements for, 381.

Turkey, European Mission. A Neglected People-
the Albanians, 92; The Salonica Field, 146; Many
Revivals, 185; The Work Extending, 186.
Turkey, Western Mission. Item, 297; Orphanage
Work at Sivas, 33; Publication Department of, 51;
Bafra and Alacham, 62; Marsovan-Medical Work,
63; From Cesarea, 110; Zille-Effect of the Orphan-
age Work, 111; At Ada bazar, 147; Outstations of
Cesarea, 312; A Conference-The Outstations, 401;
Ordoo A Summer Home-A Preacher's Needs,
402; Chambashi and Villages, 403; An Influx of
Students, 505; Bardezag, 497; Greek Work, 502.
Turkey Central Mission. Girls' College at Marash, 7,
24; Hadjin Orphanages-Work of Native Teachers,
25; Shar-Schools in the City, 25; Jubilee of Prot-
estantism in Aintab, 217; Two Ordaining Councils,
313; An Invitation from Tarsus, 314; Beilan and
Kessab, 507; Changed Conditions, 507.
Turkey, Eastern Mission. Revival at Harpoot, 41;
A Quarter Century of Missionary Work at Van, 95

Work for Orphans, 129; Relief in, 259; Revival at
Mardin, 276; Awakening at Van, 276; In Koordis-
tan, 314; Choonkoosh, 314; Bread upon the Wa-
ters, 315; Self-support Illustrated, 339; Obstacle
Overcome, 379; Gospel Among the Gregorians, 380.
Uganda. Revolt in, 28, 43, 71, 91, 126, 131, 279, 404,


Van, 95, 276.
Wants, 86, 426.
Week of Prayer, 5.

Young Manhood and Womanhood in Missions, 434.
Young People, For. Three Young Christians of In-
dia, 37; Mongolia, 81; The Nine Nights' Festival
in Ceylon, 121; A Chinese Feast for the First-born,
161; Orphans in Turkey, 204; A Missionary's Re-
turn to China, 249; Some of the Caroline Islands in
1897, 289; Superstition in Africa, 329; Missionary
Touring in Koordistan, 374; A Fine Christian
Work in Tokyo, 417; Athens and the Greeks, 465;
A Christian Grave-tender in China, 525.

Zulu Mission. Umzumbe Home, 23; A Plenteous
Harvest, 130; Umzumbe Girls' School, 146; A Ref-
luent Wave, 275; The Work of One Sabbath, 350;
In the Transvaal, 389; Growth at Durban, 505.


[The names of those not Missionaries or Assistant Missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M. are printed in italics. ]

[blocks in formation]

Colby, Abbie M., 32.
Colcord, Capt. A. D., 73.
Cole, R. M., 198.
Cowles, Amy B., 178.
Crawford, L. S., 465.
Creegan, Charles C., 87.
Curr, Isabella H., 121.
Currie, Amy J., 145, 192.

Currie, Walter T., 22, 109, 311,


Daniels, Charles H., 138, 434.
Daniels, Mary B., 32.
Daniels, Mary L., 41.

Davis, Jerome D., 45, 86, 131,
168, 378.

Day, Mrs. Mary L., 32.
DeForest, John H., 14, 106, 172,
221, 355, 417.

Dennis, James S., 49, 214.
Dewey, Seraphina S., 406.
Dewey, Willis C., 406.

Dickie, Jane, 73.
Dodd, W. S., M.D.,
Dodd, Mary L., 32.
Dorward, J. C., 146.
Dwight, H. O., 51.

Eaton, Edward D., 86, 125, 166,
210, 254, 383.
Eaton, James D., 336.
Ellsworth, Laura, 381, 406.
Elwood, Willis P., 37.
Ely, Charlotte E., 73, 113.
Ely, Mary A. C., 73, 113.
Ewing, Charles E., 187, 316, 397,

Fairbairn, Prof., 166.
Fairbank, Henry, 4, 26, 460.
Fairbank, Ruby E., 460.
Fairbank, Samuel B., 300, 323.
Farnham, Laura, 147.

Farnsworth, Wilson A., 110, 130,
312, 401.

Foreman, Lucile, 6.
Foss, Ida C., 209, 242.
Fowle, James L., 155.
Fuller, Americus, 507.

