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fore, thought they would begin by calling this place of worship a church, and he had no doubt that it would commend itself to the people of the neighbourhood. They had not come into that neighbourhood with the object of saying hard words against the Church of England; and as far as the various members of the Methodist family were concerned, there was no difference between them upon any point of doctrine. They differed only in Church polity. In coming there they desired to work in the spirit of love and charity; and he hoped that the blessing of the Lord might rest upon them, and upon all the other Christian churches that might come to work side by side with them in that neighbourhood.-The Rev. G. Hallett delivered an excellent and suitable address; after which the Rev. T. J. Bass, in the course of some highly interesting remarks, said that in America the churches and chapels were well attended, and their success was largely due to the manner in which they were constructed. They should make people to feel as comfortable as possible, and as much at ease in church as if they were in their own chair. In the American churches there was plenty of light. Many Sunday-schools were one story only, and the roof a great dome covered with glass. The walls were adorned with pictures, there were ferns growing, and even singing-birds about the room. Everything was done to make the place as attractive as possible. The churches were cushioned and carpeted, in addition to being warmed and well lighted. In conclusion, he trusted that the new place might prove a great blessing to the inhabitants at Cheadle Heath.-Mr. Moss and others also addressed the meeting.—Mr. and Mrs. Leigh promised to supply the Bible for the pulpit.



ON Sunday, the 29th of October, our friends here had one of the best school anniversaries they have ever held. The Rev. G. S. Hornby preached two impressive sermons, and in the afternoon gave an interesting and instructive address to the children. The collections amounted to £34, a larger sum than has ever been realised at Stapleford before at a school anniversary. On the Monday following a public tea and meeting was held, over 200 friends sitting down to tea. The tea and meeting were to further the interests of the new chapel project. At the public meeting our old and esteemed friend, Mr. F. Piggin, was called to the chair, and in a few words explained the object of the meeting. Mr. J. Harrison, who has been secretary to the trustees for a number of years, was called upon to make a statement respecting the new chapel scheme, and after stating the great difficulties with which as a Church they had to contend in former years, he told the audience that with the cash in hand and substantial promises, they had over £1,100 to begin with. Stirring addresses were delivered by our esteemed Superintendent, Rev. T. T. Rushworth, of Nottingham, the Rev. G. S. Hornby, of Oldham, and the Rev. G. W. Crutchley.

During the evening the Chairman explained more fully the object of the meeting, and told the audience that besides advocating their new chapel project, they had met to do honour to an old and tried friend. Three of the young men connected with the Church here then brought on the platform an elegant and beautiful tea and coffee service, on a splendid salver, and in a neat little address the Chairman asked Mr. J. Harrison, on behalf of the Church and congregation, to accept the present as a slight token of respect and esteem.

Mr. Harrison, who has been organist

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and choirmaster at Stapleford for forty years, expressed his surprise that his services should have met with and won the approval of the friends in such a manner, and said that during the forty years he had been connected with the choir and organ he had endeavoured to labour for the glory of God and for the advancement of His cause, and if in any way he had helped on that cause by leading the praises of the congregation, to God was the glory due. He thanked the friends sincerely for the good wishes and kindly feeling that had been shown, and hoped "that if God spared his life," still to help on the "cause of the Lord of Hosts." Other addresses followed, and an enjoyable evening was spent. We may mention that the tea realised over £20, which will be handed over to the new chapel building fund.

O. K.

BAZAAR AT BARNSLEY. ON Monday, November 20, the annual bazaar in connection with the Ebenezer Chapel, Sheffield-road, was opened by the Mayor (Ald. Brady). The articles for sale were neatly arranged upon stalls in the schoolroom. The ladies' goods stall (drapery) was presided over by Mrs. Ogden, Mrs. Goodyear, Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs. Cawley; and the young ladies' stall (drapery), by Mrs. Kitchenman, Mrs. A. Bailey, Mrs. Harral, and the Misses Fish, Vero, M. Taylor, Mollinson, and Atkinson. The refreshment stall was in charge of Mrs. Hornby, Mrs. G. Kaye, Mrs. Mollinson, Mrs. Dickenson, and Mrs. R. Taylor. Other attractions were prepared in the shape of a number of wax works arranged by Mr. A. Woodruffe, Mr. W. Robson, and Miss E. Bailey; and a magic lantern under the management of Mr. W. Sawyer. A concert took place during the evening, prepared by Misses Vero, Fish, and Kaye. The proceedings were opened with singing and prayer. The Rev. J. Ogden introduced the Mayor, who

