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NOTE,-Many of the Hymns here assigned to particular seasons or occasions

may also be used appropriately at other times.

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Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace,
Thy welcome shall proclaim;
And heaven's eternal arches ring
With Thy beloved Name.


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WHEN Christ came down on earth of old,

took our nature poor and low;

He wore no form of angel mould,

But shared our weakness and our woe.
But when He cometh back once more,
Then shall be set the great white throne;
And earth and heaven shall flee before
The face of Him that sits thereon.

O Son of God! in glory crown'd,
The Judge ordain'd of quick and dead;
O Son of Man! so pitying found
For all the tears Thy people shed;

Be with us in that awful hour,
And by Thy crown, and by Thy grave,
By all Thy love and all Thy power,
In that great Day of Judgment save.

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