The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1949 |
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 74
Стр. 218
... Decision of the Tax Court . Petition by R. W. Semmler to review a decision of the Tax Court redetermining taxes determined by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue . Affirmed . C. F. Rothenburg , of Washington , D. C. , for petitioner ...
... Decision of the Tax Court . Petition by R. W. Semmler to review a decision of the Tax Court redetermining taxes determined by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue . Affirmed . C. F. Rothenburg , of Washington , D. C. , for petitioner ...
Стр. 226
... decision of the Board of Appeals affirming the decision of the primary examiner rejecting claims 5 , 6 and 7 , applicant appeals . Decision affirmed . Garvey & O'Connell , of Washington , D. C. ( B. F. Garvey and J. A. O'Connell , both ...
... decision of the Board of Appeals affirming the decision of the primary examiner rejecting claims 5 , 6 and 7 , applicant appeals . Decision affirmed . Garvey & O'Connell , of Washington , D. C. ( B. F. Garvey and J. A. O'Connell , both ...
Стр. 869
... decision that of a majority of the whole court . In the pres- ent case four judges do not concur in opin- ion as to the constitutional questions which have been argued . The court therefore direct these cases to be reargued at the next ...
... decision that of a majority of the whole court . In the pres- ent case four judges do not concur in opin- ion as to the constitutional questions which have been argued . The court therefore direct these cases to be reargued at the next ...
Judges | 888 |
Tables of Cases Reported | 903 |
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | 903 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
9 Cir affirmed agreement alleged amended amount appellant appellant's appellee application asserted attorney Atty bank Board of Appeals cause of action certiorari charge Chief Judge Circuit Judges Cite as 173 Civil Procedure claims Commissioner Company complaint contract corporation counsel count Court of Appeals cyclopentadiene decision declaratory judgment defendant denied disclosed dismissed District Court employees evidence examiner F.Supp fact Federal Rules fendant filed held income interest Internal Revenue invention issue Jones Act judgment jurisdiction jury KEY NUMBER SYSTEM L.Ed liability ment motion Ohio operation parties Pat.App Patent Office petition petitioner plaintiff plant prior art proceeding question reason Red Star Line reduction to practice regulation res judicata Rules of Civil S.Ct Stat statute stockholders supra Tax Court taxpayer testimony tion trial court truck trust United States Court United States District Washington Willys-Overland York York City