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and slavery. The Russians were permitted to move across the Danube into a most unhealthy district near its mouth, where the brave desultory attacks of the Turks, and the still more fatal marshes, have awfully reduced their numbers. They have been obliged also to evacuate already a part of the principalities, and will we trust, when the English and French troops come up, be quickly driven from the whole. From the Baltic and Sir Charles Napier we are not to expect to hear much, till the ice is quite cleared away.

The ill advised Preston strike is at length concluded. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the operatives for their abstinence from every act of violence and intimidation. We mean intimidation of the grosser kind; for we fear it would be too much to expect from human nature, not to avail itself of the terrors of ridicule and contempt; no doubt, workmen, like other men in higher life, know how to intimidate by weapons which law cannot reach. Still, let it be proclaimed throughout all Europe and America too, that a whole army of Englishmen were unemployed and halfstarved for nine or ten months, without disturbing the public peace! In what other country would this have been done? Their error was one of political economy, which Lords and Commons by no means adequately understand as yet; to this error they sacrificed three or four hundred thousand pounds of wages, besides wasting the capital of their employers, the very capital by which alone they can live! We trust that intelligent friends of the operative will endeavour to enlighten them on these points.

Any other matters we defer till our next, in order to make room for a more lengthened notice of the May Meetings.


(By one who was there.)

The gatherings of the denomination once a year in the metropolis are on many accounts fraught with the deepest interest to the whole body. They not only bring many from distant parts of the empire, who meet many old and valued friends, but their fraternal intercourse is refreshing, their knowledge of the operations of the body is augmented, their interest in them deepened, and they return home to diffuse a better spirit into the churches. It is delightful to see the manly greetings-the beaming countenances-as one after another enters the room where you are convened, and is recognised by some earlier visitor. Nor is the interest of the friends who remain at home less deep and earnest. The early reports which the Nonconformist," the "Patriot," or the Banner" supply, are read with eagerness, and question after question is repeated about them on our return. We like this feeling. We wish to cherish it, and pray that it may grow more and more. With this hope, we will try to gratify it by presenting to our readers a detailed account of our doings. Space will not allow long details. We can

only sketch, and that with great brevity, Nor will we disjoint our narrative. It will be more in harmony with our taste, and more agreeable to our friends, if we narrate everything of interest which day by day passed before us. By such a course they will have a correcter view of the whole, and form a better estimate of the tax upon the time and energy of those who really attend the annual meetings.

On Tuesday, April 20th, the Strict Baptist brethren held a meeting, chiefly, we believe, for conference, but not being a member of it, we did not attend. The same body held their annual meeting on the Wednesday evening, at Trinity Chapel, Borough. The object of this society, we gathered from the report, is twofold. It aims at training young men for the ministry, by placing them, two or three under the care of some competent minister in the country. Equally important is the other, viz., the diffusion of the gospel on the con- . tinent. Both are confessedly important; the latter, in our judgment, of the highest importance. The attendance was not large, though quite equal in proportion to the other meetings. The report was, upon the whole, of a very cheering character, though the circle of the Society's operation is yet very limited. The principal speakers were Messrs. Overbury, Stock, Lillycrop, and Evans. The last speaker excited warm sympathy by his statements about Belgium, and about the openings there for evangelical labour; and various friends engaged to give £5 per annum towards the support of a missionary there. He also stated that a city missionary was employed in Brussels. for whose support he had become responsible. We understand that the Society afterwards decided to occupy Brussels as a station, and have invited a minister of well-known standing and moral worth in the body to go and cccupy it.

Thursday morning was fixed for the annual Prayer Meeting for the Mission. It was held in the library at the Mission House, under the presidency of the Rev. J. Watson, of Edinburgh. The large room was well filled early, and the mass of the assembly were ladies. The prayers presented were eminently devotional and appropriate; but everybody felt that the interest of the meeting would have been greatly augmented if five or six, instead of three, brethren had engaged in the same time. An useful practical address was afterwards delivered by Mr. Watson, which the senior Treasurer printed, and circulated, freely at the great meeting in Exeter Hall. We must confess that one feature of this gathering surprised and grieved us. It was an assembly of the friends of the mission, convened to implore the Divine benediction on its operations, and yet it struck us, that many of the Committee themselves were absent from it. We only state the fact, and offer no comment upon it. Upon the whole, it was a good meeting.

The same evening, Mr. New preached to young men. Engagements of some stand

ing prevented us hearing his sermon; and another meeting was being held at the same time. We understand the attendance was small, but the sermon quite equal to the well earned reputation of the preacher.

