25th. To define fire limits, and regulate the erec- Fire limits. tion of all buildings and other structures within the corporate limits, and provide for the removal of any building or structure, or addition thereto, erected contrary to such regulations. 26th. To lay off the city into suitable districts for Sewers. the purpose of establishing a system of sewerage and drainage; to provide such system and regulate the construction and repairs, and use of sewers and drains, and of all proper house connections and branches, and provide penalties for any obstruction of, or injury to, any sewer, or part thereof. 27th. To erect, construct, and maintain water- Waterworks. works either or without the corporate limits of the city, and to make all needful rules and regulations concerning the use of water supplied by such water-works, and to do all acts necessary for the construction, completion, management, and control of the same, including the appropriation of private property for the public use in the construction and operation of such water-works, compensation for such appropriation to be made as is provided by this act; and the mayor and council of each city, created or governed by this act, shall have power to contract with, and procure individuals or incorporations to construct and maintain water-works, on such terms, and under such regulations as may be agreed on. 28th. To provide for the organization and support Fires. of a fire department, and to establish regulations for the prevention and extinguishment of fires. 29th. To hold and improve public grounds and Parks. parks within or without the limits of the city, and provide for the protection and preservation of the same. 30th. To require from any officer of the city, at any officers' time, a report in detail of the transactions in his office, or of any matters connected therewith. reports. Fast driving. Explosive substances. Use of streets. Eminent domain. Public peace. Punish wrong-doers. Vacancies in office. Trees. Inspection of weights and measures. 31st. To prevent horse racing and immoderate driving or riding in the streets, and to compel persons to fasten their horses or other animals attached to vehicles while standing in the streets. 32nd. To regulate the transportation and keeping of gun powder, oils, and other combustible and explosive articles. 33rd. To regulate the transportation of articles through the streets, and to prevent injuries to the streets from overloaded vehicles. 34th. To appropriate private property for the use of the city. 35th. To provide for the punishment of persons disturbing the peace and good order of the city by clamor or noise, by intoxication, drunkenness, fighting, or using obscene or profane language in the streets or other public places, or otherwise violating the public peace by indecent and disorderly conduct, or by lewd or lascivious behavior. 36th. To provide for the punishment of vagrants, tramps, common street beggars, common prostitutes, habitual disturbers of the peace, pickpockets, gamblers, burglars, thieves, watch stuffers, ball game players, persons who practice any game, trick, or device with intent to swindle, persons who abuse their families, and suspicious persons who can give no reasonable account of themselves. 37th. To provide for filling such vacancies as may occur in the office of councilman or other elective office of the city, by calling special elections for that person. 38th. To provide for the planting and protection of shade and ornamental and useful trees. 39th. To provide for the inspection of weights and measures, and prohibit the use of any imperfect weights or measures or weighing apparatus. depots. 40th. To regulate levees, depots, depot grounds, and Railways, places for storing freights and goods, and to provide for and regulate the passage of railways through the streets and public grounds of the city. 2 Neb., 319. 41st. To regulate the crossing of railway tracks, to Regulate railways and regulate the running of railway engines, cars and tracks crossings. within the limits of the city, and to make other and further rules and restrictions to prevent accidents at crossings, and on the tracks of railroads, and to prevent fires from engines; also to aid in the construction of viaducts or bridges over, or tunnels under railroad tracks at street crossings, with necessary approaches, by causing to be issued the bonds of the city in an amount pot exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars for such work and not exceeding one-half of the cost thereof, which bonds shall not draw interest at a greater rate than six per centum per annum, and payable not more than twenty years from the date thereof. Provided, That no such bonds. shall be issued until an ordinance providing therefor shall be first submitted to, and ratified by, a majority of the legal voters of such city voting thereon at a general or special election. Fireworks. 42nd. To punish and prevent the carrying of con- Firearms. cealed weapons, the discharge of firearms or fireworks of any description in any of the streets, alleys, or public grounds, or about or in the vicinity of buildings. nuisances. 43rd. To prevent any person from bringing, depos- Prevention of iting, having on, or having upon or near his premises, or elsewhere within the city, any dead carcass and putrid beef, pork, fish, hides, or skins of any kind, or any other unwholesome substance, and to compel the removal of the same. Approved February 21, A.D. 1883. CHAPTER XI. Act amended. Comp. Stat., 89. 1882, 17. Sewer and refunding bonds. AN ACT to amend sections twenty-two (22) and twenty-five (25) of Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That section twenty-two (22) of an act entitled "An act to incorporate cities of the first class, and regulating their duties, powers, and government," approved March 1, 1881, as amended by section two (2) of an act entitled "An act to amend section fifteen (15) of an act entitled, 'An act to incorporate cities of the first class, and regulating their duties, powers, and government,' approved March 1, 1881, by creating a Board of Public Works for cities of the first class, and defining its duties and powers;" also to amend sections twenty-two (22), twenty-five (25), twenty-seven (27), thirty (30), thirty-two (32), thirty-seven (37), forty (40), forty-two (42), forty-three (43), forty-four (44), forty-five (45), forty-nine (49), fifty-four (54), fifty-five (55), fiftyseven (57), and sixty-nine (69) of said act, approved May 23, 1882, be so amended as to read as follows: SEC. 22. The mayor and city council are hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of the city, with interest coupons annexed thereunto, in such amounts and for such length of time as they may deem proper, the rate of interest not to exceed six per centum per annum, for the construction and maintenance of sewers, or in renewal of outstanding bonds of said city bearing a higher rate of interest. All such bonds shall express upon their face the purpose for which they are issued; Provided, The bonded indebtedness of said city, exclusive of district paving bonds, shall not at any time exceed in the aggregate ten per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the city. Provided, further, No bonds shall be issued except such renewal bonds and bonds for paving purposes in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000,) in any one year, nor until the legal electors of said city shall have authorized the same by a vote of two-thirds of all the electors voting at a general or special election of said city, called after twenty days public notice, stating distinctly the amount and the purpose for which they are to be issued; which bonds, or the proceeds from the sale thereof, shall not be diverted from the purpose for which they were issued, and shall not be disposed of at less than par. Comp. Stat., 89. SEC. 2. That section twenty-five (25) of said act ap- Act amended. proved March 1, 1881, as amended by section three (3) 1882, 18. of said act approved May 23d, 1882, be so amended as to read as follows: Assessment 6 Neb., 72. SEC. 25. The mayor and council shall have power General taxes. to levy and collect taxes for general purposes, not ex-roll. ceeding twelve mills on the dollar valuation in any one year, on all the real estate and personal property within the corporate limits of the city, taxable according to the laws of this state, and shall also have power to levy and collect taxes on all such property for the sole and exclusive purpose of repairing, modifying, reforming or |