Gage, Frances C., 111, 519.
Gardner, George M., 234, 366.
Garretson, Elsie M., 113, 178.
Gates, C. F., 15, 339.
Gates, Frances A., 32, 47.
Gates, L. S., 32, 47, 148, 232.
Gates, Mary E., 381, 406.
Gilson, H. J., 400, 457.
Goddard, D., 128, 353, 426.
Goodenough, Caroline L., 323,

Goodrich, Chauncey, 392.

Gordon, M. L., 20, 55, 169, 270,

Graf, Johanna L., 276.
Greene, D. C., 170, 519.
Greene, Joseph K., 44, 140.
Griswold, Fanny E., 406.
Gulick, Cara M., 32,
Gulick, John T., 143.
Gulick, Sidney L., 32, 270.

Gulick William H., 165, 209, 254,

Hager, C. R., M.D., 66, 125, 149
161, 166.

Hall, W. L., M.D., 173.
Hannington, Bishop, 6, 43.
Harding, Charles, 278.
Harding, Mary B., 32.

Hartwell, Charles, 7, 65, 179, 396.

Hartwell, Emily S., 179.

Haskell, Edward B., 146.

Haskell, Henry C., 179, 366.

Haskell, Margaret B., 366.

Havelock, Sir Arthur, 127.
Hazen, Allen, 254.

Hazen, Hervey C., 180, 490.
Hepworth, George H., 3, 45, 516.
Herrick, George F., 57.
Hess, Meda, 24.

Hinman, George W., 519.
Hinman, Susan F., 113.
Hoar, George F., 348.
Hoffman, Marie A., 73.

Hopkins, Col. C. A., 41, 86, 254,
334, 383.

House, James H., 185.

Hubbard, Albert W., 23, 177.

Hubbard, George H., 510.

Hume, Edward S., 64, 128.

Hume, Robert A., 101, 176, 295,

Huntington, Ellsworth, 380.
Huntington, Theresa L., 381, 406.
Hyde, Susan C., 460.

James, D. Willis, 85.
Jeffery, F. E., 32, 279.
Jeffery, Capitola M., 32.
John, Dr. Griffith, 69.
Johnston, Mrs. M. H., 366.
Jones, John P., 27, 128, 180, 266,

Judson, Cornelia, 113, 155, 319.

Kingman, Henry, 297, 302.
Kingsbury, F. L, 282.
Kingsbury, Luella L., 282.
Kinnear, H. N., 32.
Kinnear, Ellen J., 32.
Knapp, George P., 32, 257.

Lamson, Charles M., 85, 421.
Larkin, Ralph B., 366.
Larkin, Mary E., 366.
Learned, D. W., 169.
Lee, Clara H., 282.
Lee, Lucius O., 282.
Legge, Dr. James, 47.
Loomis, Henry, 125, 174, 383.
Lord, Agnes M., 381, 406.
Leonard, Mrs. A. A., 242.

MacLachlan, Alexander, 177, 406
MacLachlan, Rose H., 406.

Marsh, George D., 32.
Marsh, Ursula C., 32.
Mead, W. W., 313, 406.
Mead, Harriet N., 406.
Mellen, Laura M., 275.
Meredith, R. R., 421.
Merrick, Frank W., 387.
Millard, Anna L., 210.
Millard, Mr., 41, 212.
Miner, Luella, 113.

Montgomery, Emily R., 132.
Morrill, Mary S., 406.
Muller, George, 166.
Mott, John R., 86.

Murdock, Virginia C., 113.
Mwanga, King, 28, 71, 126, 424.
Nanpei, Henry, 88, 425.
Nelson, C. A., 17, 179, 234, 396.
Newell, Horatio B., 19, 32.
Newell, Jane C., 32.
Newnham, Sophia, 497.
Noble, Willa J., 113.
Northrop, B. G., 215.
Nutting, George B., 155.
Palmer, A. A., 209, 242.
Parmelee, M. P., 402.
Patterson, Frances E., 406.
Peck, A. P., M.D., 18.
Peet, Lyman P., 282, 406.
Peet, Caroline K., 282, 406.
Peet, W. W., 519.
Perkins, Henry P., 150.
Perkins, James C., 394.
Perkins, Mrs. C. J., 133.
Perkins, Mrs. C. B., 113.
Pettee, James H., 242.
Pierce, Ellen M., 406, 519.
Pilkington, G. L., 91, 213, 404.
Pixley, Louisa, 242.
Pixley, S. C., 242.