The meeting of the Baptist Tract Society was held the same evening in Eagle Street. It was the best attended we have ever seen. The report was good, and the circle of the Society's operations enlarging at home and -abroad. Silently it is working its way. As heretofore, R. Lush, Esq., presided with his accustomed gracefulness and efficiency. Messrs Overbury, Webb, Stock, G. Pearce, Dowson, and Evans, proposed and sustained the resolutions. The last speaker placed before the Chairman specimens of the first translations of some of the Society's tracts into the French language.

The Union held its annual session at Moorgate Street, on Friday morning. Dr. Hoby delivered an opening address, not marked by anything very brilliant or profound, but distinguished by useful suggestions, and practical good sense. The most prominent events of the year, and their influence upon our religious state, were passed in review. The report was not very dissimilar to those of former years. The


treasurer was not in debt, but the returns from the churches were by no means encouraging. The increase for the past year only gave one and a quarter per church,the lowest rate for many years. sion on the cause of this was raised, and the opinion of many brethren was that emigration had largely contributed to this result. The state of the persecuted brethren on the continent, the universities, education, and various other matters, were discussed during the sitting. Dr. Acworth was requested to occupy the chair at the next meeting. The attendance was painfully small. Not more than twenty-five persons were assembled when the session opened, and fifty would be its maximum number during the whole sitting. It is to be deplored that the Union does not excite more attention, and more so that it is not made to tell with more power upon the general interests of the body.

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In the evening, the annual sermon for the Irish Society was preached by Mr. Brown, of Liverpool, in Devonshire Square Chapel, from, Thy kingdom come." The sermon was an exposition of the great principles embodied in the prayer. Kacy, bold, and thoroughly evangelical, we only regretted that so few assembled to hear the preacher.


Monday was introduced by a Breakfast, given by some of the metropolitan ministers to their country brethren in town. -object was to promote a larger measure of fraternal intercourse; and it was assuredly marked by great harmony and love. Dr. Angus presided, and Messrs. Underhill, Noel, and other brethren, touched upon topics not only adapted to quicken piety, but to bind in closer sympathy those assembled, and to render the ministry more effective. Only one feeling pervaded the minds of the brethren, and we need not say, that it was one of satisfaction and delight.

At the close of this, the members of the Irish Society met to hear the report, appoint officers for the year, and other business connected with the Society. Its prospects were encouraging; its financial state healthy. The income for the past year was £2 569 11s. 4d., and its expenditure about £1,663. More vigorous efforts were urged upon the committee by the gentlemen who had visited Ireland, and Dublin was especially spoken of as a centre from which evangelical labour could be made with success.

From an important meeting of the country secretaries of the Mission, who had been invited by the general secretaries to confer with them upon the best means of rendering the auxiliaries more effective, we went to Finsbury Chapel, to the meeting of the Home Mission. W. Middlemore, Esq, of Birmingham, presided. The meeting was not large. The following statistics may interest our readers: Stations, 235. Members, 4,474. Additions during the year, 452. Average weekly attendance, 17.535. Sunday Schools, 113. Teachers, 1,112. Scholars, 7,255. The income was, £4 376. 11s. 3d.; and the expenditure about £4,814. Messrs. Aitcheson, Evans, M Laren, and Hinton, proposed and seconded the resolutions. The speaking was good and effective. last two dealt mainly with the religious aspects of the census returns, and placed the moral condition of England in a telling manner before the audience.


Tuesday morning was the open meeting of the subscribers to the Mission. A considerable number of ministers and others assembled at eleven o'clock, though the number struck us as not equal to former years. Both treasurers were absent. The object of this meeting is simply to hear the minutes of the year read, to approve of the report, and to appoint officers. These were of the usual character. The financial condition of the Society indicated health and considerable vigour. Its income was, £24,759. 12s. 9d.; and the expenditure, £21,738. 4s. 10d. Notice had been given last year of a motion to be submitted for altering the constitution of the committee. From year to year this question has been agitated, and till the point is conceded, we have no doubt it will, and continue to be so. Many parts of the kingdom have no representatives at all. Many counties are not rich enough to supply a man for this position, whilst from others, two and three can be obtained without any difficulty. The mode proposed, that nine should go out every year, and not be eligible for re-election for three years, would secure, it was urged, an infusion of new blood into the committee, and would extend its influence. After a long debate the motion was negatived. Mr. Gotch, of Bristol, then gave notice of a similar one for the next year. Our own opinion is, that the committee would act the part of wisdom to cease opposition to this It must be carried, or the Society will suffer.

Dr. Steane had been announced to preach on Wednesday morning for the Mission, but the service was relinquished because it

was the fast day. The policy of this was very questionable. But we have only to state facts, not to discuss principles. In the evening, Bloomsbury Chapel was literally. crammed. Long before the time crowds were gathered around the door, and no sooner were the doors open, than every place was occupied. We were amazed at the pastor rising and telling the people to take care of their money. The object of attraction was the designation of Messrs. Gregson, Anderson, and Martin, as missionaries to India. Messrs. Brown, Hinton, and Winter, engaged in the services. Though uncomfortably oppressive from the heat, and the crowded state of the chapel, yet the congregation remained evidently absorbed in the interest of the service. The School-Room beneath was also crowded, in which a Missionary Meeting was held.

