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rains, in March and April, he clears his land. At the first sign of the beginning of the rains he burns the brushwood and weeds. He plants after the first rain. The soil being extremely fertile, the seeds spring up in a few days. He then makes his wives and children watch the crop till it is gathered. And they have to be very attentive, or the rice-birds, which are always on the alert, would destroy it in a very short time. In four months the crop is gath

ered. The rice is cut down on the stalk. The stalks are put up in bundles, and these are taken home and put in the top of the houses. They keep dry and are taken down, beaten, winnowed, boiled and eaten as needed. It is a picturesque sight to pass, as I have often done,

through a na:ive town and see the busy housewife get he rice ready or cooking.

One sees many

she taunts her husband with respond to her appeals. We it uncomfortable to have a h taunting him at the same t sometimes find it hard to ke wants of "the lady of the h membered that an African w secured. The man who wat



nortars, and hears the music of the descending pestles nd the sweet chatter or laughter of "the blameless Ethiopians."

The native wife is a very good housekeeper. In her welling the pans, kettles and basins are hung around he room in order. When she puts dinner on the rudely onstructed table, she never sits down, but in your presnce tastes a little from every dish, as a sign that she has ut nothing in it to hurt you. It is called, "Taking the itch off."

Two customs are interwoven with the warp and woof their social system. They are evils which cannot be moved except by slow moral processes. We refer to lygamy and slavery. The former evil, however, is not wide-spread as one would suppose. Passing through

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African. He wears a girdle about his loins, and a wide piece of cloth, manufactured by his wife, thrown loosely across his left shoulder and wrapped around his body. It is like the kilt worn by the Scottish Highlander. The Mandingoes wear a long, loose, flowing robe, usually made out of white cloth of their own manufacture.

Some of the women are very handsome. One can see nowhere in the world better specimens of natural beauty. They carry themselves like queens. The Vey women are especially handsome. Their expression and form are. charming. Their feet are perfectly symmetrical and delicately small. Their eyes and teeth would be envied by a Parisian belle. "Thou art black and comely," could be applied to a Vey woman without hesitation.

The native women wear a piece of cloth which extends from their waist down to their ankles. The cloth is sometimes a prettily-dyed specimen of their own skillful making; but near the coast one often sees imported cloth worn with pride by those who can afford it. African women, like American women, prefer foreign goods. It sounds "bigger" than "home-made." Around their necks, ankles, and wrists they wear flashy orna


The natives living in the territory of Liberia have rules and laws of their own; but they acknowledge, to some extent, the general oversight and control of the Republic. Their governments are monarchial, as a rule. Their kings, chiefs or headmen, inherit their position and authority. Native kings have attended the Liberian Legislature and participated in its deliberations. The Kroos are neat and cleanly; the women bathe three times a day. They use a wonderful amount of water. One of the most picturesque sights I have ever seen in my life was the Krootown girls and women going to and coming from the spring, in the early morning and the late afternoon, with tubs, buckets, and barrels of water balanced on their heads, while they laughed, talked, sang and danced.

A Krooman thinks there is no place like home, and no person in the world like mother. The attachment of grown men to their mothers is childlike and truly touching. This is natural. Polygamy gives a man several families and homes; but the children have only one hut and one mamma. Father is often away-never in one house long; but mother is always present to decide the little disputes, to satisfy the little stomachs, to sing away the little pains and sorrows. The sweetest name on Krooman tongue is "mother."

The Veys are the tribe which take the first place in Liberia. They are barbarians or "heathen" magis natione quam ratione. In what makes manly character, in what


possess the highest order of Mandingoes, because they are the Commentaries; but their the Arabic. I go into inex the Veys; because they are r lore, but because, as has alr have their own language in w and they have a growing literat brought in contact with a bett the benefits of a truly Christ It is a mistake to suppose the ignorant creatures. My im naturally superior to the aver crushed by the monster, sl bright, quick-witted, able to from the sham. Let the read man lives in his neatly const has his own written language Arabic literature, and can

tongue as well as in the Eng

We must candidly say that th beria are not in such a cond enthusiasm. We refer to the Most of the colored peopl Africa were poor and compar new country and hostile clin neither the support of large of general intelligence. Th little idea of voluntary, syster in America more from outsid Finding themselves free to and having been supported by they have done very little wo who went to the West Coast v try, sitting idly in dilapidat houses, or walking around ab not opening roads and buildi prosperity; or these demorali haust their vocabulary in abus acterizing them as the meanes kind. Then some have plain enough when I was a slave. I want to and get up when I p to molest or make me afraid."

