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States, all their best land. Not a twentieth part of what re mains, is of a very good quality-more than half, is utterly worthless. Perhaps three tenths may produce moderate crops. The people of the United States, have a free passage through the country, secured by treaty-what do they want more? If the Cherokee country were added to Georgia, the accession would be but a fraction, joined to the remotest corner of that great state a state now scarcely inferior in size, to any state in the Union, except Virginia; a state having but 6 or 7 souls to the square mile-counting whites and blacks, with a soil and climate capable of sustaining a hundred to the square mile, with the greatest ease. There is no mighty inconve nience, therefore in the arrangement of providence, by which the Cherokees claim a resting place on the land which God gave to their fathers. And as to the chimera of imperium in imperio, it is, and always has been one of the most common things in the world. The whole of modern Germany, is noth ing else but one specimen after another, of imperium in impe rio. Italy has an abundance of specimens also. As to our own country, we have governments within governments of all sizes for all purposes, from a school district, to our great federal union; and where can be the harm of letting a few of our red neighbors, on a small part of their own territory, exercise the rights God has given them? They have not intruded upon our territory, nor encroached upon our rights. They only ask the privilege of living unmolested in the places where they were born, and in the possession of those rights which we have ac knowledged and guaranteed.

There is one more remaining topic, on which the minds of many benevolent men; are hesitating and that is whether the welfare of the Indians would not be promoted by a removal.But by the most authentic information, the Cherokees, the Choctaws, and the Chickasaws, are unwilling to remove from the land of their fathers. And shall we, shall Americans, compel them, to leave the Sepulchres of their fathers, their

schools and their churches, their well improved farms, and migrate to a sterile wilderness, destitute of wood and water, west of the Mississippi? But enough has been done already by the Legislature of Georgia, in the course of their unjust, cruel, and oppressive conduct toward the Cherokees, to excite the strongest feelings of indignation and abhorrence in the breast of every American. We deeply regret that there is occasion, to speak in terms like these; but the rapacity, the remorseless avarice of aristocracy, which neither fears the wrath of God nor the odium of all honest men, will stop at nothing to accomplish their nefarious designs. It is a pity, that the great body of worthy and excellent citizens in the great state of Georgia, should be represented or rather misrepresented by such men; and not only the state, but the United States disgraced by their misdecds.

The following is a section of one of the recent laws of Georgia, in reference to the Cherokees. "Ifany Cherokee shall pre vent any person belonging to said nation, from selling or ceding to the United States, for the use of Georgia, the whole or any part of said territory, he shall be confined in the penitentiary for not less than four years." This act is a foul blot in the statute book of the state. It is worthy of Caligula, Domitian, or Nero. It really out-herods Herod. If an honest Chero kee should caution his neighbor against receiving a bribe from a crafty white man, or question the right of a chief to barter away for a few toys the whole of the Cherokee territory, he is liable to imprisonment and hard labor for four years in the penitentiary!! And for what? Forusing the liberty of speech in giving good advice to his brother, his friend, his chief, in which he and his wife and children, and his whole nation are so deeply interested. And who is it that arrogates to them-. selves, the power of enacting such a law? The legislature of Georgia-and who have no more right to legislate for tho Cherokees, than they have to make laws for the inhabitants of the moon!! We may ask all the men of reading, all the men of


travels, all historians, to produce an instance of greater arró gancy, unrelenting cruelty, or a more arbitrary assumption of power amongst the most inhuman despots of this world. Under a previous law of Georgia. which declares, "that all laws, usages and customs of the Cherokee nation, shall be null and void;" and that the law of Georgia, which denies them the right of giving testimony in court, shall be the only laws of that nation. Under this law, a white man might rob or murder a Cherokee, in the presence of many Indians, and dscendants of Indians, and yet the offence could not be proved. That crimes ofthis malignant character would be committed is by no means improbable; but assaults, abuses and vexations of a far inferior stamp, would render the servitude of the Cherokees intolerable! But to deny them, in addition to this savage law, the liberty of speaking to each other of their wrongs, under a severe penalty, equals in enormity, the blackest days of any despotism, on earth. Well here is only another exhibition of the common conduct of aristocracy, in our own land of liberty, with all the restraints laid upon them by the frequent exercise of the elective franchise, like some loathsome disease that has become incurable. Though it may seem hopeful at times, it still breaks out again, with more malignant symtoms than ever, threatening fearful dissolution. So in the body politic, new indications of the fatal malady of aristocracy, is under a variety of shapes and modifications, threatening the dissolution of our happy Union. The very foundation and strong hold of our li berties. Aristocracy has been, and is now the heavy curse that humanity has groaned, and is groaning under. It is coeval with our degenerate race, and is coeval with the first settlements made upon the shores of the new world. It has shown itself in an endless variety of ways- such as religious establishments in some of the colonies-the strenuous exertions to establish orders of nobility-secret companies combined to swindle the old revolutionary army out of all their land claims, an authentic history of which, would excite the utmost

disgust, abhorrence and detestation in the mind of every. A merican. And such as the Hartford Convention," the bluelights, the sectional and local preferences, not considering the great republic as one American family. And such is the narrow policy of creating artificial sectional divisions in the State of Virginia, when under an enlightened, liberal and wise policy, her interest is really one, if her immense resources were brought into use by internal improvement. And by withholding their influence & even opposing the protection of our home industry against foreign competition, and separating our three grand interests, agriculture commerce and manufactures;and blindly, obstinately, and wickedly continuing the horrors of slavery, which every man of understanding and intelligence, even among themselves, must foresee will one day, and that not very far distant, overwhelm them in fearful and appalling ruin. And why have the blessings of our happy revolution never been fully realized; even down to the fifty-fifth year of our Independence? Just simply because all the power, the cunning, the management, & tricks of aristocracy, have been incessantly employed to prevent it. And why has more than half a century passed away without even an effort made, to establish a uniform and universal system of education, for the children and youth of our great republic? It is acknowledged by every man of sound sense, "that knowledge is power" that the very foundation upon which our liberty rests, is virtue and intelligence in the people. The whole mass of our population should be enlightened. But instead of this, all the colleges and high schools in America, are established with the people's money, for the sole and exclusive use of aristocracy; while, if there is any provision made for the education of the people, it is some little pittance given, except in New-York and New-England, to mock their wants, under the notion of teaching the children of paupers. Indeed, all the banking system, all the monied institutions, and all the monopolies in America, are well calcu lated to perpetuate aristocracy, and to degrade and enslave

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