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CRAWFORD COUNTY-Our Institute, held this fall, was one of the best ever held in the county. We organized permanently a semi-annual Institute for the county, and intend to accomplish more next year than we have this. Our Institute held at De Soto, in the spring, was a success. Many teachers from Vernon were present. From both Crawford and Vernon about 45 teachers attended.-M. E. MUN FORD, Supt.

ELKHORN.-To see the people and their well trained children at Elkhorn, one involuntarily turns to the school-room, which these parents support, and where these children are so well cared for. Here is to be found an ample exemplification of the character of the people in this vicinity. The rooms are as quiet, airy and well furnished as those of private houses. Tasteful engravings adorn the walls, and blooming flowers in the windows, and every available nook, all combine to teach the great lesson of a love for the beautiful. The pupils appear in the pursuit of their studies to be engaged in a labor of love. The present Principal, Prof. De La Matyr, from Mazomanie, is ably seconded by an efficient corps of lady teachers, which any of our city schools might esteem themselves fortunate in securing. Between the scholars and teachers there seems to be a perfect sympathy, and the most beneficent results cannot fail to follow from such a state of feeling. -Milwaukee News.

MR. AND MRS. HOLMES.-At the State Normal School on Friday, in view of the resignation of Prof. and Mrs. Holmes, the students of " A "class presented them with two elegant silver goblets, Master Carter making the presentation. The “B” class students also presented them with a beautiful silver pitcher, Miss Pryne making the presentation. There is universal regret among the students at the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes.-Oshkosh Paper.

We regret to announce that Rev. D. E. Holmes, Professor of Rhetoric and English studies in the State Normal School, and Mrs. Holmes, Teacher in the same institution, have resigned their positions and are about to remove to Peoria, Illinois. During their brief stay in this city Mr. and Mrs. Holmes have made many friends all of whom will regret their departure. Ill health, caused by many years of confinement in the school room, is the cause of the resignation —Ib.

KENOSHA COUNTY Our worthy County Superintendent, Mr. T. V. Maguire, has been elected, without opposition, to fill the next term of office of Superintendent. All who attended the Institute last winter, are acquainted with Mr. Maguire's promptness in doing his duty, and we say, success to him. Success to the man who walked twelve miles in order to attend one meeting, and eight miles, through deep snow, to be present at another. We predict that Mr. Maguire's course through his terin of office, will prove to be entirely satisfactory to all concerned.

Location of Teachers.-The following is the location of teachers so far as we have been able to learn: Mr. S. M. Hart, No. 2, P. Prairie; Mr. Potter, No. 11, Somers; Mr. W. Fox, Joint District No. 10; Mr. G. F. Jordon, No. 2; Mr. Jackson, No. 1; Mr. Clarence Smith, No. 1; Mr. G. Spence, Liberty, Salem: Mr. D. H. Flett, (Winslow District); Mr. C. Leach, Wilmot; Miss Lena Ozanne, No. 9; Miss Mary Burgess, Pease District; Miss Anna Rhodes, Windmill District; Mr. P. R. Barnes, No. 5.

ST. CROIX COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AND MILITARY ACADEMY.-This institution, located at Hudson, is in charge of Prof. J. R. HINCKLEY, as principal and proprietor. Its design is to furnish students an opportunity to prepare for business, for college, or for West Point. Such schools are much needed in the whole Northern portion of the State. Mr. HINCKLEY is the newly elected Superintendent of St. Croix county, and will, we doubt not, prove a valuable addition to the Superintendent corps.

A GOOD NORMAL DEED. The students at the Whitewater Normal School gave $185 in cash, and a box of clothing, worth twenty or thirty dollars, to the sufferers at the North.


SUPERINTENDENT POMEROY.-An intimate friend of F. C. Pomeroy, deceased, (formerly Superintendent of Schools in Milwaukee,) whose attention has been called to the obituary notice printed in the Journal, in August last, desires it to be

stated that Mr. POMEROY's religious convictions were formed after careful investigation and comparison.

Mr. F. J. TENNEY is conducting a private academy at Mt. Sterling, in Crawford county.

MRS. ZOLLER.-We are pleased to learn that Mrs. H. S. ZOLLER, formerly connected with the public schools in Racine, is still in the field, and is engaged in a private academy, at Douglas Center, Marquette county.


THE UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH celebrated its three hundred and thirty-ninth anniversary June 26.

THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA has spent $60 for drums for the use of the University cadets.

IN POLAND, last year, more scientific works were published than novels. In every other European country the reverse was the case.

A PARTY OF JAPANESE young gentlemen have passed through New York from San Francisco on their way to one of the English Universities.

THE LADY STUDENT who carried off the chemistry prize at the University of Edinburg was the highest of 240 candidates. Having been declared ineligible to receive the prize on account of her sex, Sir Titus Salt sent her £100, but she declined to accept it.

