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ON a fine bright August morning, some ten years since, with my trusty Manton in my hand, and accompanied by a favorite setter, I strolled up the mountain, which overhung a friend's shootinglodge in Connemara. For some time, I was tolerably successful in my sport; bird after bird sprang up from the heather, only to find its way into my capacious pockets; and by twelve o'clock I found I had secured more game than I could well stow away. Cursing my want of forethought, which had prevented me from accepting the services of at least one of the dozen lazy hangers-on at the lodge, I determined on retracing my footsteps, with what feelings I leave it to my brother sportsmen to decide.

Fortune, however, had better luck in store for me. I had not moved ten yards from the spot where I had been standing, when a thin blue wreath of smoke, curling over the shoulder of a mountain far away to the right, attracted my attention. Certain, now, of discovering some house where I might deposit my spoil, and obtain shelter from the heat which was becoming intense, I drew my shot-belt tighter around me, and, shouldering my gun, pushed briskly forward-now plunging to the hips in the tall heather, now threading my way through a morass-till, after half-an-hour's hard work, I reached a small low cabin at the top of a narrow glen, and out of the chimney of which the smoke was pouring in considerable volumes.

I had been long enough in Connemara to more than half suspect I had come unawares on an illicit still; indeed, the day before, I had heard there was one in full operation somewhere in these mountains, so, without farther ceremony than the usual Irish benediction of "God save all here," (to which the over-scrupulous add, "except the cat,") I pushed open the door and entered the cabin.

hardly get done a hand's turn without havin' them on his tracks."

I looked at the fellow as he spoke. There was none of that brutal, debauched look about him which distinguishes the English law-breaker. On the contrary, he was a very fair specimen of an Irish peasant; and, as I examined his honest, manly countenance, I could not help feeling strong misgivings as to the righteousness of the excise laws. Whether this feeling was caused by the delicious smell of the "potheen" that pervaded the room, I leave it to the charitably disposed reader to decide.

Meantime, a bottle filled with the aforesaid potheen was placed on the table by the girl, and consigning my Manton to a corner, and emptying my pockets on the dresser, I speedily came to the conclusion that there are worse places than an Irish still-house for a tired sportsman to rest in.

I had hardly drained the first glass to the health of my fair hostess, when a little ragged, sunburnt gossoon rushed into the cabin, and, clasping his hands above his head, broke out into the most unearthly yell I ever heard.

"Och! wirr-as-thrue, murder och hone! och hone! Save yourselves for the sake of the blessed Vargin! We're sowld!—the peelers is an us!"

Tim jumped from his seat as he spoke, and, seizing him by the collar, shook him violently,"Who? what?-How many is in it! Spake, you young reprobate, or, by Jabers, I'll make short work of you!"

"There's two!-bad luck to them!" sobbed

out the poor boy. "They kem round the priest's pass, and were an me afore I could bless myself."

"Then the devil resave the drop of sparits they'll seize there to-day!" said Tim, as his eye fell on my double-barrel that was leaning against the wall beside me.

"Come, my fine fellow," I cried, "that won't do. I'll do what I can for you. But you had better not try that."

We had no time for farther parley, for the next moment the heavy tramp of footsteps was heard without, and two revenue policemen, with fixed bayonets, entered the cabin.

"A purty mornin's work you have made of it, Misther Connolly," said the foremost of the pair, but a mighty expensive one, I'm thinkin'. Long threatnin' comes at last. I towld you I'd be on your thrack afore long, and I've kept my word. Guard the door, Jim, and let no one pass out."

A tall, fine-looking girl, whom I immediately recognized as an old acquaintance, having frequently seen her at the lodge, was seated on a low stool in the centre of the apartment, while a stout, middle-aged countryman, dressed in a long frieze coat and knee breeches, but without shoes or stockings, was on his knees in a corner blowing" away with a pair of old bellows at a turf fire, on which hung what appeared to my uninitiated eyes an immense pot. My sudden entrance evidently startled him not a little, for, springing to his feet, he grasped a stout blackthorn stick that lay beside him, and stared at me for a moment with a countenance in which fear and rage were curiously blended. Not so the girl. She rose from her seat and welcomed me to the cabin, with that gay, frank, and peculiarly Irish hospitality, which, I'll be sworn, has gladdened the heart of many a weary sportsman like myself.

"A, thin, bud yer honor's welcome. It's happy and proud we are to see you. Tim, you unmannerly thief, what are you starin' for, as if ye seen the gauger? Don't ye see the master's frind standin' foreninst you? and yer caubeen on your head, ye amathaun!"