Is it not to be wondered at in Liberia? The climate is a education has been against the their weakness by lying down pending too much on foreign feebles the energies, destroys self-reliance. No wonder tha

SION WITH THE NATIVES.' Herein lies the salvation of the Republic. Go to almost any town or settlement in the country, and one sees the ruins of former buildings, farms, and stores. On every hand is apparent degeneracy and decay. The people revel in reminiscences of, departed activity and prosperity. Why is this? Poverty and lack of push keep them on the coast, in the swamps, where malaria is king, sapping the energy, destroying the vitality, and rendering them spiritless.

Let Christian education, work, and fusion with the natives be the watchword; and if Liberia be re-enforced by American Negroes of force of character, push, education and earnestness, and if capital start with them and is economically used and judiciously invested, the Republic will enter upon an era of solid and permanent prosperity, and will become the pride of Negroes everywhere, and helpful to the civilization of Africa.


from the American States informed as to the conditio ital be judiciously invested rial swamps at chosen poi appliances; and, secondly the planting of interior world would profit in the and the steady advancem gradual spread of Christia

Rev. O. H. Tiffany, D. D Liberia is to maintain the f to develop into a commerci a mere strip of sea-border.



That which has greatly interfered with colonization and especially with mission work in Liberia has been the unhealthy climate, especially on and near the coast. Prof. Stewart says: "It would be a delightful climate, a healthy country, a veritable El Dorado, if it were not for this factMalaria is King." Dr. Blyden says: "The interior tribes, who have from time to time, migrated to the coast have perished or degenerated. Every child born on the coast is stunted, physically and mentally, in the cradle by the jungle fever, which assails it a few days after birth. European infants seldom survive such attacks. As long as the malarious vegetation and deadly mangrove swamps occupy so large a portion of West African territory, there will be no more probability of making any permanent, moral or even material progress on the coast, or of developing a great mind, than there is in improving the haunts of the polar bear and the reindeer."

Still, the view is not entirely discouraging. The farther you go from the coast the more healthy it is, and

ligious principles, and the d In the African Repository following: One of the Liberia is the Kroo tribe, Cavalla river, including the men. They do not toler never have been known to preferred, in the days of the inals of their own tribe to s commercial operations can from Sierra Leone to Loan they are all taken from Li of them have been away as ships, and having visited a and East Africa-traveling have returned to their hom try improved, and proud of

them to Africa as missionaries, and another suggested that they should be accompanied by forty other colored persons to form a colony that should be employed in agricultural, mechanical and commercial pursuits, but the effort then made was not successful.

In 1815, Paul Cuffee, a colored man of Massachusetts, carried to Africa at his own expense forty of his people. He was the first from America to establish a colony in Africa.

In December, 1816, the American Colonization Society was organized, and from that time to the present has sought the welfare of the Negroes by arranging for their colonization in Africa, believing that through this means their highest temporal good would be secured.

The annual report of the Society made last January says: "Emigration to Liberia under the auspices of the American Colonization Society has been uninterrupted for the past sixty-five years. The number sent since the civil war amounts to 3,790, making a total from the beginning of 15,788, exclusive of 5,722 recaptured Africans which we induced and enabled the government of the United States to settle in Liberia, making a grand total of 21,510 persons to whom the Society has given homes in Africa."

