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Half of this was directed to be taken immediately, drinking after it a cup of brandy; and the other half in fix hours after. The confequence was, that after the firft dofe, her ftomach


more convulfed, and fhe was in general much better. By a more frequent repetition of the fame medicine, in larger a profufe fweat was obtained, which continued for two days, and by the 4th of December the patient was able to go abroad. But may not a medical critic be inclined 'to afk, How are we to be affured, that the diforder here defcribed was really the gout in the ftomach, feeing most of the symptoms are perfectly hysterical? And again, it may be enquired, What fhare of merit ought to be allowed the cinnabar ing the above compofition?mos & polad otel odr 6 ▲ ic basher

Art. 13. An account of an uncommon effect of antimonial Wine, by Dr. James Walker, Surgeon, and Agent for the Navy, at Edinburgh grit of roigts to and alemiyor ol Dr. Walker having, on account of a cold, ordered fome whey to be made for himself, the antimonial wine, inftead of Lisbon, was by a mistake, made ufe of. Of this whey he drank a full, English pint, in which was contained about a gill and a half of the wine, But inftead of producing the effect that might naturally be expected from fuch a preparation, it brought on an unusual propenfity to fleep, with a laffitude and numbness of his limbs. Two apprentices, who had who had eat th curd, were affected in the like manner ove Half an ounce of of the fame antimonial wine was afterwards found to vomit a patient very well-Query, If its combination with milk fhould be found not only to deprive the antimonial wine of its emetic quality, but even to render it, in fome degree, narcotic, may not fome useful hints be drawn from this cafe, to extend the ufe of that preparation in practice? At leaft the experiment may be fafely, tried, in proper quantities.


Art. 14. An obstinate Dyfentery cured by Lime-water; by James Grainger, M. D. Phyfician at London, Lon

After the diffemper before mentioned had, without intermission, affected the unhappy patient for upwards of twelvemonths, and had baffled all the efforts of judicious practice, it manifeftly appears to have been cured by the ufe of limewater only, in the space of fix weeks. Another inftance is alfo mentioned, where the fame medicine was equally ferviceable in the fame diforder.

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Art. 15. The anthelminthic virtue of the Wild Cabbage, or Bulgewater Tree; by the late Mr. Peter Duguid, Surgeon, in Jamaica, in a letter to Alexander Monro, fenior, M. D. and Profeffor of Anatomy.

Mr. Duguid has juftly obferved, that the writers on the dif eafes of the Weft-Indies have paid too little attention to worms; to which, especially in Jamaica, may be afcribed by far the greatest part of the maladies that occur there, in persons of fach fex, and of every age, rank, and colour. Nature, indeed, has provided that ifland with many excellent vermifuges, tho with none of more efficacy than that recommended by this gentleman, who informs his correfpondent, that he was then 'making experiments for afcertaining the dofe to patients of different ages.' But from this he was prevented by an immature, and much-lamented death. However, we fhall endeavour to fupply the loss of his communication, by mentioning the obfervations of a gentleman, who refided fome time there, and whose profeffion was phyfic: according to whom, the fafeft and most effectual way of adminiftring this remedy is in decoction, allowing two drachms of the bark, to about twelve ounces of water; to be boiled till about four ounces are confumed. The remaining liquor, after ftraining, may be fweetned to the palate of the patient. Of this, one large fpoonful is fufficient for a child of four years old, and fhould be taken two or three times a day.

Art. 16. The defcription of a monftrous Foetus; by Mr. John Mowat, Surgeon, at Langholm, in a letter to Alexander Monro, fenior, M. D. &.

Art. 17. The Diffection of the fame Monster, continued by Alex ander Monro, junior, M. D. and Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh.

Art. 18. Bones found in the Ovarium of a Woman, by Dr. George Young and communicated to the Society by Dr. John Bofwell, Fellow of the royal College of Phyficians, in Edinburgh. The three articles above-mentioned, are illuftrated by plates, without feeing which, any extract will convey but an imperfect idea of the feveral fubjects.

Art. 19. Proofs of the Contiguity of the Lungs and Pleura; by Alexander Monro, Jenior, M. D. &c.

This ingenious Anatomist here directs the following as easier methods of proving the non-existence of air in the thorax, than that propofed by Lieberkuhn, and practifed by Haller. 1. Dif

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'fect the teguments and intercoftal mufcles from the pleura of either a dead man, or quadruped, without wounding this membrane, in which there is no difficulty; then pull up, and • deprefs, alternately, the fternum and ribs, as often as you will, the lungs are feen contiguous all the while to the pleura; but on making a small puncture through this membrane, the lungs, if they are not grown to the pleura, which is often the cafe in the human fubject, fly from the pleura, and are no more seen.

2. This connection of the lungs and pleura, more or lefs of which is feen in moft human bodies, implies ftrongly a natural contiguity of thefe two parts.

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3. Lay bare the pleura, without wounding it, between two ribs of any living quadruped, which requires no great dexterity; and then the contiguity of the lungs and pleura < may be feen, tho' the lungs are conftantly fliding and changing place along the pleura, and tho' this membrane is in different ftates: while the creature infpires, it is concave; • during exfpiration, it is convex, and prominent outwards, for this plain reason, that while infpiration is performing, the air does not pafs fo quickly at the narrow glottis, as to fill the lungs at once with air, of denfity and weight equal to the atmosphere; and during exfpiration the air cannot escape fo faft at the glottis, as to prevent its more than or dinary condenfation and expansibility in the lungs, than the <external air has.'

