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About Christmas, 1881, she was visited by some young friends, who sang some cheering hymns. She joined her feeble voice with theirs in singing, "Rock of Ages cleft for Me." She was much blessed, and wept for joy.

A few days previous to her death she was visited by Mrs. N-, who found her very ill, and confined to bed; so weak she could not raise herself up in the bed, but still quite sensible, and able to trust in her Saviour. She was asked, was there any cordial she desired that could be procured in the town for her. "Oh, no!" she replied. "Thanks to the Most High, I want for nothing; only for Jesus." She remained quite conscious up to the time of death, and peacefully passed away to be for ever with the Lord. S. NICHOLSON.

DIED, on Thursday, December 7, at Brighton, Mr. DANIEL GUILE, for many years an active official of the London First Circuit.

DIED, on Friday, December 8, at his home, 79, Union-road, Clapham, London S.W., Mr. W. T. SWAN, late Treasurer-Steward of the London First Circuit.

Our Connexional Outlook.

WE rejoice to say the outlook is brightening; if not universally, yet certainly on many sides the prospect is more encouraging. It has been to us a joy to report, in previous numbers of our periodical, good tidings from several Circuits, and our joy is increased in finding that the work of God is reviving in others, and in some places where it has long been drooping and chronically feeble. Our readers will find reports of enterprise in Stockport and Stapleford and other Circuits, and of a gracious revival in Barnsley; and at Ripon, where it seems like a resurrection; at South Shields, where there is a gracious outpouring of the Holy Spirit, converting many souls, and filling ministers with unspeakable joy. In the Huddersfield Circuit, too, the work is spreading; the testimony of Mr. Yeoman confirms the good news Mr. Bailey communicated in our last number, and reports further that at Berry Brow there is a gracious work going on, many souls having been converted, and old professors so quickened into spiritual life that they seem as if they had experienced a second conversion; and he crowns the whole by saying that "God is working gloriously in their midst." Mr. Gibson states that at Hirst "they are receiving new members, and souls are

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We hear of ministers meeting together in the Manchester district to strengthen each others' hands, and advance the work of God in their respective Circuits. This is the right course to pursue. Had such means been vigorously and continuously used during our whole history, we should this day have had half a million people under our ministry in England, and prosperous missions in many parts of the heathen world. This would have proclaimed and commended our principles a thousand times more effectually than all the lectures and arguments which the most gifted eloquence could produce. Salvation-the salvation of precious souls-is our proper work

and the glory of God is the supreme
end of our existence, whether as in-
dividuals or as churches. O Lord,
fill us with divine influence, and use
us for Thy glory!



In his interesting letter last month, Mr. Bailey said we were "anticipating a glorious work at Berry Brow." That expectation, I rejoice to say, has been abundantly realised. God has indeed been working gloriously in our midst. A few months ago it was resolved to hold a fortnight's special services here in November, and in the meantime many fervent prayers were offered both in public and private for their success. The services were commenced on Sunday, November 19, when the Rev. W. Yeoman, the resident minister, preached morning and evening, and took part with Mr. John Dodd, of Sheepridge, in conducting a children's service in the afternoon. Mr. Yeoman preached also on the Monday and Tuesday evenings following, the Rev. H. Piggin on Wednesday, and Mr. Dodd on Thursday. The Spirit's power was graciously manifested at each of these services, and during the week six persons entered the inquiry-room, and professed to find peace. On the second Sabbath, and for the four following nights, the Rev. D. Bailey, of Shepley, was the preacher, and night after night the saving power of God was displayed. On Thursday night no less than twenty-two persons came up to the penitent form, and were soon led to rejoice in a sense of God's pardoning love. The interest taken in the services was so great, and the results so gratifying, that we decided to continue them another week, and through the kindness of our Shelley and Shepley friends, we were able to secure the valuable services of Mr. Bailey for the purpose. Though there was a little falling off in the

attendance on some of the week nights, owing to the unfavourable weather, the good work went on, and during the week about twenty more decided for Christ. In all, upwards of seventy names have been taken, most of whom are young people, of various ages connected with our Sabbathschool, and many of them very promising and hopeful cases. Our friends have thrown themselves most heartily into these services, and not the least blessed result of them has been the quickening and intensifying of their own spiritual life. It was good to be at the Fellowship Meeting, held on the second Saturday, at which about seventy persons were present, and at the Thanksgiving Tea Meeting held at the close of the service, and to hear one and another tell in fresh and glowing, and often racy speech, what the Lord had been doing for their souls. It had been like a second conversion, so many testified. Our prayer is that the good work may still go on, and that every part of the Circuit, and every Circuit in the Connexion, may experience like "seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord." December 11.