THE COPPER-PLATES for the pictures of the "Birds of America," made for Audubon, in Europe, at a cost of $100,000, were sold in New York, not long ago, as old copper. New methods for producing the same style of work much cheaper, render the use of these too costly.

THE BOSTON Transcript says that of the 808 undergraduates of Harvard College, 233 are Unitarians, 150 Episcopalians, 111 Congregationalists and Presbyteririans, 35 Baptists, 18 Methodists, 12 Universalists, 10 New Jerusalem, 7 Roman Catholics, and 32 of other denominations not ascertained.

TEACHING is essentially woman's work; she is the annointed teacher of our race. Her fine instincts give her a grace and power unattainable by man; and if she had the more cordial co-operation of parents, the broader sympathies of society, and a more generous pecuniary equivalent, the world would get the glory of a creditor-both thanks and use."-The Christian Union.

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THE oldest daily newspaper in London is the Public Ledger, started in 1759, and now merely an advertising sheet for auction sales. The oldest newspaper is the London Gazette, established in 1665, and published continuously twice a week ever since. There is a complete file of this important journal, 1665-1871, in the Library of Congress, at Washington. The Times was not founded until 1788, and then under another name.

DURING the present summer term the German University of Kiel is attended by 112, that of Jena by 336, and that of Griefswalde by 415, that of Heildelberg by 539, that of Bonn by 650, that of Munich by 1,106, that of Leipsic by 1, 803, and that of Berlin by 1,113 matriculated students. The remaining German universities are those of Breslau, Erlangen, Freiberg, Glessen, Gottingen, Halle, Konigsberg, Marburg, Rostock, Strasburg, Tubingen, Wurtzburg-in all 20.

THE CLASS LIST for the recent Cambridge examination for women has been issued for private circulation in England. After this year it will be in the power of the Syndicate to publish the list and the names of candidates. One hundred and twenty-seven candidates entered, as against eighty-four in 1870 and thirty six in 1869, when the examination was instituted. The number of candidates actually examined was one hundred and seven, and of these thirty-seven failed to satisfy the examiners. Last year the failures were twenty-one out of seventy-two. The proportion of success in the compulsory subjects is less this year than last, but in all other subjects it is greater. The " languages" group attracted many candidates, and several were successful; one lady obtains special marks of distinction in Latin, French, and German. In mathematics and in moral sciences candidates have, for the first time, earned a place in the honor classes. Five gratuities, of £5 each, have been awarded to persons engaged in tuition or preparing for that profession, and exhibitions of £34, £20, and £19 have also been awarded.

4-[VOL. II.--No. 1.]

Query Box.

We take out only a portion of the contents of the Box this month. Will our correspondents please not write on both sides of their paper for the Box?

We are desired by "Lambda," to make the following corrections to the answers in the December number:

Ans. 45. Fifth line, and following: Dividing by p, 1+
Sixth line, for 10(166) read 10(1.06) t

Ans. 49. Third line, should be, 1, 323=1, 200(1+*)2

Fourth line, -105=1+ should read 1.05=1+


x 100





[Ans." 49" is a mis


Ans. 46. Sixth line from bottom should read, let a angle abd. The following bcx sine 20° 57'

line should read tang. cfd=bc cos. 20° 57′ × sine æ


24. Is it ever Monday all over the earth at the same moment?

Reply to B. R. A.—When I gave my first answer to number 24, I did not think that you would turn the globe so as to make my answer incorrect. After reading yours, I found it necessary to give other reasons, in order to make true what I had stated the first time, viz., "It is never Monday all over the earth at the same moment." [We believe this places our correspondents all right.-EDS ]

[blocks in formation]

Putting the values of x and y, as above, and the value of x+y in eq. (3), in eq.

(b), we have, (+) (v)+20=47. (7)

Reducing (7), and transposing, we have, v1+2v3—47v2—36=0.

Factoring, (v3+8v2+v+6) (v−6)=0.

Hence v-6-0, and v=6.

From (5) and (6) we can now get the values of (x) and (y).



Second Solution. x2-y2-24. (1)

xy+x+y=47. (2)

Multiply equation (1) by 2, 222-2y2-48. (3)

And 2x2-2y2-1-47. (4)

W. E. A.

Equate (4) and (2) 2x2—2y2—1=xy+x+y.

Transpose and arrange terms 2x2-x(y+1)=2y2+y+1. Multiply both sides by 8 and add (y+1)2 to both sides, 16x2-8x(y+1) + (y +1)2=17y2 +10y+9;

And 4x-(y+1)= √17y2+10y+9;

Whence x=(y+1) ± ‡ √ 17y2+10y+9; (5)

[blocks in formation]

By transposing, expanding and uniting we get y1+2y3+24y2+142y-2,185-0. By the rule of the signs there is only one positive root to this equation, and the factors of the absolute term without regard to signs are 5 × 19 × 23, hence there can not be 4 commensurable roots. If 5 is really a root of this equation, the equation is divisible by y-5, which we find to be the case. Hence y=5 is the only possitive root, and by substituting in equation (1) we get x=7.-LAMBDA.

