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the papers there that such a hall must not be built, or, if it was built, it must be destroyed. That Southern influence, together with the "lewd fellows of the baser sort," in Philadelphia, destroyed Pennsylvania Hall. It was opened on the 14th, and destroyed on the 17th by a mob.

I was at the hall three days, and on the afternoon of the day it was burnt there were speeches, not at all inflammatory; even the people themselves, the Southern people, who were not here, would not have called them So. Our able lawyer, David Paul Brown, was the opening speaker. I well remember being at the hall. There did not appear to be much ill-feeling among the higher officials of the city against the abolitionists, particularly in the early part of the week, at the opening of the hall; but the mob spirit seemed to increase, and it grew very violently and fast till on Fifth-day evening (I think it was) the 17th of May. Mayor Swift was there, and the hall was full of people. The crowd outside began to collect, and the first thing they did was to throw brick-bats and stones into the hall. The Mayor virtually gave up to the mob the disposition of the hall; he said to them, "You are my police, gentlemen; I want you to take care of it." They did take care of it—just as John Swift wanted it; I thought so at the time, and I think so yet. The mob tore out the gas-pipes, and set fire to the building; and in a very few hours it was consumed. It was a fine bonfire for the mob; and the hall dedicated to "Virtue, Liberty, and Independence was in ashes. I was in town the next morning. I saw our beautiful hall in ruins. The authorities were responsible for the destruction of it by the mob; but they did not make themselves so, legally, and the stockholders lost their money, after a vexatious lawsuit.

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The hall being burned, the mob cleared out and went about other business; that other business was to harry and vex the colored people. That was the next business that was almost sure to follow any kind of mob in Philadelphia in those early times, to destroy the property of the colored people. I remember as I went around (I was in business then that took me to a great many people's houses), all the colored people were fearing their houses would be burned, and a great number of them were burned.

John G. Whittier was editor then of. the Pennsylvania Freeman, the organ of the anti-slavery people. His office, the anti-slavery office, had been moved into Pennsylvania Hall. His papers were all burned, together with all, or a great many, of the papers belonging to the Anti-Slavery Society.

The abolitionists, or those considered such, had to flee for their lives. The mob went up to destroy James and Lucretia Mott's house, which was on 9th street below Vine, but they had gone to a place of safety. I think it was in that mob, (there were several other mobs), in that same riot that the little building that was used for the Colored Orphans, on 13th street just below Willow, was partly destroyed, and the orphans had to be removed. The old building is standing there yet; I oftentimes see it, and it brings to my mind the trouble we passed through then. (Conclusion to follow.)



THE movement to form a Friends' colony at Roswell, Idaho, induces me to present some observations concerning the problem of irrigation.

While the first thing towards which attention should be directed is whether there is a sufficient number who wish to change their dwelling-place, and would be glad to join such a colony, it is no less necessary to make the most exhaustive inquiry possible in regard to the peculiarities of the location and the particular environment, if the attempt is to be successful. This inquiry can only be satisfactory when the answers to questions come from those living in these localities, and who moreover are known to be not only truthful but well informed and unprejudiced. For no one, especially in an irrigated country, can learn, without several months of mingling with the people and studying the state of things, the conditions

of success or failure.

For instance: How much water is necessary the season through for any certain number of acres? Different localities, having different soil, would require different amounts, but there is a certain amount which may be taken as a standard, viz: one cubic foot per second for eighty acres. All rivers in this country are not available for irrigation, and those that are available do not always have enough water for the valleys through which they flow.

When these points are settled then see what your water-right will cost. If a perpetual water-right is in question, how many votes are there, and who has the majority? If the ditch-owners, of course they control the whole, and only those who have lived under a monopoly know all that this implies. How many more settlers must enter that the owners of the land may have the majority? Will it be possible to furnish all of them with enough water for their holdings? Again, one must have a well and this in some soils is a source of much trouble and expense. How many manufacturers are there, and of what kinds? Are they near enough to provide a market for farm products? What are the laws governing the carrying of water? A ditch may have a prior right over some other ditch, and yet the amount of water may be limited, because the source of its water supply is not sufficient to give it all it has filed on.

