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all their gaudy adornment, sweep by for the inspection of the crowd. Now all eyes turn to another stall where the antagonist appears. Great is the contrast. The head of the driver is bare and the hair close trimmed. He is clad only in a light, close-fitting tunic, and his brawny arms are bare. His chariot is light and strong, and his horses are clad with simple and light harness. To which banner will you pin your hopes ? Surely to the man who has thrown aside every weight and has set himself to win the race. All the gold and gorgeousness of the first contestant are no less than handicaps-no less than extra weights to be carried; and any one can see the folly which prefers the shouts of the mob and the temporary glitter to the race itself.

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So it is with many of the so-called petty vices. The glass of wine or beer, the cigar or cigarette—they may show well before the crowd, but the habit is a handicap in the life-race before you. It is the merest folly to take an extra weight to carry at the very beginning of a race.

Suggestions. Ask for other examples of handicaps, as bad habits in eating, carelessness as to health in general, etc. Point out the fact that extra weight is not much noticed at the beginning of a race, and that when one has tired himself out by carrying it, it is too late to get back the strength that has been wasted.

Apply the illustration to business life. If possible bring in concrete cases of failure or imperfect success due to the carrying of extra weights, such as lack of punctuality, luxurious habits, and unbusiness-like ways in general; leading back to the folly of taking steps which may defeat our own aims.

THE POWER OF LIFE.-The operations of life are noiseless and unseen. Yonder on the brink of a precipice rests a great boulder. It weighs a hundred tons. All the winds of the mountain join in one, and whirl about it and push with mighty rush and roar. The great stone is not moved. The power was not in the whirlwind. The mountains shake and tremble with a power beneath them. Still the stone is not displaced. The power is not in the earthquake. At length a winged seed borne on the evening breeze is lodged just under the great rock, finding its correspondence,―earth, moisture, light, air. The spirit of life dormant within awakes. There issues from it a little root, that creeps along, just behind and under the massive stone, feeding as it grows. What is this tiny thing compared with the dynamics of the wind and the earthquake? But year after year that root enlarges, and in two decades it is silently lifting that boulder. Time passes, but life is never in a hurry. Life does not belong to time: time belongs to life. In a century the microscopic germ in that winged seed lifts the hundred tons' weight, and pushes it over the brink. The power was in the life: life is the still small voice of God.-Samuel E. Eastman, in the Christian Register.

He who serves himself serves only what passes away in a few years. When he dies his work is done. But he who helps other people, when he passes away does not die, but lives as long as the nation lives.Dr. W. N. Hailmann.

To be a worker is to be a part of the useful life of the world; to be a good worker is to be a part of the ministry of God.-Jennie June.

Ask thyself daily to how many ill-minded persons thou hast shown a kind disposition.-Marcus Antonius.


At St. Teresa's Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia, First month 16, Joseph V. Connor lectured on "William Penn and Religious Toleration." The following extracts are given.

AMERICAN Catholics can never forget that Philadelphia was once the only home of our faith, in colonial times. It is the imperishable glory of Pennsylvania that she alone, as colony and as State, has never disgraced her statute book with an enactment against Roman Catholics or their religion. Even so-called Catholic Maryland, when its government fell into Protestant hands, proscribed and fined Catholics. The great law of Pennsylvania, passed at Chester, Twelfth month 10th, 1682, proclaimed: "All persons living in this province shall in no way be molested or prejudiced in their religious persuasion or practice or in matters of faith or worship."

These words of Penn and of his Society of Friends will stand as their everlasting memorial, even should the City of Brotherly Love crumble into dust. Penn believed not only in religious toleration, but in absolute liberty of religious belief and of its open profession. His humane feeling for the persecuted Catholics of England, who were deprived of every civil and religous right, brought him under suspicion of being himself a Papist.

Martin I. J. Griffin, in a lecture on Penn, has shown that an alleged letter of the illustrious Friend to James Logan, on the subject of the "Scandal of the Mass," in Philadelphia, is unauthentic. The public exercise of the Roman Catholic religion was never interdicted by Penn or by the Quakers during the whole period of the colonial government. Father Greaton built a little chapel beside the Quaker Almshouse, back of Walnut street. The utmost cordiality and friendship existed between the Quakers and the Catholics. Perhaps the common persecution to which both were subjected elsewhere caused them to warm to each other. Each could say, with Queen Dido, to the shipwrecked Trojan Prince: "Not unfamiliar with sorrow myself, I have learned to pity the unhappy."

