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ments of the Council of Trent, Mr. Faber has very fully exposed. According to them, and to the tenets of the Romish church at the present day, says Mr. Faber-" First, a man is made righteous by an infusion into him of inherent righteousness. Next, a man's inherent righteousness, when infused into him, becomes, through God's bounty, meritorious: so that, under the aspect of a strict and proper recompense of his good works, it deserves and obtains eternal life. Finally, a man, though he cannot be just, unless he be justified by his own inherent righteousness, yet acquires not that righteousness by any independent exertions of his own moral strength, but receives it into his heart by God, through his faith in the merits of Christ." Well may Mr. Faber add: "Such is the maze of Romish justification: from Christ's merits to man's merits, a perpetual oscillation; from Christ's righte ousness to man's righteousness, a perpetual vibration; of God's gifts into man's deservings, a perpetual transmutation; afraid to renounce all dependence upon Christ in words, but in deeds really placing all dependence upon man."

Mr. Faber then proceeds to ask:"Whence did this system of human justifying righteousness derive its origin?" He answers-" Scripture rejects it: the ancient church disowns it. Bernard, the last of the fathers, apparently knows nothing of it. But the schoolmen who immediately followed Bernard, give it, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries," and it was adopted by the Doctors of Trent. It appears, then, that Mr. Knox and the Roman church have adopted a system which sprang up from an adherence to human reason and human philosophy, and a desertion of Scripture and ecclesiastical antiquity."

What then are we to think of the principles of Mr. Knox, who ventures to say"I greatly suspect that the time is not very distant when even theological creeds will be brought to a philosophical test, and will be discarded should they not stand the trial. At such a season I own I have little hope for those who are acquainted with St. Paul, only through the interpreting medium of Luther or Calvin, of Dr. Owen or Mr. Romaine!" May the Lord, in his mercy, preserve the church and the world from "a philosophy, falsely so called," and dispose us to abide by the test of his own infallible word!

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who once gave so fair a promise of usefulness, as a defender of the truth. Errors, crude, specious, and perilous, abound in this book. Mr. Erskine confounds the law with the Gospel, when he says-"It appears to me that the difference between the law and the gospel consists more in man's reception and interpretation of God's communications than in any real difference between the communications themselves." He seems to strike at the root of the atonement of Christ, in his explanation of the apostle's words in the 3rd chapter to the Romans, by representing the "propitiation" as consisting in "a trust exercised by Christ, in offering up or shedding his own blood, that is, by committing himself with filial confidence to his Father's leading, through sorrow and death, as an example of the righteousness to which he calls us, according to which, God is just, whilst he acknowledges the righteousness of the man who has the trust of Jesus, that is, who has the same trust that Jesus had!!"

His views of election may be gathered from the following passage:-"When we see the two natures, of flesh and Spirit, so in every man that he may join himself to either of them, and thus become either reprobate or elect, we see the root of the doctrine of election !" We earnestly pray that his gifted mind may be led, in all simplicity, into the truths from which he has so far wandered.

The PRESENT STATE and PROSPECTS of the WORLD and the CHURCH. By a Clergyman of the Establishment. pp. 340.

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We think the general tenour and tendency of this work to be excellent. We cannot, however, sympathise with the pious author to the full extent of his alarms. We cannot go so far with him as to regard the venerable religious Establishment," as the main pillar and ground of the truth" in these realms, or anticipate fearful evils from the diminution of the number of her bishoprics. We cannot unite with him in his sweeping censure on Protestant emigration; or say, that the emigrants, generally speaking, are unquestionably much to be blamed." We are not prepared to say, "that, in the event of judgments descending upon the country, and upon the world, there appears to be the highest degree of probability that they will be poured out exclusively on the unconverted.