Porter, Henry D., 174, 182, 188.
Powers, Harriet G., 366.
Price, Francis M., 88, 271.
Price, Sarah J., 209, 242.

Ransom, C. N., 505.
Raynolds, George C., 95, 277.
Read, Frank W., 144, 504.
Reid, Gilbert, 90.

Rife, C. F., 125, 227.

Riggs, Edward, 62.

Riggs, Elias, 260, 297.

Roberts, James H., 81, 198, 366.
Ross, James H., 343.
Rowland, George M., 107.
Russell, Nellie N., 150, 282.

Sanders, C. S., 5, 6, 179, 217, 507.
Sanders, W. H., 399.
Scott, Thomas S., 167.

Severance, Mrs. A. G., 519.
Shapleigh, Alfred L., 113.
Shapleigh, Katherine C., 113.
Shattuck, Corinna, 490.
Sleeper, W. W., 255.

Smith, Arthur H., 17, 150, 309,

Smith, Emma D., 249.
Smith, James, 294.

Smith, Judson, 41, 86, 125, 166,
210, 254, 383, 428, 439.
Smith, Laura C., 23.
Smith, Sarah E., 366.
Smith, Thomas S., 323.
Sprague, W. P., 512.
Stanford, A. W., 32.
Stanford, Jane H., 32.
Stanley, Charles A., 236.
Stanley, Henry M., 214.
Stapleton, R. S., 43.
Stapleton, Ida S., 406.
Staver, Mrs. A. W., 113.
Stimpson, Sarah, 323, 519.
Stimson, Martin L., 406.
Stone, Ellen M., 366.
Storrs, Richard S., 1.
Stover, Bertha D., 323, 519.
Stover, W. M., 108.
Strong, E. E., 304.
Swenson, Agnes E., 25, 198.

Taylor, Wallace, M.D., 73.
Tewksbury, Elwood G., 282.
Tewksbury, Grace H., 282.
Thompson, J. B., 67.
Thompson, D'Etta H., 406.
Thurston, J. R., 377.
Tracy, Mrs. Alice D., 407.
Tracy, Charles C., 485, 505.
Tracy, Charles K., 63.
Tracy, J. E., 131.
Tucker, Bishop, 91, 197, 424.

Ussher, Clarence D., 242, 379, 406.

Vahl, Dean J., 211.
Van Allen, Frank, 80.

Vaughan, Charles S., 99, 352, 509.
Verbeck, Guido F., 170.
Vivekananda, 212.

Wagner, Edward R., 495.
Wagner, Horace T., 144.
Wainwright, Mary E., 32.
Walker, Mrs. Mary R., 45.
Walker, J. E, 45, 494.
Wallace, W. W., 180.
Walkup, Alfred C., 254, 320.
Waples, Cora C., 242.

Waples, Frank A., 242.

Washburn, George T., 113, 126.

Washburn, Mrs. E. E., 113.
Webb, Anna F., 282.
Webb, Edward, 282.
Webster, Mrs. M. M., 191.
Wellman, F. C., 192, 350.
Wheeler, Crosby H., 423.
White, George E., 282.
White, Esther B., 282.
White, Schuyler Ś., 143, 282.
White, Ida McL., 282.
Whitney, Henry T., 282.
Whitney, Lurie A., 282.
Whitman, Marcus, 9.
Wiggin, Frank H., 454.
Wilder, George A., 323.
Williams, George L., 151.
Williams, Henrietta B., 323, 342.
Wingate, Henry K., 502.
Wilson, Louise E., 209, 242, 293.
Winsor, Richard, 47, 165, 177, 306,

Winsor, Mary C., 366.

Woodhull, Hannah C., 32, 113,

Woodhull, Kate C., M.D., 32, 113,

Woodin, S. F., 354.

Woodside, Emma D., 329.

Wyckoff, Gertrude, 406.
Wyckoff, Grace, 406.

Zumbro, William, 233, 336, 352.

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