CHAPTER IX. Wards. Voting districts. To take effect. AN ACT to amend section 8 of chapter 13, of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1881, entitled "Cities of the first class." Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That section 8 of chapter 13, of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1881, be so amended as to read as follows: SEC. 8. Wards.-Each city governed by this act shall be divided into six wards, the boundaries of which shall be defined by ordinance, said wards shall be equal in population, as near as may be, and in all cities of the first class, heretofore incorporated, wherein existing wards are not equal in respect to population, the council of such cities shall, within thirty days after this act shall take effect, re-district said cities into six wards equal as near as may be in population, each ward shall constitute an election district; Provided, That whenever fifty or more legal voters of any ward in such city shall petition the mayor and city council thereof to divide such ward into two or more polling or voting dis tricts, and it shall be made to appear that said ward contains more than five hundred legal voters, the said mayor and city council, on presentation of said petition, shall by ordinance divide such ward into two or more election districts, and appoint judges and clerks of election for such polling or voting districts as now appointed for the elections held in the wards. SEC. 2. Whereas an emergency exists therefor this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 1, A.D. 1883. CHAPTER X. AN ACT to amend section 15 of an act entitled "An act to incorporate cities of the first class, and regulating their duties, powers, and government," approved May 23, 1882. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That section fifteen of an act entitled "An Act amended, 1882, 7; 33. act to incorporate cities of the first class, and regulating their duties, powers, and government," approved May 23, 1882, be amended so as to read as follows: mayor and 5 Neb., 540. SECTION 15. The mayor and council of each city cre- Powers of ated or governed by this act, shall have the care, man- council, agement, and control of the city, its property and fi nances, and shall have power to pass any and all ordinances not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State, and such ordinances to alter, modify, or repeal, and shall have power : 1st. To levy and collect a license tax on runners, Licenses. hawkers, peddlers, liquor sellers, pawn brokers, shows, theatres, and exhibitions for pay, billiard tables, ball and ten-pin alleys, without regard to the number of pins used, hacks, drays, or other vehicles used for pay within the city, and may prescribe the compensation for the use of said hacks, drays, and other vehicles. 2nd. To adopt all such measures as they may deem Travelers. necessary for the accommodation and protection of strangers and the traveling public, in person and prop erty. houses, 3rd. To restrain, prohibit, and suppress tippling shops, Disorderly houses of prostitution, and other disorderly houses and gaming, etc. practices, all games and gambling, and desecrations of the sabbath (commonly called Sunday), and all kinds of indecencies; also to regulate and license, or prohibit, Contagious diseases. Public buildings. Health, nuisances. Police. Lights, gas. Regulate weights, measures. Libraries. the keeping and use of billiard tables, ten-pins or ball alleys, shooting galleries, and other similar places of amusement; and to prohibit and suppress, by ordinance, all lotteries and gift enterprises of all kinds, under whatsoever name carried on. 4th. They shall have power to make regulations to prevent the introduction of contagious, infectious, or malignant diseases into the city; to create a board of health; to make quarantine laws and enforce the same within the corporate limits, or within three miles thereof. 5th. To erect, establish, maintain, and regulate hospitals, work-houses, houses of correction, jails, station houses, and other necessary buildings. 6th. To make regulations to secure the general health of the city, to provide for the prevention, abatement, and removal of nuisances, to make and prescribe regulations for the location, construction, and keeping in order all slaughter-houses, stock-yards, ware-houses, stables, or other places where offensive matter is kept or liable to accumulate, whether within the corporate limits or within three miles thereof. 7th. To establish, regulate, and support night watch and police, and to define the duties thereof. 8th. To provide for the lighting of streets, laying down of gas pipes, and erection of lamp posts, and to regulate the sale of gas, and rent of gas meters within the city. 9th. To regulate the weighing and measuring of hay, wood, and other articles exposed for sale, and of all coal sold or delivered within the city. 10th. To establish and maintain public libraries and reading rooms, to purchase books, papers, maps, and manuscripts therefor, and to receive donations and bequests of money or property for the same, in trust or otherwise. They may also pass necessary by-laws and regulations for the protection and government of the same. Protect Streams. 11th. To erect and establish market houses, and make Markets market-places, and to provide for the erection of all property. other useful and necessary buildings for the use of the city, and for protection and safety of all property owned by the city; to provide for the safety and protection of private property where damages are likely to occur by the action of the elements, or through the negligence or carelessness of any servant or officer of the city; and to establish, alter, and change the channels of streams and water-courses within the city, and bridge the same; Provided, That any such improvement costing in the aggregate a sum greater than five thousand dollars, shall not be authorized until the ordinance providing therefor shall be submitted to, and ratified by a majority of the legal voters of such city voting thereon. 12th. To provide for, and cause to be taken an enu- Census. meration of the inhabitants of the city. 13th. To provide by ordinance for the election of Elections. city officers, and prescribe the manner of conducting the same, and the returns thereof and the registration thereof, and for deciding contested elections in any manner not in conflict with existing laws. officers. 14th. To provide for removing officers of the city Removal of for misconduct, and to create any office or employ any Agents. agent they may deem necessary for the government and best interests of the city. 15th. To regulate the police of the city, and impose Fines. fines, forfeitures, and penalties for the breach of any ordinance, and to provide for the recovery and collection thereof; and to provide, in default of payment, for confinement in the city jail or prison, and for hard labor in the city. Officers, agents, etc. Bonds. Cruelty to animals. Domestic animals running at large. Dogs. Appropriations Street auctions and sales. Auctions. Streets. 5 Neb., 450. 16th. To prescribe and regulate the duties, powers, and compensation of all officers, agents, and servants of the city not herein provided for. 17th. To require of all officers, or servants elected or appointed in pursuance of this act, bond and security for the faithful performance of their duties. No officer shall become security upon the official bond of another. 18th. To provide for the prevention of cruelty to animals. 19th. To prohibit or regulate the running at large of domestic animals, such as hogs, cattle, horses, sheep, goats, fowls, or animals of any kind or description within the corporate limits, and provide for the impounding of all animals running at large, contrary to such prohibition, and also for the forfeiture and sale of animals impounded to pay the expenses of taking up, caring for and selling the same, including cost of advertising, and fees of officers. 20th. To regulate, license, or prohibit the running at large of dogs, and guard against injuries or annoyances therefrom, and to authorize the destruction of the same when running at large contrary to the provisions of any ordinance. 21st. To appropriate money and provide for the payment of the debts and expenses of the city. 22nd. To regulate, license or prohibit the sale of domestic animals, or goods, wares, and merchandise at public auction on the streets, alleys, highways, or any public ground within the city. 23rd. To regulate or license the auctioneering of goods, wares, and merchandise. 24th. To care for and control, to name and rename streets, avenues, parks, and squares within the city; to provide for the opening, vacating, widening and narrowing of streets, avenues, and alleys within the city, under such restrictions and regulations as may be provided by law. |