When all these and other points are satisfactorily settled, the individual will need to consider whether he is upheld by the Inward Teacher in the movement he is contemplating. For only as the Friends live up to their profession of being guided by the Light Within can they expect to be made a means of spreading the truth in the world. And it appears to me that he is a poor Friend who does not desire to help bring the world at large nearer the truth.

Friends have not been for a long time what is called a proselyting people, but the kind of proselyting that a real Friend would do is greatly needed here, as well as elsewhere, and if Friends do not do the work, who will?

By "the kind of proselyting," etc., I mean that life and testimony-bearing, which, it seems to me, all

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HAVANA despatches say that on September 26 the remains of Columbus were taken out of the sarcophagus in the cathedral at Havana, in which they had rested for more than a century, and were sealed up in a proper box to be shipped back to Spain. Columbus died in 1506, and was ceremoniously buried at Valladolid. Seven years afterwards (1513) his remains were moved to Seville and deposited in a chapel of the monastery of Las Cuevas, where, in 1526, they were joined by the body of his son Diego. In 1536 both bodies were moved to Hispaniola and deposited in the principal chapel of the cathedral of San Domingo. In 1795, when San Domingo passed to France, the Spaniards moved what was believed to be the body of Columbus to Havana; but the story is that they took not Christopher, but Diego, and the proof offered is that Columbus, by his will, ordered the chains he wore in his imprisonment to be buried with him, which was done, but that the coffin moved to Havana had no chains in it. On this ground, and perhaps for other reasons, the San Domingo people have always averred that their cathedral still held all that was left of Columbus; and perhaps they are right, though their claims have never had any standing in Havana or in Spain.

There is no present indication that any serious opposition will be made to the transfer of Havana's good-enough Columbus back to Spain, though the proceedings may yet become matter for negotiation. It may be doubted whether the attachment of Columbus to Spain was sufficiently strong to make him indisposed to continue as a tenant of Cuban soil after the departure of the Spanish flag from that island. His burials heretofore have always been occasions of great ceremony, and doubtless the next one will not be an exception.

Who Advised the Czar ?

THE Tsar's disarmament proposals still continue to arouse interest among the thoughtful men. No one doubts the perfect sincerity of the young Tsar. For a long time his thoughts have been set upon peace and the peaceful development of Siberia and the Far East. According to Arnold White, the London correspondent of Harper's Weekly, the Tsar's rescript is due to a Jewish gentlemen, M. Bloch, a retired banker of great wealth and benevolence, with a remarkable taste for statistics and a wide knowledge of sociology and economics. It was he who, in his interview with the Tsar about the terrible condition of the Jews of Poland, convinced his majesty that a disarmament conference was practicable and advisable.

Spanish Soldiers.

A VISITOR to Portsmouth, N. H., before the removal of the Spanish prisoners to Spain, speaks of their youth. "Here and there were boys, surely not more than fourteen, and many of them !''

George Kennan, describing, in the Outlook, the interior of the Morro Castle, at Santiago, a guard-room, or barrackroom, where the soldiers stayed, mentions particularly some skillful drawing on the walls, and then adds: "It is a fact which perhaps may not be wholly unworthy of notice, that among the sketches I saw and the mural inscriptions I copied in all parts of Morro Castle, there was not an indecent picture nor an improper word, sentence, or line. Spanish soldiers may be cruel, but they do not appear to be vicious or corrupt in the way that soldiers often are.

The Forest Fires.

IN the paragraph under Current Events, in the last INTELLIGENCER, the word "fruits is printed, at the end of the fifth line from the bottom, instead of “forests.”

The terrible destructiveness of these fires is not appreciated, the Springfield Republican says: "The country's forest area has now become so denuded that every fire, like those that have just been raging in Wisconsin and Colorado, is a national calamity.' •Not only is a vast amount of timber destroyed, but the soil in the neighborhood declines by 75 per cent. in fertility owing to the absence of the nitrogen supplied by the forests. America's care of one of the greatest resources supplied by nature continues to be a national shame. The government has lately established a ranger system, but the foresters are said to be political henchmen controled by the party boss. Under their protecting care fires are sure to be as frequent as ever. It is certain that the fires of the past week were as destructive as any the country has known."

