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Yearly Cards in INTELLIGENCER: Half inch, $10. One inch, $20.

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Richards & Shourds, Jobbing attended to.
1125 Spring St. (first street above Race), Philad'a., Pa.
Thompson Shourds, 2212 Wallace Street.
Charles W. Richards, 1220 Angle St., Tioga.


Practical House and Sign Painter, Office, 907 N. Thirteenth Street, Residence, 1714 Woodstock Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


Permanent and Transient Boarding
for Friends.

215 É. 15th Street, New York City.


99 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Rooms, with board, in Friends' family.


MONTGOMERY COUNTY MILK. CONSHOHOCKEN Special attention given to servDAIRIES. ing families. Office 603 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Penna.




One small box will make one pint Best Liquid Bluing. Depot 233 N. Second St., Philad'a.


tion as companion and assistant to an elderly lady, or care of an invalid. Address ELLEN BRADWAY, Woodstown, N. J.

A FRIEND WITH FIRST-CLASS REFERENCE wishes a position as managing housekeeper, or any position of trust. Call, or address A. R., North side of Mill St., second house above York Road, Germantown, Philadelphia.

ΑΝ N INDUSTRIOUS, TEMPERATE, RELIABLE young man, Friend, desires a position with reliable firm. Good reference. Address D. MOORE, 415 Linden Street, Camden, N. J.

ENERGETIC LADY FRIEND, WITH BUSIness experience, desires position in office, or one with responsibility. Small salary. Address No. 56, this Office.

MOTHER'S HELP.-WANTED A YOUNG WOman, with experience, to assist in the care of children, and in the house; city. Address No. 54, this Office.

MOTHERLY ATTENTION AND CARE GIVEN to infant or older child, by a Friend, for $3.00 per week. Good reference. Address D., Box 43, Woodstown, N. J.


by usual method, personally or by mail. Eugene C. Lewis, 522 Walnut St., Phila.

Two PLEASANT ROOMS WITH GOOD board. Private family, near trolley, and three minutes' walk from 52d Street Station, 1484 N, 55th street, West Philadelphia.


can be accommodated with rooms and board in a Friends' family. One block from street cars passing railroad stations, Capitol, and public buildings. Terms, $1.50 a day. Address FRIEND, 1626 Nineteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.

FOR RENT TWELVE-ROOM FURNISHED house. Rent partly taken out in board. Other boarders obtainable, or quiet home can be made. 328 W. FRONT ST., Media, Pa.

FOR SALE. HANDSOME HOUSE, CORNER Central Ave. and Chestnut St., East Moorestown, N. J. Property adjoins David Comfort's. House contains 13 rooms, with all modern conveniences, electric lights, and stable. Apply to H. W. WILLIAMS, Box 98, E. Moorestown, N. J.


years, bearing 42 per cent. interest payable semiannually, and secured by mortgage on farm worth three times that amount. Or will make contract to avoid double taxation and net the investor 4 per cent. with ample security. Reference, New Vienna Bank. CHARLES G. BLACKBURN, New Vienna, Ohio.


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Of a 132-Acre Farm, 7th-day, 11th Month 19, 1898. Located in London Grove township, Chester county,

Pa., within five minutes walk to Friends' London Grove meeting-house, convenient to schools, stores, etc., two miles to station on P. and B. C. Railroad. A good ten room brick and stone house, large stone barn and other out-buildings. The land is well watered and the farm one of the best and most desirable in Chester Co. Sale at 10 o'clock.

For further particulars, call on or address the owners, H. J. MORRIS, MARY L. PENNOCK, S. ADDIE PENNOCK, Coatesville, Pa.


We return to our offer, usually made at this season, to send FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER to

New Subscribers

for Three Months, for 25 cents.

We will take postage stamps. We prefer money. A quafter-dollar can easily be sent in a "coin-card.”

These special papers will always be stopped at end of time paid for, if not re-ordered.

We can supply several orders back to Tenth Month 1, if desired, so as to expire with 1898.


Recently Published.

HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS RELATING TO GWYNEDD. Second Edition, 8vo. Pp. 494. Cloth. Beveled edges. With 8 illustrations. $4.00 net. If sent by mail, postage additional, 23 cents..

Ready Immediately.

THE FAMILY OF WILLIAM PENN, FOUNDER OF PENNSYLVANIA: HIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 8vo. Pp. 270. With numerous illustrations. $3.50 net. Postage additional.

In Press.

GENEALOGICAL SKETCH OF THE DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL SPENCER, OF UPPER DUBLIN, PENNSYLVANIA. 8vo. About 300 pages. lustrated. $3.00 net. Postage additional.


