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Et déjà de la terre on peut bien distinguer
Ses bateaux descendans qui vont s'y diriger;
Leurs rames font écho sur le bord du rivage,
Leurs quilles rudement se traînent sur la plage.
"Vous voilà, mes amis, soyez les bienvenus."
Tous se serrent les mains, tous se sont reconnus.
Les ris, les questions, la joie et l'espérance,
Tout est confusion; mais tout est jouissance.
'Heureux de se revoir, tous se sont rapprochés ;
Tous parlent à la fois, tous se sont recherchés.
Au milieu de ces cris, les douces voix des femmes
Appellent les objets de leurs sincères flammes,
Leurs pères, leurs enfans, leurs amans, leurs maris;
A tous ces noms sont joints les noms sacrés d'amis.
"Sont-ils saufs? où sont-ils ? allons-nous les entendre?
"En un jour si joyeux, que devons-nous attendre?
"D'où part l'engagement? Quel sera leur destin ?"
Elles doutent encor, quand leur sort est certain.
Mais enfin, dans leurs bras tendrement embrassée,
Chacune sur sa crainte est bientôt rassurée.'

Upon a strict comparison it will doubtless be found that in several parts of her translation Madame THOMAS has added some ideas which never entered into the head of the noble bard, while she has varied the outlines of some of his images, and in no instance has improved them. It should, however, be borne in mind that the difficulty of compressing English thought in French verse has been acknowleged by every writer who has attempted it, and it is due to Madame THOMAS to add, that her translation, upon the whole, deserves commendation.

*The reader will observe that the Index to this volume is, for the greater facility of reference, comprized under one general head.



ABDERAHMAN, sketch of

his character, 508.
Absenteeism by Lady Morgan,
421. Evils of, 424.

Abuses, public, in France, pre-
vious to the Revolution, 447.
Affections, feminine, 305.
Age, Spirit of the, 1.
Agriculture, Hayward on the
Science of, 38.

Aguero Riva, Dictator of Peru,


Aikin, Miss, her Memoir of Mrs.
Barbauld, 294.
Albemarle, Duke of, 224.
· Alcina, description of, from Ari-
osto, 498.

Alhakem I., his ferocity, 507.
Alhakem II., anecdote of, 507.
Alphonzus, a tragedy, by George
Hyde, 406.
Amadeus Victor, his resignation,
123. Repents his resigna-
tion, 124. Atttempts to re-
gain his authority, ib. Im-
prisoned by his son, ib. Death,

America, summary view of, 85.
Andes, Cordilleras of, 131. De-
finition of, 155.
Anser hyperborea, 154.
Antipathies, 533.

Appeals, absurdities of certain,


Arabians in Spain, character of,


Arabs, Histoire de la Domina-
tion des, &c., en Espagne et
en Portugal, 503.
Arabs, the, a tale, 424.


[blocks in formation]

tions relative to his mode of
breeding stock, 39.
Baillie, Miss Joanna, 308.
Balsas of the Indians, 137.
Bankes, W. J., his share in the
phonetic principle of decy-
phering the hieroglyphics,
Banks, national use of, 538.,
Baptism, Milton's opinion in
respect to, 286.
Barába, language of, 187.
Barbauld, Mrs., Miss Aikin's
memoirs of, 295.
Barrington, Lord, 359.
Bazars, eastern, 265.
Bear-garden, Pepys's visit to a,


Bedemar, Marquis, retires from
Venice, 126.

Bedford, Duke of, rancour of

Junius towards him, 358.
Bendant, his assertion in regard
to a system of classification,

Benecke's treatise on Marine In-

surance, &c., 105.
Berezina, passage of the, 416.
Bernadotte, his refusal to join
the confederacy, 413.
Bertrand de Born, 352.
Bessieres, Marshal, 420.
Biographie Nouvelle de Con-
temporains, 535.
Blight, the Black, 41. Knight's
hypothesis on, 42.

Bodin, his History of the French
Revolution. 44.
Bodin, Felix, Coup d'Eil sur
l'Histoire de la Civilisation,

Bodmer, his selection of Trou-

badour poetry, 346.
Bolivar, invitation of, to Peru ·
from Columbia, 134. As-
sumes the command, 135. His
entrance into Lima, 139.
Booker's account of Dudley
Castle, 101.

Booth, his Analytical Diction-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Charles I., extract from a letter Colnet, M., L'Hermite du Fau-

of his, 100.

Charles II., restoration of, 210.
His mistresses, ib. Drinks
the Duke of York's health,
221. His poverty, 223, 224.
Extravagance to his mis-
tresses, ib.

Charles V., Emperor, 120.
Charles VIII., 120.
Charles Emmanuel of Savoy, his
ingratitude to his father, 124.
Charlevoix, his assertion in re-
gard to the North-American
Indians, 27.
Chateaubriand, his Note on
Greece, 471.
Chaudet, his statue of Belisa-
rius, 339.

Chinese moral maxims, 197.
Chiromancy, system of, 533.
Chivalric character delineated,


Chivalry, history of, 383.
Christ, Milton's opinion in re-
spect to, 278.

Christian Doctrine, Milton's
newly discovered work on,

bourg Saint-Germain, 529.
Compasses, irregularities of the,
at Terra Nivea, 47.
Coot, the Black, method of
catching in Lorraine, 152.
Coptic language, 187.
Cordilleras of the Andes, jour-

ney across, 128.
Corsaire, Le, traduit de l'An-
glais de Lord Byron, par Ma-
dame Lucile Thomas, 539.
Council of Ten, 126.
Court-Guide, the, 463.
Coventry, Mr., his Inquiry rela-
tive to Junius, 354.
Cromwell, Oliver, 100. Hang-
ing of, 218. Description of
his dissolving the Parliament,

Crusaders, Tales of, 161.
Crystallography, new system of,
146, 147.

Cumberland, his observations
relative to Lord George Sack-
ville, 357.

Curr, his account of Van Die-
men's Land, 83.
Oo 2


Curwen, Mr., his opinion in re-
spect to the use of salt as a
manure, 330.


Dacre, Reverend B., his testi-
monies of salt being used as
a manure, 328.
Damascus, description of, 264.
Danton, conduct of, 452.

Daru, his work on Italy, 127.
Davis, his edition of Chinese
Morai Maxims, 197.
Dead Sea, Buckingham's re-
marks on the, 263.
Deism, the Quakers of America,

fears in respect to, 36.
Denman, Thomas, a pupil of
Mrs. Barbauld, 299.
Deputy-Speaker of the House
of Peers, 375.
Diable, Diplomate, par un an-
cien Ministre, 475.
Dictionnaire, Infernal, par J. A.

S. Collin de Plancy, 531.
Dietmar of Ast, a poem of, 349.
Discourse, Inaugural, Brough-
am's, 71.

Divorce, Milton's opinion in re-
spect to, 284.
Doria, Andrew, 121.
D'Ossuna, Duke of, his conduct
at Venice, 125. His death,

[blocks in formation]


Education, offer of the North-
American Indians to educate
twelve Europeans, 29.

in London, remarks

on, 382.
Elizabeth Farnese, her views on
some of the Italian provinces,
England, Historical and Literary
Tour of a Foreigner in, 333.
Baron de Staël's Letters on,
460. Remarks on the causes
of its prosperity, 461.
Enthusiasm, use of, in great en-
terprizes, 33.

Esteban, Don, Memoirs of, 398.
Esquimaux, their surprise at
seeing some pigs and ponies,

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