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"that all human discoveries seem to be made only themselves in opposition to a date which assigns for the purpose of confirming more strongly the so youthful an age to our haughty race? Assurtruths come from on high, and contained in the edly not; geological investigations, the researches sacred writings." This illustrious astronomer has of history, and the study of monuments, all conseen in this agreement the most valuable triumph cur in demonstrating not only the recent date of and most noble conquest of intelligence. man's appearance, but particularly that of his renovation.

Here, therefore, Scripture is exact and within the limits of truth. The term it assigns to the cradle of humanity, although not very remote from that in which civilization has arrived at a degree of remarkable splendor, is still sufficient to explain and comprehend the various phases of it. We may include in these 7500 years all that authentic historical traditions have told us respecting the progress of man in the path of civilization.

This scientific fact may be regarded even in a still more important light. It indicates that the author of Genesis has had just reason to look upon man as the last that appeared of living beings, and to regard him as the limit and completion of the creation. If plants have preceded herbivorous animals, because the latter must derive from these all that serves them for nourishment, herbivorous animals must, in like manner, have appeared before the carnivorous species. In truth, without the herbivorous races, the carnivora must The Bible has, in like manner, acknowledged have died of hunger. For similar reasons the om- the unity of the human species. This truth, for a nivorous, or such races as live both on vegetables long time disputed, has been regarded in our own and animals, must have made their appearance at times both by the most illustrious physiologists a later period. Accordingly man, who is omniv- and most able anatomists as fully established. orous par excellence, must have appeared last The intimate acquaintance of both these classes of among living beings, since he requires the pres-observers with the proofs which demonstrate it, ence of all kinds of nourishment. gives the greatest authority to their opinion.

On the other hand, when Scripture speaks of At some future period, not very remote, this the creation of plants, it makes them vegetate question will probably cease to be open to any disand develop themselves before the appearance of pute. In fact, the black men who, by losing the sun, and under conditions of light, heat, and ground and going backwards in the path of civilihumidity, different from those under which vege-zation, have lost, in a great measure, the beauty tables now flourish. It has thus disclosed to us, of their primitive type, are now returning to the thousands of years ago, an order of things which blessings of intelligence, and have established the fossil botanist has found to exist with great themselves as nations. They show a tendency to exactness, and which he has endeavored to explain remount to the point from which they receded: by causes different from those whose action is now as the consequence of their progress in knowlfelt.* Scripture, therefore, has admitted, with edge, and the improvement of their mental faculreason, that the germination of vegetables com- ties, they will soon recover the type which they menced before the sun had received the power of had lost. The development of their brain, the shedding his light on the earth; it is thus by mo- necessary consequence of the exercise of their tives not less legitimate, and not less real, that it minds, will make them acquire new forms; and makes plants appear before animals, which they soon they will cease to be distinguishable from the were destined to supply with nourishment. But white race from which they sprung. With the let us consider whether Scripture has had equal advance of their intelligence, their language will reason for proclaiming the recent appearance of become purer; their manners will undergo a corthe human species as compared with other living responding improvement; and these men, not long species. since so debased, both in moral and physical qualities, will become the most manifest proof of the unity of the human species, as proclaimed by the first and most ancient historian.

What we have already observed, is in some measure a proof that the arrival of man on the earth must have been posterior to that of the greater part of animals, whether vertebrate or This primitive unity must necessarily imply a invertebrate. Not many serious difficulties can uniformity in the language of mankind, or in the be formed on this point. The examination of fos- manner of making themselves understood, and siliferous strata proves that the remains of our communicating their thoughts to each other. The species do not begin to show themselves till we Bible intimates this; and we can go back with it come amongst diluvial deposits, which are the to the precise period when the confusion of lanmost recent of those belonging to geological eras.guages took place among the nations. A superMan has, therefore, formed part of the new gen- ficial study of the idioms of the primeval races has erations which have appeared on the surface of the earth; also the greater part of those with which he has been cotemporary have still their representatives among the living races.

But man may be recent, even the newest of beings, and yet the date of his appearance may go so far back as the 7500 years which Scripture assigns to him. Is it necessary to suppose with Scripture, that the last arrangement on the surface of the globe is more recent than the last and terrible catastrophe which laid it waste, a catastrophe followed by the renewal of the human race? Would it be reasonable for all ages, all people, and, in particular, our modern schools, to set *See Genesis i. 11 and 12; and our memoir on the Fossil Plants of the Coal Formation of the Polar regions, Bibl. Univ., July, 1834.

appeared, at first view, not very favorable to the idea of their having a common origin; but a more profound examination has shown in what manner all the languages spoken came gradually to differ from each other. (See note at the end of this article.)

