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С. М.


1 O MAY the day, the blissful day,
By prophets long foretold,

When love divine all hearts shall sway,
Our waiting eyes behold.

2 Then social wrongs shall be redressed,
The weak their rights receive,
And men, by men no more oppressed,
One brotherhood shall live.

3 Then towers of fraud and force shall fall,

And every virtue thrive;

While all for each, and each for all,
In cheerful hope shall strive.

4 Then Peace in all our homes shall dwell,
And Joy shall be our guest,
And pleasures more than tongue can tell,
Shall thrill each loving breast.


10s. M.


1 O, THOU blest Comforter! pure Spirit, hear!
Bend we thy shrine before, trembling with fear;
Hate, like a shadow dark, veils all below;
Love floats her shining bark o'er waves of woe.

2 Spirit of Holy power! give us thy light!

Aid thro' the trial-hour, -guide thro' the night; Gird us with strength and will, mighty to save, Striving with error still, valiant and brave.

3 Keenly oppression's pain pierceth the weak; Help us the galling chain quickly to break; Earth's bitter founts of woe soon may we close, Making this world below bloom as the rose.

4 Give thou thy Spirit free, Savior and Lord!
Peace, love and liberty follow thy word;
While, as a brother-band, onward we move,
Joy shall fill all the land gilded with love!



1 How long, O Lord, how long
Shall sin and falsehood reign?
And social crime and wrong,
The page of history stain ?
When shall the nations of the earth
Receive the new; the heavenly birth ?

2 O, may our race forsake

Their selfishness and pride;
The lowly Jesus take,

As Master and as Guide;
Whose words of wisdom, truth and love,
Glow with a radiance from above.

3 May brutal vengeance cease,

And deeds of hate and blood;
Mankind repose in peace,
One joyous brotherhood :
While shouts resound from shore to shore,
'The reign of violence is o'er!'

4 Hasten, O God, the day

By bards and prophets told,
When Love and Right their sway
O'er all the world shall hold ;
And earthly realms, with one accord,
Become the kingdoms of our Lord.


P. M.


1 O, LIST to His words, they are treasures of love,

Men are all brothers indeed;

All children alike of the Father above,

Can he cause a poor brother to bleed? O no, let the sword to the plow-share be beat, And the wand'rers of earth be good friends when

Bless and forgive,

[blocks in formation]

[they meet;

2 Away with the hater, who mockingly dares
To call himself Christian in name,
Who justifies war, and for slaughter prepares
The bullet, the sword and the flame;
He must bend his proud neck to the burden of love,
Or the light shining brighter his vileness will prove;

Evil must cease,
All will be peace,

Goodness must triumph o'er hate.

3 Away with the legion who worship the band
That holds them in darkness and thrall,
Who rear their proud temples all over the land,
Though the poor and the needy do call;
They are altars of pride where the incense is poured
An off'ring to Baal, and not to the Lord:

Temples must fall,

Churches and all,

Built upon falsehood and wrong.



L. M.


1 A CHRISTIAN! Who deserves the name?
One born, baptized and counted such,
Whose morals e'en the Pagans shame ?
Not he-howe'er the pearl he clutch.

2 He is a Christian-he alone,

Who sees in Christ's great Master Mind,
That Light and Love made known,
Which only can redeem mankind.

3 He trusts no lesser Light and Love,
No lower code of moral Right;
But holds this Wisdom from above,
His own and God's supreme delight.

4 He meekly sits at Jesus' feet,

Disciple of a matchless Lord;
The Way, the Truth, the Life complete,
To learn from Him, the Saving Word.

[blocks in formation]

1 In the past, the age of iron,

Those who slaughtered most their kind,

Have too often won the chaplet
Honor's hand has twined.

2 But the heroes of the future

Shall be men whose hearts are strong;
Men whose words and acts shall only
War against the wrong.

3 But the sabre, in their contests,
Shall no part, no honor own;
War's dread art shall be forgotten,
Carnage all unknown.

[blocks in formation]

1 WHAT though the martyr die in flame,
The patriot in his blood;
What though unspoken be his name-
Forgotten all his good?

2 That flame shall fire the bigot's creed,
And burn it to the dust;

That blood from out the ground shall plead Forever to the Just.

3 What though the dungeon close them in, And tyrants hold the key !

Through walls of stone shall pierce the hymn For truth and liberty.

4 Then let the body broken be, Still let the blood be poured; 'Tis thus they gain the victory, And triumph with the Lord.


7s. M.


1 DEAR Redeemer! in thy name,
Caring nought for hate or shame,
Meeting boldly every storm,
We would seek the world's reform.

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