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COMPACT, violation of, in what
refpect not deftructive of its
obligation, 134, 135.
pounding, what,§.va
CONCLAVE, at Rome, animofi-
ties among the Cardinals there,
at the election of a Pope, 620.
CONFIRMATION, a Reply to a
Quære concerning it, 314. As
practifed in our church, tends
to cherish falfe prefumptuous
hopes, 315.mail
CONSISTORY, of whom compo-
fed, 618.

CONSTANTINE, a Pagan Empe-
ror, his kindness to the Chrif-
tians, 570....
people in, 286.
CONTROVERSY, a religious one
decided by King Ofwy, 579.
COPTS, a remarkable convent of,
CORRECTNESS, the term often
mifapplied, 61.
CRITICISM, an enquiry whether
the study of, has prevented the
appearance of any extraordi-
nary poetical works, 62, feq.
CRUCIFIXION, the true time of
our Saviour's, endeavoured to
be afcertained, 241-244.
CURCELLUS, his doubt con-
cerning the omnipresence of
God, 248..

CUSTOM, not to be pleaded in

favour of injuftice, 622.
CYCLOPOEDIA, new edition of,
cenfured for a particular arti-
cle, 626.


DANCINO, how improved, 109.
DANIAL de Foe, account of a
modern fcribbler characterized
under that appellation, 417-
DATURY, its meaning and uses,

DEARTH, artificial, iniquity of,
DEFAMATION, how far punish-
able in England, 17.
DEMOSTHENES, his character and

conduct, 264, 265 271.82
DESAGULIERS, his hypothefis
for accounting for the afcent
of vapours, 363.
DESCARTES, his opinion as te
the afcent of vapours, ibid.
DESPOTISM, What, 220-222.
Dew, drops of, on the leaves of
colewort, not in contact with
the plant, 383.
DISSENTERS, of all denomina-
tions, number of in London,


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DIVAN, defcription of 137, Note.
Meaning of the word, ibid.
DROPSY, fweet oil a cure for,
DRUIDS, their conduct and in-
fluence in religion and politics,
568, feq.
DRUMMOND, of Hawthornden,
his poetical character, 55.
DYDIMUS of Alexandria, his re-

markable fagacity, 245.
EELES, Henry, his attempt to ac-
count for the afcent of vapours,
EGYPT, fome good accounts of,
in the Arabic language, 249.
Why a preference due to Mr.
Norden's, ibid. Weather in,
261. Advice to travellers in,
353. Prefent civil government
of, 358. Europeans, how de-
nominated at Alexandria, 351.
ELDEN-HOLE, in the Peak, fome
account of, 597, Note.
ELECTRICITY, Profeffor Rich-
man killed by, 278. Its pro-
digious force, ibid. Difference
between its effects and those of
lightening, ibid. feq. Leffens
fpecific gravity, 366. The
caufe of the afcent of vapours,


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cifed and commended, 75-77-
ELOQUENCE, British, abufe of,

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EMBARGOS, difcuffion of their
compatibility with our confti-
tution, 528, feq.
ENGLAND, number of inhabi-
tants in, 378. Capable of main-1
taining a third more than it at
prefent does, if duely cultivat-
ed, ibid. Annual increase of
people in, 379. A fee of the
papacy, 584.
ERASMUS, refpectable mention
of, 60.

ETERNITY, of the world, a
ftrong philofophical argument
against it, 240.

ETHE, or Mores, among the an-
tient painters, requifite to all
Profeffors of that art, 163-
ETHICS, advantages of ftudying,
499, feq.

EVIL, phyfical, whether it pre-
ponderates in the world or not,

EXAMPLES, too many of, rather
perplex than explain a rule, 538.
EXPERIENCE, necessary to com-
plete a furgeon, 514.
EXPORTS from Jamaica, where-
in they confift, and valuation.
of, 34, feq.

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FANCY, the productions of, whe-
ther lefs powerful than those of
nature in moving the paffions,

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FLOWERS, and Vegetables, their
beauty and ufes, 477, feq..?
FLUXIONS, Saunderfon's, account
of, 245.
FOETUS, how nourished, 378300
FOLARD's obfervations on the
importance of maintaining a
ftrong marine force, 658, Note
His remarks on the Roman
custom of fatyrifing their Ge
nerals at their triumphant en-
tries, 659, Nete. His cenfure
of the Duke of Marlborough
for his avarice, ibid. bebinak
FRANKLIN, Benjamin, his elec

trical experiments, 379, 380.
FRANCE, faid to be as great a
lofer by the capture of her hips
as Great Britain by the lofs of
Minorca, 409.
FRENCH, character of, 458. Cau-
tion against, 459.
FULLERS-EARTH, a particular
fort, of, found near Aleppo,
Its ufes, 142.

