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But we, of all things taught an estimate,
Suspect in this some great necessity,
Lest the soul faint hereafter with the weight
Of that immeasurable felicity,

Predestinated theirs who suffer here for Thee.

E. C.

Short Notices.


What every Christian must know (Richardson and Son), by the Rev. J. Furniss, Priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, is a little penny book, which we imagine will be a real boon to those of our clergy whose labours lie among the poorest and least educated of the community. It has been compiled with a view to real use by one who has had long missionary experience; and we have reason to know that it has also received a careful theological scrutiny before it was published. The short catechism at the beginning contains the essential truths only, and in the simplest form. There is in England, and still more in Ireland, an immense mass of poor children who do not go to school, but who from their earliest infancy beg or work. For children of this description the ordinary catechisms are almost useless; they are too long to be learnt by heart, and the essential truths are necessarily so separated from one another that an illiterate child could scarcely distinguish them. Then again, we do not know of any other short and cheap, yet complete popular exposition of moral duties and sins in the English language; yet such a work is greatly needed by our poor, amongst a considerable proportion of whom may be found a frightful ignorance of moral duties, not to say an utter confusion of conscience. In the present work, the part which is headed the "Ten Commandments and Duties of particular States" is intended to meet this difficulty; it is the substance or condensation of the morality and religious principles of St. AlphonIn some matters it has been necessary to speak very distinctly, because the author and his fellow-missionaries have found from experience that, indirect expressions, which are perfectly intelligible to educated persons, are unintelligible to the poor. Lastly, the "Rule of Life" contains such asceticism as is practicable for the poor and for children. In a word, the work has been drawn as much from missionary experience as from theology; and as it is especially intended for the use of children, the style of language with which they are familiar has been adopted. We think the work is calculated to be extremely useful, and highly recommend it to the attention of our clerical readers.


We hail with extreme satisfaction every attempt on the part of our Protestant fellow-countrymen to become acquainted with the doctrines of our holy religion as they really are; and we have great pleasure, therefore, in mentioning here two works by the Rev. P. A. Buckley, viz. The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, and The Catechism of the Council of Trent (London, G. Routledge). They have been before the world for a considerable time, having been published at the time of the "papal-aggression" excitement; though they have only just now reached our hands. The author deserves great credit for having at such a time undertaken to show (to use his own words) "what Ro

man Catholicism really is, according to its own best-accredited testimony;" and he has fulfilled his task with singular faithfulness and ability. His admirable translation of the Catechism will probably command an extensive sale among Catholics. In his translation of the Canons and Decrees he had been anticipated by the Rev. J. Waterworth, whose elegant and accurate rendering of the original left nothing to desire. Indeed, we gather from the preface that Mr. Buckley would scarcely have undertaken another translation, but for his desire to publish it at a lower price, so as to secure a more extensive circulation; and with this view he has published the Canons, &c. separately from his History of the Council, whilst Mr. Waterworth has combined the two in a single volume. Mr. Buckley tells us that he puts forth these volumes in the humble hope that "a spirit of fair and temperate inquiry may be aroused in the professors of Protestantism;" a hope in which he has our warmest sympathies, and of which, if it shall be realised, we can confidently anticipate the results,-not exactly those which Mr. B. looks for, to wit, that "the firmness of the Protestants in their resistance to Rome will be increased."

We never had any respect for Mr. William Palmer, the well-known author of "A Treatise on the Church," "Letters to Dr. Wiseman," &c. &c.; and of late years his retirement to a wealthy benefice in a western county has caused us to lose sight of him altogether. A lecture, however, delivered some months since at Chideock by the Rev. R. G. Macmullen, but only now published (Palmer v. Palmer. A Specimen of High-Low-Law-Church Theological Consistency. Bridport, J. Prince), once more brings him before us: and from it we learn that he has been making most rapid progress, both in heresy and in that self-degrading style of controversy of which his letters to Dr. Wiseman furnished a sufficiently disgraceful specimen. As on the title-page of that pamphlet he described it as "A Letter to N. Wiseman, D.D., calling himself Bishop of Melipotamus," so in one of his most recent productions he talks of "two tracts written by persons of the names of Crawley and Thynne," meaning thereby two gentlemen in every way his equals, to say the least of them, who had been Protestant clergymen like himself, and now are Catholics,-the Rev. Mr. Crawley, of Leeds, and the Rev. Lord Charles Thynne, Canon of Canterbury, &c. In like manner, he begins a so-called answer to this very lecture of the Rev. R. G. Macmullen with these words: "A tract having been privately circulated amongst the Romanists of Chideock," the fact being that the book was published and sold in the booksellers' shops of the neighbouring town; and presently he continues, "I will leave you to judge whether this Macmullen can be trusted in a nunnery. He is an apostate minister." So much for Mr. Palmer as a gentleman; as a theologian, we observe that he confesses, "I have no hesitation in stating, that I am (thank God) a stronger and more consistent Protestant now than I was twenty years ago;" and the disgusting hand-bills and placards of which he has been so prolific in the course of this controversy with Mr. Macmullen furnish an amply commentary upon this text. It certainly should be an instructive warning to " High-Church Anglicans" to see that the religious opinions of one of their former champions-the author of “ A Treatise on the Church," "A History of the Church," &c.-do not now rise above the lowest level of an habitué of Exeter Hall.

