Thy tinsel bosom seems a mint A paradise, that has no stint, No change, no measure; A painted cask, but nothing in't, Vain earth! that falsely thus compliest 30 With man; vain man, that thou reliest 35 On earth: vain man, thou doat'st; vain earth, thou liest. What mean dull souls in this high measure To haberdash In earth's base wares, whose greatest treasure The height of whose enchanting pleasure Is but a flash? 40 Are these the goods that thou suppliest Us mortals with? Are these the highest? 44 Can these bring cordial peace? False world, thou liest. Francis Quarles. CXIII TO THE MEMORY OF MR. OLDHAM. Farewell, too little and too lately known, To the same goal did both our studies drive; 5 Thus Nisus fell upon the slippery place, Whilst his young friend performed, and won the race. What could advancing age have added more? ΙΟ It might (what nature never gives the young) 15 20 But mellows what we write, to the dull sweets of rhyme. But fate and gloomy night encompass thee around. 25 John Dryden. CXIV AN EPITAPH ON THE EXCELLENT COUNTESS OF HUNTINGDON. The chief perfection of both sexes joined, The example of the following, and despair; Such beauty, that from all hearts love must flow, 5 A wisdom of so large and potent sway, ΙΟ Rome's Senate might have wished, her Conclave may : Lord Falkland. CXV A PAGAN EPITAPH. In this marble buried lies If such goodness live 'mongst men, Anon. 5 ΙΟ CXVI ON THE RELIGIOUS MEMORY OF MRS. CATHE RINE THOMSON, MY CHRISTIAN FRIEND, When Faith and Love, which parted from thee never, Of death, called life; which us from life doth sever. Thy works and alms, and all thy good endeavour, Love led them on, and Faith, who knew them best, John Milton. 5 ΙΟ CXVII AN EPITAPH UPON HUSBAND AND WIFE, WHO DIED AND were buRIED TOGETHER. To these, whom death again did wed, In the last knot that love could tie. And though they lie as they were dead, And they wake into that light, Whose day shall never die in night. 5 IO 15 20 Richard Crashaw. CXVIII ЕРІТАРН. Here lies a piece of Christ; a star in dust; A vein of gold; a china dish that must Be used in heaven, when God shall feast the just. Robert Wild. CXIX EPITAPH ON COMPANIONS LEFT BEHIND IN THE NORTHERN SEAS. I were unkind unless that I did shed, Before I part, some tears upon our dead: 5 IO And stops their way with his hewed flesh, when death We that survive, perchance may end our days 15 In some employment meriting no praise; And in a dung-hill rot, when no man names The memory of us, but to our shames. They have outlived this fear, and their brave ends 20 Why drop you so, mine eyes? Nay rather pour My sad departure in a solemn shower. The winter's cold, that lately froze our blood, Now were it so extreme, might do this good, As make these tears bright pearls, which I would lay 25 Tombed safely with you till doom's fatal day; That in this solitary place, where none Will ever come to breathe a sigh or groan, 30 |