W. Y.

OUR little church here, small as compared with some, but quite as dear to the hearts of those immediately connected with it as any church can be, has had a very gracious quickening during the last few weeks. For a long time such a work has been prayed for and hoped for, and an opportunity presenting itself, most earnestly attempted; and a very blessed work it has proved to be. Some of our friends feared that as the Rev. W. Hay Aitken was announced to conduct a fortnight's special Mission in Ripon immediately before the only time we could arrange for ours, the possible attraction of our own services would be considerably diminished. We have, however, experienced a very differ

ent result. We proposed ourselves to follow on without pause, with Mr. W. G. Reynolds as our evangelist, on November 12. Mr. Aitken's work we found had only sharpened the interest in religious efforts which the prospect of his coming had first excited. A solemn influence seemed to pervade the whole city. In this condition of things we began our mission, and the result has been such a work as has not been witnessed in Zion Chapel for more than seventeen years. Large congregations have thronged the chapel nightly, large crowds of men and women have gathered at the half-hour out-door services in the Market-square, and hardly a service that has not been followed by conversions when an aftermeeting has been held-two after-meetings on Sunday and every week-night. One service especially made an impression on the public mind. The Martinmas hiring-day brought an immense concourse of people to Ripon from all the country round. Caterers for public amusement were also in the square in great numbers. The opportunity of sowing the seed of the kingdom broadcast was too good to be lost; so we took possession of an open space, and, by the market-cross, "in spite of the din of drums, the bray of trumpets, the rattle of shooting galleries, and the confusion of the whole fair," as the Ripon Gazette had it, "Mr. Reynolds and his friends planted themselves, and held a service Hundreds of men and women were drawn together by the powerful voice and earnest words of the speaker, and for twenty minutes they listened with interest to a most thrilling declamation against vice." A more "thrilling declamation" I never listened to, nor have I ever heard a more touching appeal to sinners to have pity on their poor souls, and forsake their evil courses. Scarcely a soul of that large crowd moved away until Mr. Reynolds had done speaking, and as we walked away in procession, sing

ing, past the glaring lights and fantastic brilliance of that fair-ground, we could not but hope that impressions for good had been made which would never be erased. As you may suppose, Mr. Editor, we are all alive now, and by God's help we mean to keep so!

I give no statistics, because, though Mr. Reynolds has had to leave us, we do not consider the work by any means ended. Of practical results I could write at length. The wholeChurch has been moved to desire intensely and to work hard. God's blessing has come upon us copiously. Practical souls, who sigh for figures, will have to content themselves by considering what I mean when I say that existing class-meetings have received considerable accessions, and at least two if not three others are being formed. Praise God!

J. LEE Fox.

ZION, SOUTH SHIELDS. MR. E. P. TELFORD has just concluded a fortnight's Mission in connection with this society, which has been a great success throughout. The chapel has been filled every week-night and on the Sunday evenings. Hundreds have been unable to gain admission. Mr. Telford has all the requisites of a successful evangelist. He is a man of strong physique, he possesses an excellent voice, carefully trained for all the uses of an effective delivery; he has a large fund of thrilling anecdotes, is well acquainted with the world's many evils, and deeply convinced that the Gospel is the only lever which can elevate and save mankind; he has the courage of his convictions, he is intensely earnest, and has an experi. mental knowledge of the truths he proclaims.

The members of the Church have done their duty well, having attended the meetings constantly, and made themselves generally useful in distributing handbills, speaking to penitents, &c. When Christians are thus united

in a revival work, success is ensured. Hence, during these meetings, souls have been saved every night, and at the conclusion of the services no less than 270 had professed to find peace in Christ. It should be stated, however, that many of these will not appear in our returns as they belong to other Churches.

In this revival, young, middle-aged, and old people have been saved, thus giving fresh evidence that the Gospel has not become effete, but is now, as it always was, the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

We have had some remarkable cases of conversion. One or two are worthy of being noticed in our Connexional Magazine. The first, whose conversion was marked by special interest, came under my notice in the inquiry-room. She was in great distress of mind. I directed her attention to several passages of Scripture which have special reference to the atonement, confession of sin, repentance, and justifying faith.

We then knelt together, and I directed her in prayer, as with "strong crying and tears" she confessed her sins, and pleaded for pardon. In a short time she exclaimed, "I am trusting Jesus," and the next moment began to praise God. At my request she went into the chapel and told the people she had found salvation. Another lady came who was troubled about the littleness of her faith. I at once saw she was looking at her faith instead of looking to Jesus, and told her it was not the quantity of her faith but its quality that brought the blessing of salvation, and that if she truly repented of sin, resolved to forsake it, and trusted in Christ, she would be saved. Her difficulty was now removed. She said, "I am trusting in Jesus," and rose rejoicing in His favour. As an illustration of the strange way in which some people are brought to repentance, I might mention an old woman, who was induced to come to the services through a most

remarkable and affecting dream. She related her dream to Mr. Telford in the inquiry-room, and he made use of it on the Sunday evening following with marked effect.

