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3. At this hour, lo! from their place, Myriad households seek Thy face; We adore Thee not alone

That "the Sabbath draweth on."

4. When shall earth's blest Sabbath break?
When its rest all tribes partake?
See the brightening signal yon,
"Tis that "Sabbath drawing on."

5. And when nature sinks in death,
When heaves slow and faint our breath,
Brighter thou e'er day yet shone,
Heavenly "Sabbath" then draw on.

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I. THOU who art enthroned above,
Thou by whom we live and move!
O how sweet, with joyful tongue,
To resound Thy praise in song!

2. When the morning paints the skies,
When the sparkling stars arise,
All Thy favors to rehearse,
And give thanks in grateful verse.

3. Sweet the day of sacred rest,
When devotion fills the breast,
When we dwell within Thy house,
Hear Thy word, and pay our vows;

4. Notes to heaven's high mansions raise;
Fill its courts with joyful praise;
With repeated hymns proclaim
Great Jehovah's awful name.

5. From Thy works our joys arise,
O Thou only good and wise!
Who Thy wonders can declare?
How profound Thy counsels are!

6. Warm our hearts with sacred fire;
Grateful fervors still inspire;
All our powers, with all their might,
Ever in Thy praise unite.


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1. Far from mortal cares retreating,
Sordid hopes and fond desires,
Here, our willing footsteps meeting,
Every heart to heaven aspires;
From the Fount of glory beaming,
Light celestial cheers our eyes,
Mercy from above proclaiming

Peace and pardon from the skies.

2. Who may share this great salvation?
Every pure and humble mind;
Every kindred, tongue, and nation,
From the dross of guilt refined:
Blessings all around bestowing,
God withholds His care from none;
Grace and mercy ever flowing
From the fountain of His throne.

3. Every stain of guilt abhorring,
Firm and bold in virtue's cause,
Still Thy Providence adoring,
Faithful subjects to Thy laws;
Lord, with favor still attend us,
Bless us with Thy wondrous love;
Thou, our Sun, our Shield, defend us;
All our hope is from above.

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1. MAY the grace of Christ, our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love,

With the Holy Spirit's favor,

Rest upon us from above.


2. Thus may we abide in union

With each other and the Lord,
And possess, in sweet communion,
Joys which earth can not afford.

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1. CALL Jehovah thy salvation,

Rest beneath th' Almighty's shade;
In His secret habitation

Dwell, nor ever be dismayed;
There no tumult can alarm thee,
Thou shalt dread no hidden snare,
Guile nor violence can harm thee,
In eternal safeguard there.

2. From the sword, at noonday wasting,
From the noisome pestilence,
In the depth of midnight blasting,
God shall be thy sure defense:
Fear not thou the deadly quiver,
When a thousand feel the blow;
Mercy shall thy soul deliver,

Though ten thousand be laid low.

3. Since, with pure and firm affection,
Thou on God hast set thy love,
With the wings of His protection
He will shield thee from above;
Thou shalt call on Him in trouble,
He will hearken, He will save;
Here, for grief, reward thee double,
Crown with life beyond the grave.

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1. WELCOME, welcome, quiet morning,

Welcome is this holy day;

Now the Sabbath morn, returning,
Says a week has passed away.

Let me think how time is passing;
Soon the longest life departs;
Nothing human is abiding

Save the love of humble hearts.
2. Love to God and to our neighbor,
Makes our purest happiness;
Vain the wish, the care, the labor,
Earth's poor trifles to possess.
Swift my life's vain dreams are passing;
Like the startled dove they fly,
Or the clouds, each other chasing
Over yonder quiet sky.

3. Father, now one prayer I raise Thee;
Give an humble, grateful heart;
Never let me cease to praise Thee,
Never from Thy fear depart;
Then, when years have gathered o'er me,
And the world is sunk in shade,
Heaven's bright realm will rise before me;
There my treasure will be laid.



8s & 7s.

1. SEE the clouds upon the mountains,
Rolling, rising, melt away,
Light, forth flowing from its fountain,
Pours an unobstructed ray.
2. So before Thy presence fading,
Lord, may every shadow fly;
Chase the gloom my soul invading,
With the sunbeam of Thine eye.
3. Lo! it dawns, the Sabbath morning
Streams with radiance all divine;
Sanctity Thy courts adorning,
Beautiful with grace they shine.

4. Holiness becomes Thy dwelling,
Peerless Sovereign of the sky,
Princely palaces excelling,
Pomp of earthly majesty.

5. Rise, my soul, the day is breaking,
Gladdened nature drinks the light;
From the sleep of darkness waking,
Put off all the clouds of night.

6. Take the rest this day is bringing,
Rest of all our earthly days,
Enter thou His gates with singing,
Tread the hallowed floor with praise.

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1. LORD dismiss us with Thy blessing,
Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
Let us each, Thy love possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace:
O, refresh us,
Traveling through this wilderness.

2. Thanks we give, and adoration,
For Thy Gospel's joyful sound;
May the fruits of Thy salvation
In our hearts and lives abound;
May Thy presence
With us evermore be found.

3. Then, whene'er the signal's given
Us from earth to call away,
Borne, on angels' wings to heaven-
Glad the summons to obey-
May we ever


Reign with Christ in endless day.

8s & 7s.



1. LORD with glowing heart I'll praise Thee,
For the bliss Thy love bestows;
For the pardoning grace that saves me,
And the peace that from it flows:
Help, O Lord, my weak endeavor,
This dull soul to rapture raise:
Thou must light the flame, or never
Can my love be warmed to praise.

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