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about the year fixty, 148.
GOVERNMENT, beft form of,
221, feq.

GRAMMATICAL Quantity, from
whence derived, 110.
GRAND defign, projected be-
tween Henry the Great, and
Queen Elizabeth, 214.
GRANITE found in uncommonly
large maffes in Egypt, 252,
345, 347.
GRAPHIC-ARTS, in a more im-
proved flate at prefent than
formerly, 162. Of advantage
to manufactures, 163. Defici-
ency in them not owing to any
want of genius in our coun-
trymen, ibid.
GRAVITY, reflections upon, 238.
-240. Specific, leffened by
electricity, 366.
GREAVES, Mr. bis account of
the Egyptian pyramids con-
troverted, 258, 260, 262.
GRECIAN Writers, though fome-
times of polite literature, 62.
GREEKS, their learning, 281.
GRONOVIUS Cenfured, 222.
GUISE, Duke of, deferts the
league, and makes his peace-
with Henry the Great, 101.
Their first interview after-
wards, 102. Dutchess of, her
character, 101.


HARRINGTON's Oceana recom-
mended, 218.

HEARING, method proposed to

restore, 375.
HEAT, whether that of the fun,
is most intense at the equator,
or at the tropics,480,feq. Cau-
fes of Heat and Cold, 478.feq.
Why they do not increafe and
decrease regularly, as the fun
approaches, or departs, 479.
HENDA NE-SEED, white, uncom-
effects of, 389.

HENRY the Great, his acceffion,
97. Changes his religion, 98.

Twice in danger of being af
faffinated, 99, 102. Stabbed
by Ravaillac, 215. His cha-
racter, 215.
HIEROGLYPHICS, whence, 112.
Egyptian obfervations on,263,
HISTORY, antient and modern,
advantages of being well ac-
quainted with, g01, 502. How
we ought to form our judg-
ment concerning it, 565, 566.
HOBBES, the pureft English wri-
ter in the reign of Charles II.
57. This affertion controvert-
ed, ibid.
HOGARTH, the celebrated pain-
ter, his contempt for copiers,
HORACE, remarks on his imper-
fections and excellencies 57
HOTEL-DIEU, at Paris, regula-
tion of, commended, 456.
HUMAN Nature, in a flate of
wildness, defcribed, 107-109.
Its ftructure remarked upon,

HUMMING-BIRD, defcription of,


JAMAICA, quantity of improve.
able land in, 32. Exports from,
34, feq. Imports thither, and
from whence, 36. Revenues,
41, feq. Salary of the Gover-
nor of, 42. Inhabitants of cha-
racterised, 42.

JANISSARY, remarkable story of
one, 352.
JAMES II. King, remains unbu-
ried, 456. Why, 457.
IDOLATRY, enquiry into the o-
rigin of, 330-333-
JEROM, cenfure of, 81. For

what, fee CHRYSOSTOM.
JESUITS, accufed of a plot a-
gainst the life of Henry the
Great. Banished the kingdom
of France, but re-established


there at the inftance of the
Pope, 163.
JEWISH traditional books, a re-
mark concerning them, 181,
IMAGINATION, what, 46, 47.
INFANTRY and Cavalry, of mu-
tual affiftance to each other,
INFIDELITY, the common peo-
ple, as well as the better fort,
infected with it, 483.
INN-KEEPERS, chargeable with
the goods of their guests, 17,
INOCULATION, not practifed by
the Turks. 281. Whence de-
rived, ibid. Anfwer to an ob-
jection to, 396, feq. Reflec-
tions on fome late attempts for
a chirurgical monopoly of,
541, feq.

INSTINCT, what, 49.
JOB, book of, Bishop of London's
differtation upon it confidered,

JOHN, St. defign of his gospel,
his perfonal character, 150
JOSEPH, his Well, in Egypt, de-
fcribed, 354, feq. his granary,
IRELAND, number of inhabitants
in, 378. Capable of maintain-
ing three times the number it
does maintain, ibid.
TRON-ORE, account of a moun-
tain of, 273.
general rule for folving, 272.
ISRAELITES, their manner of
living, marriages, education of
children, religion, &c. 33-
JUDGING, what, 51.
JUROR, what damages are reco-
verable against one who re-
ceives a bribe for a verdict, 18.
REV, 1756.



