IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES.-THE POPULAR REMEDY. A PARR'S LIFE PILLS, MILD, safe, and effectual cure of Indigestion, Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Complants, Sick Head-ache, Costiveness, &c., &c., Their composition is truly excellent, they are compounded entirely of vegetable products, freed from all irritating and deleterious matters, which renders their operation mild and agreable: they do not require the least confinement or alteration of diet, and may be taken by the invalid with perfect safety; as an occasional dose in all nervous and debilitated cases, recoveries from protracted diseases, &c., they will be found highly valuable, impart ing vigour and tone to the system when emaciated by disease. Their value as a general tonic and restorative of the impaired stomach and biliary system, is daily manifested to the Proprietors, by their increas ing rapid sale, and the numerous Testimonials forwarded by those who have proved their efficacy. The following, with many others, have been recently received: High-street, Stourport, May 12, 1846. Gentlemen-I write to inform you of the great good a friend of mine experienced from Parr's Pills; he has been bad for a number of years with a palpitation of the heart. Any party doubting the truth of this may apply to re. GEORGE WILLIAMS, Agent for Parr's Life Pills. Communicated by Mr. BATTERS, Agent for Parr's Life Pills, Nottingham. Sirs-The many thousand boxes I sell in the course of a year, fully testify the superiority of Parr's Life Pills over every other Patent Medicine. Old and young, rich and poor, all acknowledge the great benefit they derive from taking them; many ladies and gentlemen of high standing in society, and numerous respectable families have adopted Parr's Life Pills as a family medicine; and thousands have given me full proof verbally of the cures which Parr's Life Pills have effected. I remain, Gentlemen, yours, obediently, GEORGE BATTERS. Communicated by Mr. J. BERRY, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. 75, Capel-street, 31st March, 1846. Sirs-I have great pleasure in forwarding you a complete cure of piles. Robert Dunn, bootmaker, of Harrold's Cross, having informed me that he was for years unable to attend to his business, in consequence of the above complaint both inward and outward, and having tried a great many doctors without benefit, I prevailed on him to try your Pills, assuring him. that if they did him no good, they would do him no harın. He did so, and after taking them about a month, he positively declares the pain to be gone, and the protrusions also, and that his general health is much better than it has been for years. Any person applying to me, I will give every information as to the above case. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. BERRY. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. None are genuine, unless the words "PARR'S LIFE PILLS" are in White Letters on a Red Ground, on the Government Stamp, pasted round each box; also the fac simile of the signature of the Proprietors, “T. ROBERTS and Co., Crane Court, Fleet St., London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes at Is. 14d., 2s. 9d., and family packets at 11s. each, by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the world. THE BAPTIST REPORTER, AND MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCER. THE Reporter contains a considerable amount of information respecting the proceedings of the baptists both at home and abroad. Every person, whether baptist or pædobaptist, who feels any interest in the movements of this denomination, will find in this periodical, a greater amount of information than can be found in any other similar publication. CONTENTS FOR JUNE. Baptist Home Missionary Society-Baptist Irish Society-Poetry - Reviews-Characteristic Sketches-Christian Experience-The Spiritual Cabinet-Narratives and Anecdotes-CorrespondenceChristian Activity — Baptisms-Baptisin Facts and AnecdotesReligious Tracts-Sabbath Schools and Education-Baptist, Missionary, Religious, and General Intelligence-Marriages-Deaths. PRICE, MONTHLY, THREEPENCE. Bound Volumes for 1846, and past years, may be had of the Publishers. THE CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE, AND MISSIONARY REPOSITORY. Thirty-six pages, One Penny, with numerous beautiful Engravings. CONTENTS FOR JUNE. The Horse (frontispiece)-History of the Bible-Washing and shearing sheep (cut)-Butterflies-Blind Jack of Knaresborough (cut) -The Fern Owl (cut)-The Fowler-Bread and water-A Lesson on faith-A visit to Mount St. Bernard (cut)-On children loving and serving Christ-The secret of success- -Poetry: To a Squirrel; Pity the poor slave; Praising Jesus. N. B. Be careful to order Winks's Children's Magazine. London Published by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. AND MAY BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. MINISTERS are respectfully requested to mention the PRINTED AND SOLD BY JOSEPH FOULKES WINKS. And may be had of all Booksellers. THE CHRISTIAN PIONEER. OUR appeals to our active friends all over the country, have met with attention, and many are now busily employed in carrying into operation the suggestions we have made. This is the very thing that the circumstances of the times