The Spanish People.

SOME opinions concerning the Spanish people are expressed by Edward Everett Hale in one of the chapters, (published in the Outlook), of his series on "James Russell Lowell and his Times." Lowell, it will be remembered, was some time Minister to Spain, and Dr. Hale visited the country during that time. He makes these observations:

"I conceived a very high respect for the rank and file of the Spanish people. Ignorant? Yes, if reading and writing are the tests of ignorance. For only one-fifth of the population can read their own language. But the people themselves, the average people, as I saw them, seemed to me a very civil, friendly, self-respecting, thoughtful, and industrious people. They were ready to oblige a stranger, and they did not expect a penny or a shilling, as an Englishman or an Irishman does when he has obliged a stranger.

"I see that careful students of the position now say that the class of people in administration in Spain, the people who make and unmake ministers and dynasties, are more absolutely separate from what I call the rank and file than anywhere else in the world. I had a suspicion of this when I was in Spain."

These views concerning the people correspond with the obervations of Bayard Taylor, derived from familiar interourse with them, in a ride in north-eastern Spain, from the neighborhood of Barcelona up to the Pyrenees. The detachment of the ruling classes from the people has been more han once dwelt on by the Intelligencer.

Sickness Among Soldiers.

THE truth that war involves death by disease, as well as death in battle, will be learned presently, it is to be hoped.

Much has been said about the immunity of the British army in the Soudan from disease, and it is ascribed to various influences. A London dispatch of the 5th instant says that a dispatch from Cairo states that "sickness and death are increasing among the troops who have returned from the Soudan.

In his testimony before the Commission of Inquiry, at Washington, on the 7th instant, General Green, who was one of the commanders at Manila, said the suffering and death in the American army was small compared with what he had observed elsewhere. "He had seen more suffering in the Turkish army in a day then in the American army in a month, and there were 60,000 Russian troops ill with typhoid fever at the close of the Russian campaign.

The Philadelphia Bulletin says: "The fewer troops we are obliged to send to Cuba the better. The expense of maintaining a large army in the island will be enormous, and the experience of American soldiers in Santiago and its vicinity shows that a heavy percentage of sickness and mortality among the men is inevitable.'

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The Paris "Commune" Redescribed. ALL who remember the reports of conditions in Paris, in 1871, during the rule of the " Commune," will recall them with sensations of horror. But here is a witness who comes forward to say that the facts of the case were by no means so black as they were painted. Prof. Simon Newcomb, the distinguished American astronomer, was in Paris at the time, and now, writing his recollections in the Atlantic Monthly, he says:

"I should not deem it worth while to record any of our observations of the Paris Commune, were it not that they materially modify the impressions commonly given by the -numerous writings on the history of the Commune. What a historian says may be quite true, so far as it goes, and yet may be so far from the whole truth as to give the reader an incorrect impression of the actual course of events. The following extract of a letter which I wrote to a friend, may not be devoid of interest:

I must do all hands the justice to say that they are all very well behaved. There is nothing like a mob anywhere, so far as I can find. I consulted my map this morning, right alongside the barricade, and in full view of the builders, without being molested, and wife and I walked through the insurrectionary districts without being troubled or seeing the slightest symptoms of disturbance. The stores are all open, and everyone seems to be buying and selling as usual. In all the cafés I have seen, the habitués seem to be drinking their wine, just as coolly as if they had nothing unusual on their minds.'

"The nearest approach to a mob that I ever noticed was a drill of young recruits of the National Guard, or a crowd in the court of the Louvre being harangued by an orator. Making due allowance for the excitability of the French character, the crowd was comparatively as peaceable as that which we may see surrounding a gospel wagon, in one of our own cities."