It is not less deserving of attention that the Bible: is the first book in which we find notions of classi-fication, analogous to those which naturalists em-ploy in the study of the different natural bodies.. In the 11th chapter of Leviticus, in particular, we find a sketch of a method of distinguishing pureanimals from impure, the latter of which the He-brews were forbidden to eat. God allowed thechildren of Israel to eat animals which ruminated and had the feet cloven; but they were interdicted from using others. Swine, and even camels,.

were included in the interdict; the former because The delineations of the manners of these anithey did not ruminate, the latter because they had mals are extremely true, and are expressed with not their feet divided like oxen and sheep. remarkable conciseness. Such is the case with Birds of prey were also, according to Scripture, those the Bible gives us respecting the habits of impure animals, which the Hebrews were not per- the ostrich, a bird which it represents as void of mitted to use for food. They were allowed to affection for its young, which are in its eyes as if make use only of long legged species (Gralla, they were not its own. Forgetting her offspring, Linn.) and those whose feet were adapted for the ostrich leaves her eggs in the earth, and warmswimming. They might employ for food all the eth them in the dust. A foolish and thoughtless marine and fresh-water fishes provided with scales mother, she cares not what may become of them; and fins; but they were not to eat such as were | forgetting that the foot may crush them, or that destitute of these appendages. In this ordination they may be destroyed by the cruel jaws of the there can be no doubt that a great degree of wis- tigers of the desert. But when it is the proper dom is shown; for the animals we now use for time, she raises her wings into the air; trusting food belong to pure species; while, with the ex- to the strength of her legs, she scorneth the horse ception of the hog, those which Moses regards as and his rider.* impure, are, in general, ill-fitted for human consumption. But what is most important to be remarked is, that in this arrangement there can be traced the basis of a natural classification, which is still adopted in the most common sys


The description of the horse is not less faithful: the Bible represents it to us as full of strength and vigor, and bounding like a grasshopper. His neck is adorned with a flowing mane, and he paweth the earth with his foot. He leaps forward with pride, and goeth forth to meet the armed men. Scripture is not less precise when it turns its His breathing scatters terror; he mocketh at fear, attention to the objects of detail relating to living neither turneth he back from the sword. When beings. It is, in particular, in delineating the the quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear manners of animals, that these writings exhibit an and the shield, he swalloweth the ground with accuracy and conciseness which the greatest natur- fierceness and rage. If he hears the sound of the alists have not surpassed. Its descriptions are so trumpet, he exclaims, Let us advance; he smellfaithful and so precise, that they cannot be mis-eth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains taken. Thus it represents to us the lioness and the shouting.† couched in her cave, watching with a restless eye At the command of the Eternal, Scripture the prey about to pass, and waiting with the ut-states, the hawk darts into the air, and extends most anxiety on her young whelps. When she her wings towards the south. At His voice, the perceives the prey, we are told how she darts eagle rises to the clouds, and places her nest on forth with the rapidity of the eagle, carrying her the top of the mountains. This bird inhabits the victim in her mouth to appease the hunger of her hollows of the rock, and dwells in the most inacyoung ones. Very different from the young lions, cessible cliffs of the crag. From these elevated the young ravens wander about from one place to heights the eagle watches her prey; her piercing another, oppressed by hunger; they call with loud eyes discover it afar off. When she has seized it, noise on their mother, who finds her greatest de- she carries it to her young, who drink its blood. light in supplying them with food. Under the guidance of their mother, the young eaglets soon descend to the places where the carcass lies. Images of death, these birds bear,

It indicates to us, in like manner, the time of gestation and delivery of the hinds and wild goats. These animals are represented as bowing them-in some degree, its livery on their plumage.‡ selves when they bring forth, and uttering sorrowful cries. The wild ass is spoken of as being singularly fierce, incapable of being subdued, and answering not to the voice of him who calls himself its master; free, and ranging the mountains as his pasture; his abode is in solitude, and his retreat the desert.