"An' I towld you," said Tim, his face darkening as he spoke "I towld you I'd be even wid you for what ye did to poor Hugh Connor. So pass on your way, and lave me and mine alone, or it'll be the worst job ever you put a hand in."


"I must first see what you have on the fire, my good lad," said the man: so make way there, in the queen's name."

"It ill becomes the like of ye to have the queen's name in yer mouth, ye dirty informer," said Tim. "So pass on yer way-I say again— or the divil a bit of this world's bread ever you'll eat."

Tim doffed his hat with much reverence. He "We'll try that presently," said the police"axed my honor's pardon; but the thieven gau- man, coolly: "Jim, keep an eye on the girl that gers war gettin' so plenty, that a poor boy could she does n't bolt on ye-she's as cunnin' as a fox."





So saying, and lowering his carbine, he attempted to pass Tim, but, in doing so, he evidently reckoned without his host, for, with a shout like a Delaware Indian, Tim sprang within his guard and seizing him by the collar, in a second both men were rolling over on the ground, grappling one another like two bulldogs.

My hostess, like myself, had hitherto remained an inactive spectator; but she now evidently determined not to let them have all the fun to themselves, for, taking up a pair of heavy iron tongs, she would soon, no doubt, have made a considerable diversion in Tim's favor, had not the other policeman jumped forward and caught her by the wrist.

"who would be sorry to interfere with any gentleman's diversions, even if he chose to break the heads of every scoundrel in the squad. The only thing I would recommend," he added, lowering his voice as he spoke, "is change of air; after your praiseworthy exertions this morning, I am sure it would be of service."

From Ainsworth's Magazine.


WE take credit to ourselves for having already grappled with this subject, which is daily assuming a more important aspect. We gave to it originally, the title now adopted by Captain Grover; but, if his views are correct, the phrase to be used should rather be the "victims to diplomacy," as

"So that's yer game, is it, my lady? then I'll take the liberty of fittin' you wid a pair of brace-expressive of a new order of political atonements, lets," producing at the same time a pair of handcuffs which he attempted to force on her wrists; but the girl struggled desperately, and, in doing so, must have irritated him greatly, for the ruffian struck her a heavy blow with his closed fist.

My blood was now fairly up, and grasping my gun I inserted the butt-end under the fellow's ribs, and dashed him into the corner; where, his head striking heavily against the sharp edge of a table, he lay apparently insensible.

offered up in the persons of ambassadors and envoys to political expediency. This is a kind of political drama, which can only be well enacted in semi-barbarous countries; and it is therefore, as yet, confined to Anglo-Russian rivalry. For a time it concerned itself more with the loss of political and commercial advantages, as the resignation of the Euphrates and the Tigris, the retreat from Affghanistan, and many minor cessions made to Russian influence; but Russia began with disavowing agents, in the person of the unfortunate "Run for it, Master Harry-never mind Tim-Vicovitch, and Great Britain carried out the prinrun or you'll be cotched!" shouted Mary, as she vanished out of the back door, while I bolted at the front. The ringing sound of a stick against the policeman's shako, telling me, as I went, that Tim's blackthorn was doing its office.

I had got about fifty yards up the mountain, when I turned and witnessed a sight I shall not easily forget. I have mentioned before that the cabin was built at the top of a glen, between two mountains. Down this glen bounded Tim with the speed of a hunted stag, his long frieze coat streaming in the wind behind him, while the worm (the only valuable part of the apparatus) was bobbing up and down over his shoulder, keeping time to the motion of his bare legs, which were taking the ground along with them at an awful pace. In front of the cabin was his antagonist ramming a cartridge down his carbine, with unmistakable energy, which the moment he had accomplished he fired slap after the caubeen, but the ball only tore up the ground some yards to his right, and with a yell of triumph I saw Tim disappear round the corner of the glen.

It was late in the evening when, tired and travel-stained, I entered the dining-room at the lodge, where I found a large party assembled.


Harry, my boy," said my friend, "we had given you up in despair. Ellen insisted you had fallen over a precipice, or were drowned in a boghole, or something of the kind. You look tired, too," filling me a tumbler of claret as he spoke; "there, now, take off that."

I never was remarkable for setting the table in a roar; but, on this occasion, if Theodore Hook himself had been relating my adventure I doubt whether he could have succeeded better than I did myself, and the old oak ceiling rang again, as my friend starting up and pointing to a short, punchy, red-faced, little man, said :

"Let me introduce you to Lieutenant Cassidy, Ilate of H. M.'s 88th regiment, and now commander of the Clifden revenue police."

