For a season called to part, HYMN. Farewell, dear friends, we soon must part, Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand, 315 316 Go to thy brother, now feeble and low, 116 Hark! what mean those holy voices, 34 35 How beauteous were the marks divine, 49 84 Hark, hark, the sweet music that sounds, 185 HYMN. Hear ye not the voice of anguish, 209 How brightly they lie, on the ocean's deep surge, 211 How long shall Afric's sons, 214 How glad was the anthem the bright angels sung, 240 Ho, all ye that bloom in the morning of life, 303 pity the slave-mother, care-worn and weary, 202 HYMN. Joy, joy to the world, for the sword shall be broken, 223 Join us, in one spirit join, 249 Lo, God is here! let us adore, 2 19 26 53 76 85 90 94 111 134 160 161 181 195 Lord, give me a place with the humblest of saints, 301 One prayer I have all prayers in one, O God of grace, we come to thee, 288 30 43 58 64 69 24282 12 15 HYMN. · O, that the Lord would guide my ways, 120 Oh! shun the bowl, when rich delight, 178 O, treat the drunkard kindly, 184 Oppression shall not always reign, 194 O, deep was the anguish of the slave-mother's heart, 205 O, weep, ye friends of freedom, weep, 207 O Lord, whose forming hand one blood, 216 254 O, may the day, the blissful day, 261 O, thou blest Comforter! pure Spirit, hear, 262 O, list to His words, they are treasures of love, 264 Once more, O Lord, let grateful praise, 308 Poor victims of war that by millions have perished, |