THERE has been fighting between United States troops under General Bacon, and a band of Chippewa Indians, called the Pillager band. The most serious engagement took place on the 5th inst., about thirty miles from Walker, Minnesota, "close to Bear Island." An officer, Major Wilkinson, and five of the United States soldiers were killed; the number of Indians killed is not definitely known. Different explanations Different explanations are given for the "outbreak," but a Washington dispatch in

dicates that as usual the Indians had been misused. The tribe, the Chippewas, is one which for many years past had been peaceful, most of its members being engaged in agriculture. The Chippewas took no part in the Sioux uprising of 1862.

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WHAT progress, if any, has been made by the Peace Commission, at Paris, at this writing, has not been disclosed. The question of the "retention" of the Philippine Islands, (though the United States has possession of but a small part of them), seems to be the most serious one. The Spanish at Madrid are said to be just awakening to the unpleasant knowledge that this is the American demand. General Merritt, who went from Manila to Paris, to advise the Commissioners, is reported as advising the retention of the Philippines. On the 9th instant (First-day), the American Commissioners were invited by the French President, Faure, to attend a horse-race at Lorgchamps, near Paris. The dispatch says they "thanked him, but declined the invitation.”

THE evacuation of Porto Rico by the Spanish troops has proceeded, and will be completed, it is now said, next week. Urgent instructions have been sent to the American Commissioners at Havana to hasten the Spanish evacuation of Cuba, and different dates have been assigned as the probable time when it would be effected. Dispatches at this writing (11th), from Paris say that the Spanish premier, Sagasta, is likely to refuse to remove Gen. Blanco and his troops from Havana, while the question of the Philippines remains unsettled. Blanco's men are now said to be well supplied with arms,

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ammunition, and provisions, and the Spanish engineer officers think Havana "impregnable. Admirable Sampson, chief of the American commission at Havana, is reported as in very ill health.

THE War Investigating Commission has been continuing its hearings of testimony in Washington. After General Wheeler concluded his testimony, General N. V. Boynton was heard as to the Camp at Chickamauga, General Fitzhugh Lee as to the encampment at Jacksonville, and General Greene as to the camp at San Francisco, and the situation at Manila. The tenor of the testimony of these officers was much the same as that given by General Wheeler-that there were cases of hardship, and defects in administration, but that these were such as are inseparable from war. Two officers who testified on the 7th, one a Major of the "Rough Riders," agreed in saying "that no army was ever so abundantly and luxuriously supplied as was the American army in the Spanish war."

PRESIDENT MCKINLEY and his wife left Washington on the 8th instant, proceeding to Canton, Ohio, where they attended the funeral of George Saxton, Mrs. McKinley's brother, who was fatally shot last week. The funeral took place on the 10th, and the President, accompanied by members of the Cabinet, and others then left for Omaha, Mrs. McKinley remaining at Canton.

THE Legislature of Oregon has elected a United States Senator, Joseph Simon, a lawyer of Portland. There has been a vacancy in the representation of Oregon since March, 1897, and the United States Senate has had but 89 members. The full 90 is now made up.

THE political canvass in Pennsylvania is exciting much attention. A Governor is to be elected, and the Legislature will choose a United States Senator, the term of M. S. Quay expiring. Three candidates for Governor are in the field : W. A. Stone, Republican, George A. Jenks, Democrat, and Dr. S. C. Swallow, nominated by the Honest Government party, the Prohibitionists, and others. The extraordinary feature is the possibility of the independent vote, broken off from the two old parties, electing Dr. Swallow. It is conceded that the vote for him will be large,—much increased over that which he received in 1897 for State Treasurer, which was about 119,000. It appears doubtful whether a Legislature favorable to Senator Quay will be chosen,

YELLOW fever has taken hold in many places in Mississippi, and a dispatch on the 9th from Memphis said the situation was "assuming grave proportions. There is not a section of the State that has not been visited. Three interstate railways have practically suspended business. Twenty thousar d refugees have left the State and gone north to await cold weather. The disease continues to increase steadily in jackson, the State capital. Since September 27 there have been forty-four cases. Only five deaths have been reported since the beginning."