"And an officer," said the lieutenant, bowing,

ciple wholesale, in the almost simultaneous sacrifice of Wyburd, Stoddart, and Conolly. There is no mincing the matter now; all the points are ascertained, all the details established beyond controversy; and it will never do to allow a transaction, involving the utmost disgrace and the most humiliating dishonor to the nation, to pass by unnoticed.

Notwithstanding the disavowal of government, the fact of these gentlemen being politically employed, is now placed beyond question. Lieut. Wyburd was sent, in 1835, by Sir John Campbell, who then represented the sovereign of Great Britain at the court of Persia, on a very important secret mission to Khiva. He has never been heard of since; and apparently, indeed, scarcely inquired after. Dr. Wolff's mission to Bokhara suggested the opportunity of making such inquiries; and Captain Grover, as president of the committee, addressed a letter to the foreign office, calling attention to the case. The answer was, that the foreign office "was not aware that Lieut. Wyburd was sent on any mission at all to Khiva." This Gothic expression "at all" betrays considerable irritability upon the subject. The dauntless Grover immediately responded, that he had Sir John Campbell's authority to the effect that he was employed. The foreign office was obliged to cry" peccavi," and acknowledge that it had overlooked the possession of a dispatch to that effect; sheltering itself also under the statement, that the British embassy at the court of Persia was at the time of Lieutenant Wyburd's mission under the direction of the East India Company, and not of the foreign office. It would scarcely be conceived, that in consequence of this, not only is an envoy overlooked and lost sight of, but being denied and repudiated by the foreign office, and dead to the East India Company, a pension to Lieutenant Wyburd's aged and unfortunate mother is refused, by the latter, because, although an officer in their service, he was sent on this mission, not by the company, but by Queen Victoria's government.

Well may Captain Grover, in his letter to the
Earl of Aberdeen, of May 2nd, 1844, say-

"Should the notion get abroad that British officers are to be sent on perilous duties, to be then abandoned, the honor of the British army, and the prosperity of the British nation, will soon be among the things past."

foreign office to disavow and abandon an agent full of integrity and honor, and a gallant officer, than to be obliged to wince under the imperial frown. It is not that such a disavowal of an agent would satisfy Count Woronzow or his imperial master of the innocency of Great Britain in having thwarted their measures in Central Asia, but it is that the humiliation of such a proceeding is considered, in the Anglo-Russian international diplomacy, as an equivalent for the success temporarily obtained through the means of the now repudiated envoy.

The same year that poor Wyburd was sent off, never to be again made mention of, till some generous, humane and gallant Grover asks the whereabouts of his official grave, Colonel Stoddart was attached, as military secretary, to Mr. Ellis' mission to Persia. Three years afterwards, in 1838, The arrival of Conolly gave greater complication Russia sent a large and rich caravan to the fron- to the affair. This officer-according to Sir Robtiers of Bokhara, the pretended peaceable mer-ert Peel's statement, made in the House of Comchants of which were in reality agents and officers mons on the 28th of June, 1844, in answer to a of the government. It was expected that so rich question by Mr. Cochrane-had been sent by the a prey would tempt the nomades of the Oxus; Indian government to make communications at and, to reclaim its subjects, Russia intended an in- Khiva and Cokan. An intimation was made to vasion of Central Asia. The thing happened as Colonel Stoddart that Captain Conolly was at anticipated the caravan was beset, and the sham Khiva, and if he thought he could be useful to merchants converted into willing prisoners. This him, he had authority to send for him from that was at the time when the expedition into Affghan- place. Colonel Stoddart, guided by these direct istan was preparing. The Czar was also assem- official instructions, wrote to Captain Conolly, bling troops for the Oxus. In order to prevent who in consequence repaired to Bokhara. On the this, Lord Palmerston despatched orders to send same occasion Sir Robert Peel stated before the some clever and intrepid member of the Persian House that Colonel Stoddart had been authorized mission into Bokhara, to prevail upon the Amir to to repair to Bokhara, and was directly employed restore the supposed merchant prisoners, and thus by the government to make communications at to deprive Russia of a pretence for war. Colonel Bokhara; putting that part of the question which Stoddart was selected for this purpose. refers to the disavowal of both these envoys be"It is impossible," says the Revue de Paris, yond a doubt. And yet these were the two offiin noticing this mission, "not to envy England cers, employed on so perilous a mission, and as these courageous agents, which it always finds deeply engaged in the service of their queen and ready to devote themselves to its service. The their country as the foreign secretary and the merit is so much the greater, as the fate that governor-general themselves, whom Lord Ellenawaits them in these perilous enterprises is scarcely ever doubtful. For one Burnes, whose name becomes known throughout the civilized world, how many victims of this patriotism fall obscurely, disappear without leaving any more traces than the straw which is carried away by the But as the detention of the British emissaries wind! These examples of devotedness are sub-was persevered in by the Amir, in order to ensure lime; they deserve to be held out to the just admiration of people."

