Myths and Legends of the First World WarThe History Press, 8 нояб. 2011 г. - Всего страниц: 216 During the First World War, a rich crop of legends sprouted from the battlefields and grew with such ferocity that many still excite controversy today. This book is the first to examine the roots of those stories and reveal the truth. Some myths remain well-known. Did an entire battalion of the Norfolk Regiment vanish without trace at Gallipoli in 1915? Did thousands of Russian troops actually pass through England with snow on their boots? In 1914, an acute spy mania gripped the British public, who imagined that the country was brimming with German spies. Xenophobia, denunciations and attacks on dachshunds were rampant. Amazingly, there was even talk of enemy aircraft dropping poisoned sweets to kill British children. Myths such as the Angel of Mons and the Comrade in White were more innocent creations. With no radio or television, rumours of disaster were rife, and the apparition of mystical guardian spirits gave hope to the civilian population at home. Other stories, such as the so-called Crucified Canadian, and the existence of a gruesome German corpse rendering factory, were more sinister. Yet in an age of new and startling technologies such as poison gas, submarine warfare and the tank, such tales appeared believable. Using a wide range of contemporary sources, James Hayward traces the story of each myth and examines the likely explanation. Supported by a selection of rare photographs and illustrations, the result is a refreshingly different perspective on the common ‘mud and trenches’ view of the First World War, shedding fascinating new light on many curious and unexplained wartime tales. |
The Russians in England | |
Mysterious Visions and Clouds | |
The Rape of Belgium | |
Trench Myths | |
Lions Donkeys and Ironclads | |
The Hidden Hand | |
Postscript | |
Source Notes | |
Bibliography | |
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Alice Wheeldon alleged Allied Angel of Mons appeared April Arthur Arthur Machen artillery atrocity stories attack August Basil Thomson Battalion battle battlefield bayonets Belgian Belgium believe Billing Bowmen Britain British army Bryce Bryce Report Canadian soldier casualties Charles Repington Charteris circulated civilians Clark cloud commanders Comrade in White Corps corpse factory correspondent crucified crucifixion Daily Mail dead diary enemy England espionage evidence fact fighting France German agents German soldiers Haig Hidden Hand infantry Kadaver Kaiser killed later legend letter libel Lloyd George London Lord Lusitania machine gun March Maud Allan McDonagh military myth newspaper night October offered officer paper passed Ponsonby propaganda published railway recorded Retreat from Mons rumour Russian troops secret seen September 1914 sergeant shot Somme spy mania tanks Terraine Thomson told took trench trench warfare truth Turner Vera Brittain Western Front wounded Ypres Zeppelin