On these, and on some other points, the author appears to us to push his principles too far. There is, however, throughout his work, a tone of sincerity, of earnest

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In a religious point of view, France presents a remarkable aspect. Superstition and infidelity are powerfully striving for the mastery. But besides the sincerely zealous devotees of popery and of infidelity, there appears to exist a large class of concealed unbelievers, remaining ostensibly among the supporters of their respective churches, yet heely confessing, in private, their persuasion that religion is altogether a farce and a delusion. In this unhappy and degraded number, we fear many of the priests themselves must be included. To this unsatisfactory catalogue we may add the numerous professors of "indifferentism,” who would be alarmed at being classed among decided infidels, and yet have just doubt enough of the reality of religion to reconcile them to a total neglect of its doctrines and its duties. Still, the supreme Ruler of the church universal is manifestly educing the highest good out of these deplorable evils. Mere nominal and outward religion cannot be consistent. Palpable inconsistency, especially in those who are evidently deriving worldly advantage from superstitious observances, necessarily excites inquiry. And though inquiry, when partially and heartlessly conducted, may seem to favour scepticism, we cannot doubt but that an honest examination and comparison of scriptural truth and of a deteriorated religion, must issue in the happiest results.

The amicable relations now subsisting between Britain and France, obviously impose upon us a serious responsibility, in reference to the spiritual interests of our continental neighbours. A wide and important field is clearly open to Christian philanthropy; yet such are the peculiarities of the French character, as to require singular judgment and discretion, as well as a thorough knowledge of existing circum

stances, to cultivate that field with any reasonable prospect of success. This conviction has been greatly strengthened by the interesting statements of Mr. Sheppard, who, to a just conception of the national character, and a careful appreciation of the progressive influence of public events, civil and ecclesiastical, on its actual condition, has diligently applied his acutely-observant mind in gaining a knowledge of individual character, as opportunities arose in the course of his useful journey. The benevolence and affability of our excellent author appear often to have disarmed prejudice, and to have elicited the real sentiments and wishes of his casual associates, of whatever rank or profession they were. Hence, the conversations related in these letters possess a vivid interest, and afford, we doubt not, very faithful indications of the moral and religious state of the people generally. The work also abounds in wise and practical hints, addressed both to societies and individuals; offered, indeed, with the author's characteristic modesty, yet evincing, in no small degree, that originality of thought and expansion of feeling which have pervaded Mr. Sheppard's former volumes. Two of the chapters, especially, are fraught with judicious and discriminating suggestions. One of these, containing "Hints to Travellers," we have inserted entire in our general chronicle for the present month. The other, presenting a luminous and comparative view of the societies actually engaged in the noble attempt of evangelising France, and interspersed with practical remarks of much value, will be given in our next number. We shall conclude this notice by an appropriate extract from the author's last letter:

"On the whole, whether we consider the actual state of France, in regard to religion, the great need, acknowledged even by men not under its influence, of some powerful moral agency on the mass of the population --the symptoms of a returning bias towards Christian principles, which may be collected from the experience of societies and individuals, and from the indications of literature, whether we look at the peculiar facilities of the present epoch, or back to those tokens which may be drawn from the history of a past age, or whether we contemplate the vast advantages for the revival and purification of Christianity throughout Europe, which would result from success in evangelising that country, I see not how we can fail to be impressed with new convictions, that a proportion of our prayers and contributions should be addressed to the succour of this near and important cause."