Success attended upon the mission. The Russian prisoners were liberated, and the Czar deprived for a time of an excuse for the conquest of Bokhara. But the Amir, frightened by the progress of the British in Affghanistan, determined upon detaining Colonel Stoddart, in order that if his own territories or surety should be affected by the war, he should be enabled to negotiate with better chance of success. This is now the opinion of all best able to judge of Oriental actions. It was the explanation given by the Khan of Khiva to Captain Abbot; it is the explanation admitted by Captain Grover, and by the Revue de Paris. But the Amir was also irritated that the envoy, in whose detention he had placed his hopes of safety, could not obtain from a timid or forgetful government the proper vouchers for his authority; and he added cruel tortures to what was at first a mere captivity. On a former occasion, we surmised the possibility of the British envoy having been confined in the horrid well full of ticks. Captain Grover now makes the positive circumstance of that confinement known to the public.

The detention of Colonel Stoddart betrayed the secret of the embassy to the Russians. It was to be expected that the czar would be irritated at having been outwitted in the caravan plan; and it appears to have caused less compunction at the

borough wrote to the Amir, claiming as "innocent travellers'-that is, declaring them to be impostors and spies. "A mode of intervention," says the Revue de Paris, "which succeeded in destroying them.'

safety to his own territories, he could have nothing to gain by their death. He might subject them to cruel tortures, when disavowed by their government, but it could never have been his interest to actually destroy them. With the capriciousness of an Oriental despot they might be tortured to change their faith, and then liberated to practise openly the rites of the Christian religion: they might be one day in a dungeon, and another in favor at court; but unless disease and suffering may have carried them off, there is no reason to believe that the Amir would cause them to be slain. When Captain Grover was at St. Petersburgh, he heard that the prisoners had been removed to Samarcand before Dr. Wolff arrived at Bokhara; and the circumstances attendant upon the interview of that excellent man with the Shakhaul (secretary of state for foreign affairs) are highly corroborative of this opinion.

It makes the blood run cold to read the following. Dr. Wolff writes

The time of evening approached, and the military band played God save the Queen,' which most agreeably surprised me." Dr. Wolff makes no observation whatever upon this very extraordinary circumstance.

"At Bokhara," says Captain Grover, "they have not the least idea of music, according to our acceptation of that term;" and Dr. Wolff says, "there was not a man at Bokhara who knew any

thing of England or the English language, except | Captain Grover, and the details which Dr. Wolff the Nayib's 'halt-front,' and 'no force.' What may soon be expected to communicate, will rouse then means this God save the Queen,' played the authorities to a sense of what is due to the passing the doctor's residence, or I should say prison?

"I will give the reader my opinion, upon which he will place his own value.

"During the Cabul disaster numerous British soldiers and sepoys were taken prisoners, and I have good reason to believe were sold at Bokhara. One of the chief objects of Dr. Wolff's mission was to purchase the release of these unfortunates, and he had authority to draw upon my small fortune for that purpose. Among these prisoners would probably be found some musicians, and the king would most likely form these men into a band. The king of Bokhara would of course be most anxious to conceal from Dr. Wolff the presence of these men at Bokhara, while they would be most anxious to make themselves known; and the safest and most natural means of doing this would be to play our national air. Such modes of communication have been commonly employed from the time of Richard Cœur de Lion, ( Richard, O mon Roi!') down to Silvio Pellico. Had I, at Bokhara, heard a man humming Au clair de la lune,' I should immediately have been sure that a Frenchman was near, and should have whistled 'Dormez, dormez,' to show that I was wide awake.'"

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national dignity. If not, the nation itself must insist upon some effort being made to rescue her envoys, and to ensure the extinction of this newlyinvented system of sacrificing honorable and brave men to political expediency. The thing must not stop where it now rests.