Our Catholic teachers and writers should render full justice to the admirable spirit of toleration which has always distinguished the Society of Friends. Griffin has shown conclusively that Penn was thoroughly tolerant, and this in an age in which both Catholic and Protestant governments deemed persecution justifiable. I thank God that we all have made progress in the right direction, and I hope that our children will surpass us in respecting the rights of conscience. I believe that the day is coming when all the children of the republic will be educated in the broadest tolerance, and when the Bible will take its proper place in education, as the text-book of the morality of the highest civilization.

THERE is nothing which can so assist you to walk towards heaven with good speed as wearing the image of Jesus on your heart to rule all its motions.-Episcopal Recorder.

Friends' Intelligencer and Journal.





THE CO-OPERATIVE NEED. THAT the world needs reformation is a discovery which has been made daily for thousands of years by those whose faces are turned toward the light. Every prophet, every evangelist, every ardent laborer for the betterment of human conditions, has been aroused to effort by the sense of the world's great needs.

But to reform everything demands great forces. It is not enough that there shall be for a time a voice crying in the wilderness. It does not accomplish the great end that men and women appear, here and there, and deliver their message and go away. This contributes to the work, but yet leaves it not finished. Vice survived Francis of Assisi, the Medicis crushed liberty in Florence after Savonarola was put to death, formal religion lived longer than George Fox, intolerance than William Penn, and oppression than John Woolman.

What does it suggest when we perceive the useful yet not finally effectual efforts of the reformers? We say the world's betterment moves with a flow and reflow of tides, but yet does move,-every advance. tide rising higher than its predecessor. But still the progress is admittedly slow and unsatisfactory. It causes discouragement in some, it exhausts the strength of many. Here and there one Here and there one comes forth suddenly, exerts himself vehemently for a time, is appalled by the task, and falls back again in despair.

What does it suggest? The need of a wider, larger, more universal co-operative effort. "When I think," says Dr. Barrows, of Chicago, in a recent discourse, “how ill-directed and ill-arranged are the Christian forces of great cities, how one man wears himself out by trying to do everything; when I think of the necessity of co-operation, the multiplication of laborers, the setting of young men and women at work, and the discovery of those things which they do best and most wisely, I sometime feel that we have only fairly begun to illustrate the mind of Christ."

"The mind of Christ," the substance of Christian teaching, is all suggestive of the leavening of the mass, and the mass movement, then, in co-operation, and unity. It teaches not that good example is without value, or individual faithfulness not effective, but that there must be a wider and deeper influence and

responsive movement. It is the whole of society that needs uplifting, not merely this or that class, and in such reformation the regenerative impulse must permeate the whole, and give all the disposition to labor together for the common good.

THEMES FOR Y. F. A. HISTORY STUDY. We pursue the suggestions outlined in an article a week ago of the subjects relating to the history of Friends, which we think would be interesting and valuable, if written up from the best attainable sources. We present here, two themes. More may be added in later articles. We should be obliged, also, for suggestions from any one of other topics, suitable to add to the list.

Our thought is to engage the earnest attention of those who may undertake to study and write upon these subjects, in the confidence that as they proceed they will discover that they are in contact with actions, occurrences, and experiences that illustrate the Christianity there is in the Friends' system, and that thus understanding it better, they will appreciate it more. The themes which we now mention are :

I. Friends in Southern France. This would include their derivation from the persecuted Protestants (Hugenots, etc.) of that country. Their discovery of and by English Friends, about 1785. Their interesting history in the last hundred years. Their trials under the military system.

For this study there is considerable material available. We mention the following:

(1) Sundry memoranda in Friends' Miscellany," vol. 6. These include a Brief Account" of the French Friends, the letters exchanged between them and London Friends, 1785; extracts from the Journal of Sarah Grubb, describing her visit, (with others) to them in 1788; and extracts from Richard Jordan's Journal, describing his visit to them, in 1801. (2) The closing chapter in the work, “The Camisards," by Charles Tylor, (London: 1893). (3) Several of the Friends' journals, including those of William Savery, and Stephen Grellet, describe in detail, visits to the French Friends, late in the 18th century. (4) Still more valuable, for a picture of their life, with many picturesque and striking details, is the Life of Christine Majolier Alsop, by Martha Braithwaite.

