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under each of which heads the Reader will find abundance of entertainment. But having faid enough in this, and my preceding Letter, to give a juft idea of the work, I fhall therefore conclude; and am,


Your very humble Servant,

The Subtil Medium proved: or that wonderful Power of Nature, fo long ago conjectured by the most ancient and remarkable Philofophers, which they called, fometimes Ether, but oftener Elementary Fire, verified. Shewing, that all the diftinguishing and effential Qualities afcribed to Ether, by them, and the most eminent modern Philofophers, are to be found in Electrical Fire, and that too, in the utmost degree of Perfection. Giving an Account, not only of the Progrefs, and feveral Gradations of Electricity, from thofe ancient Times to the prefent, but also accounting, firft, for the natural Difference of Electrical, and Non-Electrical Bodies. Secondly, fhewing the Source, or main Spring, from whence the Electri Matter proceeds. Thirdly, its various Ufes in the Animal OEconomy, particularly when applied to Maladies and Disorders incident to the human Body Illuftrated by a Variety of known Facts. Fourthly, the Method of applying it in each particular Cafe. And, lafly, the feveral Objections brought against it accounted for, and answered. By R. Lovett, of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. 8vo. 2s. Hinton.


R. Lovett has faved us the trouble of telling the Reader what he may expect to meet with in this pamphlet, the above title being a compendious Epitome of the whole performance. It will alfo be fufficient to apprife him, that whatever discoveries may be contained in it, they are not delivered in a very elegant manner. Our Author has, in his Preface, made an apology for this, and candidly owns, he has been unhappily deprived of thofe acquired abilities of polite edu'cation, &c.' And adds, that, therefore, whatever be plainly and clearly made appear, by one in fuch a fituation, will be allowed to be the effect of undisguised truth only, as depending principally on facts.' But the want of literary accomplishments is not his only defect; for tho' he feems to have delivered his fentiments with candour and fincerity, yet, at the fame time, it appears, that he is a stranger Rav. Dec. 1756

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to feveral of the common principles of the Newtonian Philofophy; and, confequently, but indifferently qualified to account for the many furprifing Phænomena of Electricity. But notwithstanding this, his book may, at leaft, be of as much advantage to Society as many others that are written in a more fcientifical, and more elegant manner; the removing thofe diftempers to which human nature is fubject, being of infinitely greater confequence than many of our moft refined philofophical fpeculations. Of this application of Electricity, Mr. Lovett has treated very fully enumerating the cautions neceffary to be observed, in order to ren der the Electrical Shocks ufeful; obviating the several ob jections made to the medicinal ufes of Electricity, and accounting for the miscarriage of the feveral attempts, of that kind, made by others. The following inftances will fhew what fuccefs Mr. Lovett has had in curing difeafes by Electricity; and we could wish they would excite others to make experiments of the fame kind, that it might be finally determined, whether Electricity may, or may not, be rendered useful in medicinal intentions.

A young Lady was very much afflicted with fits, for near feven years, which feized her without giving any warning, and threw her flat on her face; for which reafon it was dangerous to go near the fire, or even walk abroad by herself, ⚫ notwithstanding the scarce ever, excepting once, continued in that infenfible ftate fo long as a minute, and oftentimes not half fo long.

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Their returns were very frequent; fometimes twice in a day; tho' fometimes, perhaps, after beginning with a fresh medicine, he would find some relief; but nothing could be found which was likely to prove an abfolute cure, till Electricity was advised, and complied with: what rendered the cure the more difficult, was a very great coldness in her feet; and phyficians were of opinion, that the fits would not be eafily conquered, except the coldness of the feet could be firft removed: this I did not know till afterwards; but as she told me it fometimes feemed to begin in her ftomach, I was not much at a lofs to know how to convey the fire through both ftomach and head at the fame time; for, whatever be the part affected, and I have a defire to pass the fire thro'' that particular part, it is only to form a circuit, as in the manner defcribed by Experiment the fourth, and to cause that particular part to make a part of the circuit, and it is done and fince it is equal, by the fame experiment, whether the circuit be long or fhort, the most eligible way muft

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be, to have her ftand upon the wire or chain coming from the leaden coat of the condenfing-phial, and then to coms pleat the circuit, by laying another wire to any particular part of her head; by which means the fire will be conveyed to that particular part of it; for as the line of direction of the fire, is always the fhortest poffible, by always taking the nearest way, as is evident by that experiment, it may be guided to a very great exactnefs: this being the method that was taken, and the fire going thro' the feet, as well as the < ftomach and head, all feemed to receive an equal fhare of the benefit; and a compleat cure was effected, both of the <fits, and coldness of the feet; and both appearing to be conquered at the fame time.

The operation was fhocks only; and the Subtile Medium performed the circuit, from the fole of the feet, through the ◄ crown of the head.

A young Gentlewoman of the parifh of Clifton, about ten miles from Worcester, fome time after being recovered s of a fever, was feized with violent hyfterics; the effects of which were fo bad, as very foon to deprive her of both me mory and understanding; and fo continued for a confiderable time, notwithstanding the best advice of two eminent * physicians.