55. "Were the world on fire, woe worth the day." How should the indicated words be parsed?-L. A. PRADT, Glenbeulah.

I submitted the grammatical question (No. 55), "Were the world on fire, woe worth the day," to my class. At first there was a division of sentiment-some deeming "on fire" an adverbial phrase of manner, modifying the verb; while others judged it an adjective phrase, modifying the subject. This latter opinion was accepted by the class, on the ground that the state of the subiect and not the manner of the act is expressed. In regard to the word "worth," they referred to the dictionary, and found that it was derived from a Saxon word, signifying to be, and parsed it accordingly. There was a question as to its mode, whether imperative or potential. The potential was accepted. Like other elliptical expressions it may be construed differently.-A. F. N., Pewaukee.

Second Answer." On fire" is a prepositional phrase, composed of the preposition on, and the noun fire; used to show the state of the world. Worth is an irregular, transitive verb, subjunctive mood, present tense, etc.-I. W. B., Janesville. Third Answer.—The words on fire, I call a descriptive adjective, modifying world. Worth is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word, weordhan, which is now the German word werden, signifying to become. In the present sentence, therefore, worth is a verb in the imperative mood, day being in oblique case, or Latin dative. —B. R. A., Kilbourn City.

56. What is gender?

Gender is that modification of a substantive which is used to indicate sex.F. N.


Second Answer.-I see no room for argument here, if the question has reference to the English language. Gender denotes sex, or the absence of sex.—B. R. A. 57. A agrees to work at twelve dimes per day, but to pay two dimes per day for board if he was idle. At the end of twenty days he had earned as many dollars as he had worked days. How many days had he worked?

Since he received 12 dimes for each day he labored, 13 of time labored-=dollars he received, and of time he was idle dollars forfeited. Hence of time labored- of time idle-labored. Now multiply each fraction by 5, and we have


6 times days labored-one time days he was idle-5 times days he labored; hence the days he labored and the days idle are equal, or 10 each.—B. R. A.

Second Solution.-Let a denote the days he worked, and 20-r the days he was idle. If he received 12 dimes or dollars for every day he worked, then he received for a days' work 6 dollars. If he had to pay 2 dimes or doll. per day for board when he was idle, he had then to pay for 20-x idle days, 20 dollars. At the end of 20 days, he had left, after paying his board for the idle days,

6x20 dollars, which must be equal to x days. By solving the equation, we find



that x=10, the number of days he had worked.

Odds and Ends.

THE La Crosse Republican estimates that there are 2,000 women working in the fields in Wisconsin.

MISS PHELPS says there is no use quarreling with a woman, the press, a railroad company or the telegraph.

MRS. STANTON's advice about choosing a wife is: "Always look for a girl with good teeth, for the teeth are a sample of every bone in the fair one's body."

THE AMOUNT spent last year in this country for ministers, churches and missions, home and foreign, was about $8,000,000, and for artificial flowers $15,000,000. A FEW IRON NAILS placed in the vase with flowers will keep the water sweet and the flowers fresh. This from the sulphur eliminated from the plants combining with the iron.

AT A RECENT Sabbath school concert a little boy stood up to say his" piece," and forgetting the words of the text, hesitated a moment, then with all the assurance possible, said: "Blessed are the shoemakers."

CLERGYMEN IN THE UNITED STATES.-The number of clergymen in the United States is put at 91,000, and their average salary at $700, which is a tolerably small sum, considering the ordinary dimensions of a minister's family.

THE following incident was told me the other day by a resident, who vouches for the truth of it: A rat, nearly white with age, and blind, was frequently seen led to the water by a young rat, by means of a straw, of which the old rat held one end, and the young rat the other. This incident corroborates a similar statement, given by Jesse in his "Gleanings of Natural History."-Nature.

AN INGENIOUS AUTHOR asserts that the length of a man's life may be estimated by the number or pulsations he has the strength to perform. Thus allowing seventy for the common age of man, and sixty pulses in a minute for the common measure of pulses in a temperate person, the number of pulsations in his whole life would amount to 12,207,520,000; but if by intemperance he forces his blood into a more rapid motion, so as to give seventy-five pulses in a minute, the same number of pulses would be completed in fifty-six years; consequently his life would be reduced fourteen years.

THERE are in the United States no less than 13,000 professional dentists, who earn aggregate incomes of twenty-four million dollars. Their annual expenditures for materials, etc., amount to about two millions, and their aggregate officerents to three millions more, leaving nineteen million dollars as the net income of the profession. This also supports seven dental periodicals, having an aggregate circulation of twelve thousand copies. There are nine dental colleges, from which 1,807 persons have graduated; and although Europe abounds in dentists, yet dental colleges do not exist abroad.

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