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23. ATTITUDE TOWARD JURY. All attempts to curry favor with juries by fawning, flattery or pretended solicitude for their personal comfort are unprofessional. Suggestions of counsel, looking to the comfort or convenience of jurors, and propositions to dispense with argument, should be made to the Court out of the jury's hearing. A lawyer must never converse privately with jurors about the case; and both before and during the trial he should avoid communicating with them, even as to matters foreign to the cause.2


ANNOT. Argument and conduct of counsel in general, see Criminal Law, Cent. Dig. §§ 1655-1687; Dec. Dig. §§ 699-726; Trial, Cent. Dig. §§ 267-316, 729; Dec. Dig. §§ 106-133, 305.

Argument and conduct ground for new trial, see Criminal Law, Cent. Dig. §§ 2197-2201, 2255, 2265; Dec. Dig. §§ 919, 932; New Trial, Cent. Dig. §§ 43, 44, 92, 97-99; Dec. Dig. §§ 29, 47, 49.

24. RIGHT OF LAWYER TO CONTROL THE INCIDENTS OF THE TRIAL. As to incidental matters pending the trial, not affecting the merits of the cause, or working substantial prejudice to the rights of the client, such as forcing the opposite lawyer to trial when he is under affliction or bereavement; forcing the trial on a particular day to the injury of the opposite lawyer when no harm will result from a trial at a different time; agreeing to an extension of time for signing a bill of exceptions, cross-interrogatories and the like, the lawyer must be allowed to judge. In such matters no client has a right to demand that his counsel shall be illiberal, or that he do anything therein repugnant to his own sense of honor and propriety.20

ANNOT. Authority of attorney as to conduct of litigation, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 161-189; Dec. Dig. §§ 87-96.

Duty of attorney to follow instructions of client, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. § 220; Dec. Dig. § 108.

25. TAKING TECHNICAL ADVANTAGE OF OPPOSITE COUNSELAGREEMENTS WITH HIM. A lawyer should not ignore known customs or practice of the Bar or of a particular Court, even when the law permits, without giving timely notice to the opposing counsel. As far as possible, important agreements, affecting the rights of clients, should be reduced to writing; but it is dishonorable to avoid performance. of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to writing, as required by rules of Court.

ANNOT. Binding effect of agreements between counsel, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. § 171.

Validity of oral stipulations, see Stipulations, Cent. Dig. §§ 5-13, 63; Dec. Dig. §§ 6, 19.

26. PROFESSIONAL ADVOCACY OTHER THAN BEFORE COURTS. A lawyer openly and in his true character may render professional services before legislative or other bodies, regarding proposed legislation

25 See B. B. A. revision of this canon, ante, p. 165.

26 See B. B. A. revision of this canon, and note, ante, pp. 442, 443.

and in advocacy of claims before departments of government, upon the same principles of ethics which justify his appearance before the Courts; but it is unprofessional for a lawyer so engaged to concea! his attorneyship, or to employ secret personal solicitations, or to use means other than those addressed to the reason and understanding to influence action.2 27

ANNOT. Validity of lobbying contracts, see Contracts, Cent. Dig. §§ 587589; Dec. Dig. § 126.

- 27. ADVERTISING, DIRECT OR INDIRECT. The most worthy and effective advertisement possible, even for a young lawyer, and especially with his brother lawyers, is the establishment of a well-merited reputation for professional capacity and fidelity to trust. This cannot be forced, but must be the outcome of character and conduct. The publication or circulation of ordinary simple business cards, being a matter of personal taste or local custom, and sometimes of convenience, is not per se improper. But solicitation of business by circulars or advertisements, or by personal communications or interviews, not warranted by personal relations, is unprofessional. It is equally unprofessional to procure business by indirection through touters of any kind, whether allied real estate firms or trust companies advertising to secure the drawing of deeds or wills or offering retainers in exchange for executorships or trusteeships to be influenced by the lawyer. Indirect advertisement for business by furnishing or inspiring newspaper comments concerning causes in which the lawyer has been or is engaged, or concerning the manner of their conduct, the magnitude of the interests involved, the importance of the lawyer's positions, and all other like self-laudation, defy the traditions and lower the tone of our high calling, and are intolerable.28

ANNOT. Advertising to secure divorces as ground for disbarment, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. § 51; Dec. Dig. § 38.

28. STIRRING UP LITIGATION, DIRECTLY OR THROUGH AGENTS. It is unprofessional for a lawyer to volunteer advice to bring a lawsuit, except in rare cases where ties of blood, relationship or trust make it his duty to do so. Stirring up strife and litigation is not only unprofessional, but it is indictable at common law. It is disreputable to hunt up defects in titles or other causes of action and inform thereof in order to be employed to bring suit, or to breed litigation by seeking out those with claims for personal injuries or those having any other grounds of action in order to secure them as clients, or to employ agents or runners for like purposes, or to pay or reward, directly or indirectly, those who bring or influence the bringing of such cases to his office, or to remunerate policemen, court or prison officials, physicians, hospital attachés or others who may succeed, under the guise

27 See B. B. A. revision of this canon, ante, p. 537.

28 See notes to this canon, ante, pp. 241, 242, and ante, pp. 255, 256.

of giving disinterested friendly advice, in influencing the criminal, the sick and the injured, the ignorant or others, to seek his professional services. A duty to the public and to the profession devolves upon. every member of the Bar, having knowledge of such practices upon the part of any practitioner, immediately to inform thereof to the end that the offender may be disbarred:


Stirring up litigation and other unprofessional conduct, ground for disbarment, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 47-84; Dec. Dig. §§ 34-61. Barratry in general, see Champerty and Maintenance, Cent. Dig. §§ 1-51; Dec. Dig. §§ 1-6.