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It is a lamentable fact, as brought to light by Mr. Sturge and other independent witnesses, that grievous oppressions and cruelties are still practised in the West Indies, under the new act. We always dreaded the operation of the apprenticeship clause, and nothing has occurred under it that we did not, in some measure, anticipate. Where full freedom has been given, fewest evils, of any kind, have been the result. No one can look at the history of the stipendiary magistrates in Jamaica, without feeling that they have either been the victims of oppression themselves, or the instruments of oppression to others. As they have become the tools of the planters, they have forgotten their duties to the coloured race; and as they have been faithful to their delegated trust, they have, in too many instances, exposed themselves to the revengeful feelings of overseers or proprietors of estates. Mr. Sturge and his friend, Mr. Harvey, have, indeed, disclosed a mournful catalogue of wrongs, which cry to Heaven for vengeance on the perpetrators, and which demand redress-vigorous redressuncompromising redress from the Executive Government of this enlightened, humane, and Christian land. If we hesitate as to the propriety of fresh legislation, it is not that we think well of the apprenticeship clause, nor because we consent that these scenes should be repeated, of which Mr. Sturge so justly complains; but solely because we are induced to hope, that public opinion, and the corrective process of law, will yet reach them; and because we are satisfied that her Majesty's ministers have every wish to secure for the negro race, in our West Indian colonies, all the immunities to which they are fairly entitled under the abolition act. But should the despatches of Lord Glenelg, and such other means as the Executive may think fit to employ, in checking the unbridled cruelty of certain portions of the West Indian planters, or their agents, prove abortive, we shall be among the most determined and persevering in demanding an entire change in the state of the law, at whatever cost of labour, or by whatever excitement of the national feeling. We wait at present the result of the efforts of Government to put down the evils proved to exist; but if these efforts should fail, we pledge ourselves to do our utmost to rouse the indignancy of public feeling against the guilty oppressors of an afflicted



While we thank Mr. Sturge for the courage and self-denial he has displayed in his West Indian Mission, we are grieved to find that he has come forward as the accuser of Mr. Hankey, without, as we think, any sufficient, or even plausible pretext. If the facts, in reference to the Arcadia affair, be as Mr. H. has stated them, and his letters contain internal evidence of their truth, we think he has been very unkindly, not to say unjustly, treated by Mr. Sturge; and we mistake that gentleman's character very much, if he does not take an early opportunity of setting himself and Mr. Hankey right with the public. Between two such humane and excellent persons, we would wish to act with impartiality and kindness; but we do intreat Mr. Sturge to rectify statements much calculated to mislead and abuse the Christian mind of this country, and which we are satisfied he must have made in ignorance of the case.

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Edward Moxon, Dover-street.

The name of Thomas Pringle will be honoured by all the friends of humanity for ages to come. The noble struggle which he made for the freedom of the aboriginal tribes of South Africa, and his devoted labours at home in the cause of negro emancipation, as the Secretary of the AntiSlavery Society, entitle him to the grateful remembrance of all the wise and the good. He sunk into an early grave, leaving an amiable and attached widow to buffet with the sorrows of life, amidst innumerable privations, for which she was altogether unprepared.

The present elegant edition of her husband's poems, many of which have been pronounced by the best judges to be of high merit, has been published with a view to her benefit. And surely there are few, indeed, in respectable life, who will not be disposed to expend a guinea with a view to promote the comfort of one who, for so long a period, solaced the heart of a most devoted servant of the public; a man of genius; a philanthropist; and, we trust we may add, a sincere Christian. The volume is beautifully printed; and the sketch of Mr. Pringle's life will be truly acceptable to those who are unacquainted with his interesting career of public service. His poetry is far above mediocrity. He was a student of nature, and possessed the happy art of embodying, in graceful imagery, the feelings of early childhood and youth, and knew also how to describe the rural scenery and manners of his native land. We cannot but anticipate for this volume an ex


tensive circulation, corresponding to its intrinsic merits, and the benevolent object for which it has been published.

The POETICAL WORKS of JAMES MONTGOMERY. In Three Volumes. Royal 18mo. Longman and Co.

We have long wished to see a uniform and cheap edition of the works of the most distinguished Christian poet who now graces the annals of our English literature. That wish is now gratified to the full extent. The volumes before us, both as to size, neatness, and price, are every thing that could be wished. Since 1796, when our esteemed bard wrote his "Prison Amusements," down to the present moment, the poetic musings of Montgomery have been wont to beguile not a few of our leisure hours; and though other spirits of the age have taken a more daring flight, there have been none, of equal merit, who have so steadily pointed us to the wonders of Calvary, and the mysteries of redeeming love. Pieces we have read a hundred times, we can yet read with undiminished pleasure. There is a playful innocence about the mind of our author, which beguiles without vitiating, and interests without overwhelming. We pity the man who can rise from the perusal of his "World before the Flood;" his "Wanderer in Switzerland;" his "West Indies;" his "Pelican Island," without feeling his heart softened and improved.