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Art. 20. An account of fome Experiments made with Opium, on living and dying animals, by Robert Whytt, M. D.. F. R. S. &c. &c.


Moft of thefe experiments are cited by the Doctor in his obfervations on fenfibility and irritability againft Haller. The defign of them may be seen in our abftract of that work. Review, Vol. XIV. p. 139.

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Art. 21. The hiftory of a complete Luxation of the Thigh, in a letter to Dr. John Rutherfoord, Prefident of the Royal College of Phyficians, and Profeffor of Medicine in the Univerfity of Edinburgh by James Mackenzie, M. D. late Phyfician at Worcester.

The method used for reducing fo uncommon a dislocation appearing to us well worthy a place in a literary register, we fhall not fcruple to give it at length. After mature deliberation*, it was agreed, that in case the usual extenfion

There were four phyficians and three furgeons in the confultation, and the luxation appears to have been clearly ascertained.

• did

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did not fucceed, the vis percussionis (which is well known to ⚫ increase the force to a furprizing degree, by accelerating the • motion) fhould next be tried. In order to both, therefore, we provided a large ftrong table, of a proper length and < height, which we faftened with fcrews to the floor, and covered with fuch blankets and bolfters as we wanted; a a piece of ftrong cloth was patient's back, of fufficient length to turn up between his thighs, and pafs over his fhoulders down to the floor, where both ends were fecurely fixed, with a view to refift or coun⚫ter-act the neceflary extenfion. We provided alfo two towels of a convenient length and thickness; one of which, at the middle, was tied with a tight, but eafy, knot, above the patient's ankle, and the two ends, twisted together, were given to three strong men to hold. The other towel was, in the fame manner, fastened above the knee, and the dou⚫ble end given to three more; while the furgeons stood ready, one with his hand on the ball of the diflocated bone, to direct it into the focket; one at the knee, and another at the foot, to turn them inwards.

to laid upon the blankets, under the

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When all things were ready, the extenfion was begun in ⚫ the common method, by the towel-men; but tho' they ex❝erted their utmoft ftrength, the head of the bone was not ⚫ moved in the leaft, and their effort ferved only to increase the poor man's torture to an intolerable degree.

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Finding thus the extenfion of no fignificancy, and the ⚫ patient's courage reviving after fome refpite, the vis percuffionis was carried into execution after the following manner: the towel-men were directed to flacken their towels to a certain point, to ftand with their feet firm, their arms ftreight, and their bodies bending a little forward; and, upon a certain fignal agreed on, were ordered to pull with a vehement and quick jirk, throwing themselves back with all their might,


After every thing was in good order, and the affiftants apprifed of the nature and neceffity of the operation which they were about to perform, the fignal agreed on was at laft given. The towel-men pulled in a moment with a strong ⚫ and fudden fpring; the furgeons performed their parts dexteroufly and inftantly there was a loud crafh heard, which made one of the phyficians call out, Alas! the table is braken, but at the very moment the patient, with a thundering voice, cried, It's in, it's in, it's in. And fo it really was, for we immediately found the limb reftored to its natural pofition, length, and flexibility. The patient was put

⚫ to

to bed, and, by a proper diet and care, recovered his former health, and could walk perfectly well in three weeks. » Aft. 22. Some obfervations on the new Method of curing the Cataraft, by extracting the chrystalline humour; by Thomas Young, Surgeon, in Edinburgh. aw dointe Bilgind

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Mr. Young's fuccefs in fix patients, on whom he performed this operation, induces him to recommend it to further experience the manner of performing it is here accurately described and the ne and the neceffary inftruments are delineated in

a plate, oils babivorg W

Arte 23



Hernia, from the Omentum falling down into the Scrotum oby Thomas Living Stone, M. D. Phyfician at A313berdeenager b

We find nothing so very remarkable in this cafe, as to make any further mention of it necessary here.

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Art. 24. A Child brought forth at a Rent of the Belly. Extraordinary as this fact muft appear, the truth of it seems well attefted. In the fame article, Dr. Monro, fenior, has added an inftance of a child's escaping at a rent of the womb into the abdomen.


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Art. 25. A preternatural Collection of Waters in the Womb with 16sion Twins; by Stephen Fell, Surgeon, in Ulverftones

The quantity of water evacuated in this delivery, is faid to "be not less than fix wine gallons.*89 90

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Art. 26. Hiftories of tophaceous Concretions in the alimentary Canal, by Alexander Monro, fenior, M. D. &c.

Thefe hiftories, to fay the leaft of them, may ferve as proper cautions againft fuffering any indigeftible fubftances, as the ftones of fruit, &c. to pals into the ftomach,

Art. 27. Remarks on Procidentia Ani, Intufufceptio, Inflammation, and Volvules of the Inteftines; by the fame.

Several curious and neceffary obfervations on the above diforders are here illuftrated by appofite hiftories, and a drawing of a remarkable intufufception. The following we cannot but particularly recommend as generally useful premonitions : The common practice of taking fpirituous liquors, or the warm carminatives, when people feel cholic-pains, is often unlucky, and public warning fhould be given against it; for tho' relief is found from fuch things in the windy or fpafmodic cholics, which is not a deadly difeafe, yet they hurry on the inflammatory ones fo faft, that they foon prove



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