29. UPHOLDING the Honor of the ProfessION. Lawyers should expose without fear or favor before the proper tribunals corrupt or dishonest conduct in the profession, and should accept without hesitation employment against a member of the Bar who has wronged his client. The counsel upon the trial of a cause in which perjury has been committed owe it to the profession and to the public to bring the matter to the knowledge of the prosecuting authorities. The lawyer should aid in guarding the Bar against the admission to the profession of candidates unfit or unqualified because deficient in either moral character or education. He should strive at all times to uphold the honor and to maintain the dignity of the profession and to improve not only the law but the administration of justice.20

ANNOT. Learning and good character as necessary qualifications for admission to practice law, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 4, 5; Dec. Dig. § 4. Right of attorney to institute disbarment proceedings against brother attorney, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. § 67; Dec. Dig. § 51.

30. JUSTIFIABLE AND UNJUSTIFIABLE LITIGATIONS. The lawyer must decline to conduct a civil cause or to make a defense when convinced that it is intended merely to harass or to injure the opposite party or to work oppression or wrong. But otherwise it is his right, and, having accepted retainer, it becomes his duty to insist upon the judgment of the Court as to the legal merits of his client's claim. His appearance in Court should be deemed equivalent to an assertion on his honor that in his opinion his client's case is one proper for judicial determination.30

ANNOT. Nature and extent of attorney's duty as to bringing, defending, or conducting civil causes, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 217, 220: Dec. Dig. § 106, 108.

Bringing fictitious or unauthorized action as constituting contempt, see Contempt, Cent. Dig. § 24.

31. RESPONSIBILITY FOR LITIGATION. No lawyer is obliged to act either as adviser or advocate for every person who may wish to be

29 See B. B. A. revision of this canon, ante, p. 452.

30 See note to this canon, ante, p. 391.

come his client. He has the right to decline employment. Every lawyer upon his own responsibility must decide what business he will accept as counsel, what causes he will bring into Court for plaintiffs, what cases he will contest in Court for defendants. The responsibility for advising questionable transactions, for bringing questionable suits, for urging questionable defenses, is the lawyer's responsibility. He cannot escape it by urging as an excuse that he is only following his client's instructions.81

ANNOT. Duties and liabilities of attorney to adverse party and third persons, and instructions of client as excuse for conduct, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 38, 39, 220; Dec. Dig. §§ 26, 108.

Nature of attorney's duty, and skill and care required in conduct of business, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 217, 218; Dec. Dig. §§ 106, 107.

32. THE LAWYER'S DUTY IN ITS LAST ANALYSIS. No client, corporate or individual, however powerful, nor any cause, civil or political, however important, is entitled to receive, nor should any lawyer render, any service or advice involving disloyalty to the law whose ministers we are, or disrespect of the judicial office, which we are bound to uphold, or corruption of any person or persons exercising a public office or private trust, or deception or betrayal of the public. When rendering any such improper service or advice, the lawyer invites and merits stern and just condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances the honor of his profession and the best interests of his client when he renders service or gives advice tending to impress upon the client and his undertaking exact compliance with the strictest principles of moral law. He must also observe and advise his client to observe the statute law, though until a statute shall have been construed and interpreted by competent adjudication, he is free and is entitled to advise as to its validity and as to what he conscientiously believes to be its just meaning and extent. But above all a lawyer will find his highest honor in a deserved reputation for fidelity to private trust and to public duty, as an honest man and as a patriotic and loyal citizen.32

ANNOT. Duties, privileges, disabilities, and liabilities of attorneys in general, see Attorney and Client, Cent. Dig. §§ 21, 26-29, 217-291; Dec. Dig. §§ 18-21, 106-129.

Acting under advice of counsel as defense to contempt charge, see Contempt, Cent. Dig. § 82; Dec. Dig. § 28 (2).

31 See note to this canon, ante, p. 392.

82 See B. B. A. revision of this canon, ante, p. 554.


The general principles which should ever control the lawyer in the practice of his profession are clearly set forth in the following Oath of Admission to the Bar:


I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of .....

I will maintain the respect due to Courts of Justice and judicial officers;

I will not counsel or maintain any suit or proceeding which shall appear to me to be unjust, nor any defense except such as I believe to be honestly debatable under the law of the land;

I will employ for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided to me such means only as are consistent with truth and honor, and will never seek to mislead the Judge or jury by any artifice or false statement of fact or law;

I will maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of my client, and will accept no compensation in connection with hist business except from him or with his knowledge and approval;

I will abstain from all offensive personality, and advance no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or witness, unless required by the justice of the cause with which I am charged;

I will never reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed, or delay any man's cause for lucre or malice. SO HELP ME God.

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