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Saturday, November 27, 1802.

Mr. Goforth, from the committee appointed to prepare and address to the President of the United States and both branches of the Federal Legislature, expressive of the high sense the convention entertain of the cheerful and philanthropic manner in which they made provision for the admission of this State into the Union, and expressive of their approbation of the present administration of the General Government, made a report, which was received and read the first time.

On motion, the said report was read the second time, and on the question thereupon agreed to by the convention, in the words. following:

To the President and both Houses of Congress of the United States:

The convention of the State of Ohio, duly appreciating the importance of a free and independent State government, and impressed with sentiments of gratitude to the Congress of the United States for the prompt and decisive measures taken at their last session to enable the people of the Northwestern Territory to emerge from their colonial government and to assume a rank among the sister States, beg leave to take the earliest opportunity of announcing to you this important event. On this occasion, the convention cannot help expressing their unequivocal approbation of the measures pursued by the present administration of the General Government and both Houses of Congress in diminishing the public burdens, cultivating peace with all nations, and promoting the happiness and prosperity of our country.

Resolved, That the President of this convention do inclose to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, the foregoing address.

On motion, the third article of the constitution was taken up and read the third time, in order for its final passage.

A motion was made to further amend the said article at the Secretary's table by striking out after the word "himself," in the eighth line of the ninth section, the words following: “They shall

be removed for breach of good behavior, at any time, by the Judges of the respective courts."

And on the question thereupon, it passed in the negative yeas, 13; nays, 20.

The yeas and nays being demanded, those who voted in the affirmative are:

Messrs. Browne, Caldwell, Darlinton, Donalson, Dunlavy, Grubb, Milligan, Morrow, Paul, Reily, Smith, Wilson and Worthington.

Those who voted in the negative are:

Messrs. Abbot, Abrams, Baldwin, Byrd, Carpenter, Cutler, Gatch, Gilman, Goforth, Humphrey, Huntington, Kirker, Kitchel, McIntire, Massie, Putnam, Sargent, Updegraff, Wells and Woods.

The said article was further amended at the Secretary's table. And on the question that the convention do receive the said article, as amended, it was resolved in the affirmative.

On motion,

Ordered, That the constitution now framed be engrossed.

On motion, the report of the committee of the whole convention, on Thursday last, on their disagreement to the report of the select committee to whom were referred the propositions made by Congress to the convention, for their acceptance or rejection, was taken up and read; whereupon,

Ordered, That the said report be recommitted to Mr. Putnam, Mr. Smith, Mr. Huntington, Mr. Massie and Mr. Wells, who are to report their opinion thereupon.

Mr. Putnam, from the committee to whom were recommitted the propositions made by Congress to the convention, for their acceptance or rejection, made a report which was received and read the first time; whereupon,

Ordered, That the said report be committed to a committee of the whole convention on Monday next.

And then the convention adjourned until Monday morning, nine o'clock.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

Monday, November 29, 1802.

The convention, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole convention, on the report of the select committee to whom were recommitted the propositions made by Congress to the convention, for their acceptance or rejection, Mr. Wells in the chair; and after some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair and Mr. Wells reported that the committee of the whole convention had, according to order, had under their consideration the said report and made several amendments thereto, which he delivered in at the Secretary's table..

The convention proceeded to consider the said amendments; and the same being read, some were agreed to and others disagreed to.

The preamble to the said report being under consideration, in the words following:

We, the Representatives of the people of the eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Ohio, being assembled in convention pursuant to an act of Congress entitled "An act to enable the people of the eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Ohio to form a constitution and State government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes"; and having had under consideration the propositions offered by said act for our free acceptance or rejection, do resolve to accept the said proposition, provided the following addition to, and modification of, the said proposition shall be agreed to by the Congress of the United States, viz:

A motion was made and seconded to strike out the proviso to the said preamble, in the words following: "Provided the following addition to, and modification of, the said propositions shall be agreed to by the Congress of the United States, viz." The previous question was called for by three of the members, to wit:

"Shall the main question, to strike out the said proviso, be now put?"

And on the previous question, shall the main question be now put? it was resolved in the negative-yeas, 11; nays, 22.

Vol. V-9

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