Man, it tells us, cannot subdue the oryx; he cannot force it to remain even for a single night in a stable; still less can he make it submit to the yoke, to open the furrows and harrow the fertile valleys. Notwithstanding his power, the strength of man is incapable of making this untamable animal assist him in his labors. He cannot make use of it to carry his harvests, or to gather them into

his barns.*

Scripture often makes mention of the migrations undertaken by so many animals, particularly birds and fishes. It often compares the rapidity of birds leucoryx antelopes: all of these animals frequently be

come unicorn.

However this may be, the details which Scripture gives us respecting the animal which it calls Reem, agree perfectly with the Oryx antilope. See our Observations on the Unicorn of the ancients (Mem. de la Société Linn de


*See Job xxxix. 13 to 18. The description of the ostrich in the book of Job is remarkable for its extreme truthfulness, as may be seen by perusing the passage referred to. It is singular to see in so ancient a book the air when they wish to run before the wind. They this habit of ostriches noticed, of raising their wings into know, by instinct, that their wings, under such circumstances, will act as sails or oars.

+ See Job xxxix. 19 to 25. This description of the horse is superior to all others that have since been written.

*See Job xxxix. 1 to 11. We shall make only a single observation on these verses: it relates to the animal which the Hebrews called Reem, perhaps the oryx of the See Job xxxix. 26 to 30. The Hebrew word nescher Greeks, spoken of by Martial and Oppian. This species (eagle) is derived from the verb schour, which properly appears to be the same as the Oryx antilope of natural-signifies to contemplate. The authors of the Bible were ists; it is about the size of a stag, and its horns are slen- not ignorant that the eagle could fix its eyes on the sun. der, from two to three feet long. This antelope, or oryx The prophets had also correctly observed that when the of Elian, lives in large herds in the interior of Africa, and eagle moults he loses almost all his feathers (Micah i. throughout the whole of Arabia. 16.) Scripture is not less correct, when it speaks of the manners of animals. See, for example, Proverbs xxx. 25 to 28; Isaiah xxxiv. 14 and 15. The Proverbs contain details not less curious on inanimate bodies. Ezekiel (iii. 9, and x. 1) had remarked, that the diamond was the hardest of stones, as the sapphire was one of the most brilliant. Zechariah, likewise, when wishing to describe

M. Rosenmüller, as well as Bochart, has translated the Hebrew term Reem by oryx, with so much the more reason, because the notion of the unicorn has been formed from some individuals which had lost one of their horns. This circumstance is the more probable, since the oryx presents this peculiarity, as well as the algazel and

of passage, as they cross the seas, to the speed of | Explaining them, accordingly, with an admirable vessels using their large sails as if they were huge conciseness, the greater part of these facts have wings. It shows to us the extensive journeys escaped the notice of the first interpreters of Scripperformed by these light inhabitants of the air, ture, who, from inability to comprehend them, their immense numbers, their fatigues, the conse- have not given to the sacred books all the imquence of their lengthened flight, and the prompti-portance they now possess in our eyes. Their tude with which they alight when they reach the errors, altogether involuntary, are so much the end of their journey. Everything, in the deline- less to be wondered at, since the Bible contains ation of the manners of these birds of passage, is particulars for which we cannot yet assign a reason rapid and animated as the movements them- in the present state of our knowledge. The conselves of the beings which people the aërial stant progress of human science will soon render ocean.* them intelligible. This is not the least of the advantages of the sciences, nor the least valuable inheritance we can leave to our descendants. They will not forget, more than we, that Scripture is a treasure open to all; and that it is the only book from which those that borrow run no risk of being may draw from it have already belonged to millions of intelligences; but if they extend them, if they understand them better than their predecessors, they will so much the more belong to them, since they shall have been the first to perceive them.

We have enumerated some of the principal physical facts contained in the Bible; we have endeavored to show the relations they bear to those with which science has recently made us acquainted. It seems that nothing now remains for us to ascertain. There is, however, one essen-accused of plagiarism. The ideas which they tial point of which we have omitted to speak, and with this we shall terminate our researches. The Book of Wisdom, after having said that the almighty hand of God made the world out of nothing, adds, that he disposed all things by number, weight, and measure. By this we are led to understand, that we ought to consider natural bodies under three aspects; that is to say, under Note. We read, in Genesis xi. 1, Erat autem that of their extent, their weight, and the number terra labii unius et sermonum eorumdem, which of atoms or molecules which compose them. Per- may be translated thus:-"There was then upon haps it was thus meant to specify the principal the earth only one language and one speech.' modes of regarding bodies, or the principal The unity of the primeval language is perhaps branches of natural science. Physics would, in more difficult to establish than that of the human this way, be represented by measure, the mathe- species. In fact, we are without the most essenmatical sciences by number, and chemistry by tial data for solving the question. We shall, weight. therefore, confine ourselves to a few observations.