II. John Archdale, the Quaker Governor of North Carolina, 1695-6. His work in connection with the Carolina colonies; the effect of his reasonable and wise policy in the adjustment of colonial troubles; his history and career. The sources convenient for this are :

(1) Weeks's "Southern Quakers and Slavery," (Baltimore: 1896.) In this excellent volume, Chapter 8 is devoted to John Archdale, and a convenient summary is given of the known facts concerning him. (2) Our histories generally allude to Archdale. Bancroft, (History of U. S., six-volume edition, 1883), mentions him favorably, (pp. 11–12), and in some detail. (3) William Gilmore Simms, in his history of South Carolina, speaks of him, and so also does Davidson's History of North Carolina. John Fiske, in his recent volume, "Old Virginia and Her Neighbors," gives him a few paragraphs. (4) There is an excellent article on John Archdale in the monthly journal Quakeriana, (published in London, 1894–96), in the number for Fifth month, 1894. Some files of this periodical are in this country. There is also a book by John Archdale himself, published in London, in 1707, entitled

"A New Description of that Fertile and Pleasant Province of Carolina." This is very rare, but it was reprinted, 1836, in Carroll's Historical Collections" of South Carolina.

THAT familiar fraud, the counterfeit letter of Cotton Mather, about William Penn, to which we alluded at length less than a year ago, has emerged once more, and is printed in a Baltimore newspaper, a copy of which a friend sends us. It is curious to observe the authority given for the letter each time it makes its appearance. It is now said that the original letter is in the possession of "Mrs. Juliet S. Riley, of Muncie, Indiana," and that it was "handed down " to her, "from her ancestors, who were Puritans residing in New England."

In the death notice of Robert W. Carroll, kindly sent us by our friend Clarkson Butterworth, and printed two weeks ago, there was a misprint which materially affected the sense, -the use of the word "former" instead of "founder," in connection with the mention of John Lynch. As printed, it made it appear that Lynchburg, Va., was the residence of Charles Lynch, which was not the case; but John Lynch was the founder of that town, and died there 1820.

LAST week, in the INTELLIGENCER's list of Deaths, there were thirteen announcements, and the advanced age of all but one or two is noticeable. In one notice the age was not given; the youngest in the other twelve, John K. Valentine, was 67 years. There was one 68, and four who were from 74 to 77, five from 82 to 89, and one, 90.


HAINES.-In Camden, N. J., Twelfth month 5, 1897, to Dr. Rowland I. Haines, a member of Race Street Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., and Mary Wilson Haines, a daughter, named Mary.


BRANSON-DOING.-At Beltsville, Prince George Co., Md., on the 18th of First month, 1898, William E., son of David W. and Ann B. Branson, of Frederick Co., Va., and Florence Dell, daughter of Charles H. and Rosa M. Doing, of the former place.


BREAR.—On the morning of First month 18, 1898, after years of suffering, at her home in Philadelphia, Abigail L. Brear; a member of the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia held at Spruce Street.

She was daughter of the late Mark and Sarah T. Brear, English Friends, who settled at Wilmington, Delaware. Mark was quite successful in business, but in his advanced years suffered loss by aiding others, and he then removed to Philadelphia. He was much esteemed both as a citizen and a useful, concerned Friend. T.

BURTON.—In Philadelphia, First month 10, 1898, Joseph Walter Burton, eldest son of Emma Walter, and the late Robert Burton, in his 26th year.

HEACOCK.—At the residence of his daughter, Abbie S. Johnson, near Quakertown, Pa., First month 13, 1898, Warner Heacock, in his 78th year.

Interment at Friends' ground at Quakertown. HOLDSWORTH.-In West Philadelphia, First month 21, 1898, Gertrude L., daughter of Hansen and Martha Jane Holdsworth, in her 18th year.

HUSBAND.—On the morning of First month 21, 1898, Thomas J. Husband, aged 85 years; an elder of the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia held at Spruce Street.

He attended the Monthly Meeting the previous day, and retired at night apparently as well as usual, but in the morning was found unconscious, and passed away shortly after. He was an excellent man and a valuable Friend, of good judgment, but quiet disposition, and very serviceable in our Religious Society. He was many years Treasurer of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.

He was born in Harford County, Md., and served an apprenticeship in pharmacy with Thomas McClintock, in Philadelphia. He commenced business at the northwest corner of 10th and Castle (now Spring) street, and when T. McClin-. tock removed to New York, he succeeded him at Fifth and Callowhill Sts., a few years later buying out the business of Jonathan Evans, Jr., who had succeeded his uncle Thomas Evans, at the northeast corner of 3d of Spruce streets; some years afterward the present locality was purchased. He originated a brand of magnesia known by his name, which has extensive sale. J. M. T., Jr.

