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Our Connexional Outlook.



DEAR MR. EDITOR,-Although there has not been time enough since Conference for the "Final Reading" to arrive here, yet I was glad to know by wire, through the courtesy of Dr. Stacey, that brethren had been duly appointed to take charge of the Australian Mission Stations.

Since writing you last, we have closed another quarter in the history of our cause, and I am pleased to be able to report that the signs of the times are in every way satisfactory. A few new members have been received during the quarter into Church fellowship, and all the services and means of grace are fairly healthy. The class is not attended as we could wish; in this we are on a level with other Methodist bodies in this city. The estimated income and expenditure submitted to the friends while you were in Adelaide is proving correct. The weekly offering is working well, and indeed the whole finances will only require steady working and judicious oversight to result satisfactorily in the future. The ladies have just realised £10 from the sale of articles made in connection with the sewing meeting. Since my last note to you, the "Young Christian's Union" has been established, by which it is hoped to supply the missing link between the school and the Church. The young friends take a lively interest in the meetings, and the Union promises to be of much service. A Band of Hope has also been started, and twenty-four names were enrolled the first night. It is intended to hold interesting meetings, services of song, recitations, &c., when deemed advisable. I expect, Mr. Editor, this is the last note you will receive from me relative to the werking of this Mission, unless I send

a report of the welcome to be afforded to Mr. Gratton when he arrives. I am pleased to be able to leave my charge here in so healthy and promising a condition, and sincerely hope that the future of this Church may be brighter than it has ever been in the past. If Mr. Gratton started on July 12, he will, all being well, arrive in Adelaide between five and six weeks from that date. I shall start for England as soon as I can after his arrival. I purpose, however, introducing him to our friends at their homes, if convenient to all parties. And now, asking an interest in the prayers of our friends, that those who are coming to Australia, and those who are leaving, may be brought in safety to the desired haven, I am, &c., MARTIN J. BIRKS.

Adelaide, July 19.

DUDLEY DISTRICT. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' CONVENTION. ON Monday, September 10, the sixth annual Conference of Sunday-school teachers in the Dudley district was held in Wesley Chapel, Dudley. There was a considerable number of teachers present, and great interest was manifested in the proceedings.

At the afternoon session the chair was taken by Mr. W. Barlow, of Per snett, an old and valued Sundayschool worker. He showed in his address that the work of Sundayschools had not been hindered, but rather facilitated by the operation of the Education Act, that the work was full of encouragement because it was clear that very blessed results had been obtained. A paper was read by the Rev. T. G. Seymour, on "Doctrinal and Catechetical Teaching in Sundayschools." It affirmed the need and usefulness of doctrinal teaching amʊng

our young people, and that this could best be given in the catechetical form. The conversation on the paper, which was opened by the Rev. J. Whitton and Mr. J. Mills, was well sustained by the Revs. H. Piggin and A. Hilditch, Messrs. While, Rogers, and Bridgewater. By all the speakers the great importance of the subject was admitted, but some thought that in many of the country schools there would be a difficulty in using the catechism unless the teachers were instructed in it; and this led the Rev. F. H. Robinson to urge the forming of classes among the teachers for that purpose. If that advice is acted upon, undoubtedly our schools will soon feel the benefit in improved teaching.

At five o'clock the Conference adjourned for tea, to which about 150 sat down, and resumed at six under the presidency of the Rev. H. Piggin, Chairman of the district. He spoke of the value of combination in promoting any given purpose, and pointed out the facilities which attend Sundayschool work, particularly in having improved buildings and the International Lessons. He referred to illustrious men who had been and were still engaged in the work-the late Lord Hatherley, Earls Cairns and Selborne-stating that in teaching the young they reflected more honour upon themselves than when dispensing justice in the name of their Sovereign.

The statistical report, read by the secretary, the Rev. F. H. Robinson, showed that in the district there are 64 schools, 1,444 teachers, and 11,816 scholars. There is a small decrease in the number of teachers, but an increase in those who are members of the Church. There is an increase of scholars, and 448 are in Church fellowship. The percentage of scholars who are members varies considerably; in one circuit it is only 1, in another as high as 10. The schools that have the largest number of converted scholars are those which have the largest number of converted teachers. The report,

which was spoken to by the Rev. C. F. Lea, was, on the whole, a favourable one, but it is evident that the circuits showing so low a percentage of scholars in the Church should use every possible means to bring their young people to Christ.


The first paper was read by Mr. F. Williams, of Birmingham, on Methods of Conducting Adult Bible Classes." The paper showed how the chief adult schools in Birminghamwith one of which the present Mayor, T. White, Esq., has been long and honourably connected-are conducted, and the method used by the reader in his own class. He proved that his method was a means of keeping his young men well together, only two or three having been lost to the school in as many years.