Scripture describes, in a few words, the principal properties of bodies, and how we may sum up their different appearance and different characters. Thus God asks Job where he was when he laid the foundations of the earth, and when He established the measures thereof? where he was when He enclosed the sea with barriers, when it broke forth as a child which comes from the womb of its mother? or when, enveloping the clouds as with a garment, He surrounded it with darkness like the swaddling-bands of infancy? Has man ever known the paths of light, or the place of darkness?

The details into which we have entered seem to prove, with some degree of evidence, that the physical truths most essential to the knowledge of the material world, are almost all indicated in the first books of the Bible. They are never, indeed, fully developed, because Moses and his successors were not called upon to write scientific treatises. While speaking of God, and the works which proclaim his power, they have, as if in spite of themselves, allowed some gleams of their superior knowledge to break through. Their object, and almost their sole object, has been to point out their duties to the people they were called upon to direct, and, particularly, to fill their minds with the fear of the Lord. It was sufficient to unveil to them the principal facts of this visible world, to convince them of the wisdom of the Most High, so clearly imprinted on the works he has produced.

the impenitence of the Hebrews, says that they have hardened their heart like the diamond (vii. 12.) This prophet was also acquainted with the mode of trying gold and purifying silver (xiii. 9.) The 28th chapter of Job contains interesting details on the metals and precious


* See Isaiah xlvi. 11; lx. 8; Hosea xi. 11; Joel ii. 25; also the Psalms.

[blocks in formation]

The proof of the primitive unity of language is to be found, not only in the unity of the human species, but also in the confusion of languages which took place at the building of the tower of Babel. If confusion took place then, it could not have existed before.

The history of the human race informs us, that at its origin there was only one speech (unus sermo.) But it is difficult for us now to go back to that primitive stock, from which have sprung the various idioms which the different nations of the earth employ to express their ideas. All that is proved by the study of their characters, structure, and construction, is, that the most diverse among them have a family air and resemblance, which reveals a common origin.*

If we assert the contrary, we shall be forced to establish as many human races as there are idioms without analogy or mutual connection; that is to say, we should have to establish hundreds. This consequence would not be very philosophical; it Iwould oblige us, at least, to multiply the races almost in the inverse ratio of the number of individuals who formed part of them. In fact, the

*The knowledge of this primitive language is of no consequence to Scripture; it only interests philosophers. The Bible, accordingly, contains no details in regard to it.

smallest tribes, and the most subdivided of savage nations, often present the most notable and strongly marked differences in their languages. As the consequence of this state of things, the interior of Africa, or the unexplored regions of Australia, would contain a greater number of races than the whole of Europe or Asia. The same thing would hold true of America, where, however, it appears to be demonstrated, that the numerous languages of the natives are derived from a common stock, these having been subjected to the laws of other families of spoken languages.

The most recent researches on the construction of different idioms, seem to have rendered it probable, that, after the violent separation of the human species, they formed themselves into groups, or, if the term be preferred, into families. These groups daily tend to approach each other, and thus more and more indicate their paternity and mutual affinities. They thus present the best proof of their first and single point of departure; they divide the human species into certain great characteristic families, the subsequent divisions of which come within the domain of history. These analogies and relations will become more and more apparent, in proportion as the philosophical study of nations, and the knowledge of their diverse idioms, acquire greater certainty and fuller development.

The languages which form the Semitic branch, in which may be included Hebrew, Chaldee, Phoenician, Syriac, Abyssinian, and Arabian, have been long recognized as having a common origin, and composing a great family.

The same thing may be said of the Chinese and Indo-Chinese languages, which compose a single group, in which all the monosyllabic languages of the east may be included.

With regard to the idioms known under the name of Indo-European, they compose a great family, including the Sanscrit or ancient and sacred language of India; the ancient and modern Persian, which was at first considered to be a Tartar dialect; the Teutonic, with its diverse dialects, such as the Slavonic, Greek, and Latin, with its numerous derivatives. The Celtic dialects, which, according to Prichard, have the closest relation to the Indo-European languages, must be arranged in this group.