GREAT Competition at present exists between the ports of Dover and Folkstone as to rapidity of communication with the French coast. The South-Eastern Railway Company having made Folkstone a principal station, and improved its harbor, several fine iron steamers were built and regularly connected with it-namely, the Princess Alice, the Princess Mary, the Princess Maude, and the Queen of the Belgians, which last vessel was launched only a few months ago. Each of these, in the order stated, was an improvement upon the former one, and was considered the fastest steamer in the world, until at length the Dover people, determined not to be outdone, induced the General Steam Navigation Company to send down the Magician, also an iron steamer, to ply between that port and Boulogne. The Magician has since proved herself equal in speed to the best of the Folkstone boats.

Captain Grover proves, from Dr. Wolff's reports, that the accounts of the public execution of Colonels Stoddart and Conolly, for which Saleb Another iron steamer has lately been launched, Mohammed received 3000 rupees, and on the faith named the Ondine, to run on alternate days beof which the name of as brave a man as ever wore twixt Dover and Boulogne, with the Magician; and the British uniform was struck out of the list of a very lively interest has been created along both the army, must have been false. It will not ap-coasts as to whether the palm of speed belonged pear remarkable, after what we have related of to the Dover or the Folkstone boats. intentional diplomatic sacrifice, that government On the 2nd inst., the Ondine, in going from should have paid 3000 rupees for such informa- Dover to Boulogne for the Indian mail, on account tion, although they would not contribute a far- of the Morning Herald, accomplished the run, thing to the rescue of their suffering emissaries. thirty miles, in one hour and fifty-one minutes, the Her majesty's government, in following out the quickest passage, we believe, ever made. The same determination that these envoys should be inhabitants of Dover, Folkstone, and Boulogne publicly dead, whether actually alive or not, pub- were on the qui vive, as it was known that a trial lished in the papers a communication from the would take place betwixt the Ondine and the Russian minister to that effect: but to this day Queen of the Belgians, which was waiting at Bouthey have never published the contradictory state-logne for the Indian mail on account of the Times. ment received shortly afterwards from the British minister, Colonel Shiel; it did not suit their purpose to do so. After the disavowal of the envoys by their government, the Russians expressed their wish to convey them away in safety from Bokhara as travellers; but Colonel Stoddart refused to avail himself of such a dishonorable subterfuge. "Had I known," said the Russian envoy to Captain Grover," that these gentlemen were agents of the government, I could have saved them at

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The public owe a heavy debt of gratitude to the chivalrous and generous Captain Grover, for the uncompromising manner in which he has taken up this important subject. He throughout exposes the demoralizing results of such conduct, and the contempt brought by it upon the British nation in a masterly and unanswerable manner :

"I consider it my duty," he says, in his address to the queen, "to state to your majesty, that the circumstances attending this extraordinary case are degrading to the British nation, and are of a nature to dim the lustre of your majesty's crown!"

It is sincerely to be hoped that the work of

On that occasion the Queen of the Belgians performed the distance in one hour and fifty-three minutes, beating the Ondine by sixteen minutes; but the cause of this apparent superiority was an accident to the Ondine's machinery, one of the slides having given way. But as on the previous day the Ondine had made the voyage in two minutes' less time-namely, one hour and fifty-one minutes-it was resolved by the owners that as soon as her machinery was repaired another trial of speed should take place on the first opportunity.

Everything having been set to rights on board the Ondide by the 13th inst., she proceeded on that day from Dover to Boulogne, to try her qualities with the Princess Maude, which has hitherto had the reputation of being the fastest boat on the


The following account of the interesting trial has been transmitted to us by eye-witnesses.

"The Ondine was put into the roads this morn ing, and went over to Boulogne to meet the Prin cess Maude, and met her accordingly about half an hour after she had left Boulogne. The weather was thick at the time, the wind blowing fresh; she

was, however, made out, the Ondine being to the windward of her. The Ondine bore down and hoisted her red flag of defiance. She took her station about a cable's length behind the Maude. Some few minutes elapsed before it could be told which of the vessels would prove the victor. The Maude had her staysail and foresail set. The Ondine soon set two sails also. In ten minutes the competitors were paddle-box and paddle-box, and in twenty minutes the Ondine was so far ahead that she actually put the Maude into her wake. The Ondine proceeded on to Folkstone, and when within about a cable's length of that harbor she hove to in sight of all the Folkstone people, who had apparently assembled to witness the issue. In eight or ten minutes the Maude passed close to the Ondine's stern, and went into the harbor. Knowing that she had to land her passengers and return to Boulogne, the Ondine waited, standing off and on, till she backed out; and when she had got her head right for Boulogne, and considerably ahead of the Ondine, the latter once more started after her, when a most interesting struggle took place. The Ondine, however, was soon again paddle-box and paddle-box with her opponent; the sea was very rough, and, apparently, the Maude, at times, shipped a great deal of water; the Ondine threw it off both sides of her paddle-boxes. When sufficiently ahead of the Maude, so as to run no risk, the Ondine crossed her bows and went round her!! thus demonstrating, a second time, the great superiority in speed of the Ondine over the Princess Maude. Both the City of London and Magician, in crossing to and from Boulogne and Dover, saw the trial, and bore to each place the news of the Ondine having gone twice round the Maude in so short a distance. It is the general opinion that the Princess Maude is superior to the Queen of the Belgians. The rate was seventeen and seventeen and a half miles per hour.'