• Publisher,

921 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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are vividly pictured and recalled in the book entitled "A True Story of the Christiana Riot." It has had a remarkable sale, but every Friend should especially have a copy. Send your order now.


Address all orders to


May P. O., Lancaster Co., Pas


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Improvement of Burial Grounds,


Boxes for the Indians,

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Handsomely Illustrated, 250 Pages.
Roberts, Foulke, Bolton, Strauwn, Penrose, Morris,
Green, Shaw, Edwards, Heacock, Thomas, Thomson,
Hallowell, Johnson, Ambler, Lester, Jamison, Spencer,
and other families.

The chapter," Records of Richland Meeting," is well
worth the cost of the book to descendants of Richland

Price $3. In pamphlet form, $2.50. On and after the

first of the new year, the price will be advanced to $5
each on all copies remaining. Orders, with the money,
should be sent to ELLWOOD ROBERTS,
Norristown, Pa.

N. B.. A few copies of "Lyrics of Quakerism" for
809 sale at $1.25 each.

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level of pavement. Open all the year. Send JESUS, "Striking and Valuable."

for illustrated booklet.


Women Less Criminal than Men; John
L. Griffen; What One Gun Did; A
Voice From Buffalo; The Indian Com-
missioner's Report; Deaths from Con-
sumption; A Militarist Idea; The Part-
ing Guest; The Night-Blooming Cactus;
A Good School for Youth; A Note of
811, 812
Please mention FRIENDS' INTEL-
813 LIGENCER, when answering Adver-
813 tisements in it. This is of value to
us and to the advertisers.








"Joseph the Deramer," and "A Child's Religion." LONGMANS, London; SCRIBNERS, New York,

and all Booksellers.

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From "A Reasonable Faith," by "Three Friends," the preciated its qualities. Chapter on "Fundamental Religion."


LIFT up your hearts, young men and maidens sweet!
Your hearts lift up, you in your perfect prime,
And you whose eyes with gathering dimness greet
Dear, faithful comrades of the elder time!
Lift up your hearts in hope and happy cheer
For that great future which is drawing near!

It cannot be, it must not, shall not be

That this dear land, won at such awful cost For Freedom's seat, men yet unborn shall see To all great things ingloriously lost. Our God shall keep the promise he has made To those great hearts which on his law were stayed.

Not without us, O God, that promise be

Kept for our children and their children's peace! Take us, and mould us to thy high decree !

Through us thine honor and thy love increase! Not without us thy triumph shall be won : Thy will, O God, thy will and ours be done! -John White Chadwick.


ONE of the most interesting and "quaint" figures among the early English Friends is that of John Roberts. He was a plain farmer of Gloucestershire, who had served in the army of Cromwell, but became a Friend, and died in 1683. His Memoir is one of the classics of the Friends, unique of its kind. It was It was written by his son Daniel, about 1725, and first published by Andrew Brice, a noted printer of Exeter, in Devonshire, in 1746; since then it has been frequently republished.

Some one sent Oliver Wendell Holmes a copy to read, a few years ago-1883-and the Doctor found it delightful. Returning it, he said in a brief note, which is prefixed to the volume now under notice, that he had read the book "with very great interest and real delight." "It is so comforting," he added, "to meet, even in a book, a man who is perfectly simple-hearted, clear-headed, and brave in all conditions. The story is so admirably told, too, dramatically, vividly. I assure you, you did not

1 "A Quaker of the Olden Time: A Memoir of John Roberts.' Illustrated. Prefatory Letter by the late Oliver Wendell Holmes. Pp. 518. Price, 6 shillings. London: Headley Brothers,

For the Memoir truly has special and unusual literary attraction. A Friend reads it with pleased satisfaction; any other reader, not too unsympathetic with the matter it contains, will be tolerably certain to be both entertained and impressed-if not so strongly as Dr. Holmes, at least in good measure. It is a graphic narrative of experience in a trying time, and it is enlivened on many pages by a word-forword report of discussions on serious questions, put in such terms that indeed he who runs may read,—so cogently, so pertinently, so wittily, as is not often seen in books anywhere. Daniel says he wrote out these reports of the discussions as his father related them to him, and thus we are obliged to ascribe to John Roberts a mind of remarkable acuteness, and a tongue of unusual readiness. But withal he was a patient and steadfast Christian man. He was one of the early sufferers for Truth's sake. His name appears in Besse's lists, of course, though the Memoir presents his experiences in far greater detail than Besse. After leaving the Parliamentary army he returned, when the times became quiet, to the house of his father at Siddington,—which is near Cirencester,local Sissister. His father was then dead, and John presently married. About 1665 he became acquainted with the views of Friends, through the visit of two women preachers from the north of England. They "came out of the north to Cirencester, and enquired if there were any people thereabouts who were seeking after the way to the Lord, and they were directed to my father as the likeliest person thereabouts to give them entertainment." A meeting was held at John's house; it is a farm-house which still stands, after the lapse of two centuries and a quarter, at Siddington, and a picture of it is given in this volume. Later, John made acquaintance with Richard Farnsworth, "who was then a prisoner in Banbury jail," for being a Quaker. Richard Farnsworth-who did not live long afterward-convinced John of Friends' views, and he remained faithful to them to the end of his life.

