Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged, Том 107

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R. Griffiths., 1825
Editors: May 1749-Sept. 1803, Ralph Griffiths; Oct. 1803-Apr. 1825, G. E. Griffiths.

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Стр. 7 - some, and trampling on the early grave of others — ' " Who would not grieve if such a man there be ? Who would not weep if Atticus were he?" But we believe there is no other age or country of the world (but ours) in which such genius could have been so degraded!
Стр. 457 - breakers — they to me Were a delight; and if the freshening sea Made them a terror — 'twas a pleasing fear; For I was as it were a child of thee, And trusted to thy billows far and near,
Стр. 385 - Singing he was or floyting all the day, He was as fresh as is the month of May. He could songs make, and well endite, Just and eke dance, and well pourtraie and write; So hole he loved, that by nighterdale (night-time) He slept no more than doth the nightingale." ' Martial exercises were blended with his anxieties of
Стр. 497 - Bianca neve è il bel collo, e '1 petto latte : II collo è tondo, il petto colmo e largo. Due pome acerbe, e pur d'avorio fatte, Vengono e van come onda al primo margo Quando piacevole aura il mar combatte. Non potria l'altre parti veder Argo : Ben si può
Стр. 456 - Yet, Italy ! through every other land Thy wrongs should ring, and shall from side to side ; Mother of arts ! as once of arms ; thy hand Was then our guardian, and is still our guide ; Parent of our religion ! whom the wide Nations have knelt to for the keys of heaven
Стр. 227 - into the pit, and there saw the play, which is pretty good.'— ' May 1st, 1667. To Westminster; in the way meeting many milk-maids with their garlands upon their pails, dancing with a fiddler before them ; and saw pretty Nelly standing at her lodgings' door in Drury-Lane in her smock sleeves and
Стр. 28 - a fund appropriated for the education of the Indian youth; and that if the red chiefs would send some of their children to that place, they should be well provided for, and. instructed in all the learning of the whites. One of the Indian orators answered by expressing the deep sense entertained of the kindness of this
Стр. 6 - Narrow'd his mind, And to party gave up what was meant for mankind —" who, -from the height of his genius looking abroad into nature, and
Стр. 63 - Man, considered in himself, is a very helpless, and a very wretched being. He is subject every moment to the greatest calamities and misfortunes. He is beset with dangers on all sides, and may become unhappy by numberless casualties which he could not foresee, nor have prevented, had he foreseen them.
Стр. 287 - utter darkness, and their portion set As far removed from God and light of heaven, , , . As from the center thrice to th' utmost pole. Paradise Lost, i. 70. Again :

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