JOHNSON.-At Kennett Square, Pa., on First month 15, 1898, Sarah S. Johnson, widow of the late William Johnson, of Toughkenamon, in the 87th year of her age.

She was the eldest of six children of Nathaniel and Lydia Scarlett, and was born in 1811, at the old homestead in the Toughkenamon Valley, and was a sister of the late Abiah and Joel Scarlett, of Kennett Square, and of Mary, wife of the late Ellis P. Marshall, of Concord; Anna, wife of the late Elias Hicks, and Deborah, wife of Jasper Way, of Hockessin. She received her early education at the little stone schoolhouse in the valley, which has become celebrated for the wise and good people of the community who sought instruction within the primitive walls, and later went to Price's Boarding School in West Chester.

She was a conscientious and earnest member of the Society of Friends, and retained her membership at London Grove Meeting throughout her life. She was a very gentle, upright, and loving spirit, with open heart and purse to all deserving charities and worthy reforms, and was tenderly and affectionately regarded by a large circle of relatives, friends, and neighbors.


KNIGHT.-Twelfth month 31, 1897, at the home of his cousin, the late Joseph H. Lewis, Jerusalem, Harford county, Md., John B. Knight, in the 84th year of his age.

Interment at Friends' burying-ground, near Baltimore. LLOYD.-At the residence of her grandson, Furman L. Mulford, in Lower Makefield, Bucks Co., Pa., on Fifth-day, the 20th of First month, 1898, Mercy (Ely) Lloyd, widow of the late William Lloyd, in her 85th year; a member of Makefield Monthly Meeting.

She had been disabled for several years, caused by a fall, which fractured her thigh-bone, but was able to go about on crutches until two days before her death.


LIVEZEY.—On the morning of First month 9, 1898, at Southern Pines, North Carolina, Edwin Livezey, in his 32d year, son of Joseph B. and Elma H. Livezey, of Mount Royal, New Jersey.

His funeral took place from Friends' meeting-house, at Mickleton, where a large gathering of his friends testified to the general respect in which he was held. He was ever a very zealous Friend, feeling that he could not worship his Heavenly Father in any other form, than through the still, small voice.

He was superintendent of the First-day School for some years, and filled the station faithfully, and was one of the movers in starting the Young Friends' Association, but was not permitted to meet with us often. Being in poor health, he went South in hopes to be benefited, but it proved to be of no avail; he had not been there long before his Heavenly Father saw fit to call him home to himself, leaving a dear wife and young babe to mourn his loss, these amongst strangers, but they proved to be true friends in time of need. He was a faithful and dutiful son, always striving to make the best of every thing. None knew him but to love him. Always gentle and mild, doing all he could to make others happy, he is gone, but not forgotten. We know not the feelings of sorrow until one of our loved ones is called away from us; then we know it in truth. "Fold him, O Father, in thy arms, And let him henceforth be

E. B. H.

A messenger of love between Our human hearts and thee." PRATT.-Near Newtown Square, Delaware county, Pa., suddenly, on the evening of First month 17, 1898, Phebe L., wife of Nathan L. Pratt, and daughter of Israel L. and the late Mary Ann Bartram, in the 58th year of her age; a member of Goshen Monthly and Newtown Particular Meeting.

RICHARDS.—At Atco, N. J., First month 9, 1898, Deborah M., wife of Thomas Richards, Jr., and daughter of the late Thomas Kimber, Sr., of Philadelphia.

ROBERTS.—In Lower Merion, Pa., First month 13, 1898, William Warner Roberts, in his 83d year.

Interment at Merion Friends' ground.

TAYLOR.—First month 12, 1898, Elizabeth L., wife of Henry B. Taylor, aged 80 years. Funeral from Joseph Lukens's, Fitzwatertown.

Interment Upper Makefield Friends' ground, Bucks county, Pa.


FAIRFAX QUARTERLY MEETING. Ar Fairfax Quarterly Meeting held at Waterford, Va., on the 17th inst., representatives from all of our monthly meetings were present. Some, by a continued rain Seventh-day morning were prevented from attending the meeting for ministers and elders, which was held that afternoon. There were no visitors from other meetings.