Although the Sanscrit may appear, at first sight, to be a mother language, and to have only remote analogies with those which are somewhat modern, we arrive at another conclusion when we compare, with some attention, the Sanscrit and the Greek, for example. This examination is found to prove that numerous relations exist between these two idioms, which would at first appear to have nothing in common. Some curious details on this point will be found in a notice placed at the head of Burnout's Greek Grammar.* Similar analogies are observable between the Sanscrit, the Persian, and all the old and new dialects of the north; as is also found to be the case between the first of these languages and the Hebrew. We shall find the proof of this assertion in the excellent German work published by Bopp. This skilful philologist has there compared all these languages with the Sanscrit. Now, as the Greek also appears to be derived from it, judging from the great number of words common to the two idioms,

*See page 10 of the 37th edition. Paris, 1842.

it will follow, that all are derived from one and the same language.

The same thing would appear to be the case with the most ancient languages, such as the Hebrew, the Chaldee, the Phoenician, the Syriac, the Abyssinian, and the Arabic; among which may be included the Egyptian, the affinity_of which to the Hebrew is not less manifest. The analogies of all these idioms are so numerous, that, according to M. Cellérier, a great number of modes of speech and foreign terms of expression, principally Arabian, are to be found in the Book of Job. He assures us that he has counted eightyfive words in that book which are not to be met with in any other of the Old Testament books. He has also noticed in it twelve Syriac expressions, eighteen Chaldean, and fifty-three Arabian. This observation, however, applies only to the poetical part; the prologue and epilogue are written in Mosaic Hebrew, and in the ordinary narrative style. (Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 494.)

The Latin, which, like the Greek, has a close relationship to the Sanscrit, is evidently a derivative and secondary idiom. The greater part of those of Europe, such as the Italian, Spanish, English, and French, are derived from it. At least, they exhibit such striking resemblances, and such numerous agreements, that it is easy to recognize in them the traces of the language from which they have been derived.

It is difficult, therefore, in the actual state of things, to go back to the primitive stock from which all spoken languages have sprung. All that can be done, is to recognize affinities, more or less strongly marked, between them, and to detect, as it were, distinct groups or families. Notwithstanding the great differences observable between certain idioms, we conclude, after an attentive examination, by discovering in them certain characters which reveal a common origin, and a primary and single stock.

The exertions of the most illustrious philologists of our times, have been directed to this important point in the history of language. Their researches on the signs, the structure, and construction of the numerous idioms which mankind have employed to communicate their thoughts, have proved, beyond a doubt, that these constitute distinct groups and many great families. Yet, they have found in them, considered collectively, too close analogies, and too obvious affinities, to admit of regarding them otherwise than as all derived from a single and primitive stock, or a mother language.

This appears so much the more probable, when we consider that we often discover stronger resemblances between the idioms spoken by nations situate at great distances from each other, than between those used by neighboring tribes. This occurs at times, even between nations who have no historical connection, and who, accordingly, can afford us ro reason for affinities existing between their respective languages. Klaproth, in his Asiatic Memoirs, has mentioned numerous examples of these singular resemblances.

If, as the most eminent scientific individuals have supposed, the origin of language depends on the faculty given to man to express his thoughts by means of words and particular characters, this faculty must be indefinite. It would, in fact, ap

*Paris, 1824, tome i., p. 214.

pear to be so. This circumstance may permit us He was imperfectly acquainted with the lanto conceive the numerous alterations and modifica-guage, was without resources, (the political troutions which language has undergone; modifications of such a nature that often the words of one idiom belong to one class, and its grammar to another. Even a new language sometimes results from this, differing from that whence it is derived, and further distinguished from it by the adoption of new grammatical forms altogether peculiar to itself.*

From the Examiner.

The Life of the Rev. Joseph Blanco White, written by himself; with Portions of his Correspondence. Edited by JOHN HAMILTON THOM. Three vols. Chapman.

bles of Spain having further involved his family affairs,) and without a friend. But he had known Lord Holland in Spain, and that generous nobleman became his active patron. He was enabled to establish a Spanish journal; conducted it till the expulsion of the French in 1814; and received a pension of 2501. a year from the foreign office. Then he seems to have set himself to that arduous task of reeducating himself in English, which gives peculiar interest to his life. He literally recast his mind in an English mould; in a few years never thought but in English; and wrote an admirable English style, strong and simple.