The Holy Mountain of La Salette, by a Pilgrim of the year 1854 (Richardson and Son). The history of the apparition of our Blessed Lady on La Salette has from the first attracted a degree of attention in

this country not usually conceded to stories of the supernatural belonging to foreign parts; and we shall be much surprised if the present publication does not give a new and very considerable impetus both to the devotion of the faithful and curiosity of Protestants, relatively to that wonderful and most interesting narrative. We believe it is no breach of confidence to say, that it is generally understood to be from the pen of one of the most distinguished members of our hierarchy, who is known to have recently returned from a visit to France; and this alone gives it a high degree of value, independently of its own intrinsic merits. For Catholic Bishops are not given to publishing works of this kind, critically examining the evidence that can be adduced in behalf of miracles that have happened beyond the limits of their own jurisdiction; and it is not the least remarkable circumstance connected with La Salette, that it should have occupied the pen of at least three prelates, besides that of its own diocesan,-the Bishop of La Rochelle, the Bishop of Orleans, and now the Bishop of Birmingham. The English work is far more complete than either of the French brochures to which we have referred; indeed it is, as far as we know, the most complete that has yet appeared, either in our own or in any other language. It has one considerable advantage, even over M. Rousselot's invaluable volume; namely, that it brings together and arranges under distinct heads all the accumulated evidence of the last eight years, which M. Rousselot, from the necessity of the case, could only give us piecemeal, as they were successively brought to light during the intervals which elapsed between his several publications. In a word, Dr. Ullathorne's work may be said to be a compendium of all that has preceded it upon the same subject, and leaves nothing to desire. The arrangement of the contents is peculiarly clear and methodical, a separate chapter being devoted to each branch of the history-the Examinations of the Children, the Prophecy, the Secrets, the Miracles, the Curé of Ars, &c.-thereby enabling the reader to turn at once to that particular point upon which he specially desires information; and we may add, that we have found something that was new to us in almost every chapter.

A short History of Religion from the Creation of the World to the present time, with Questions for Examination, translated from the German, with additions, edited by the Rev. T. T. Fergusson, D.D. (Burns and Lambert), is a publication which will doubtless be found very useful for those engaged in the work of education. The information which it contains is so extremely condensed (the whole work not containing more than 80 pages) that a mere general outline is given, whose details we presume the teacher is intended to supply. It scarcely appears to us to be sufficiently attractive for the use of children without some such addition; as a guide to the teacher, it is very clear, precise, and serviceable.

We have so recently entered at some length into an examination of Archdeacon R. I. Wilberforce's Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, that in announcing Sermons on the Holy Communion (London, J. and C. Mozley; J. H. Parker), by the same author, we need only say that the volume consists of some fifteen discourses intended to illustrate and enforce the same doctrine from a practical and devotional rather than a dogmatic point of view. To these are appended the charge which he has recently delivered to the clergy of his archdeaconry in the East Riding of Yorkshire; and in this he expresses an opinion in favour of the abolition of Church-rates, quotes the "Summa Theologie" of Aquinas (part iii. 74, 1; and 76, 2); and does many other things which Protestant arch

deacons are not in the habit of doing. The repeated publication of these doctrines, by one holding so distinguished a position, is one of the most remarkable phenomena in the present condition of the Anglican Establishment. If we could suppose so singular an institution to have any self-consciousness, its surprise must surely be unbounded at these "Novos frondes et non sua poma,"

which it is thus made to bear,

Perdita and Angelina; or, the Lost One found (J. H. Parker, Oxford and London). Under this attractive and poetical title, some lady-theologian has favoured us with a very dry and unattractive "Anglo-Roman dialogue" of controversy. We must not find fault with her for the want of logic which characterises the whole composition, since this is confessed, and an attempt made to account for, if not to justify it, in a short introductory notice; but she does not plead guilty to faults which yet are equally patent, and which we will therefore briefly mention, viz. an ignorance of theology and of history, and a want of candour and Christian charity. We did not expect in books of this class to meet with the most ultra-Protestant fictions, about the deep dungeons of the Inquisition, the massacre of St. Bartholomew's, and the Pope's "celebration of this most barbarous holocaust, &c." The book should have issued from the press of Messrs. Seeley and Burnside, and been stamped with the imprimatur of the Religious Tract Society, and then we should not have been beguiled into opening its pages.


