STATE OF NEBRASKA, I, EDWARD P. ROGGEN, Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have carefully examined and compared the following copies of laws, joint resolutions, and memorials, passed by the legislature of said state, at its eighteenth session, with the original rolls on file in this department, and that the same are true and correct copies of said laws. [GREAT SEAL.] In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and seventh, and of this State the seventeenth. EDWARD P. ROGGEN, Secretary of State. STATE OFFICERS. HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES W. DAWES, Governor, HON. ALFRED W. AGEE, Lieutenant-Governor, HON. EDWARD P. ROGGEN, Secretary of State, HON. JOHN WALLICHS, Auditor Public Accounts, HON. PHELPS D. STURDEVANT, Treasurer of State. HON. ALBERT G. KENDALL, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, St. Paul, Howard County. HON. W. W. W. JONES, Superintendent of Public Instruction. HON. ISAAC L. POWERS, JR., Attorney-General, JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice............................ .HON. GEO. B. LAKE....................... HON. AMASA COBB.......... ......HON. SAMUEL MAXWELL.... Clerk and Reporter............HON. GUY A. BROwn..... .......... ..Omaha. .. Lincoln. Fremont. Lincoln. DISTRICT JUDGES. HON. SAMUEL P. DAVIDSON..........First District.......... ... Tecumseh. .................Lincoln. .....Omaha. .Columbus. HON. T. L. NORVAL....... ..Sixth District................ ..Crete. ...Seward. HON. SAMUEL L. SAVIDGE..... Kearney. HON. THOMAS DARNELL................Sixth District....... HGN. W. S. MORLAN... 4 HON. E. M. COFFIN... HON. J. W. BIXLER.. ..Eighth District..... Tenth District...... ..... Beatrice. Omaha. .St. Paul. North Platte OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. HON. ALFRED W. AGEE, Lieutenant-Governor. Ind.. Married 50 Anti-M. R Eng.. Married 52 Democrat.. Cass........... Neb.. Single... 11 |