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quarter are every way satisfactory, and I believe they will be equally so in the future. We have adopted the weekly offering system in its proper and systematic form, and it promises to answer admirably. The friends take a warmer interest in the affairs of the Church, and will do what they can to secure the desired success. The congregations are slightly better than they were, and there is more to encourage our hopes at the present time than there has ever been in the past. Had we not started afresh on another and a better basis, I fear we should have had to close our cause in Adelaide. In our judgment, to do so now is out of the question. The cause is well organ. ised, and at last the minister is freed from the necessity of being the treasurer to all the funds. I hope the Conference will be able to secure the services of a suitable minister to come out immediately after its next sitting. We are constantly suffering much in consequence of the removal of friends, but in a new country like this we must expect to suffer in this way, in common with other Churches.

The Conference will soon be here, and I hope and pray that the brethren, ministerial and lay, who may be permitted to be present thereat, may have to rejoice over another year's pros perity vouchsafed to our beloved denomination. Yours very truly, MARTIN J. BIRKS. Adelaide, South Australia. March 24, 1883.


DEAR MR. EDITOR,-The following paragraph is from one of the Adelaide daily papers :

"The teachers and scholars of the Sunday-school in connection with the Methodist New Connexion Church, Franklin-street, held their annual picnic on Easter Monday. They were conveyed to the grounds of Mr. Bagshaw, at Goodwood, by tram-cars provided for that purpose. At 10 a.m. about 130 scholars and friends assem

bled in Waymouth-street, accompanied by the associated schools fife-and-drum band, which greatly enlivened the day's proceedings by their lively airs. The cars having been well filled by teachers, scholars, and friends, moved off to the scene of festivities. The youngsters, who were well provided with balls, football, and other means of amusement, spent a pleasant day, although the weather was not 80 favourable for outdoor gatherings as it might have been."


Rain fell heavily during the day in the city, but four miles away, although the weather was close, no rain fell to interfere with the children's pleaThe cars arrived in town about seven in the evening, and when the remaining part of the buns and sweets had been distributed, the scholars were dismissed to their homes. Our school gives prizes yearly for attendance, and the committing to memory of Scripture and catechism (Dr. Cooke's). The prizes are paid for out of the school funds, but the expenses of the annual treat are met by a collection made in the school every Sunday afternoon. We also have yearly a "Floral and Industrial Exhibition." The children bring flowers, cut and in pots; drawing, mapping, printing, writing, models, carpentry; sewing, knitting, darning, in fact, all kinds of work which girls can do, together with bread, tarts, buns, cakes, puddings, &c., all of their own making. Prizes are given for the best, purchased out of the entrance fees, &c.

On Monday, April 1, a society and congregational social tea was held, attended by a fair number of members and friends. The provisions were given by two of our members, so that the whole of the collection might be clear for the funds of the Church. After tea, the amounts raised from all sources during the quarter, with the expenditure, were read by the treasurer, and found to be every way satisfactory. At last, but for the first time, the income was more than enough to meet the outgoings. The balance in hand is such as to show that the demands upon

the treasurer will be fully met next quarter. The balance, however, will be considerably reduced, seeing that this quarter we have the proceeds of a very successful anniversary. After the accounts had been read and passed, with votes of thanks to the friends who had given the tea, the writer gave an address to the members and friends on matters touching the spiritual prosperity of our cause in Adelaide. Several brethren engaged in prayer, and thus closed a very satisfactory and enjoyable meeting, May God favour us with an increase of spiritual life and power!

Adelaide, April 2, 1883.

RICHMOND, VICTORIA. DEAR DR. WARD,-I suppose by this time, the future of our Australian Churches is practically settled, so far as their continuance or discontinuance is concerned, and from the tone of your farewell words on leaving Adelaide, I judge the verdict is for continuance. I am acting upon that supposition, and trying to push on our interest, I am glad to say, with some little encouragement just now. There has gone abroad an impression that we are to continue, and the effect is already seen in the congregations reaching the standard of two years ago, and a very considerable improvement in our finance. The scheme of allocating sittings, without a fixed charge, worked when you were here, has been started, and the result is that forty fresh sittings were applied for at the beginning of the quarter, and the voluntary contribution reached three times the amount ever paid in one quarter for seat rents. I think it will be quite possible to progress from present results, when freed from the incubus of disquieting rumours anent abandonment of the cause.

To me, a more encouraging element in our prospects than the above is an advance in our Church membership. Last Wednesday we held our quarterly

Church meeting, the members taking tea together; and we had the pleasure of receiving into fellowship six persons, of matured age and good character. The meeting was delightful in its spiritual tone. Two or three of the brethren spoke on the pleasure and profit they had found in the Church's work, and their determination to give of their best to the Lord and His cause, and all said how much good they had got by being there.