Mr. Dolman's Library of Translations from select Foreign Literature proceeds slowly but surely. They really deserve the name of translations, for they are executed with care and ability. The third volume has just appeared, Audin's History of the Life, Writings, and Doctrines of Luther, translated from the last French edition, by W. B. Turnbull, Esq. (London, Dolman). It is so valuable a work that we propose to make it the subject of a lengthened notice at the earliest opportunity.

History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852, by Sir A. Alison (Vol. III. Edinburgh, Blackwood). We have great respect for Sir Archibald he never sacrifices the principles of truth and honour; and though he looks at things from the "stand-point" of a John Bull and a Protestant, he does not conceive it to be his duty to cover his opponents with ridicule or abuse. As an historian he does not rank so high. He is rather an annalist and chronicler than a philosophical writer; but probably the time has not yet come when any thing more than an annalist's account of the last period of history would be of any value; it would necessarily be theoretical and viewy. The present history is a well-digested compilation of the contemporary accounts of the events it narrates. This third volume is particularly interesting at the present time; it contains accounts of the political and social state of Turkey and of Russia in the present century, of the Greek Revolution, the war of 1829 between Russia and Turkey, the fall of the elder branch of the Bourbons in France, and domestic history of England from 1822 to 1825.

The Church Festivals, or Scenes in many Lands, by Agnes M. Stewart (Richardson and Son), are a series of pleasing little narratives from a well-known pen, intended to illustrate a few of the principal holydays of the Church. To catch the peculiar spirit or temper (so to speak) of each Christian festival, and to embody it in an original tale, is by no means an easy task; so that the connection between the narrative and the festival it is intended to illustrate is often of a somewhat indefinite character. This remark, however, does not apply to "The Monk of Vallombrosa," for "Good Friday," or to one or two others in the present volume.

The principal feature in the new number of the Dublin Review (No. LXXII., Richardson and Son), is a long and brilliant article entitled The Plague of Controversy, and really treating of the internal history of the Anglican Establishment, both ancient and modern, more especially the twofold and contradictory principles which have been contending within it from the beginning, the difficulties which beset the "giants of the seventeenth century," and the miserable evasions to which the HighChurch party are at present reduced.

Songs of the Present (London, Clarke, Beeton, and Co.) will command sympathy by the beautiful temper and spirit which pervades them, more especially by the warm and loving tone in which they treat of the wrongs and sufferings of the poor, even where they shall fail, in a literary point of view, to come up to the critic's standard of excellence. Some of them, however, especially the less ambitious ones, deserve much commendation, considered as mere poems. The half dozen pieces on "Battle Ardours," with which the volume commences, seem to us altogether out of place, and the least genuine portion of the whole. The poet is evidently at home in the part which follows; in the "Warning Voices," "Voices of Hope," and "Voices of Cheer," are many very pleasing verses: here he speaks from the deep feelings of his own heart, and in a way, therefore, that is calculated to touch the hearts of others. These poems are natural; his war-songs were conventional. We know not who the anonymous author may be; but much as we differ from him in many most important points, we could wish his "warning voices" should gain an access to every class of the community.

Romance of Travel from Brest to the Isle of Bourbon, Brazil, &c., by Dr. Yvan (London, J. Blackwood). Slight sketches of French colonial society, with much scandal. The original may be lively enough, but it is translated by a person who neither knows French nor spells English: e.g. an English dissenting preacher is "a minister of St. Evangile" (p. 97); troop is troup (p. 244); cauldrons are chaldrons (248). Such ignorance, added to insipidity and flatness of style, renders this translation any thing but an agreeable one.

We have here Catholic testimony to add to that of English travellers on the utter demoralisation of the clergy in Brazil, who are "for the most part European priests, who have been expelled their diocese for some misconduct, and who repair hither to be out of the way of control and observation" (p. 80). Dr. Yvan thinks that nothing can be done till ecclesiastical affairs are intrusted to some religious order, and says that all serious people in Brazil with whom he spoke agree with him. His descriptions of tropical manners are rather Mahometan than Christian.

The Old Minor Canon, by the Rev. Erskine Neale, M.A. (London, Sampson Low.) Mr. Neale takes it very much to heart that so many

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