UNITED STATES SENATOR QUAY, his son, and C. H. McKee, a lawyer of Pittsburgh, ("law partner" of Walter Lyon, the lieutenant-governor of Pennsylvania), were held in $5,000 bail, on the 5th instant, to stand trial in court the charges of misuse of State and bank money in stock speculation through the late J. S. Hopkins, cashier of the People's Bank of Philadelphia. The hearing of B. J. Haywood, former Treasurer of Pennsylvania, who is charged with the same acts, was set for the 12th instant.

The evidence at the hearing on the 5th consisted of letters, telegrams, etc., from Quay and Haywood, and a memorandum book which Hopkins, (who committed suicide), kept. The impression made upon the public mind is that the prosecution is justified by the testimony so far presented, but that a conviction may or may not be had when the case comes to trial.

A VERY extensive and threatening strike of working people. began in Paris last week. It started with the terassiers, or

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lowest grade of day laborers, but spread to include masons, carpenters, stone-cutters, iron-workers, plumbers, locksmiths, and others. A dispatch on the 8th says 40,000 out of 200,000 engaged in house-building industries are on strike. Large bodies of troops have been kept under arms,-about 20,000, and Paris is considered "in a state of siege. Work on the great buildings for the Exposition of 1899 was nearly brought to a stand-still. Schemes of a military overthrow of the government, a coup d'etat, have been suspected. The military faction "detest" M. Brissin, the prime minister, who has compelled a reconsideration of the Dreyfus case in the interest of the civil law.

An extraordinary report is sent from London of an attempt to break open the grave of William Penn, in the buryingground of the Friends at Jordans, in Bucks, near London. The dispatch says the attempt was made on the night of the 6th instant, and that the parties were frightened off, through the barking of a dog. They had tried to open the grave and had dug away about two feet of the ground.' It is added that "owing to some suspicion during the past few years a watch has been kept on the grave. The guard was removed only recently." On the 7th, the police arrested near Chesham, Buckinghamshire, a man who gave his name as Thomas Firth Woodward, who is suspected of having been concerned in the attempt.

THE advance of the British army up the Nile, under General Kitchener, and the occupancy of Khartoum, brought it into proximity with a small body of French troops, further south at Fashoda. It has been the presumption that it would be the policy of France to hold this place, and the region near, which would prevent England from uniting her conquered territory on the Nile with her colonies and dependencies in South Africa. Lord Salisbury has made such demands upon the French Government, however, that either the force at Fashoda must be withdrawn,-which is expected, -or war may follow.

A "PEACE JUBILEE," chiefly a street parade of soldiers, civil organizations, etc., is proposed to be held in Philadelphia on the 26th and 27th of this month. A public subscription to pay the expense is being made, $50,000 being desired. At this writing, after several weeks' canvassing, the fund is reported to be $23,700. There is some evidence that many persons feel the enreality of the present so-called " "peace, and that the expenditure of money for a spectacular show, when there are so many urgent calls for important purposes, is unwarranted.




















New York.


St. Louis.


NEWS AND OTHER GLEANINGS. It is doubtful whether the American people know how much taxation they are carrying. The national expenditure is now about $10 a year per capita-that sum for every man, woman, and child, and for a family of five $50 a year. This is in addition to all other taxes, municipal, country, State, etc.

-The national pension bill for the next fiscal year, says the Washington correspondent of the Baltimore American, is being estimated at about $200,000,000. Last year it was $150,000,000. Up to Wednesday 525 claims had been presented on account of the Spanish war.

-Queen Victoria, her daughter, the ex-Empress Frederick of Germany, and grand-daughter, Princess Adolphe of Schaumburg-Lippe, had a narrow escape from injury while driving at Balmoral, Scotland, on the 3d instant. The queen's horses bolted, the coachman lost control of them, and a serious accident was only averted by the horses turning into The the woods, where the carriage stuck between the trees. members of the royal party were severely shaken `and much alarmed but were not injured.