now call for—the diffusion of information. The rule now is that the people generally can read -the exception, that they cannot. Formerly it was argued that the people were vicious because they could not read or write. Now it is asserted that some of the most vicious are those who can. Both these assertions have truth in them, and may be easily explained. The entirely ignorant are, in the nature of things, likely to grow up vicious and wicked. On the other hand those who are instructed may be only made more capable of doing mischief if they do not make good use of their knowledge. Hence the necessity of giving thein good mental food. Further; when it was found that the greater part of the people would read, men, whose only object was to make money, soon set to work and printed books, pamphlets, tracts, magazines, and newspapers, of all kinds, at very low prices, to meet the demand. Some of these publications were bad, others were wicked, others were vile and infamous. Tales, novels, romances, plays, songs, ballads, and we know not what were published in millions. Can we wonder that some who could read became more vicious and wicked? True, there were some publishers who issued useful worksKnight, and Parker, in London, and the Chambers', in Edinburgh— and in their way they did good, but they were not-they did not profess to be-of a decidedly religious character. And nothing can effectually preserve men from vice and wickedness but real religion. Plenty of room then for such publications as this to be circulated in every cottage in the empire-so cheap that the poorest may buy -so amusing and instructive that all may be interested-so plain that all may understand—and with so much religion every month that no man can take up a copy without finding words by which, under the divine blessing, he may discover the path of life. Jesus Christ is set forth in every number as the way to God. Spread it then, christian friends, spread it on every hand. Can you who are rich do anything much more likely to do good among the poor than by ordering 50 or 100 copies for gratuitous distribution amongst them every month? Many a poor pious man or woman, who perhaps could do nothing else, not being able to teach in the sabbath school, would delight to be thus employed as the almoner of your bounty. And even where this is not or cannot be done, our poor pious friends, who wish to do some good in their life-time, may do much in this way, by shewing it to their neighbours, and getting subscribers, for its very low price places it within their reach. A poor bed-ridden man at St. Alban's was the means of circulating many by always recommending it to all who came to see him! OBEDIENCE AND HAPPINESS. BY T. POTTENGER. Then with a firm, unshrinking step, the watery path she trod, MRS. SIGOURNEY. In the month of July, 1838, ministerial duties called me to the town of in one of the midland counties: and whilst there, I was requested to administer the ordinance of believers' immersion under the circumstances related in these pages. There were several things connected with this event which made it differ from an ordinary baptism-whether the history and great age of the candidate be taken into consideration, or firmness manifested against the prejudices of education, her former modes of thinking, and the wishes of her dearest friends or the interest combined with her immersion, which deeply affected the spectators, “insomuch that some were amazed, and glorified God, saying, we never saw it after this fashion." Nearly six years have passed away since that scene was witnessed, during which period the outlines of the following narrative have been laid aside and almost forgotten; but thinking of late that such an example of obedience to the commands of Jesus ought not to be lost upon his disciples, I have written an account of it, in the hope of encouraging timid and aged christians to go and do likewise. May the Spirit of God crown this attempt to do good with success ! Miss P- had been trained up according to the principles and customs of the established church; from a child she had been in the habit of attending upon its forms of worship, and of regarding its ceremonies with veneration; with the earliest dawn of reason she was taught, by means of the church catechism, that in her "baptism she was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven;" and in this way, the poison of baptismal regeneration was infused into her youthful mind by men who called themselves the legitimate and only successors of the apostles. As her connexions in life ranked amongst the wealthy, the gay, and the favoured classes, almost as a matter of course, she became a member of the church by law established, where princes and nobles are accustomed to worship. While yet a babe, unable to discern between good and evil, the ceremony of sprinkling was performed upon her by a clergyman, whose episcopal ordination was supposed to be a link in the chain of apostolic succession, and, without any authority from the oracles of eternal truth, he declared the child regenerated as soon as he had uttered a form of prayer, and thrown a few drops of water upon her face. As time rolled on, she was taught the Lord's Prayer-the creed-the catechism-the collects turning to the east-bowing at the name of Jesus-and |