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On First-day morning a large number of other denominations assembled with us, and by their quiet deportment and respectful attention to what was said by Phineas J. Nichols, Obed J. Pierpoint, Milton Schooley, and Mary F. Steer, manifested their interest in the meeting. After a season of quiet waiting, the impressive silence which overspread the meeting was broken by the language, "Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for thee." This message to the prophet was applied to our daily needs and experiences. We were urged to a constant reliance upon divine aid, and a faithful obedience to the intimations of duty; and feelingly reminded that this obedience cheerfully rendered would bring peace and joy.

The First-day School Union was held in the afternoon. The subject chosen for consideration, "Are the plain, practical precepts of Jesus sufficiently emphasized in the teaching of our First-day School ?" was introduced by a paper read by Mary F. Steer, which was followed by one on the same subject from the Woodlawn School, and a general expression from those present.

On Second-day quite a large number again met, and the meeting for worship, in which strong appeals for practical religion were made, and tender supplications offered for a constant divine guidance, and blessings upon all, in their various conditions, was followed by our business meeting, in which the usual routine was transacted with interest and harmony.


Our friend Robert S. Haviland has a prospect of attending some meetings in and near Philadelphia in Second month. He hopes to be at Swarthmore, Second month 6; Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting, 7th and 8th; Abington Quarterly Meeting, 9th and 10th; Middletown Monthly Meeting, 11th; Falls Monthly Meeting, 12th; Crosswicks Meeting, Firstday, 13th.

From a misunderstanding of the yearly meeting "Extracts," there is an error in “Friends' Almanac.” The evening and afternoon meetings at Wilmington, Del., are all discontinued.

Centre Quarter, Pa., in Ninth month, is held at Centre, not at Fishertown. T.


PERHAPS your readers will be interested in the wording of the statute under which so many of our early Friends suffered for their nonconformity. I mean, of course, in England and Wales. Here it is. By the I. Elizabeth, (1559-60) cap. ii, sec. 14, it was enacted that all persons "shall dilligently and faithfully, having no lawful or reasonable excuse to be absent, endeavor themselves to resort to their parish church or chapel accustomed, or upon reasonable let thereof, to some usual place where common prayer and such service of God shall be used in such time of let, upon every Sunday and other days ordained and used to be kept as holy days, and then and there to abide orderly and soberly during the time of the common prayer, preaching, or other service of God there to be used and ministred, upon pain of punishment by the censures of the church, and also upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit for every such offence twelve pence, to be levied by the churchwarden of the parish where such offence shall be done, to the use of the poor of the same parish, of the goods, lands, and tenements of such offender, by way of distress."

By a later Act, 23rd Elizabeth, (1581-2) cap. i, sec. 5, this penalty was increased to 20 pounds for every month which the offender should stay away from church.

Roman Catholics as well as those of our Religious Society, in fact, all who did not live up to the requirements of the above Acts, were liable to a fine. These acts were in force about 1660–1675. Germantown, Phila.


POWER OF HIS INFLUENCE.-The greatest and simplest of all the world's mysteries is the power of the influence of that peasant of Nazareth. There have been great founders of other religions who have had full opportunity, with book or sword, to prove their worth. Confucius and Buddha and Mohammed have counted their converts by the hundreds of millions, ruling great empires, but they have created nothing really great; they have been able to develop no seed of perennial intellectual or moral progress. They have gone so far, one just as far as another in social life, in arts and industry, but never beyond a rude, semi-barbarous civilization. Only the life that is in the teachings of Him who was born in Bethlehem, whose advent was heralded by angels, has brought peace on earth, good will to men.-Independent.

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Conferences, Associations, Etc.

WOODSTOWN, N. J.-A Philanthropic Meeting was held in the Friends' meeting-house, Woodstown, N. J., Fifth-day evening First month 6. A recitation was given by Tacie D. Coles, entitled, "No Place for the Boys."

Amanda Deyo, business manager of the Universal Peace Union, Philadelphia, then addressed the meeting on the subject of The History of the Peace Movement and its Aims.' She thought it strange that the peace movement should be needed in the Friends' society when the peace thought is as old as the religious thought. As far back as the time of Cain and Abel the ideas of Peace were prevalent; Cain was shown that he had no right to take his brother's life. It is not for each one to sit down and consider these questions alone; the spirit of peace should be found in every heart, in the home, the church, and in every place. One of the earliest principles that George Fox endeavored to fasten on the minds of his followers was that no one should forget the sacredness of human life. George Fox and William Penn put themselves with the army that stood before the people as living monuments of this sacredness of human life. It was not remarkable that William Penn's father thought that it was madness in his son to take up the peaceful principles of the Society of Friends; being a man of military life and ambition, it was of course a source of regret to him that William should not care for that kind of life.