-Zangwill, the London Jewish author, who is now in this country lecturing, takes an unfavorable view of the teachers in London. "The drama has practically ceased to exist,'' in that city, he says. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger adds to this that in New York, so far this season, the theatres "have mainly relied on buffoonery and indecency for their hold on the public.''

-Springfield, Mass., Republican: There is a great deal of government by commission going on just now. A commission sits at Havana, at San Juan, and at Paris, another has returned from Honolulu, and yet another is in session at Quebec. To these should be added the commission investigating the war, and the national industrial commission of Congress investigating the conditions of labor. These are busy times for Uncle Samuel, for whom the vacation season is forever at an end.

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-Soldiers returned from Honolulu state that drastic measures have been adopted there to enforce discipline. Foraging," it is said, had been carried on with a high hand. General King was obliged to organize a force of mounted men, and issued an order that any soldier caught foraging would be court-martialed and shot.

-Madame Carnot, widow of President Carnot of France, who was assassinated by an Italian anarchist at Lyons, June 24, 1894, died on the 30th ult. She was the daughter of M. Dupont-White, a celebrated political economist. "She brought her husband some fortune, and proved to be of the greatest assistance to him in pushing his political interests.''

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*The second regular meeting of the ** The semi-annual meeting of Philadelphia Friends' Temperance Workers will be held in First-day School Union will be held in Friends the meeting-house at Girard Avenue and Seven-meeting-house, 17th street and Girard Avenue, teenth street, on Seventh-day evening, Tenth on Sixth-day evening, Tenth month 14, 1898, month 15, at 8 p. m. commencing ar 8 o'clock.

The Executive Committee especially desire that Friends will encourage this good work, by their presence at these meetings.

Jas. C. EMLEY, President.

** The 63d Annual Meeting of the Library Association of Friends will be held in the Lecture Room of Friends Central School, 15th and Race, streets, on Sixth-day evening, Tenth month 21, 1898, at 8 o'clock.

At the conclusion of the regular business, including the appointment of officers and Committee of Management for the ensuing year. PROF. F. H. GREEN, of the West Chester State Normal School, will deliver his interesting lecture," The Garden of English Literature.' A large attendance is desired, and all interested are invited.


**A meeting will be held under the auspices of the Quarterly Meeting's Philanthropic Committee, on Sixth-day, Tenth month 21, at 4 p. m., at Race Street meeting-house (Room No. I), for the purpose of explaining to mothers and teachers a systematic method of teaching sewing.


The Young Temperance Workers of Girard Avenue and 17th street have resumed their semi-monthly meetings, on the first and third Seventh-day evenings of each month. All are cordially invited to attend. The next meeting is on the 15th.


*** The Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting's Committee to visit the smaller branches as way may open, will visit during Tenth month as follows:

16. Radnor, Appointed Meeting, 3 p. m. 23. Merion, 10.30 a. m.


6. Green Street, 10.30 a m.


Frankford, 10.30 a. m.

*** The regular meeting of Concord Firstday School Union will be held at Middletown meeting-house, Delaware county, Pa., on Seventh-day, Tenth month 15, convening at 10.30 a. m. All interested are invited to attend.

Subject for consideration: "Silent meetings, and are they profitable?”

Train leaving Broad Street Station at 8.46 a. m., will be met by carriages at Darlington Station, (Central Division P. W. & B. R. R.) |



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** A Conference under the care of Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting's Philanthropic Committee will be held in Schuylkill meeting-house, on First-day, Tenth month 30, 1898, at 2.30 p. m.

Subject: "Temperance."

Our friend Joseph S. Walton expects to be in attendance.

An invitation is extended to all.

The 9.05 a. m. train on the Reading Railroad, also the 12.30 p. m., on the Penna. Railroad, Schuylkill Division, will be met at Phoenixville.


MARY M. KALER, Clerks.

All interested Friends are invited to be present.


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on First-day, at 7.30 o'clock, during Tenth Royal Blue Line to New York. month, at Fourth and Green streets, excepting on Tenth month 30, when it is at 35th St and Lancaster Avenue, West Philadelphia. general attendance of our members is urged, whether belonging to that meeting or not.

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