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Passing on to the papers of the evening, Helen A. Comly gave a vivid picture of Christian martyrdom in Russia as it is presented in a little book by Vladimir Tchertkoff. treats of a much persecuted people, the Doukhobortsi, or Spirit Wrestlers, and as they maintain a number of principles in common with Friends, their lives and sufferings are of peculiar interest. "To them the material life is entirely subservient to the spiritual; they feel themselves so near to God, so constantly in his presence that mere earthly things have little significance. Worshipping God in the spirit, they feel no need of priest or outward church. To them one place and time is as good as another for their meetings, and forms are quite unnecessary." One of their prayers was quoted, and its peculiar beauty reminded us of the prayer given to the world many years ago. Theirs is a daily communion with God; they advocate peace, and refuse to bear arms. This is the chief cause of their persecution. They deem it wrong for one man to be rich and another poor; hence they hold their property in common, occasionally making a re-distribution of funds.

The paper noted their banishment to the Turkish frontier, and their establishment there of a flourishing colony until the universal military service was introduced. Rigid opposition to this caused them to burn the fire-arms used for protection against wild animals and the Turks, and since then they have suffered all manner of persecutions. Thus they have been driven from place to place. Illness has added to their misery, but they still hold fast to their principles, and show no sign of weakening!

The remarks which followed the reading showed that its value was appreciated. One Friend felt that in times of greater prosperity there is a danger of drifting away from dependence on a Higher Power; another thought that here was a beautiful testimony that revelation had not ceased. Referring to the division of property, it was conceded that though we did not unite with extreme views, we must consider the possessor of worldly goods merely as a steward, and by no means win wealth oppressively.

Not on account of any particular historical information in the work of John Whiting, but principally because of its quaintness and peculiarity of style, Emma Speakman Webster presented some extracts from his book, written in 1696, entitled, "Persecutions Exposed." Opening with a biographical sketch, he tells of his mother's imprisonment for Truth's sake, and the consequent breaking up of their home. This struck the keynote of his life in his early years, and his own imprisonment followed when he was twenty-three years old. Having raised a small crop of corn [wheat in England], and refusing to pay the tithes, a libel was produced against him, and his faults set forth at length in numerous items. Though the confinement of prison life brought on fever, he says it was a fine, refreshing time with me," and in the Friary many "brave meetings we had."

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In a quaint and charming way he tells of gaining a little liberty, and going to Portshead and Bristol, and meeting his keeper in the street. Then he tells of his marriage with Sarah Hurd, and the details which led to its accomplishment, saying, "This was an occasion, the weightiest I ever went about." The imprisonment of other Friends is noted, and he closes his book by saying, he could add more, but this is but a specimen of what he intended to leave behind him.


This going back to the early days made us feel more of interest in the quaint and ancient ways of thought and expression. Nathaniel E. Janney gave us a synopsis of the English law in regard to tithes." This word was to Friends "the very knell of doom," for, as it was an ecclesiastical law, they felt in duty bound to refuse submission to it. Several speakers followed with remarks of interest and appreciation.

Following a moment's silence the early adjournment allowed time for social intercourse after the meeting.


MEDIA.-A regular meeting of the Friends' Association was held in the Friends' School building, on the evening of First month 8th. The minutes referred especially to the pleasure

and profit with which the Association, at its last meeting, had listened to Mary Travilla, while she described her experiences and impressions of the Clear Creek Conferences, and Illinois Yearly Meeting, bringing to our members, as she did, so much of the helpful spirit of those occasions.

After routine business had been disposed of, Arletta Cutler Palmer gave an interesting account of Friends and their organizations within the limits of Genesee Yearly Meeting. The account was especially valuable in that it set forth many of the difficulties which distance and other circumstances interpose, but which, in so great a degree, the energy and loyalty of Canadian Friends have overcome.

A few months since, the Association began the study of the recent literature of the Society of Friends by considering appreciatively the poems of Howard J. Truman. In continuation of this work Katherine M. Stevenson read some selections from "Lyrics of Quakerism," by Ellwood Roberts.

