CHAPTER LXXVI. Preamble. List of indemnity school lands. Commissioner to select lands. AN ACT to provide for the selection and confirmation of indemnity school lands due the State of Nebraska, and appropriating money therefor. Whereas, There is due from the general government to the State of Nebraska several thousand acres of indemnity school land, on account of portions of sections sixteen and thirty-six disposed of prior to the admission of this state, and on account of sections sixteen and thirty-six lost by reason of fractional townships along the borders of the state, or for other cause; And whereas, The general government demands from the State of Nebraska a list or lists showing the lands so claimed to be lost, by description and acreage, and a list or lists showing the description and acreage of lands heretofore confirmed to the state on this behalf; therefore Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of public lands and buildings, within six months from the taking effect of this act, to cause to be procured from the United States land office or offices in this state, or from other reliable source, a list or lists showing the description and area of all lands claimed by this state as indemnity school lands by reason of portions of sections sixteen and thirty-six disposed of prior to the admission of this state, or claimed on account of fractional townships, or for other cause; also a list or lists showing the indemnity school lands heretofore confirmed to this state on account of such claims. SBC. 2. From the lists so made, the said commissioner of public lands and buildings shall cause to be made a list showing the description and area of lands now due this state. The said commissioner of public lands and buildings is hereby authorized to select, for and in behalf of this state, so much land as may be so as above found due; Provided, That the lands heretofore selected by authority, and which may not have been confirmed to the state, shall be first selected by said commissioner; and nothing herein contained shall be so constructed as to waive any rights the state may now have to any selected and unconfirmed indemnity school lands. When such selected lists of indemnity school lands are completed and filed with the general land office, the said .commissioner shall secure, if possible, the confirmation of such lands to this state. SEC. 3. The sum of four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act. Approved February 21st, A.D. 1883. Appropriation. CHAPTER LXXVII. AN ACT to permit the appointment of deputy stenographic reporters in the several judicial districts of the State of Nebraska. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: deputy. SECTION 1. The stenographic reporters within and for each of the judicial districts of this state may seve- May appoint rally, each with the consent of the judge of the district in which he acts, appoint as deputy a person well skilled in the art of stenography, and capable of reporting the oral proceedings had in court verbatim. SEC. 2. A deputy reporter so appointed shall take the oath required to be taken by judicial officers, and may perform the duties of the reporter as provided in Duty of deputy. the "Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, chapter 19, Courts," and the reporters of the court shall pay for the services of such deputy. Approved February 27th, A.D. 1883. CHAPTER LXXVIII. Extension of contract. Act repealed. 1879, 166. Comp. Stat., 511. AN ACT to extend the time within which the lessee of the State penitentiary shall complete two hundred and forty stone cells in said penitentiary. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That the time within which the lessee of the state penitentiary shall complete two hundred and forty stone cells in said penitentiary is hereby extended to a time not longer than the first day of October, 1885; Provided, That one hundred and sixty of said two hundred and forty cells shall be completed on or before October 1st, 1883. SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved February 27th, A.D. 1883. CHAPTER LXXIX. AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An act to authorize the lessee of the State penitentiary and grounds to receive and retain the the custody of prisoners sentenced to confinement by the courts of the United States and Territories of the United States," approved Febru ry 26, 1879. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That an act entitled "An act to authorize the lessee of the state penitentiary and grounds to receive and retain the custody of prisoners sentenced to confinement by the court of the United States and of Territories of the United States," approved February 26, 1879, be amended to read as follows: Lessee of penitentiary may convicts. SEC. 1. That the lessee of the state penitentiary and convict labor of this state be, and hereby is authorized to retain foreign retain in custody in the penitentiary and grounds, under the discipline and government of the officers of said penitentiary, until October 1st, 1889, persons heretofore convicted of crimes and sentenced to confinment by the courts of the United States and of any of the territories of the United States, and heretofore received into said penitentiary; Provided, That the retention and custody of such convicts shall not interfere in any manner with the comfort or safe-keeping of any person sentenced to confinement in said penitentiary by the courts of this state. Provided, further, That no such prisoners, other than those already therein incarcerated, shall be received into said penitentiary after the passage of this act, nor shall the state of Nebraska be liable in any manner on account of the retaining of any such prisoners. SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved March 1st, A.D. 1883. Act repealed. 1879, 169 Comp. Stat., 511. CHAPTER LXXX. AN ACT to prohibit extortion and discrimination in the transmis- Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Who is subject Certified statement to be Secretary of state. under the laws of this state, or by and under authority of any other state or territory, or by authority of the United States, whose object and purpose is the transmission, collection, and distribution of dispatches by telegraph, shall be subject to the regulations and restrictions hereinafter prescribed by this act. SEC. 2. Every telegraph company and every press assofiled in office ciation or corporation engaged in the transmission, collection, distribution, or delivery of telegraphic dispatches, either for private use or for publication in newspapers, shall, within thirty days after this act goes into effect, file in the office of the secretary of state a statement, certified to under oath by its president and secretary or two of its officers, embodying the following information, to-wit: The name of the association, amount of capital invested, character of its business, together with a true copy of its articles of incorporation or articles of co-partnership, with regulations and by-laws then in force. Issuance of certificate. Penalty for refusing to comply with law. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to issue a certificate to every association or corporation that has filed the statement required by the second section of this act upon payment of five ($5) dollars, which certificate shall convey authority to such association or corporation to conduct its business within this state, under the restrictions and penalties imposed herein. SEC. 4. Every telegraph company, press association, or corporation engaged in the transmission, collection, and delivery of telegraphic dispatches that shall refuse or fail to comply with the above provisions within the time herein prescribed, shall forfeit its right to carry on the collection, transmission, and delivery of dispatches for publication or for private use, and shall furthermore forfeit to the county where such business is carried on, for each and every day it so continues in violation of this act, the penal sum of one thousand ($1000) dollars, to be recovered in any court |