The school is also better in numbers, but I fancy the picnic on Good Friday has been the attraction to some young. sters; however, we have got them, and if we had sufficient and suitable teachers, we might keep them. I am very much exercised how to get hold of more labourers. I have talked and urged, and can now only "pray the Lord of the harvest."

All our friends continue as when you were with us, and they are asking when we are to hear from you; the memory of your visit will not soon fade away among them.

I am going to Barton on Easter Monday to attend a tea-meeting, and preach the following Sunday. I feel my hands tied in the matter. I should have liked to return the congregation and school as belonging to us at the next Conference, and my idea is to counsel the good folks formally to offer themselves, and leave it to the Conference to say if they shall be at once accepted.

I am, yours very sincerely, March 20, 1883.


ROSE HILL SCHOOL, DUDLEY. OUR school-room at Dudley being greatly in need of repair, the teachers and friends determined to raise the funds necessary for its renovation, and sought at the same time to reduce the debt on the building, A bazaar was held on Mid-Lent Monday, and was opened by our friend, Owen Wright, Esq., J.P., who gave a capital address on the admirable work being done in

the school. Mrs. Turner had worked hard with a collecting book, obtaining subscriptions mainly from sympathisers outside our own congregation, and the Dorcas stall under her care was covered with a choice selection of articles. She was aided by Mrs. Bellingham and the Misses Wright. The young ladies' stall, presided over by Mrs. Silvers and Mrs. Bodin, was similarly furnished, and did excellent service; while the refreshment stall, under the care of Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Haines, Mrs. Kent, Miss Robinson, Miss Marsh, and others, was declared to be "a picture in itself." Other willing helpers, of both sexes, contributed their share in gifts and toil; so that when the effort was over, we had obtained enough to meet the expense of renovating the room, about £90, and to pay off about £160 of the debt. This result would not be thought of very highly in some of our circuits, but with the depressed state of trade in this district we think it handsome. J. ROBINSON.

WOLVERHAMPTON CIRCUIT. We have just concluded what, for Wolverhampton, we consider a very successful bazaar effort, by which we have realised, by subscriptions and sale of goods, £400, exclusive of all expenses.

Omitting all details as to subscribers and stall-holders among our own friends here, whose gifts and labours in this matter have been most praiseworthy, special allusion should be made to the part taken in our work by several ladies from the Cheslyn Hay Circuit, who kindly provided one of the stalls, and presided over the same during the bazaar; a graceful and generous act, which merits honourable mention in this brief report, and the memory of which will abide with us for many days to come. We would heartily thank, at the same time, all the friends in the Connexion, both far and near, who have kindly rendered us help in this enterprise, some by

their subscriptions, and others by forwarding us articles for sale.

By this successful effort we have been enabled to liberate ourselves from several somewhat heavy pecuniary encumbrances, including £300 mortgage on minister's house, so that we are now in the happy condition of having no society debt at Mount Zion, no circuit debt, and a minister's house that is paid for to the uttermost farthing. Also our society income at Mount Zion has very materially improved. A little over six months ago we adopted the weekly offertory here, which has increased our society income by some £20 a quarter; and as our pecuniary position has so greatly improved, we have desired and determined to become an entirely self-supporting circuit, and at our April quarterly meeting we passed a resolution that we should ask for no further Conference grant for this circuit. Nor has improvement in money matters been our only success. We have had times of spiritual refreshing during the past year that have been delightful to witness, and that have greatly rejoiced our hearts.

The Mount Zion Sunday morning men's school is a marvel of success. Since Easter the average attendance has been about 400. The Monday evening women's school also steadily improves.

Enumerating our improvements, I name last, though probably our connexional editor will regard it as not the least, the increase in the circulation of our large Magazine and Juvenile Instructor. We have pleasure in recording the fact that the circulation of the large Magazine in this circuit is just double the number it was last year. As a circuit our outlook steadily brightens.


[EDITORIAL NOTE. The foregoing report gives the right sort of "news,' in a model manner and in due time. The writer assures us that "it is as fresh as a new-laid egg- it not having

seen a gleam of daylight either in Christian World, Christian Age, or anywhere else." This is just as we would have it, and we commend the example most heartily to all our correspondents.]



ON Saturday, February 17, a teameeting was held in Culcheth Sundayschool of so unusual and interesting a character as to merit permanent record in the pages of our magazine. The bright conception occurred to one of our most active and intelligent workers that an effort to bring together as many as possible of the old scholars, who have passed through the school during its existence of nearly a century, could not fail to result in a gathering of profound interest and great spiritual profit.