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Henry M. Fussell presented an article, "What Shall the Harvest be?" Recalling the paper of Joel Borton on The Extension of Our Meetings," and the remarks of William W. Birdsall on the same subject at the Newtown Conference of Friends' Association in Eleventh month, the writer made a thoughtful inquiry into the application of those truths to the conditions of Providence Meeting. Without going so far as to outline any definite policy of change, the author formulated certain vital questions in the tangible shape in which it is necessary to have them before they can be discussed with intelligence. Appended to the paper were some valuable working statistics giving information as to membership, attendance, names of those in unity but not in membership with Friends, and geographical centre of active membership. After a thoughtful discussion of these points the meeting adjourned.

J. C. L.

BUCKINGHAM, PA.-Young Friends' Association met at Buckingham meeting-house at the usual time in Twelfth month, with a fair attendance of interested people. The president opened the meeting by reading the third chapter of First Corinthians. The secretary then read the minutes of the previous meeting, which stood approved.

The report of the Executive Committee for First month, 1898, was next presented. Discipline, by Amanda Eastburn ; Historical Sketch, by Elizabeth M. Fell; Paper, by Mary W. Atkinson, "Our Society: methods of increasing its membership, and a greater interest therein "; Discussion, by T. Ogborn Atkinson; Recitation, by Anna S. Atkinson; Reading, by Fannie J. Broadhurst.

Mary W. Atkinson made a brief report of our Literary Social, held at Buckingham meeting-house Twelfth month 11. It was reported a success. We then took up the program for the day. Henry P. Ely read that portion of the Discipline relating to meeting funds, telling of the quotas contributed, how these are arranged, etc. Historical paper, by Mabel K. Hibbs. She read the Testimony on Edward Hicks prepared by Makefield Monthly Meeting, in the year 1851. He was one who proclaimed the Gospel, visiting the meetings all round him. At one time he strayed from Friends' belief, but while yet a young man came back to feel the Inner Light the proper faith for him. He was an artist, and went to his "shop," as he called it, up to the day before his death. High tributes are paid his memory, as being one with a share of the divine gift. Isaac Twining spoke of attending this Friend's funeral, when his daughter offered words of the ministry for the first time. Benjamin F. Battin then took up the paper assigned to him, "What has been the effect of the prominent theological dogmas of the Evangelical churches on the religious and moral life of mankind?" He treated this in a thorough manner. He gave a short account of the development of early Christianity, and the difference between the religion of Jesus, which is an immediate spiritual union with God, and the " evangelical thought, which is reconciliation with God through the Redeemer. He traced the history of Christianity and its effects during the centuries until the Reformation, giving especially its indirect influences. He mentioned the four relations of Church and State : the Church Supreme, the State Supreme, State of Equal power, Liberty of Worship. Taking up churches in detail, he discussed the Greek Catholic, and spoke

at length of the Roman Catholic Church as the first and greatest of the Evangelical Churches. He traced its origin, development, growth, and influence, also its organization and its doctrines, its relations to other churches and non-Christians. He described the Reformation, and sketched several churches arising from it. Finally, he gave accounts of the influences of the different churches in the United States, citing some statistics.

At the close of the paper, remarks were made by T. O. Atkinson, Mary A. Watson, Albert S. Paxson, and George Watson. After a brief silence, the Association adjourned. I. L. W., Secretary.

TRENTON, N. J.-A regular meeting of the Trenton Friends' Association was held in the lecture-room of the meet

ing-house, Twelfth month 27. The retiring President, Dr. Laura H. Satterthwaite, paid a very fitting tribute to one of our members, Rebecca T. Roman, deceased.

After the reports of the various committees, the new officers took their seats, and the program for the evening was taken up.

M. Harvey Tomlinson presented the first paper upon the question : Should a person hold membership with the Society of Friends who does not fully endorse the Discipline?" The writer felt it was possible to be consistent Friends without fully living up to the Discipline, taking the rules more in the light of advices, especially so in early youth.

Considerable discussion followed by the members, one thought advanced being the necessity of changing the Discipline from time to time to meet the needs of the members. Joseph Willets then continued his papers on that portion of Clarkson's "Portraiture of Quakerism, Portraiture of Quakerism," which treated upon the subject of Marriage. Much expression was given relative to the form of Friends' marriages, and the usual happiness resulting from them was thought to result from the careful oversight attending them.

