S. B. POUND, M. L. HAYWARD, M. B. REES, B. I. HINMAN, T. S. CLARK, J. H. SAULS, A. G. KENDALL, S. H. COATES, ATTEST: CHARLES F. WALTHER, T. L. WARRINGTON, HENRY GREBE, A. J. WEAVER, CHAS. F. MANDERSON. A. W. MATTHEWS, GUY A. BROWN, Secretary. C. L. MATHER, Assistant Secretary. GENERAL LAWS. CHAPTER I. AN ACT to amend section 1 of an act entitled "An act for the government, support, and maintenance of the State Board of Agriculture and State Horticultural Society," being article 1 of chapter 2 of the Compiled Statutes, entitled "Agriculture." Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That section 1 of an act entitled "An act for the government, support, and maintenance of the State Board of Agriculture and State Horticultural Society" be amended so as to read as follows: ing. SEC. 1. There shall be held at the capital of the Annual meetstate, on the third Tuesday in January of each year, a meeting of the state board of agriculture, together with the president of each county society, or delegate therefrom, duly authorized, who shall for the time being be ex-officio members of the state board of agriculture for the purpose of deliberating and consulting as to the wants, prospects, and condition of the agricultural interests throughout the state. And at such annual meeting the several reports from the subordinate societies shall be delivered to the president of the state board; and the said president and delegates shall at this meeting elect suitable persons to fill all vacancies in the state board. The said president shall also have power to call meetings of the board whenever he may |