was received with cheers. He said he was pleased to do anything for the furtherance of religion, whether it was in the hands of the Church of England or his own Church. He had no doubt they would all be glad to do without bazaars and collections if it were possible; but there was a business side of Church life. In the early chapters of the Acts of the Apostles they found that the Church was early perplexed with business matters; and part of the first business was to appoint seven men of honest report to attend to the secular side of the Church work. They might imagine how great the complexity of these men's work would be when the Church "had all things in common." He did not suppose that system lasted very long, but then, as well as afterwards, this work of the early Church would be one of a great amount of detail and perplexity. These persons of honest report were today the members and well-wishers of the Church who took charge of these perplexing details; and he supposed the ladies presiding at the stalls of that bazaar were among the number. There was just one matter he should like to refer to, and that was resorting to means that were rather below the dignity of religion to raise money for Christian work. He had no doubt they had taken a special care against that. It might be stated that the end sanctified the means; but he did not believe that doctrine, for there must be an amount of propriety observed in carrying arrangements of that kind. He hoped that the object they had in view in holding that bazaar would be realised, and that their work and services might receive the Divine blessing. He then formally declared the bazaar open. Councillor Taylor proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor for his kindness in coming to open the bazaar. He hoped they would continue to have such men for their chief magistrates. Mr. W. Bailey seconded the motion, which was heartily carried. The Mayor acknowledged the vote. The

sale of the goods was then proceeded with. The bazaar was also open on Monday and Tuesday; with the following financial result:-Teachers and Scholars' Working Society: Stall, £51 17s. 6d.; Entertainment, £3 15s. 4d., total, £55 12s. 10d. Ladies' Stall, £32 12s. Od.; Refreshments, £20, total, £52 12s. Od. Unused tickets, &c., £1 3s. 11d.; grand total, £109 8s. 3d. The concerts, we may add, were presided over by Rev. F. Elson, and considerable assistance was rendered by Miss Emily G. Mann, of Sheffield. Very great credit is due to all friends. Rev. James Ogden spoke at the close, and Rev. F. Elson declared the result. The Doxology and Benediction brought all to a close.




THE annual sermons of the above church were preached on Sunday, Nov. 19, by the Rev. B. S. Chambers, pastor of the church. On Monday, the 20th, the annual tea-meeting was held in the schoolroom, and was well attended. The public meeting after tea was held in the chapel, and was presided over by Mr. W. Tipping, of Ashton-under-Lyne, while the following took part therein: Revs. A. S. Welch (Congregationalist), B. S. Chambers, T. W. Ridley, J. Candelet, Messrs. A. Pilling, H. Atherton, W. Jenkinson, and H. Nuttall. In his welltimed and well-expressed address, Mr. Tipping said his mind at that moment went back to the first tea meeting in connection with that church, held eighteen years ago in the old chapel, now the schoolroom. He was present at that meeting as a speaker. The matter of his speech on that occasion was suggested to him by one of their esteemed ministers-the Rev. A. M'Curdy, who addressed the meeting before him. Mr. M'Curdy founded his speech on certain words, each of which commenced with the initial

letter of his own name. Following this example, Mr. Tipping spoke to that meeting about Trial, Trust, and Triumph. He told them they would have trials, but if they trusted in God rather than self they would triumph. And had it not been so? That Church had had its days of trial, but it had trusted in Him who promised help, and it had triumphed. From the old and smaller chapel they had come into that more beautiful and more spacious sanctuary. God had been with them, and they had triumphed, and he was glad to be with them in the day of their triumph. Well, as it was with the Church so was it with the individual Christian. Each one had trial, but let him trust in God and he would triumph. Turning from the past to the present, Mr. Tipping said that one thought was often present to his mind, it was, what will be the history of the Church? the power and influence of the Church in the future? He noticed many things in which these days differed from the past. Some of these things were not pleasant to contemplate. He remembered when the young men of the Church preferred the prayer-meeting and the class-meeting to any amusement or attraction which might present itself outside the Church, but now in many cases outside amusements and attractions prevailed. The cricket match or some such thing was more eagerly sought and more diligently attended than the means of grace. It should not be so, and where it was so with the young men of a Church there could scarcely be for that Church a very bright or promising future. He exhorted the young men present to remember that Christ was the centre of their true life and being, and it should be their chief delight, as it was their highest glory and most solemn duty, to serve Him, please Him, and become like Him.

Mr. Pilling gave a rousing, soulstirring address. It was like a vigorous shake, by which drowsy Christians

were awakened and set face to face with duty. When the spies returned from the promised land, the majority of them talked about giants and walled cities, and said, "We cannot go up, for the people are greater than we; behold we were as grasshoppers in their sight." This talk was cowardly and atheistic. In it God was forgotten. Caleb spake in another tone. He introduced God into the question; he said, "We are able." Young men, have courage, dare to obey God in the face of all foes and in spite of all opposition. Some men said that Christianity was to pass away and give place to a new religion, but he said, never! He wanted all to stand in the old ways and walk in the old paths.