A newspaper clipping was then read, showing that Quaker love" still exists, and after a few moments' silence the meeting adjourned. L. C. W.

PLAINFIELD, N. J.-The regular monthly meeting of the Friends' Association was held on the 5th instant.

After the usual opening silence a Scripture selection from the sixth chapter of Ephesians was read.

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The paper prepared by John J. Cornell for the Newtown Conference on Disownable Offences among Friends," which had been kindly loaned for the evening, called forth an expression of hearty sympathy with the views of the writer.

An account of the Separation of 1827-28 as contained in the " History of Friends in America," by Prof. Allen C. Thomas and Dr. Richard Thomas was presented by the History Section.

The roll-call was responded to with selections from Longfellow. One of the pleasantest social gatherings in the history of the Association was held during the holiday week, when members and their friends listened to a delightful talk on Domestic Science by Ellen Rushmore, of Drexel Institute, Philadelphia.


SOLEBURY, PA.-The Young Friends' Association of Solebury met in the afternoon of the 9th inst. The minutes having been read and approved, the report of the Nominating Committee was made by Eastburn Reeder. It was as follows: President, Ella B. Carter; Vice-President, Seth T. Walton ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mattie Reeder; Correspondent, Florence R. Kenderdine. This report was approved by the meeting, and the newly-elected officers accordingly took their places. Martha B. White read the appointments for Second month, made by the Executive Committee. They were: "What was the primal object in men and women sitting apart in Friends' meeting, and does it still exist?" to Watson Kenderdine. Reading, Emma A. Fell. "Should Friends take part in the Sabbath Schools of other denominations?" to Florence K. Blackfan.

The following appointments of committees for the ensuing year were made by the meeting: Executive Committee : Watson Kenderdine, Eastburn Reeder, Martha Simpson, Stephen Betts, Emma L. Rice, Ellen K. Reeder, Ella B. Carter,

Mattie Reeder. Finance Committee: Mattie Reeder, Elizabeth C. Blackfan, Martha B. White. Membership Committee: Edith Michener, Edith B. Slack, Samuel Slack, George H. Ely, Florence K. Blackfan.

After the reading of the Treasurer's report, Martha B. White, of the Literature Section, read extracts from the criticism of " Hugh Wynne," which recently appeared in the FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER.

Edith B. Slack read from that portion of the Discipline which relates to the Scriptures. An interesting report on the section for Current Topics, was made by Martha Simpson.

The President appointed the following persons to report on the various sections next month: History, Eastburn Reeder ; Literature, Edward Simpson; Discipline, Alice B. Michener; Current Topics, Emma L. Rice.

Eastburn Reeder read a continuation of his extracts from the minutes of Solebury Monthly Meeting.

"What is Religious Liberty from Friends' standpoint?" Elizabeth C. Blackfan, to whom this question was assigned, read from President De Garmo's paper at the Swarthmore Conference. Joseph B. Simpson gave his answer "the freedom to worship God according to the dictates of one's own conscience."

George S. Roberts answered the question, "How did the numerical names of the months originate?'' "What was the object of the Scarboro' Summer School, and will its influence be felt in this country? was a question ably answered by Beulah Betts. Remarks upon the various subjects were made by Stephen Betts, Eastburn Reeder, Watson Kenderdine, Elizabeth C. Blackfan, and Martha B. White.

The closing silence having been observed, the Association adjourned until the second First-day in Second month. F. R. K., Correspondent.

WILLISTOWN, PA.-A meeting of the Young Friends' Association was held First month 5 at the home of Wilmer Smedley. The President called the meeting to order and after roll-call, which was generally responded to with sentiments, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

A deferred question, "Do Religious Societies bear a strong enough testimony against profanity?" was taken up, and much interest was shown in the discussion. The conclusion seemed to be that religious societies should exercise a closer oversight over its members in this respect.

The History Committee reported through Mordecai T. Bartram, who read a review of Chapter V. Vol. II. of Janney's History of Friends.

Florence Windle, on behalf of the Literature Committee, continued reading extracts from a book entitled "What is Worth While," by Anna Robertson Brown.