While the interest of the Memoir consists very largely in the spirited colloquies of John Roberts and others, relative to the Friends, the Established Church, and many collateral themes (some extracts from which we propose to give, presently, in the INTELLIGENCER), there are, besides, many interesting incidents related,

and in the simple and vigorous English which his son Daniel employed they are seldom unimpressive. An early experience may be cited. After his conversion. to Quakerism, John Roberts felt it laid on him to go to the parish church in Cirencester, "in the time of worship." He went and stood in church without removing his hat; the minister called attention to him and he was put out. Then, he—


'working a little in stillness found himself clear, and went away. And crossing the market-place in his way home, his shoe being unty'd, he stopped down to tie it, and while he was doing it there came a man behind him with a stone in his hand, and struck him a hard blow in the back, saying, 'There! take that for Jesus Christ's sake!' He replied, 'So I do,' not looking back to see who it was but went his way. Some few days after came a man to him to ask him forgiveness, and told him he was the unhappy man who gave him that blow on the back, and he could have no rest since he had done it; which submission of the man, I have heard my father say, was a great confirmation to him that he was in the right way."

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This edition of the Memoir has a considerable addition of explanatory and commentary matter. There are a Preface, a Prefatory Note, an Introduction, and twelve chapters on the Roberts family. This last is an interesting study of the conditions and circumstances in Gloucestershire, in the neighborhood of Siddington, in John Roberts's time, and is a valuable. contribution to our knowledge of the situation of the early English Friends. This addition to the volume, This addition to the volume, in fact, makes one-half its bulk. It was prepared by Edmund T. Lawrence, the editor of the work, who unfortunately did not live to see his book through the press.

The book is illustrated, and has a good index. We strongly commend it as a suitable and valuable addition to our Friends' collections, private or general.




(Concluded from Last Week.)

FREE excursions by water have been for some years a feature of the work in cities whose situation made them possible. These mean the saving of life oftentimes; for the mother, who could not leave home for a longer time, can, in this way, give the baby a day by the sea, or on the bay. There are also Homes for Mothers and Infants together, where the babies can go, who are too young to leave their mothers.

For those who must remain in the city, Play Grounds have been established in some unused yard or vacant lot, with a lady in charge to help in the play and direct it in the right way. Sometimes a kindergartner is engaged for this service, and so the winter's work is prepared for, or supplemented.

In New York there is a Summer Kindergarten under the care of the Meeting, and they report the work as very satisfactory. It is certainly an excellent idea, for there must be very many children who can not go away at all, and of those who do go, only a few can stay more than two weeks. In this Kinder

garten they are more comfortable than they would be in the hot streets, and are safe from all harm, and are at the same time unconsciously learning useful lessons.

One of the charities which means a great decrease in suffering, a great lift toward health, for old and young alike, is the institution of District Nursing, Cheer and Comfort. Relief from pain, and relief from uncleanliness, which follows too often in the train of sickness, all come with the nurse. No one enters so fully into the home, no visitor is more welcome. Taking the place of the mother when her hard worked hands are still, cheering the sad hearted watcher when some little one lies suffering through weary weeks; cleaning up, or reading aloud, dressing wounds, or entertaining the baby; filling any vacant place, with no task too hard or too unpleasant, she comes with true help in the hour of need.

Members of our Society are helping through our various committees, or in connection with other organizations along all these lines of work for children; indeed in all branches of philanthropic work we find them active and interested workers. Much of the work is so quietly done, we never hear of it, but it is, nevertheless, good work and often the most successful. most successful. No report can do it justice, because no searching can fully find it out.