But having for this purpose fixed his residence in Oxford, a sort of evil religious destiny awaited him there. In the High Protestant Oxford party, his vehement southern temperament recognized what he thought the temple of his youth's religion renovated and purified; the priest revived in him; he set himself to new examination of the Christian religion, and became an ardent member of the English Protestant Church. We observe at this time the affectionate care and forethought of Lord Holland, in an effort to bring him back to the quieter paths of literature. His friendly kindness forced him into Holland House with the office of tutor to the present lord; but after two years he flung off the generous restraint, and threw himself

THIS book is properly described by its editor as the materials of an autobiography, rather than the completed work. It is in three parts. The first strictly autobiographical, containing a narrative of events, and addressed to the writer's friend, Doctor Whateley. The second, entitled "A Sketch of my Mind in England," going over much of the ground of the autobiographical sketch, and shaped into a history of the writer's religious experience. The third, and most extensive, made up of journals, note-books, and correspondence. Mr. Thom has discharged his duty to his friend with manifest care and affection; and though the arrange-headlong into religious controversy. He wrote the ment tends to a little confusion and repetition now Doblado Letters, assailed Charles Butler's Book of and then, the subject of the book is from first to the Church, and in a work called Internal Evidences last very faithfully reflected. The omission of against Roman Catholicism, declared himself occasional redundancies, and the intrusion of edito- against Catholic Emancipation. Southey exulted, rial matter, would not in this respect have im- and Allen grieved. Keswick bid him God-speed proved it. in his glorious efforts; while Holland House reBlanco White was a name well known in Lon-proached him that after all his efforts to divest don and Oxford society twenty years ago. It was himself of the rags of Popery, the mantle of Fanever doubted, we believe, that he was a sincere ther Torquemada should be still cleaving like the man; though he passed for a very crotchety" shirt of Nessus. one. This book will improve his reputation. There is much in the peculiar construction of his mind-in its close union of the moral with the intellectual faculties, and in its restless desire for truth-which may remind the reader of Doctor Arnold. Both have, in an unusual degree, what the French call caractère: a word of more meaning than the analogous one in English.


The outline of Blanco White's life is curious. He was a Spaniard; his father of an Irish stock, his mother Andalusian; and born in 1775, at Seville, at that time the most bigoted town of Spain. His family were engaged in mercantile affairs, and formed a sort of small Irish colony in Seville; but misfortunes overtook them, and his mother, a religious enthusiast, took Blanco from the merchant's desk and devoted him to the Roman Catholic church. This false step colored his future life. Strongly disinclined to religious discipline, his mother's influence prevailed against repeated attempts to disengage himself from it. He took priest's orders in the Colegio Mayor, was elected rector of his college, and became one of the chaplains of the Chapel Royal of St. Ferdinand. But by the time he had attained this rank in his church, its degrading influences were so bitterly felt by him, as well for other members of his family as himself, that he saw no alternative between infidelity or flight. He chose the latter, and came to England in 1810.

*From the Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève, No. 106, 1844, pp. 321-356.

It is very evident, however, that no man could have been more sincere than Blanco White at this time. He wrote what he plainly felt; and without care of what its help to bigotry, or to his own fortune, might be. He seems unaffectedly amazed when Oxford straightway creates him a master of arts, and the Duke of York gives him a commission for his son, (whose birth is one of the mysteries unexplained in the volumes.) He became a clergyman of the English church, and preached, both in London and Oxford.

We suspect that Blanco's first grave doubt of the course he had taken came with his unlookedfor worldly rewards. His nature was not suspicious of others; but it was querulous to a painful degree in things affecting itself; and sensitively alive to what the world might think, and people say. Nor did he mend his position by voting, four years later, for Peel's reelection at Oxford. But there seems no reason to doubt that his Oxford life was a reasonably happy one. He made friendships in the common room of Oriel which survived the changes of his after life. He corresponded with Southey and Coleridge; explained the Roman Catholic breviary to Pusey and Froude; had a high and earnest delight in intercourse with Newman and Whateley; started a review of his own because Murray was starving his Quarterly contributors; and was cheered in its failure, as in every other failure or calamity he met with, by the unfailing kindness of his friends at Holland House, and their delicate and generous sympathy. It was

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