the second he gets nothing but contempt. If this be his way of following up his appeasing measures, in what excess of exasperation will it end!

It is clear that as yet nothing but mischief has been done. The temper of Ireland is at this moment worse than it has been at any other time since the rebellion. The popular press teems with the worst sort of treason; not treason against the state, not the treason that would overthrow a form of government, but the treason that would arm one part of the population against another; a treason not against the crown, but against the people; a treason ready to league with any foreign foe, French, Russian, American, careless of the cause, no matter whether the ally be despot or democrat, enmity and injury to England being the only bonds of alliance regarded. There is nothing very heroic in this, it must be confessed. If seven millions of spirited people were as inflamed with wrong as the popular organs of Ireland represent, they should need no foreign aid; they would scorn to lie by waiting a juncture of difficulty or danger to their oppressors, but would straight, by their own power and a just cause, work out their own redemption. But allowing for much exaggeration, yet the anti-Anglican feeling prevails to such an extent, and is still so spreading, as to warrant serious apprehension for the future. The repeal agitation is a minor evil; the hostility of race to race is what we regard as the serious and menacing evil. Men hacknied in public affairs are likely to make light of this source of danger. The cry of wolf has been so often raised in Ireland that they think little of alarms in that quarter. But they have to observe that the mind of Ireland was never before at once so alienated and inflamed, and so marshalled as it is now. It is a thoroughly disciplined malignity, and while it is biding its time for mischief, it is making its time too.

Mark the language of the Nation, which, having enumerated the concessions that should satisfy Ireland, (with one or two exceptions judiciously selected,) proceeds thus :

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This splendid little vessel, the Ondine, was built and fitted with machinery by Messrs. Miller, Ravenhill, and Co., of Blackwall. The engines "But we fear that ere he (Sir R. Peel) would of the Ondine are two fifties only, while those of be induced to yield even a few of these just measthe Princess Maude are, at least, twenty horse ures, the war should have got to its summer heat, power more. The Princess Mary, the Princess the American privateers should have been busy with Alice, and the Queen of the Belgians, were con- the ships of London, the tricolor of France should structed by Messrs. Ditchburn and Mare.-Morn-have begun to flutter, and the organization of the ing Herald.

From the Examiner, May 17.


Irish brigades have been reported forward by his New York spies.


Fervently attached as the Irish are to the greatness of England, these events would doubtless cause them bitter agony. How our coasts would be thronged with weeping citizens as the Yankee frigates floated by with their prizes. How our corporations and reading halls would storm against the threatening French. Sure there would be moans in every cabin when the word passed on that the exiles were ready and every parish would have its volunteer company preparing to expel the enemy.

We were assured by Sir Robert Peel's admirers that the Maynooth grant was to be looked upon as earnest of more important measures of conciliation. What the happy effect of it has been, with the premier's adroit explanation of the unworthy motives for it, we need not repeat; but what has been the reception of the next act of grace, the establishment of the three lay colleges? Why, the Catholic organs denounce the plan, "How painful to think that a struggle which agreeing with Sir Robert Inglis that it is a scheme would so peril England, and so distress Ireland, of godless education, and Mr. O'Connell condemns should be a means of gaining for us franchises, it as a plan as idle as ever came from the lips of tenures, representation, resident landlords, naman, and promises it all the negative opposition in tive administration, perhaps a native parliament! his power. How wicked of the minister to make his justice conSir Robert Peel's conciliation seems this taper-ditional on such events! How insane of him to ing away very quickly, "small by degrees and avow that the cloud of coming war was full of benbeautifully less." For grant the first he got a efits to Ireland!" little flummery, a few fair words of acknowledgment, of which he made the most; but for grant

But how is the state of feeling here represented to be dealt with? It is not unprovoked, though it

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