His proposal was heartily taken up by the teachers, and a working committee formed to carry out the project. All the old registers of the school were carefully gone through, no pains were omitted to ascertain who yet survived of the former scholars and to trace out their whereabouts, and a circular invitation was sent to everyone, however distant, whose address could be obtained. Advertisements appeared for several weeks in the Manchester papers requesting persons formerly connected with the school to send in their names and addresses. The vast amount of inquiry and correspondence involved in this work of tracing so many tangled threads of personal history through more than fifty changing years cannot be described, but right heartily were the difficulties faced and conquered. The following extract from the circular reflects the spirit in which the project was conceived and carried out: "We have great pleasure in reminding you of the fact that you were once connected with our school, and we trust the recollection of that early time is still a pleasant memory to you, and that you

will not be loth to avail yourself of one more opportunity of meeting with the old familiar faces. To the great majority of us life is a toilsome journey, full of peril, and it is, therefore, all the more needful that we should now and then turn aside from its dusty road, into the 'green pastures' and by the still waters' of mutual affection and personal sympathy, not forgetting the unbounded goodness of Him who has been to us all as the 'shadow of a great rock in a weary land. '"'

In response to this invitation, about 750 old scholars sat down to an abundant and well-managed tea. The scene was one never to be forgotten. The large proportion of grey heads and venerable forms, the pathetic attempts at identification between former schoolmates, who, in some cases, had not met for fifty years, the hearty greetings, the many reminiscences both grave and humorous of the old days, and the blending smiles and tears thereby evoked, all contributed to make the occasion one of both gladsome and pathetic impressiveness.

The after-meeting was commenced by the singing of the hymn, "And are we yet alive ?" announced by the Rev. J. F. Goodall, after which prayer was offered by the Rev. A. Smith. The string band which in the "good old times" led the service of praise in the old chapel was, as far as possible, reproduced for the occasion, and many old anthems and hymns set to the old tunes were heartily sung. Samuel Barlow, Esq., J.P., of Stakehill, presided, and in an appropriate address recalled pleasing memories of his connection with the schools, among which he gave a humorous account of his playing truant on the first Sunday after the Manchester and Liverpool Railway was opened, that he might see the great marvel. Our venerable friend Mr. John McNamee, the senior conductor of the school, who has laboured for over sixty

years as teacher and conductor, was selected to give a "welcome to old scholars," on behalf of the present managers and teachers, and with great feeling and propriety did he discharge his honourable task. Many cheeks were wet with tears as the old man pleaded with those who, like himself, were standing on the verge of the eternal world, to make the truths they had learned, long, long ago, in the Sunday-school, the light and inspiration of their declining age.

Mr. Wm. Trevor then explained the numerous institutions which have gathered about the school, including sick and burial clubs, savings bank, book and periodical depôt, mutual improvement society, library, brass band, &c.

Brief addresses on "Old school memories" were then given by Messrs. T. Middleton, Wm. Kenyon, whose connection with the school has been unbroken for fifty years; Alfred Andrew, C. W. May, Wm. Smith, son of the sainted John Smith, one of the fathers of the school: W. Bateman, and J. Earnshaw. Each had some pleasing personal reminiscences of the school, and all bore testimony to the great benefit they had derived in after life from the instruction and counsel then received, whilst several testified that not less valuable than the direct instruction imparted to them, had been the deep and permanent impressions made by the consistent, earnest, selfsacrificing lives of their devoted teachers.

Mr. Thos. Pollitt then spoke touchingly of "Old friends who have departed; " Mr. R. A. Pott and Mr. R. Blackwell on "Sunday-school days; " Mr. J. N. Walker on "Our present financial position;" Mr. S. Robinson on “Our present spiritual condition;" and Mr. R. Lakin on "Our future prospects."

So fully were the interest and delight sustained throughout the evening, that it was determined to adjourn the

meeting until the afternoon of the following day (Sunday), when the school was again crowded, and telling addresses were given by Messrs. M. Grayson, J. Holt, J. Turner, H. Hulme, T. Longworth, and Jas. Pollitt, all former scholars. As to the spiritual results of these gatherings they cannot be tabulated or appraised, but it is certain that many hallowed impressions were made on the hearts of those who thus met to revive dim memories, and renew pleasant associations of former times. It may further attest the interest felt in the meeting to note that, although no charge was made for tea, and not a single subscription asked for, the sum of £26 was spontaneously contributed towards the expenses by various friends.

The gratifying intelligence has been received that when the circulars reached old scholars in America, they at once arranged to hold a similar gathering on that side of the Atlantic; and on Saturday, February 24, seventeen old Culcheth scholars met for tea at Lawrence, Mass., U.S.

The following extracts from an account of the meeting furnished by Mr. John Thorpe will be read with interest: "Some of the old scholars in this city are still engaged in Sunday. school and Church work. . . Mr. Jas. Hyde, who joined the Culcheth school in 1822, has borne the burden and heat of the day as class leader, teacher, and superintendent. He is now very feeble and not able to go about much; he is like a shock of corn fully ripe... Jas. Hyde wishes to be remembered to John McNamee: he remembers him as his teacher sixty years ago: James Horrocks remembers him as his teacher fifty-eight years ago. We all realise that we still love dear old Culcheth."

May God, in his great mercy, grant that these "old scholars," now scattered far and wide, may all be gathered home at last in the Father's house of many mansions!

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