Our readers are to be congratulated on the excellent likeness of the poet which embellishes our present number. He consented to sit for his portrait with the sole view of benefiting the widows of ministers receiving assistance from the profits arising from the sale of our work.

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The fair author of these volumes is the wife of the Rev. John Sandford, sometime minister of Long Acre chapel, and son of the late Bishop Sandford. She has shown herself to be possessed of no mean powers of discrimination in estimating the character of woman, in detecting her natural foibles and temptations, and in guiding her to the adoption of right principles of action. She reminds us more of Miss Hannah More than any other writer we have yet met with; and she is scarcely less acute or less elegant in urging her several trains

of thought. Her style is very correct and energetic; her views of human life are chastened and sober; and her moral and religious principles are simple and scriptural. There is no bigotry in her volumes; yet there is no shrinking from the avowal of grand truths common to all true Christians. We could wish to see these useful volumes in the hands of every young lady on her leaving school. They would aid greatly in the formation of character; in correcting current mistakes of life; in invigorating the intellect; in refining and elevating the taste; and, above all, in imparting a high tone of moral and religious sentiment to the mind.

LETTERS ON FREQUENT COMMUNION. By the late Rev. JOHN MASON, D.D., of New York. With Introductory Remarks, by the Rev. JOHN MORISON, D.D. 18mo. pp. 142.

T. Ward and Co.

The subject of these eloquent and argumentative letters is eminently deserving the attention of all the disciples of the Lord Jesus. If they unfold the doctrine of Scripture, many, yea, most of the churches are living far below the true standard both of privilege and duty. Many of our Presbyterian brethren are yet contented to celebrate the death of their Lord twice a-year; while others of them, scarce more consistent, think it enough to approach the table of their Master once every three months. Good Mr. Romaine used to have the sacrament in his church every Lord's-day; and some of his brethren in the Establishment still follow his example. The Scotch and Irish Independents have it weekly; and the English Independents once a month. The duty of all Christians is, to ascertain the mind of Christ as conveyed in the doctrine and examples of the New Testament.

The perusal of Dr. Mason's Letters cannot fail to prove a benefit, even where his conclusions are not reached. We particu larly recommend them to the candid notice of our Presbyterian brethren in the North, for whose benefit they were originally written.


1. Lectures, illustrating the Contrast between True Christianity and various other Systems. By WILLIAM B. SPRAGUE, D.D., Author of "Letters to a Daughter," "Hints on Church Intercourse," &c. 12mo. pp 374. Dinnis. This is a powerful Essay the systems contrasted with Christianity are Atheism, Paganism, Deism, Mohammedanism, Romanism, Unitarianism, Antinomianism, Formalism, Sentimentalism, and Fanaticism.

2. Oriental Customs; applied to the illustration of the Sacred Scriptures. By SAMUEL BURDER, D.D., late of Clare Hall, Cambridge, &c. Second Edition with additions. 12mo. pp. 476. Longman and Co.

3. Minutiae; or Little Things for Christ's Flock. By the Rev. J. W. PEERS, LL.D, Rector of Morden, Surrey, and of Ickleford-cum-Pirton, Herts. 12mo. pp. 372. A new Edition, much enlarged from the Papers of the Author, and re-arranged. Seeley.

4. Memoir of Mary Evill, Granddaughter of the late WILLIAM Fox, Esq., of Lechdale. Edited by the Author of "Emma de Lessau," "Sophia de Lessau," &c. 18mo. Charles Tilt.

5. Recollections of the Rev. Griffith Davies Owen, of Maidenhead, Berks. By J. K. FOSTER, Cheshunt College. 12mo. pp. 136. W. E. Painter, Strand.