Thursday morning opened rather unpropitiously, and the rain gave indications that the Annual Meeting would not be so well attended as usual. It was so. The platform was well filled, but the hall was not more than three parts full. We were glad to see the faces of many old friends upon the platform. Mr. Peto filled the chair well. His speech was brief, as the speeches of chairmen always should be. After the report, Messrs. Manning, of Frome, Taylor, of Birmingham, Hands, of Jamaica, B. Noel, and Sheridan Knowles, spoke. The speeches were of the average order. We were struck with that of Mr. Hands; again and again the manner, the tone, the manliness of the speaker, reminded us of the lamented Knibb. He presented us with a noble defence of Jamaica. We never heard Mr. Noel so ineffective. Evidently the audience were not very deeply interested; but, upon the whole, it was a good meeting.

In the evening, the Bible Translation Society held its annual meeting in Bloomsbury. Certainly second in importance to none. Yet the attendance was small, though probably not less than we have seen it on former occasions. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Haycroft, Newman, Watson, Wigner, Evans, and Blair.

With the Metropolitan Chapel Building Society the meetings closed on the Friday evening. The object of the Society is to erect chapels in suitable places in the metropolis and the suburbs. One chapel has been erected, and a site for another secured. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Stovel, Gilbert, Jervis, Dr. Burns, E. B. Underhill, Esq, &c.

In presenting this brief outline of facts, not of opinions, we may be permitted one general remark upon the meetings. We were painfully struck with the utter want of sympathy, or what shall we call it, of the London people with these gatherings. This is true, to a great extent, of ministers as well as people. The Union, the Prayer meeting, the open meeting of the various societies, were attended by few; whilst at Finsbury, we do not believe that the Irish Society, with the exception of the platform, had more than three hundred in

attendance, and the Home Mission not more. With the number of churches in the metropolis, this state of things ought not to be.


During the academical year, now closing, we understand that four students connected with the college at Stepney, have accepted invitations, and have entered or are entering on their work: Mr. Fishbourne at Thaxted, Mr. Crassweller, B.A., at Leominster, Mr. Stevenson, B.A., at LongSutton, and Mr. Anderson, who is going as a missionary to India. Two lay students, who of course meet their expenses, have graduated, and are now occupying honourable positions as tutors. Of the present students, five, including two lay students, go up for their degree in October, and three intend to matriculate in July. These are literary results. May we not urge our readers to pray the Lord of the harvest that he would qualify and send forth more labourers, and that his Spirit may more largely rest upon the brethren who are preparing for their work? It is when God is with us, we may hope to succeed.


On Good Friday, April 14th, the ordination of the Rev. F. Britcliffe, late of Horton College, over the Baptist church and congregation, Rochdale Road, Heywood, took place. The Rev. H. Dunckley, M.A., of Salford, delivered the introductory discourse, on the Nature and Design of a Christian Church; the Rev. S. G. Green, B.A., asked the usual questions; the Rev. G. Mitchell, of Bacup, offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. Dr. Acworth gave the charge to the minister; the Rev. W. F. Burchell, of Rochdale, preached the sermon to the church; and the Revs. J. Harrison, J. Godden, and S. S. Barton, conducted the devotional exercises. After the ordination services a social tea meeting was held in the large lecture hall of the Heywood Mechanics' Institution, when addresses were delivered by several ministers.


The Rev. Joseph Kightley, late of Horton college, Bradford, having accepted the invitation of the Baptist church, Chadderton, near Oldbam, entered on his labours there on the third Sunday in April.


The Rev. G. H. Davis having accepted the office of Travelling Secretary to the Protestant Alliance, has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church, meeting in Old King Street, Bristol.


The Rev. John Walcot, of Bramley, has accepted the cordial invitation of the church in Sutton to become their pastor, and will commence his labours there on the first Lord's day in July.


Dr. Perrey has given notice of his intention to resign the pastoral office in Derby.


"Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being, the chief corner-stone."-Eph. ii. 20.

JULY, 1854.



How appropriate an epitaph this for the aged christian, whose head has grown hoary in the way of righteousness! The old man may be a young disciple, a very babe in Christ; but honoured and blest is he who in advanced years can say with good Obadiah, "I, thy servant, fear the Lord from my youth!"

