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God's eternity 98 102 Peace and holiness encou


NATION's honour and
fafety is the church 48.
profperity 67, 144. blest
and punished 107
National deliverance 67,
75, 76, 114, 120. defo-
lations, the churches
fafety and triumph in
them 46

Nature and fcripture 19,
119, 7th part, of man

New England pfalm 197
Novem, the 5th 115, 124

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raged 34. with men de-
fired 120

Perfections of God 111,
145, 147, 36
Perfecuted faints, their
prayer and faith 35 44,
74, 80, 83
Perfecution, victory over
and deliverance from it
7, 53, 94. courage in it
119, 17th part
Perfecutors punished 7,
129, 149. their folly 14,
complained of 35, 44.
74, 80, 83. deliverance
from them 94, 9, 10
Perfeverance 138. in tri-
als 19, 17th part
Perfonal glories of Chrift

Peltilence. Prefervation
in it 91

Piety. Inftructions there-
in 34- fee faint
Pity to the afflicted 41.
fee charity, God
Pleading without repining
39, 123. the promises
119, 10th part
Poor, charity to them 15,
37, 41, 112
Portion of faints and fin-

ners II, 17 37
Poverty confeffed 16
Power and majesty of God
89 68, 145 Jee God
Practical atheim 14, 36

Praife to God from chil-
dren 8. for creation and
providence 33, 104. to
our Creator 100 from
all creatures 148. for
eminent deliverance 34,
118 general 86, 145,
150, for the gofpel 98.
for health restored 30,
116. for hearing prayer
66, 102. to Jefus Chrift
45. from all nations
17. and prayer public
65. for protection, grace
and truth 57. for provi-
dence and grace 36 for
rain 65. 47. from the
faints 149, 150. for
temporal bleffings 68,
147. for temptations o-
vercome 18. for victory
in war ibid.
Prayer heard 4, 34, 65,
66. in time of war 20.
and hope of victory 20.
praise public 65. and
hope 27. in church's di
ftrefs 80. heard and Zion
reftored 102. and faith
of perfecuted faints 35,
37, 56. and praife for
deliverance 34. for re-
pentance and pardon,
&c. 38. fee complaint
Preferving grace 1:8
Prefervation in public
dangers 46, 91, 112.
daily 121

Pride and Atheism, and
oppreffion punished 10,
12 and death 49
Priesthood of Christ 51,


Princes vain 62, 146
Profeffion of fincerity and
repentance, &c. 119, zd
part, 139. falfe 50
Promifes and threatenings
81. pleaded 119. 10th

Profperity dangerous 55,


Profpercus finners curfed
37.4, 73



grace 57. by day and
night 121
Providence, its wifdom
and equity 9. and crea-
tion 33 135, 136. and
grace 36, 147. and per-
fections of God 36 its
mystery unfolded 73. re-
corded 77, 78, 107. in
air, earth and fea 35,
65, 89, 105, 107, 147
Prudence and zeal 49
Pfalm for foldiers 18, 60.
for old age 71 for huf-
bandmen 65. for a fune-
ral 89,90 for the Lord's
day 92. before prayer
95. before fermons itid.
for magiftrates 101. for
houfeholdersion for ma-
riners 107. for gluttons

and drunkards 107. for
New England ibid for
the fifth of November
115, 125. for Great
Britain 67, 147. See
morn. even. &c.
Public praife for private
mercies 116, 118. for de-
liverance 124. worship,
abfence from it com-
plained of 42. worship
attended on 122. prayer
and praife 65, 84
Punishment of finners I,
II, 37. and falvation
78, 81, 106. fee afflic-

[blocks in formation]

RAIN from heaven 135,
65, 147

Recovery from fickness
6, 30, 116
Rejoicing in God 18. fee
joy, delight
Relative duties 15, 133
Religion and juftice 15. in
words and deeds 37
Religious education 34,


Remembrance of former
deliverances 77, 143
Repentance, confeffion and
pardon 32. and prayer
for pardon and strength
38. and faith in the
blood of Chrift 51
Reproach removed 31, 37
Refignation 39, 123. 135
Refolutions holy 119,
15th part
Reftoring grace 138, 23
Refurrection and death
of Christ 2, 16. of the
faints 16, 17, 49, 71.
and death 49, 71, 89

Reverence in worship 89,

Revolution by King Wil-
liam 75
Riches their vanity 49.
compared with grace

Righteous, Jee faints
Righteoufnefs from Christ
71. fee falvation par
don, Chrift


SABBATH, See Lord's
Sacrifice 40, 51, 69. in-
carnation of Christ 40
Safety in public dangers
91. and triumph of the
church in national de-
folations 46. in God 61.
and delight in the church

Praife to God from chil-
dren 8. for creation and
providence 33, 104. to
our Creator 100 from
all creatures 148. for
eminent deliverance 34,
118 general 86, 145,
150. for the gofpel 98.
for health restored 30,
116. for hearing prayer
66, 102. to Jefus Chrift
45. from all nations
17. and prayer public
65. for protection, grace
and truth 57. for provi-
dence and grace 36 for
rain 65. 47. from the
faints 149, 150. for
temporal bleffings 68,
147. for temptations o-
vercome 18. for victory
in war ibid.
Prayer heard 4, 34, 65,
66. in time of war 20.
and hope of victory 20.
praise public 65. and
hope 27. in church's di
ftrefs 80. heard and Zion
restored 102. and faith
of perfecuted faints 35,
37, 56. and praise for
deliverance 34. for re-
pentance and pardon,
&c, 38. fee complaint
Preferving grace 1:8
Prefervation in public
dangers 46, 91, 112.
daily 121

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Profperity dangerous 55,
Profpercus finners curfed
37.44, 73
Protection, truth


grace 57. by day and
night 121
Providence, its wifdom
and equity 9. and crea-
tion 33 135, 136. and
grace 36, 147. and per-
fections of God 36 its
mystery unfolded 73. re-
corded 77, 78, 107. in
air, earth and fea 35,
65, 89, 105, 107, 147
Prudence and zeal 39
Pfalm for foldiers 18, 60.
for old age 71 for huf-
bandmen 65. for a fune-
ral 89, 90 for the Lord's
day 92. before prayer
95. before fermons itid.
for magiftratés 101. for
houfeholdersion for ma-
riners 107. for gluttons

and drunkards 107. for
New England ibid for
the fifth of November
115, 125. for Great
Britain 67, 147. See
morn, even. &c.
Public praise for private
mercies 116, 118. for de-
liverance 124. worship,
abfence from it com-
plained of 42. worship
attended on 122. prayer
and praife 65, 84
Punishment of finners I,
11, 37. and salvation
78, 81, 106. fee afflic

[blocks in formation]

Remembrance of former
deliverances 77, 143
Repentance, confeffion and
pardon 32 and prayer
for pardon and strength
38. and faith in the
blood of Chrift 51
Reproach removed 31,37
Refignation 39, 123. 135
Refolutions holy 119,
15th part
Reftoring grace 138, 23
Refurrection and death
of Chrift 2, 16. of the
faints 16, 17, 49, 71.
and death 49, 71, 89

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