The Hon. Z. B. Roberts, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia, wrote to the Society July 24, 1885: "Sinoe County was planted by your philanthropy in common with the other portions of Liberia. It is heavily timbered, has a fertile soil, a bar for shipping at all seasons of the year, and a river abounding in fish, including superior oysters. Our evergreen palm trees lift up their towering heads-waving majestically their glossy limbs and broad leaves, their trunks filled with crimson fruit for home use and for exportation. There is room here for Africa's sons in America to enjoy with us this God given land. Emigrants are needed :-those that will resolve in coming to labor for the elevation of themselves, their children, and their race. Men whose bosoms swell with a deep love of liberty-mechanics, farmers, miners and teachers are greatly desired. I emigrated here in 1849, and cease not to thank the American Colonization Society for aiding me to come, and my Heavenly Father for good health and prolonging my life"

The Committee on Emigration reported last January : "What Liberia most needs to-day, in our view, is, that one quarter of its territory, now unoccupied by a civilized. and Christian population, should be filled with 10,000 of the choicest men, women and children that can be found in half a million, and that they should be sent there not

can invent."

The Rev. Dr. B. Sunderla fore the Society urged that owing to them because of t

250 years and beseeches mos He says:

"Let the American Church sive and ever augmenting co camp-fires glow in every nati mighty tread is as the angel

the rock-ribbed earth is trem the Baptists, whose ranks are ing for the defense of the con Episcopalians, whose banner air and whose altar-fires grov of the advancing day--let the the French Huguenots, of S Irish Ulster men-mailed wit the heat of battle as the gray Congregationalists, whose pil England's shores and made dom's glorious light in the m stands to-day outshining Ath Socrates of old-let the Lut the Reformation and makes voice of that intrepid monk

let the fervent Quaker, brought hither the benignant title to the Key-Stone Stat in the very name of her magi of every name, Protestant and er to solicit this grand subs Let the flood-gates of peti gress, and from every class a in upon that body a volume


The Society in the followi information respecting emigr Question 1. At what season bark for Liberia ?

Answer 1. Vessels usually Spring and Fail for Liberia. choice between these two se to arrive in that Republic.

Q. 2. How long is the voy ger that we shall be lost on t

A. 2. Thirty-five days is th age to Liberia. In sixty-five

rainy season, health is preserved and promoted by wearing flannel, or warm clothing. He ought also to have a good mattress and bed-clothes, which he will use on shipboard and after landing. If he is a mechanic, he ought to have the tools of his trade. If he is a farmer, he ought to be well supplied with axes, hoes, spades, saws, augers, He should also be provided with cotton-gins, a loom, portable furniture, and ploughs, condensed for storage. And, as every family is expected to keep house and live by themselves, they ought to have a good supply of table furniture and cooking utensils. It is not possible to take chairs, tables, bedsteads, and other large articles of furniture


with them, as they occupy too much room in the ship. But whatever is convenient and necessary in housekeeping and of small compass, they ought to take. A keg of nails, (4, 6, 9, and ten penny), a bale or two of domestics, a quantity of leaf tobacco (small heads, averaging five heads to the pound) and some specie or gold coin, and "greenbacks"

would be of use to

them in erecting their

sent to the Society and an fore the people leave their

not be received on the ves to reach the ship at their ciety does for emigrants is returned.

Q. 7. How can I make

A. 7. In the same way! else; that is, by industry a six months after arrival in ted, and can open and pla it, raise a crop, and have e

[graphic][merged small]

houses, and paying for any labor they might need during | That section of country, the first few months of their residence in Liberia. Seeds of every kind, especially the most common vegetable, carefully put up air-tight, should be taken.

Q. 4. How much land is given to each emigrant? A. 4. Each single person receives ten acres of land, and each family twenty-five acres. Government land may be bought at fifty cents an acre. The soil in Liberia is as rich and productive as in any part of the world.

deep, is a home of Christ by Africans of American geographical position of natural conformation of its qualities of its soil, render nationality to exercise ar future development of civi portion of the Continent. Additional information

Q. 5. Can I educate my children there, and what addressed to MR. WILLIAM C will it cost?

A. 5. By law in Liberia, all parents are required to send their children to school. In some of the settlenents the schools are good. A college, the material and erection of which cost $20,000, is in operation. The atives are at peace with the Liberians, and are generally

Washington, D. C.

THE last Annual Report says: The only man availa ing Africa to commerce an America. He can live the

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