How natural the wish to live to a good old age! Apart altogether from the instinctive love of life common to all, and the fear of death by which many are subject to bondage, there is an all but universal desire to reach "that mature season, in which, our passions supposed to be calmed, our duties fulfilled, our ambition satisfied, our fame and fortune established on a solid basis," we may enjoy a period of "autumnal felicity," ere we pass away from the present scene. But a calm consideration of the evils incident to advanced life, to that time when "the clouds return after the rain," is sufficient to convince us that some condition, mitigating its woes and securing its advantages, is required, to render length of days desirable. Such a condition the OLD DISCIPLE alone has found.

True, there is often that in the aspect of old age that commands respect. As a fine ruin to the eye of taste, so the silver locks shading, or almost ceasing to shade, the brow of age, should excite veneration. It is at once the dictate of nature and the law of God, "Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the old man." But, alas! the feebleness, decrepitude, and stoop, of old age, have often been the objects of heartless ridicule to beardless youth. "Go up, too, thou bald head!" is a taunt too oft renewed. Contempt, or at least neglect, by those who ought to know better, not unfrequently arises from infirmities too visible, and past services ill remembered. As it was a heavy curse on Eli's house that they should all die in the flower of their age "(1 Sam. ii. 32, 33), and that there should not be "an old man in that house for ever," 99 so it is felt to be a blessing that "there shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very age" (Zech. viii. 4). Pleasant it is to see a few remnants of a former generation mingling with that which is rising into manhood in their innocent festivities, and tempering with the gravity and wisdom of age the boisterous hilarity of youth. But few of the very aged can themselves enjoy the scene which their presence graces and improves. They may be welcomed to court, like good Barizillai, but like him, must decline the honour: "I am this day fourscore years old; can I discern between good and bad? Can thy servant relish what I eat and drink? Can I hear any more the voice of singing men? Wherefore should thy servant be a VOL. VIII.


burden to my lord the king?" There was a time when the eye was gratified by ranging over the beauties of the earth and the glories of the sky, by all that was lovely in nature, and all that was curious in art; but now "those that look out of the windows are darkened." There was a time when the voice of melody charmed the ear and soothed the heart; but now "all the daughters of music are brought low." There was a time when the pleasures of the table were enjoyed, and the good things of life were relished; but now "the sound of the grinding is low;" desires fail, appetites and propensities cease; the blood cools, and creeps along; the spirits fall; and the buoyancy of youth is for ever fled. The flowers of spring will not bloom in autumn; the joys of youth will not flourish in the winter of age.

But is not the experience of the aged richer, and their judgment more mature, than that of their juniors? Is not respect demanded for their counsel, and yielded to their opinion? But, alas! with bodily vigour, oft mind and memory fail; a second childhood ensues, and veneration gives way to pity. "Afraid of that which is high, fears are in their way, and the grasshopper becomes a burden." Vivacity in conversation, and brilliancy of thought, are gone. The lofty spirit is brought down to childish complaints, and losses and misfortunes, under which it had once risen elastic, now fall on it with crushing weight. Thus the experience of age is often as profitless as it is painful.

But may not others do for the old man what he can no longer do for himself? Yes, if such were near and kind. But not the least of his ills is, that he has survived his friends. So many of the loving and loved ones have left. Change and distance have separated him from the "old familiar faces." Many have dropped around; he has wept at many a grave; and now feels cheerless and alone. Others, indeed, have risen, but all too busy to mind "the old man." He buried his parents, that was natural. His brothers and sisters too,-they went in the ordinary course. His children,-perhaps his bitterest trials have sprung from them; and many a father since David's days has gone up into his chamber and wept, "Oh, Absalom! my son! my son!"

But are there not exceptional cases in which the calamities of age are greatly mitigated, and all its advantages secured? Are there not some, like Moses, whose eye remains undimmed, and their natural force unabated? or like Caleb, whose strength to go out and come in survives fourscore? or like Mordecai, retaining the honours they have won, accepted of the multitude of their brethren, seeking the welfare of their people, and speaking peace to all their seed? Yet even to such "the time is short." Their days are numbered, and the grave draws nigh. Infirmities come at last, and, as they thicken, tell of the narrowing circle within which life stands. The night of death is casting its shadows around them, and hiding in gloom the purposes of their heart, quenching those hopes which only time could realize, and sinking those spirits which youth alone could sustain. An eminent infidel historian, who mocks the christian's faith in a better world, and sneers at his hopes as "vain dreams of singing hallelujahs beyond the clouds," professes his hope in a green old age as the happiest period of his existence, but mournfully adds, "I must reluctantly confess that two causes, the abbreviation of time, and the failure of hope, will always tinge with a browner shade the evening of life." And are prospects so cheerlessly bounded the best the world can afford to those who have grown grey in her service? Has she no stronger rod or staff to comfort her pilgrims as they tread the valley of the death-shade, and meet the last enemy? A better hope, established upon better promises, the OLD DISCIPLE alone can boast, and his discipleship securing

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