The question, "As a Society have we been guilty of too much individualism for our own good?" was answered in a paper by Anna P. Smedley.

[This is elsewhere printed in full.-EDS.]

A recitation, entitled "Only Waiting," was given by Alice Smedley.

With the feeling that we had had a very interesting and helpful meeting, a short period of silence was observed and the meeting adjourned to meet Second month 2d, at the home of Daniel C. Windle. ALICE C. BARTRAM, Sec.

Educational Department.

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SWARTHMORE COLLEGE NOTES. On the evening of First month 10th, Dr. Appleton read a portion of Shakespeare's "King Lear before an audience of students and friends of the college. These readings are always very interesting, and the majority of the students realize that they cannot afford to miss them.

A number of the students, some of the Faculty and neighboring friends, attended a recital given by John W. Hutchinson, the only surviving member of the Hutchinson family of singers, well known in anti-slavery times, in Somerville Hall, Fourth-day evening, First month 12th. He sang some of the old songs, and recited a number of pieces surprisingly well for a man of 77.

The Eunomian Literary Society and the Sigma Chapter of the Somerville held the second joint meeting of the year, in College Hall, on the evening of the 14th. The program consisted of instrumental music, an address by the president of the Sigma Chapter, a debate: "Resolved, That the present method of electing the President of the United States should be superseded by some other method," an essay, a recitation, a presentation of some scenes from Sheridan's Rivals," the critic's report by Prof. Marie A. K. Hoadley, and an address by the president of the Eunomian Society.

The next meeting of the kind will be the final contest for the prizes offered by some of the Alumni.

On Seventh-day evening, First month 15th, the Junior Class was enjoyably entertained by an Alumni Committee at the home of Prof. J. Russell Hayes.

The regular meeting of the Young Friends' Association was held in the reception parlor of the College on the evening of the 16th. Benjamin Thomas, '99, was elected vicepresident.

Mary P. Joyce read a paper on Why are Music, Painting and Statuary Absent from Our Meeting-houses," and Marie A. K. Hoadley gave a talk on "Paul As An Orator." At meeting, on the morning of the 16th inst., Lydia H. Price gave us a truly uplifting sermon.

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"A course should be sufficiently flexible to consult the inclinations of instructor and students.

"If by empirical edict but one subject might be taught in public schools, that subject in an advanced civilization ought to be its native literature.

Commenting upon this, it is fairly remarked that the "Riverside Literature Series," to which we have often referred, answer the requirements very well. This Series now consists of over one hundred books, containing literature suitable for all grades, and the prices given are literally" as well as literary" wholes.

It may be fairly said that no condensation or abridgment of a complete masterpiece will be found of the highest value, or will meet with universal approval, since different teachers and different pupils will be found to have varying powers of appreciation. School-books containing literature especially condensed and abridged for children, like dolls and toy wheelbarrows, are soon cast aside in exchange for something of more permanent value.

GEORGE SCHOOL.-At a meeting of the Young Friends' Association, on the 8th instant, a lively interest was taken in the following question chosen for debate: Resolved, "That Friends should maintain a complete system of schools for the education of their children. Among other exercises were two papers, one on "The Life of Elizabeth Newport," and one, "A Sketch from the Life of Benjamin Hallowell, recitations and referred questions; and of special interest was a letter from Bertha M. Chandler, a graduate of last year, and now a teacher in the Schofield School, at Aiken, S. C. The officers of the Association for the ensuing term are: President, J. Thomas Baker; Secretary, Lida W. Gillingham.

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meeting-house, Wilmington, First-day afternoon, the 9th. The large audience was composed not only of many members of that meeting, but members of various other denominations of the city.

On Sixth-day afternoon (14th) President Robert Ellis Thompson, of the Boys' High School, Philadelphia, delivered the fourth lecture of the school course, subject, "Savonarola." His second lecture will be on the afternoon of the 28th, subject, "Luther."