In this melancholy ftate fhe was brought to Worcester, to try the effect of Electricity: I told the perfon who brought her, it would be neceffary to perform the operation ahrit, in a very flight manner, left it should ftarcle her, and by that means fo intimidate her, as to prevent her coming again: but the replied, there was no danger of that, for fhe could not remember half an hour to an end.

As the head was the part affected, I guided the fire chiefly to that part, in as plentiful a manner as I well could, and caused it to pafs quite through, feveral times each day, fo long as fhe ftaid in town, which, tho' scarce a week, yet it feemed to have the defired effect; for, altho before she came to Worcester, she could not remember half an hour to an end, yet, foon after her return home, the ❝could remember the most remarkable things she saw done in • Worcester; and not only her memory, but her understand. ing alfo, returned, and the very foon became perfectly well. The operation was fometimes fhocks, fometimes drawing off fparks from the head.

Mr. Perkins, Surveyor of the roads, a year or two ago, had a flight touch of what he thought a palfey, or fomething near akin to it; for, all on a fudden, his arm drop

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ped down, as effectually as in any paralytic ftroke; but, by rubbing it, the ufe of it was again foon restored.

The fame day he had another; and in fome little time after he had a third; which ftill, after it had been well rub• bed and chaffed for a time, became fo well again, as to have the use of it, particularly at the upper and middle joint; but the lower part of it was by no means fo ftrong as before, nor could he have wrote his name, if he might have gained the Indies by doing it: after this he had a defire to try the effect of the Electric Shock; which relieved him fo effectually, as that he was very foon perfectly well again. The operation was fhocks in the arm.

The fame perfon had lately a much worse ftroke of the fame kind; all the right fide was fo affected, that he could not walk without the affiftance of two to fupport him: when it first happened he was out of town, fo that it was two or three days before he could apply for help again the fame way. After he had made ufe of Electricity two or three times, he was able to walk with the fupport of one only; and, in a fortnight, or three weeks, without any one to affift him; and foon became well again.

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The operation was performed thus Firft ftanding with his right foot on the connecting-line, coming from the condenfing phial. Then, at bringing a finger of the right-hand to the apparatus, the fhock was given, and the circuit of Æther continued from the foot, the nearest way thro' the body, to the arm, and each finger: this was feveral times repeated.'

The Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of England, to the Eighteenth Century. In two Volumes. By Ferdinando Warner, L. L:D. Rector 1 of Queenhithe. Folio, Vol. I. 11. 4s. in Boards. Of born, Payne, &c.


F Experiencé be the fureft guide to Wisdom, and if all Sciences arife from the contemplation of Nature, as most certainly they do, the progrefs of Knowlege, confidering how limited the life, the powers, and the capacities of men are, muft needs be very flow; and would be alfo very imperfect, were individuals left entirely to their own refearches, with'out means of improving one another by a communication and "comparison of difcoveries and obfervations. And altho' we



cannot boaft of abilities adequate to a thorough comprehenfion of Nature; yet, by the proportion of time allotted us, by the faculties with which we are naturally invefted, by the means of communication we enjoy, one with another, whilft alive, and of lettered converse with the dead, we have reafon to be very thankful, that our powers are fuited to our fituation, and capable of extending knowlege, fo far, at least, as to be not only fufficient for our well-being, but conducive to our amusement. Ou

The proper ftudy of mankind, is man; fays a great Poet, in one of his most philofophical works: and true it is, that a right conception of human Nature, fo as to comprehend not only wherein its dignity confifts, but also its depravity, is that bafis on which alone we can raise any just scheme of Politics, Morality, or Religion. Man, or Human Nature, as an object of contemplation, must be that fubject, which, above all others, deferves our utmost attention.

10 On other fubjects we are left to our own obfervations, and the experiments made by others; and have it in our power, by renewing our own efforts, and reiterating theirs, to afcertain the degrees of our knowlege, correct mistakes, separate the certain from the uncertain, and thus gradually enlarge the boundaries of science. But on this fubject, and this alone, we have not only all the advantages which can arise from our own application, and the affiftance of others, but such a confcioufnels of the fubject itself, and such a connection and intimacy with it, as places it not only nearer us, but in a stronger and fuller light, than any other.



True it is, however, that we cannot with hiftorical facts, as we may with philofophical enquiries, recal the events, and put them again to the teft: but we need not, therefore, be impofed upon by them. We can, and where no divine authority interpofes to the contrary, we furely ought, to reduce all human evidence to the standard of probability. We know the extent of human power, its adventitious aids, the manners of men, the course of providence, the turns and accidents that may happen; all these we know, not only by our own experience in present times, but by the concurrent report of the best and wifeft men, who have tranfmitted to us the history of former ages; and we find human abilities, and propenfities, fo much the fame, and Providence fo regular and uniform, that all ac counts too much magnifying the one, or diverfifying the other, may juftly appear romantic and fabulous; efpecially when 003



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