This subject was felt to be a highly important one, and the discussion was led by Messrs. P. Lewis and T. Manwaring. Mr. Lewis stated that the adult school at Wolverhampton, which he and others commenced not long ago with forty, now numbers no less than 350, and from illustrations he gave it has been made a blessing to many. The school is held from 7.30 to 8.30 on Sabbath mornings, and has a Savings Bank and Burial Club in connection with it. The speaker regarded adult schools as, to a very large extent, the solution of what has long been felt a difficult problem-how to retain our elder scholars:

The second paper was by Mr. C. R. Smith, of Birmingham, the subject being "The Foreign Missionary Cause in its Relation to Teachers and Scholars." The paper urged that teachers and scholars should be well supplied with missionary information, so that their interest and zeal may be sustained, and that a collection should be made in the various classes every Sunday, the amounts to be read by the superintendent, and recorded by the secretary.

Conversation followed, led by the Revs. A. Hilditch and E. J. Hope, Mr.

Hilditch pointing out the great difference between the sums contributed by the young people in several circuits as compared with others. One or two speakers thought a weekly collection would operate injuriously upon some schools, and that one monthly would be better. Perhaps so; at any rate it is hoped the suggestion will in some way be carried out, so that our Mission Fund may be more nobly sustained.

Votes of thanks to chairmen, readers of papers, speakers, the local committee, and secretary, brought a pleasant, interesting, and, I hope, very useful Conference to an end. Tipton.



BAZAAR, CONNAH'S QUAY. SOME time ago we reported the laying of the foundation-stones of the new Chapel and Sunday-school. The building, which is to seat about 500 persons, has reached the stage of having the roof covered in, and we have now to record the opening of a bazaar in support of the same movement-the second which has been held for the purpose within a very limited period. About £750 was raised by the previous bazaar and the laying of the memorial-stone in June last; the old chapel has been sold for £400, making £1,150. The new chapel will cost something over £2,000, and it was to raise another instalment of this sum that the present bazaar was held.

On Monday, Sept. 10, the interior of the assembly room bore a very gay appearance, the sides of the room being fitted up with brightly-decorated stalls, bearing fancy names. At "Ash Grove" the presiding ladies were the Misses Reney, Mrs. Wm. Jones, and Miss Marrow; at "Dee Villa," Mrs. Daniel Hughes, Miss Latham, Miss A. Vickers, and Miss Cotton officiated; at "Wepre Villa" Mrs. Wm. Garratt, Miss Garratt, Miss Carter, Miss Hughes, Miss Williams, and Miss

Rachel Jones did duty. At the sewing stall, entitled "Little Wonder," Miss Lloyd, Mrs. S. Roberts, and Mrs. G. Edwards presided; "Success" WAS under the auspices of Mrs. Richard Jones, Miss Lizzie Davies, Miss M. Vickers, Miss Alice Peers, and Miss Bessie Roberts. At "Birmingham House" the lady merchants were Mrs. Green and Miss Esther Green, while refreshments were supplied in first-rate style at a stall under the charge of Mrs. John Griffiths, Mrs. Edward Hughes, Mrs. Joseph Hughes, and Mrs. Samuel Bennett. The following ladies' names also appear in the circular as taking part in the bazaar: Mrs. J. Green, Mrs. S. Coppack, Mrs. T. Parry, Mrs. William Coppack and sisters, Miss Lloyd, Mrs. C. A. Reney, and Mrs. George Edwards.

On Monday afternoon, at the hour of opening, the Rev. E. Wainman congratulated the friends on the attractive appearance of the bazaar, and said that when he saw the display of goods he was almost lost in wonder as to how the friends could have got them there, especially when he remembered that that was the second affair of the kind. He was sure that busy fingers had been at work, and hearts had been devising liberal things, or they could not have seen what they had there that day. In passing through life we met with many disappointments, and it was well to meet them with good humour and good grace.

Mr. W. P. Storey, of Mostyn, was to have come there that day to open the bazaar, but from circumstances unforeseen he was summoned to Lon. don on Saturday evening, and consequently was not able to be present. However, their good friend, Mr. John Coppack, who took a deep interest in their undertaking, had kindly consented to step into the gap and discharge the duties which Mr. Storey was to have done.

Mr. John Coppack said he was sorry that Mr. Storey had not been able to attend, but as he had been called away

it was necessary that some one else should open that bazaar, and against his will he had been placed in that honourable position. Of course they all knew the purposes for which the bazaar had been got up. The little chapel over the way had become too small, and the friends had got it into their heads that they would have a new one. This was the second bazaar they had held for the purpose, and from what he could see on the stalls everybody had been doing their best. The cause was a good one, and he hoped it would prosper. He therefore declared the bazaar open, and trusted that a thriving trade would be carried


Mr. Wm. Reney proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Coppack.

Mr. Edward Roberts seconded the proposition, remarking that they were all doing their best in the work, and while they were doing that the Lord would bless them.

Mr. Samuel Vickers put the motion, which was carried very heartily.

The choir, under the leadership of Mr. T. Davies, then sang the anthem,

O Lord, be merciful," in very creditable style, and in conclusion the Rev. E. Wainman announced that Mr. Coppack had made a contribution of £5 to the funds of the bazaar. With such a good start as that they ought to go on and prosper.