The children who are helped by all these charities belong largely to a class with vast social differences between its "courts" and its "streets," its "one room in a tenement" and its "four-roomed whole house"; but through all, its poverty is apparent, undisguised. Charity is accepted, even, in some cases, demanded as a right. There seems to be no thought of higher or better things, no wish to improve the surroundings. Generation after generation, the children grow up in an atmosphere of moral and physical impurity, and are utterly ignorant of any other life. But there is another class much harder to reach; where the parents, having "known better days," strive against almost insurmountable obstacles, to bring up their children as they have been taught; country folk, oftentimes, who have come to some large city to look for work, and failing in that, have sunk lower and lower, struggling all the while to retain their old ideals. These we often long to help, but their inborn instinct of independence makes them refuse charity. Sometimes they will take, for their children's sake, what they would never accept for their own need; and so through the children, again, we reach the inner courts of homes whose poverty is as deep and terrible, as it is carefully concealed.

real children of the streets, whose life is a problem Then there are children who have no homes, the


The newsboy who sells you a paper may be one of these, but do you stop and ask? If we do not know him through one of the channels of ordinary acquaintance, provided by the club or school, we pass him by. Should we not rather be the more careful to find out about him and bring to him the possibility of education? A little more of this personal work is what we need.

In most of our large cities these various associa


tions and societies are joined together for mutual help and good, reporting work to a Central Charity Organization Society. Some one has said of organized charity: "It is concerted action in neighborly service; the transformation of charitable chaos into an orderly and friendly neighborhood, where rich and poor consult together and unite their resources." When rightly managed it is all this and more, and in all cases, it is certainly a great step onward; but the system has its dangers too. Among those with whom centralization is a ruling thought, there seems to be a tendency toward a lack of consideration for the feelings of the applicants as individuals. We need to take a step upward now, and add love to science, hope to knowledge, and see if we cannot reach deep down into the very heart of the children whom we could help; for we must win their trust and love, if we would have them learn our ways and follow our precepts.

"The time needs heart-'tis tired of head;

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"All men are neighbors; so the sweet voice said.
And ever love hears the poor folks crying,
And ever love hears the women's sighing,

And ever wise childhood's deep implying."

If disinterested kindliness and love for helpless children be not incentive enough for our work, we should remember, the boys and girls of the present are to be the men and women of the future, with a controlling voice in our national affairs. Childhood is the period of impression, and the environments of early years are all important in the formation of character and opinion.

This is true of children in other walks of life as well as among the poor, and we should remember to let them learn by experience that it is "more blessed to give than to receive." Children's work for children is an encouraging feature in charitable endeavor. One class of very little ones in Baltimore First-day School saved nearly three dollars and sent two little children to the country for two weeks. Several times little girls have held fairs for the same good cause, and one gives annually from her own pocket money, enough to send one child away from the city for a breath of country air.

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"The least flower, with a brimming cup may stand,
And share its dewdrop with another near.'

There is no longer room for doubt that with the children lies the solution of the problem of poverty, so far as it can be reached under existing forms of society. "Child rescue becomes our imperative duty. Tireless, indeed, the hands need be that have taken up this task, but we are gaining ground, and the children upon whom the curse of the tenement lay heaviest have found a way for us to work; truly it was said, 'A little child shall lead them.' Evidence is multiplying on every hand to show that interest in the children is increasing. The personal service that counts for so infinitely much more than money, is more freely given day by day, and no longer as a fashionable fad, but as a duty, too long neglected."

Amos G. Warner, in his work on "American Charities," endorses this opinion: "The work for dependent children is the most hopeful branch for charitable endeavor, in that it affords more possibilities of constructive work than any other line. In work for. the aged, the sick, the deficient, even the unemployed, there is little else possible, than to make the best of unfortunate circumstances, to deal with palliatives, to brighten the individual lives, and to prevent the misfortune from spreading. With children on the other hand, especially for the quite young and tolerably healthy, there is a possibility of more positive results. The young life contains within itself the principle of growth, and may be enabled to expand into something actively useful."

This work for our Father's little ones is blessed work, and the results to those who earnestly and faithfully and prayerfully enter into it are full of sweetness and hope. There are many who give time and strength and life to this work, hoping for no earthly reward; to them the humble "God bless you," from some grateful mother heart, comes like a benediction from the one who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, för of such is the kingdom of heaven."

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Oh, how often, at these trying seasons, did the language of the Holy Jesus, who declared that he "came to bear witness unto the truth," revive in my mind! "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me"; and again, "Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or. lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundred-fold, and shall inherit everlasting life." I felt that not only the good opinion of many I dearly loved was to be given up, but houses and lands also; all of these I was made willing to resign for acceptance with my Father in Heaven through and by obedience to Christ, the power and wisdom of God in my soul; for in no other way could I see salvation in Christ. On account of this, when I lay on a bed of sickness, doubtful of recovery, I was told by eminent ministers that I was deluded and wandering from the right path, and could not be saved unless I believed in the atoning blood of Christ on the cross, etc., etc.


Deep were my exercises, especially when I saw



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