The remaining lecturers of this course are, Alice Freeman Palmer, formerly President of Wellesley College, Mass. ; and Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, of the University of Pennsylvania. A varied and interesting program was well rendered by the Penn Literary Society at the regular meeting on the 15th,


DR. HULL'S LECTURE AT JERICHO.-Dr. Wm. I. Hull, of Swarthmore College, gave his lecture, "The Children of the Other Half," before the Jericho First-day School, and their friends, in the Jericho meeting-house, Long Island, on the evening of Twelfth month 29.

The lecture having been fully reported in the INTELLIGENCER, needs no further comment, except to add, perhaps, that being so fully illustrated, it proved most " thought arresting," not only to the children, but to the older Friends. A number of Swarthmore students were in the audience, who are in sympathy with Dr. Hull's work, and were glad to welcome him on Long Island. W.

NOTES.-We have received No. 4, of "The White and Blue,'' the monthly newspaper published at Abington Friends' School; it is a neat sheet, and filled with school affairs.

The Westonian," published monthly at West Town Boarding School, gives a picture supplement each month. This month it shows some interior views in the old building. The breakfast hour at West Town has changed, with the opening of the Winter Term, from 6.30 to 7, a. m., and the rising bell from 5.30 to 6.


WE receive from Headley Brothers, London, (14 Bishopsgate "The Place of the Without, E.C.), a very welcome pamphlet, Society of Friends in the Religious Life of England," it being three papers read at the Scarborough Conference, last Eighth month, by that veteran of English Friendly students, John S. Rowntree. The three papers have the titles, "Friends in the Seventeenth Century, The Attitude of Friends towards Language and Religious Liberty," and "The Present Position of Friends in English Society: Their Attitude toward Philanthropy." We cannot here undertake more than this brief notice, but it is a commonplace to say that John S. Rowntree's writing on such topics is marked by intelligent knowledge, good literary art, and a judicious and judicial mind. The London price of the pamphlet is sixpence; it is No. 8, of the Scarborough Summer School series issued by these publishers.

The "Proceedings" of the National Congress of Mothers, held in Washington, D. C., in Second month of last year, have passed into a second edition, a copy of which has been sent us. The volume includes the aldresses, papers, discussions, etc., and as these were made by many persons of distinction in the world of philanthropy and sociology, it has a special and permanent interest. The price, paper cover, is 35 cents; in cloth, $1.15. Copies may be had, at these rates, by addressing "National Congress of Mothers," Washington, D. C.

A number of newspapers have commented upon the review of " Hugh Wynne," published in our issue of First month 8, and it may be hoped that in some degree the views presented therein may reach the public mind. The New York Tribune of the 11th inst., in its literary department, remarks upon the issues raised by the book and the review, and says the latter makes excellent reading in its skilfull and forcible explanation of those things wherein Dr. Mitchell has departed from what the writer seems to consider the truth."



Editors FRIENDS' IntelligENCER :

I SEND this for the Society of Friends at large, and to those wishing to start new homes in particular.

I will state first that I have severed my connection with the Land Department of the Union Pacific R. R. Co., in whose employ I have been for the past eighteen years. My connection with it has given me a good opportunity of visiting and examining lands through the Western States and Territories along its lines.

I have no particular location in view, now, only to advise those that wish to make a change of location to be willing to consult, through responsible parties, where to locate and correspond with each other,—that is, with those that are like themselves wanting to make a new home, through our (Illinois) Yearly Meeting's Advisory Committee, or Wade Cushing. I am personally acquainted with all of them, and with the territory they recommend. I have made a thorough examination of both Riverside and Boise, both on the Boise River, Idaho, and if Friends take interest enough in the matter, we expect to locate with them, and hope then to not be an isolated family of Friends. I do not write this to open up a correspondence. Ellis, Kansas. DANIEL GRIEST.


MARY KIRK, of the class of '89, of Swarthmore College, is one of the youngest, as well as one of the best paid women who draw salaries from the United States Government. She receives $1,800 a year as the translator of Portuguese, in the Bureau of American Republics, at Washington. She is a daughter of Isaac Kirk, a Friend of Centre county, Pa.

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In connection with the announcement of the decease of George W. Lippincott, noted elsewhere in this issue, our friend J. M. T., Jr., says: Twenty-five years ago his certificate was sent to the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia, but George Widdifield Lippincott, being notified by mistake, responded, and when the error became known, it led to the certificate of the latter being forwarded, as well as an application from his wife and his several children, for admission to membership."