In conclusion, I am happy to state that, though the special services are over, we still retain the "baptism of fire." My brother the Rev. W. H. Booker has conducted the services today. (I am writing this letter at this late hour, 11 o'clock, for I could not retire to rest until I had unbosomed my heart of its load of joy.) The chapel was comfortably filled, and after the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper we had a most lively prayermeeting. May we go from strength to strength! Amen.

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ON Saturday afternoon, Nov. 18, the foundation-stone of a new place of worship was laid at Cheadle Heath. The cause was commenced in November, 1871, when the Rev. J. Medicraft and Mr. Thomas Clarke opened an infant school on their own responsibility and at their own risk, when about 200 persons were present. Four years afterwards, on Sunday, July 4, 1875, Mr. Clarke and Mr. W. Moss commenced a Sunday-school at Cheadle Heath, when three teachers and 23 scholars in the morning, and five teachers and 51 scholars in the afternoon. Six weeks later, there were 102 scholars in attendance. Subsequently, a large dwelling-house was purchased and adapted at a cost of about £340; and on Sunday, June 25, 1876, the Grove Chapel was opened. About £100 was raised by means of collections and subscriptions, leaving a debt on the building of £245. Accommodation will be provided in the church for about 200 persons, and in the Sunday-school for 150 children. The new structure will cost about

£700. Towards this amount there has been paid and promised £245, comprising a donation of £50 from Messrs. Moorhouse and Son; Messrs. Walthew Bros., £25; Mr. Geo. Chapman, J.P., £20; Ladies' Sewing Meeting, £22 10s.; a Friend, £20; and £17 4s. 2d. collected at the stone-laying, inclusive of a donation of £10 from Mr. Moorhouse.

The proceedings on Saturday began with a procession from the Grove School-room. Among those on the ground were the Rev. W. J. Townsend (superintendent minister), Rev. G. Hallett and Rev. T. J. Bass; Mr. Councillor J. Moorhouse, Mr. S. Moorhouse, L. Escrigg, Esq., J.P., Mr. Thomas Clarke, Mr. W. C. Fleming, Mr. J. Burtinshaw, Mr. W. Moss, Mr. E. Potts, Mr. J. Henshaw, Mr. C. Crossley, Mr. C. Shore, Mr. C. Dutton, Mr. D. Prestwich, &c. A hymn, commencing, "This stone to Thee in faith we lay," was sung, Mr. William Price leading; after which the Rev. G. Hallett read the 84th Psalm, and the Rev. T. J. Bass offered prayer.

The Rev. W. J. Townsend placed in a cavity in the foundation-stone a sealed glass bottle containing copies of the Cheshire County News and Stockport Advertiser, proceedings of the last Conference, documents relating to the cause at Cheadle Heath, and containing the names of the trustees, the ministers of the circuit, &c.

Mr. T. Clarke read the inscription, and then handed the trowel to Mr. Moorhouse, in the name of the trustees.

Mr. Moorhouse thanked the trustees for the honour, and said: "I hope this place of worship, of which we now see the mere foundation, may in years to come be not only an ornament to the neighbourhood, but a blessing to the people of the surrounding district. You will understand that this building is being erected at some considerable cost. As many of you are aware, there is a subscription

list now open, and the committee will be most happy to receive any amount, however small, that any person may be inclined to give, to assist in the undertaking. He trusted that all would do their best, and he was sure they would never regret it.

A collection was made, and the ceremony closed with the doxology and benediction.

Subsequently, a tea meeting was held in the Grove Chapel, at which there was a numerous attendance. Mr. E. Potts occupied the chair, in the absence of Mr. B. Johnson, who had been expected to preside.-Mr. T. Clarke submitted a statement embodying the facts contained in the opening paragraph of his report.The Rev. W. J. Townsend said, with regard to the name of the new chapel, the general character of the structure would justify them in calling it a church. There were many reasons for calling it a church, and no reason, except old custom, for calling their places of worship chapels. The term chapel was altogether a Roman Catholic term, and belonged exclusively to Popery; it meant an appendage to a church. In the cathedral, if a person chose to have a portion divided from the remainder of the building, and an altar put in it for private use, it was called a chapel. Church was a Scriptural name altogether. He liked the term meeting-house as applied to a place of worship, and also the word church. The early Wesleyans were Churchmen in principle; they did not wish to leave the Church of England; and when they built chapels they did so as Methodist members of the Church of England; and did not wish them to be separated from that Church. In one of the last conversations he had with his venerable friend, Dr. Cooke, that gentleman said that when he went through America he never heard the name of chapel, and there was no reason why they should continue to call their places of worship in this country chapels. The trustees, there

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