Business was then proceeded with, and the bazaar was continued during the next few succeeding days, the total proceeds amounting to £170.



OUR opening services are now over. They were looked forward to with profound interest by the handful of loyal members here who have held to our cause through all its vicissitudes. An outsider would find it hard to form a full idea of the excitement which prevailed as the event drew

nigh. For six years the chapel

scheme was held in suspense; sometimes it seemed possible, sometimes probable, at other times impracticable. During that period the interest was intense, as the feelings swung backwards and forwards from hope to fear, and from fear to hope. When the great generosity of Mrs. Love, Colonel Sadler, R. Ferens, Esq., and others settled the question according to their wishes and prayers, the resultant joy surpassed almost all bounds. The laying of the foundation stones will ever remain fresh and fragrant in their memories; day after day the site was visited as the building was being erected; exuberant delight increased as it neared completion; times out of number did they stand at a distance from the splendid structure, on this side, and on that, to gaze with admiration and speak with pride of the situation, architecture, and workmanship; every well-wisher of our cause in the town must have witnessed these facts with pleasure, and seen in them bright promises of future


Well, at length the joyful time arrived, and we were all nervous about the opening services. What would they prove? how would they be attended? and what should we realise? These were questions which deepened the excitement as the hour drew near. A few were sanguine, but most were fearful. What could sixty members and a small congregation do? At any rate we could pray, and we did pray very often and earnestly. A few things were in our favour. First, we had secured the services of first-rate men-men of power and reputation. This gave us hope. Then the feeling in the town turned in our favour. God was working for us. People of many creeds and no creeds said, "These New Connexion people are a brave lot, and well worth encouraging; we will go and help them at the opening services." This gave us joy, and made us devoutly

grateful to heaven. Then the church itself was in a good state, peace and goodwill reigned throughout; there were no parties, no narrow-minded and acid-souled creatures, and the Holy Spirit had displayed His power in the salvation of souls. Just before Conference a grand work broke out in the Sabbath-school among the elder scholars, and this proved symptomatic and not final. It was clear that a spirit of greater earnestness had laid hold of the people, and that they were determined that prosperity should be sought. Mr. Eddon's last Sunday was characterised by rich influence and saving energy; and, had his health been equal to the task, his ministry at Middlesbrough would have been rich in fruits; the services he did conduct were quickening and strengthening. After Conference the good work spread. Souls were saved, one by one, week by week; believers were warmed up; many who had been absent from class one year, eighteen months, and even two years, began to attend again; the Sunday and weeknight congregations increased every week, and the Spirit of God was present to heal.

These circumstances were in our favour, yet there was much to cast a gloom over the prospect. The opening of the Sunday-school was a recent event, and then the attendance was small, and the collections only £1 15s. This matter was a great hindrance to the formation of very bright antici pations.

But the day came, and with it blessngs far beyond our highest expectations. Dr. Stacey preached morning and night, and the Rev. W. Whale, Baptist, in the afternoon. The chapel was four-fifths full in the morning; there was a good company in the afternoon, and at night every seat was occupied, and forms had to be put in the aisles. Dr. Stacey was at his best, and the influence was heavenly. His sermons are frequently spoken about yet. The amount taken was £15.

Would the interest continue? Would the attendances keep up? These were questions which we put to each other. Dr. Cooke had to preach on the following Thursday and Sunday nights, and his name wields a mighty influence. The first service was well attended, and great unction was felt; we seemed to be listening to one dwelling on the flowery borders of the better land, whose words exhaled the spices of the upper world. On the Sunday night every available inch of sitting and standing room was taken up. The Doctor excelled himself. The collections were £17.

On the third Sunday the Rev. W. J. Townsend was announced to preach, but could not be with us on account of severe family affliction. Our beloved president very kindly consented to fill up the breach. The sermons he gave us were stirring and useful, and the power felt while he was speaking was healthy and invigorating.

On Monday, August 6, we concluded with a great tea-meeting; 805 partook of tea, and 163 remained to the coffee supper afterwards. The public meeting was presided ever by J. J. Fox, Esq., of Batley, and able and stirring addresses were given by the Revs. T. Rider, W. Mathews, and Mr. E. P. Telford. The following is the monetary result of the opening services: First Sunday, £15; second Sunday, £17; third Sunday, £ 2s.; collection at tea-meeting, £2 10s. 1d.; the tea, £37 13s. 6d. Promises and subscriptions: T. D. Stephinson, Esq. (Willington), £5; Mr. Linklater, £5; J. J. Fox, Esq., £3 3s.; Rev. W. Cooke, D.D., £3; Rev. W. W. Howard, £3; Mr. Webber, £1 1s.; Mr. Springall, £1 18.; Mr. Smith, £1 18.; Mr. T. Henderson, 10s.; Mr.. R. Rutherford, 10s.; Mr. W. Fenton, 10s.; Rev. W. Mathews, £1; Sunday-school, £5 168. 9d.; total, £108 17s. 4d.

We have now a fair field and God's favour at Middlesbrough, and we have the greatest hopes of success.

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