For Friends' Intelligencer.

WOULD we could see another's soul
As we can see our own,
'Twould save us many sad mistakes,
Were such a power known.
How often we misjudge some one,
Because we cannot see

Their hearts, but as we feel our own,
And think, so theirs must be.

Could we but step right in their place
And feel as they would feel,
Our sympathy would be aroused,

Their souls would seem more real.
We then would less misunderstand,
And other's hearts we'd know,
A sympathetic cord would bind,
And other's feelings show.

Moorestown, N. J.


THE TWO FLOWERS. THERE was a flower within my garden growing ; In form and color delicately fair; And fragrance from its petals ever throwing,

It filled with sweetness all the morning air. One night the frost stooped sudden from o'erhead; The morning sun arose the flower was dead. I had a wife who grew for years beside me ; None sweeter or more loving could there be; Soother and friend, whatever might betide me,

Through varying fortunes clinging close to me.
One day the darkening clouds hung overhead;
There came a frost-at nightfall she was dead.
Sweet flower! Dear wife! these blossoms of existence,
One in the garden, one within the heart,
Bloomed for my gladness with a fond persistence,
Till frost and death had bidden both depart.
Yet rises in my soul the hope to me,

Both shall rebloom within the life to be.
-Thomas Dunn English, in the Independent.



How do rivulets find their way?
How do the flowers know the day,
And open their cups to catch the ray
I see the germ to the sunlight reach,
And the nestlings know the old bird's speech.
I do not see who is there to teach.

I see the hare from the danger hide.

And the stars through the pathless spaces ride.

I do not see the Unerring Guide.

He is eyes for all, who is eyes for the mole.
All motion goes to the rightful goal,

And in God I trust for the human soul.

Charles G. Ames.

THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN. Prof. Fabian Franklin, in North American Review. ONLY those of us who are very young have any need of historical research to assure ourselves that up to an extremely recent date there was not one person in a hundred, of either sex, who did not look upon a really learned woman as a monstrosity. And yet it is instructive to take an occasional glance farther back and find, for instance, that when, in the sixteenth century, Francoise de Saintanges wished to establish girls' schools in France, she was hooted at in the streets, and her father called together four doctors learned in the law to decide whether she was not possessed by the devil to think of educating women; or that Fenelon held virgin delicacy to be almost as incompatible with learning as with vice; or that Dr. Gregory, in his book, "A Legacy to His Daughters,' which seems to have been regarded as a standard work on female society at the end of the eighteenth century, utters such warnings as this: "Be cautious even displaying your good sense; it will be thought you assume a superiority over the rest of the company. But, if you have any learning, keep it a profound secret, especially from the men, who generally look with a jealous and malignant eye upon a woman of great parts and a cultivated understanding.

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Every one knows that the two women who in our century have won most distinction by their mathematical work had to acquire the elements of the science surreptitiously and in the face of unyielding parental opposition, though both belonged to families of culture and high social standing. No one fails to see that this was getting knowledge under difficulties; but few realize the more important lesson that it teaches. For who shall say how many girls may have had mathematical powers greater than Mrs. Somerville's or Madame Kovalewski's, without possessing those other qualities which braced these two to fly in the face of what they had been steadily taught from infancy to regard as right and becoming in a woman?


ONE of the most notable of recent events is the action taken at Princeton University on the drink question. The faculty of the University, on the 27th ult., issued a letter, in which they called attention to a rule forbidding students to bring liquor into the college, or to have it in their rooms, or to frequent any place where intoxicating liquors are sold as a beverage." The Board of Trustees had held a long meeting five days previously, and it was decided to revive the enforcement of the rule, which though old, had fallen into neglect. The action has caused wide comment. It has caused the closing of the " grill room," where the liquor was sold, in Princeton Inn, and it is thought the Inn may be closed altogether.

The strongly expressed censure of the University by Presbyterian bodies no doubt was influential in causing the action of the Trustees, and it illustrates further the pressure of public opinion on the liquor question.