KENT, kingdom of, how con-
verted to Chriftianity, 537.
Relapfes from Chriftianity,
575, feq.
KEPLER's problem, what, 386.
KEYSLER, John George, his
birth and education, 604.
Commences his travels in the
capacity of Tutor to two
young Noblemen, ibid. His
learned acquaintance, 605.
Honours paid him in England,
ibid. Account of his writings,
606. Further anecdotes con-
cerning him, ibid-608.
KINDRED, nearness of, no ob-
stacle to matrimony, under the
Old Teftament difpenfation,
176-183. Nor under the
New, 184, feq.
KINGS and Queens betake them-
felves to monafteries, 580.
Why, 583. Become Generals
of religious Orders, 584.
KIRBY, Joshua, his Perspective
commended, 288.
KNOWLEGE, manner in which
it is acquired, 564, feq.
KNUPHIS, temple of defcribed,
415. Explanation of the
word, ib. note.

LANGUAGE, how invented, and
improved, 107-112.
LARCENY, what, and how


ifhable in England, 15.
LATIN, who the first English-
man that wrote in that lan-
guage, 581, feq.
Law, (Jewish) Bishop of Lon-

don's account of the particu-
lar end and design of it con-
fidered, 125-127.
LAWRENCE, Archbishop of Can-
terbury, flogged by St. Peter,
LEGATEE, whether, and under
Y y


what circumftances, his teftimony concerning a will can be admitted by the law of England, 12, feq. LETTERS, how invented, 112. the Author of four to the People, excused of propagating falfhoods, 411. Selfcondemned, 418. LIME-WATER, inftance of the efficacy of, in the cure of Dyfenteries, 391. LIGHT and Colours, Melvil's obfervations on, 382. LIGHTNING, method of preventing, or weakening the ftroke of, 380. LITERATURE, ftate of, in Turkey, 281.

LOCKE, Mr. advantages of ftudying his Effay on the Human Understanding, 499. Defended against Condillac, 113. LONDON, estimate of the number of its inhabitants, in 1716, 613. Of the number of cattle killed in that city, for provifions, in one year, 614. LONGINUS, the observations of, too general, and his method too loofe, 59.

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LOVE, that paffion not naturally treated by most of the Poets, 477, feq. LUCIUS,

the firft Chriftian King of Britain, opens a correfpondence with the Bishop of Rome, 570. LUKE, St. account of his Gofpel, 150. LYCOPERDON, recommended as a ftyptic, 277. LYCURGUS, obfervations on his laws, 545-548. M


MAGNESIA, procefs for ing, 387. Medical qualities of, 388. MAHOGANY, natural Hiftory of, 337.

MALLET, his poem of the Hermit, vindicated, 55. MAMMILLARIANS, an account of, 549.

MAPPS, original ones, few of, in the l'urkish dominions, 228. MARK, St. account of his Gofpel, 150.

MARRIAGES, what fort are forbidden in Scripture, 183. How affected by Civil Law, 225. MARS, orbit of, elliptical, 386. MATERIA Medica, animadver

fion on the exuberance of, 204: MATHEMATICS, attainable without the fense of fight, 245. MATRIMONY, when, and in what manner, it may be validly contracted, according to the law of England, 10, 11. Recommended, 174. MATTHEW, St. account of his Gospel, 149.

MEMNON, famous flatue of, where, and how feated, 489. Opinion of its vocal power exploded, 490.

MEMORIAL, fubftance of the Saxon to the States of Holland, relative to the Pruffian invasion of that Electorate, 635, feq. Pruffian, in answer thereto, 336-338. Another in vindication of the King of Pruffia's conduct, from the accufations of Saxony, 641643. And a third, defcribing the dangerous defigns of the courts of Vienna and Saxony, against Pruflia, 643-651. MEMORY, what, 46, feq. METHODISTS, their preaching

cencured by Dr. Warner, 483. MILITIA, objections to the late bill for, 415. Another plan for establishing, 416. MILITARY Difcipline, several obfervations on, 404,—407. Writers, feveral men. tioned,


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