People do not know how to love one another. For peace work we want a concentration of forces; we must not stand apart as a society, but bring all classes together. War is based upon envy, hatred, and greed. What question is of half the importance with peace and arbitration? Why build forts? Of whom are we afraid? Give out your thought for the elevation of the masses. Suppose the war-cloud should burst? The war education is the most infidel thing possible, for in the Bible we have been given more than thirty thousand promises that evil shall be overcome by good.

At present the Universal Peace Union has a knowledge of four hundred peace societies; there are also forty branches of the Universal Peace Union. The grandest movement of the religious work is enlisting in this great cause of Peace.

At the close of the address Whittier's poem, entitled "The Angels of Buena Vista," was read by Annie Bradway. After remarks by Joel Borton and others, the meeting adjourned. S. H. P., Sec.

BALTIMORE, MD.-On the evening of the First month 7, a Young Friends' Association was formed at Park Ave., Baltimore, with the following temporary officers: president, Arthur L. Lamb; secretary, Mary E. Broomell; treasurer, Joseph J. Janney.

This organization is, to some extent, a revival of the Friends' Circle, which originated a number of years ago, and lasted until the winter of 1896. Owing to the lateness of the season, it was decided to begin the work with but two departments, History and Literature of the Society of Friends, and Current Topics. These branches of work will be taken up at the regular meetings held on the second Sixth-day of each month.

For some time past a need has been felt for such an organization, and much interest has already been shown in the work. MARY E. BROOmell, Sec.

ARKONA, ONTARIO.-The Arkona Young Friends' Christian Association held its regular meeting in the meeting-house, at 3 o'clock on First month 2. The program was arranged under the literary department, they having selected Whittier's poem, "Reward,' Reward," as the subject. The chapter chosen for opening was the eleventh of Proverbs. After a lively discussion, participated in by all, upon the chapter and the poem, a paper was read by Cynthia E. Brown, entitled "Faithfulness a sure Reward."

Patience and obedience, she said, are always rewarded with emanations of the Father's love, affording a consciousness of his approving presence. Life is very critical. Any word may be our last. Any farewell, even amid glee and merriment, may be forever. The reward of a life of faithful, loyal,

obedience comes at once to the individual himself in growth of character according to the will of God and by his grace. To grow in grace, in love, in humanity, in courage, cheerfulness, and consecration,-that is sure to succeed, that is to have Far better is it to be the faithful son who perfected harvest. wanders not from his Father's house, and who is all that his father hath, than to be the sin-scarred prodigal welcomed to a home to which he has forfeited all right. It is good to be Peter and hear the Master's gracious pardon, but it is better to be John, leaning on the Saviour's breast, caring for the Saviour's Mother, and afterward having the very curtain of Heaven lifted before his mortal eyes. Whittier brings in, in his poem 'Reward," the thought that Time is ever silently turning over his pages; we are too much engrossed by the story of the present to worry about the things of the past.


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MOORESTOWN, N. J.-A meeting of the Young Friends' Association was held First month 14.

The President called the meeting to order. The minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted.

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After the report from the Executive Committee the other reports were in order. William Coles from the Discipline Committee, read a paper on “Narcotics and Intoxicants, explaining the positions held by Friends in the past and present. Friends were the first in our country to raise a voice against these evils, and the minutes quoted showed the gradual increase in sentiment against those foes until we have the present Query, showing the high standard we have attained, "Are Friends clear of manufacture, sale, and use of intoxicating liquors as a drink?'' etc.

Rebecca Ballinger, from the Literature Committee, read a part of the beautiful work, "Vital Religion and the Means of Promoting It," by Samuel M. Janney.

Among the Current Topics read by Howard De Cou were, the entry of Van Wyck upon his duties as Mayor of Greater New York, the disappointment felt in Denmark over the small offer made by the United States for the Danish Island of St. Thomas in the West Indies, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the opening of Girard College, a very full account of the conditions of affairs now existing between China, Germany, and England.

Lizzie B. Lippincott then read the "Address to our Younger Members," written by O. Edward Janney.

This closed the evening's program. After roll-call the meeting adjourned.


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