6. Essay on the Nature and Perpetuity of the Ofice of the Primitice Evangelist. BY DAVID DOUGLAS, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Hamsterley, Durham. 12mo. pp. 186. Ward and Co.

7. A Legend of the Puritans; or, the Influence of Poetry and Religion on the Female Character, with other Poems. By SUSAN FISHER. 12mo. pp. 92. Simpkin and Marshall.

8. Sermons, addressed chiefly to Young Persons;

with a Sermon, and Appendix, on the benefit of Scriptural Instruction. By MATTHEW MORRIS PRESTON, M.A., Vicar of Cheshunt, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 312. W. Crofts, Chancery-lane.

9. The Dilemmas of a Churchman. By C. LUSHINGTON, ESQ., M.P. Ridgway, Piccadilly.

10. On the Law of Christ respecting Civil Obedience, especially in the payment of Tribute; with an Appendix of Notes and Documents. By JOHN BROWN, D.D., Minister of the United Associate Congregation, Broughton-place, and Professor of Exegetical Theology to the United Secession Church. Parts I. and II. Second Edition, pp. 190. Simpkin and Marshall.

11. The Fear of the Lord the Guardian of Youth, including a series of Counsels and Warnings to twelve distinct classes of the Young. By Jons MORISON, D.D., Author of "Counsels to Young Men on Modern Infidelity, and the Evidences of 18mo. Christianity," &c. &c. &c. Ward and Co.



To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine. MY DEAR SIR,-I only lately observed, in your notices to correspondents, on one of the covers of your Magazine, published a few months ago, that you had had a letter expressing surprise that nothing had appeared in your Magazine referring to the late well-known Joseph Reyner, Esq. The reason you gave was sufficient, because nothing respecting him had been forwarded to you.

On reading that notice I felt reproved, for Mr. Reyner was certainly no ordinary character, and few persons, besides his own family, had more familiar and frequent intercourse with him than I had the privilege to have, for upwards of thirty years.

When on a visit to London from Edinburgh, I think about the year 1798, I was introduced to Mr. Reyner, by his worthy partner, the late Joseph Hardcastle, Esq., who was then, and for many years after, treasurer to the London Missionary Society, and one of the most amiable, benevolent, liberal, and useful citizens in the great metropolis.

These partners came from the same part of the country, viz., in the vicinity of Leeds, and when boys were accustomed to play with each other, little dreaming that one day they should form one of the most respectable mercantile houses in the most commercial city of the world, and be leaders in producing and promoting such important institutions as were novelties in our world, and produced a new era in the history of

mankind. I refer particularly to the Missionary, Religious Tract, and British and Foreign Bible Societies. How little we know what shall be the future history of a parcel of boys, whom we see rushing from a country school-house, with great noise and hilarity of spirits. On such an occasion, I have sometimes said to myself, "Perhaps I am beholding the kernel of a Lord Chancellor, an Archbishop of Canterbury, a George Whitefield, or a Captain Cook !"

Long before Mr. Reyner became partner with Mr. Hardcastle, he was in business for himself as a general merchant, but chiefly in the cotton line, importing it from various parts of the world. At one time he sustained so heavy a loss, that he was under the necessity of compounding with his creditors, but afterwards prospering in business, he refunded to them all they had lost by his failure. I was for years intimately associating with him, without his giving me the most distant hint that God had enabled him to perform so generous and just a deed. I think the first time I heard of it was, when on a visit to Edinburgh, I was dining at Mr. Robert Haldane's, where the late Mr. Andrew Fuller, of Kettering, also dined; who, after dinner, mentioned Mr. Reyner's loss, failure, and after-prosperity in business, and then of his calling on his creditors, in his usual quiet way, saying to each, "I am come to pay my debt." On turning up their books, each generally said, "Mr. Reyner, you owe us nothing!" "But I do, for you will find in that paper," which he handed

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