Mr. Chambers said he was not afraid of the men who declared that Christianity was old, exhausted, and effete. With many who spake thus the wish was father to the thought. The world neither needed nor wanted a new religion. Christianity could cure all the ills that afflicted society. Already it had made a different world. It was the only power that had ever been at work amongst mankind that would inevitably prevent men degenerating in their spiritual nature and pursuits. Of agnosticism, or the atheism which made its voice heard on the platform or through the press, he had no fear. That could be met and conquered to-day, as it had been met and conquered in the past. He was troubled far more about that practical atheism which had its abode in their homes, and sat complacently year after year in the pews of their chapels, which listened to the truth and then acted as if it were not the truth. He wanted to see indifferentism driven out of the Church. That was the ism that most hindered the success of Christ's cause. We were in danger of refining away our strength. Hannibal spent one winter in Capua, and what the snows of the Alps, the suns of Italy, the treachery of the Gauls, and the prowess of the Romans combined

could not do, that winter's residence amid the blandishments and enfeeblements of Capua did. It drained the strength out of the giant and reduced him to feebleness. Thus, asks a modern writer, "Has not the Church gone to Capua, and is she not losing her strength by wintering in luxurious places?" He wanted their members to recognise the value of prayer-meetings and class-meetings-to recognise and discharge their individual responsibility. When they could present to the world the irresistible attractions of a Church united in sympathy and aim; a Church doing Christ's work in Christ's spirit, they need fear no opposition. By the cross, old in glory, bu ever young in power, they conquered.

The Rev. T. W. Ridley, in a felicitous speech, presented the address and purse of money to Mr. Taylor. Looking upon the contents of the purse, Mr. Ridley said he was tempted to envy. He knew that envy was forbidden in Scripture, but had they not apostolic authority for coveting earnestly the best gifts? The address which was executed by our friend Mr. Goodier, of Manchester, was a real work of art, and won the admiration of all. It read:


Dear Sir,-The members of the Methodist New Connexion' Church and congregation, Manchester-road, Southport, cannot permit your removal from the town without expressing to you their high esteem of your personal character, and the great value they place upon the services you have rendered to the church and school during the last ten years.

In the discharge of your duty as school secretary for two years you manifested peculiar aptitude and zeal, while as teacher in the school for seven years you showed a devotion to your great work worthy at once of warm commendation and careful imitation.

The service, however, which we specially desire to recognise and acknowledge is that which you have voluntarily rendered as organist for ten years. Here your diligence, punctuality, and ability have been most marked and praiseworthy, while your kindness and courtesy have made it a pleasure for singers, church officers, and all connected with church and school to come into contact with you. But we would not content ourselves with merely acknowledging in this address our indebtedness to you for your varied and valued services; we would at the same time ask your acceptance of a purse and twenty guineas, as an expression of our sincerest thanks and most genuine regard.

Wishing you and your dear wife and family every blessing in your new home, we remain, on behalf of church, Sunday-school, and choir, yours most cordially, B. S. Chambers, pastor of the church; Henry Atherton, society treasurer; J. F. Watkinson, society secretary; T. W. Ridley, superintendent of Sunday-school; John Turner, treasurer of school; S. Cartwright, choir-master.

Mr. Taylor seemed utterly taken by surprise. In acknowledgment, he said he was first brought to that church by their friend Mr. John Turner, of Leyland-road. With that gentleman he had worked in connection with the Manchester-road choir for some years in delightful harmony. Indeed, all through the last ten years they had known nothing of difference or disagreement in that choir. Sometimes it was said that when the devil got into a church he found his easiest way of access to be through the choir. This, however, could not be said of their choir, for a band of singers more united together or in fuller concord with each other could not be found, and this grand unity was a thing not of the present only, but of the past; it related to their whole history, and so long as it continued they must re

main what he thought they were, an excellent choir. Though he now left them, yet his affection and best wishes would ever be with them.

The usual vote of thanks brought a pleasant meeting to a close.

In connection with this meeting one remarkable circumstance is worthy of record. When the New Connexion commenced its existence in Southport, three gentlemen, well known and valued friends of the Connexion, engaged each to find £5 per year, for some years, towards the necessary expenses. At that time not one of the three had any idea that he would ever be in any way associated with the Church he thus helped to found. Years have passed, and now these three friends, Mr. Atherton, Mr. Pilling, and Mr. Jenkinson, are all resident in Southport, all took part in the meeting mentioned above, and all enjoy Sabbath after Sabbath the benefits of worship in the sanctuary they assisted to erect for others,


THE annual foreign missionary meeting was held at Portwood, Stockport, on Monday evening, November 20; tea having been generously provided by one of the friends. The chair was occupied by Mr. J. H. Burton, of Ashton. The Rev. J. Gibson, of Hurst, attended as a deputation, and there were also present on the platformthe Revs. T. J. Bass, J. F. Goodall, (Manchester), H. Parrish (Primitive Methodist); Councillors W. E. Carrington, J. Turner, and other gentlemen. There was a large attendance. After devotional exercises, the Rev. T. J. Bass read the report, which stated that, taken as a whole, the progress of the mission was satisfactory, and a cause for devout thankfulness. The total amount raised by Portwood during the year was £26 7s. By the services on Sunday in aid of the funds of the mission and by the meeting that evening £15 were raised.

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