THE Pennsylvania Experiment Station, at State College, in Centre county, makes a brief but important announcement. Analyses of samples of sugar beets grown in various parts of the State from seed distributed by the Station last spring have been nearly completed. As a whole, the results are very encouraging, although the dry weather of the late summer and fall rendered the yields small. Nearly half the samples were of sufficiently good quality for sugar manufacture, and a considerable portion of these showed yields of upwards of eight tons per acre, while several very excellent results were reported. A bulletin giving the detailed results is in preparation.

It is stated (in a dispatch from Lancaster, First mo. 6th,) that in Lancaster county the beets grown experimentally this last season are richer in sugar than those successfully worked in California, the analyses of Prof. Armsby, at the Experimental Station, showing that they have an average of 14.5625 per cent. of sugar and 81.84 per cent of purity, as compared with 13.65 per cent. of sugar, and 79.6125 per cent. of purity of the beets of the Chino Valley.

PRELIMINARY reports of the Treasury Department show that the merchandise exports from the United States for the calendar year 1897 were valued at $1,099, 129,519. They exceeded the imports by $356,498,664. Most of this excess, however, is required to pay the interest on our debt held in Europe, and to meet expenses of Americans traveling or residing abroad. The exports of domestic merchandise for last month amounted to $124, 181,743, an increase, as compared with December, 1896, of over $7,000,000. For the twelve months the increase was over $93,000,000.

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Not much progress has been announced in the negotiations between China and Great Britain, on the loan question. The amount proposed to be lent is now stated at only $60,000, In a speech at Swansea, Wales, on the 16th, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, the English Chancellor of the Exchequer, substantially repeated recent statements of A. J. Balfour, at Manchester, and said the Government was determined, even at the cost of war, that the door of Chinese commerce should not be shut to Great Britain.


IN the United States Senate, on the 14th, the nomination of Attorney-General McKenna to be justice of the Supreme Court was further considered, and then postponed a week. will probably be confirmed. The Hawaii Annexation Treaty is still under consideration at this writing (18th) and President Dole, of the Hawaiian republic, who reached San Francisco on the 17th, will come immediately to Washington. The Senate passed the Lodge bill to restrict emigration, on the 17th, by a vote of 45 to 28. Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, made an extended and notable speech on the 17th, explaining the labors of the Bimetallic Commissioners (himself, Stevenson, and Paine) in Europe last summer. He said the English Government received them politely, and even favorably, but the financial interests in London would not permit any action favorable to the Commission's proposals.

AFFAIRS in Cuba, so far as relations with this country are concerned, are becoming more strained, and it is unlikely the present situation can be much longer maintained. The plan of "autonomy" is evidently an entire failure. The revolutionists reject it, because they want independence, and the extreme conservative Spanish party, because they are opposed to any concessions whatever, and hope to overthrow the present Sagasta ministry on this issue. An American correspondent at Havana says the distribution of aid from this country to the reconcentrados" is unavailing, and that most of them must inevitably perish. There have been serious riots in Havana, and the safety of the American residents is regarded as un certain.

A SERIOUS agitation is disturbing France. It grows out of the conviction some time ago of an army officer named Dreyfus, a Jew, by a secret military tribunal, upon the charge of betraying military secrets to another country. Dreyfus was transported to a penal colony, and is treated with severity. It is now insisted by many prominent persons that the trial and conviction were unjust, and the whole subject has become a 'burning question." The ministry (headed by M. Meline, as Premier), sustain the proceedings against Dreyfus, and a vote in the Chamber of Deputies, on the 17th, sustained the ministry. Dreyfus being a Jew arouses prejudice against him, and there have been anti-Jew riots in several French cities. Among those who are denouncing the military trial, and by inference accusing the Government, is Zola, the novelist, who is a very resolute man. He has written a vehement public letter accusing the army circles of oppressive and corrupt methods, and is likely to be put on trial, in which case the whole affair will be reviewed. It is feared that serious disturbance of the French governmental system may result. The students in Paris are active in street demonstrations against the Jews, and therefore against the Dreyfus sympathisers.

THE Finance Committee of the U. S. Senate, by a vote of 8 to 5, has reported to the Senate a resolution that U. S. bonds may be paid either in gold or silver. (The language in the bonds is "in coin.") The five voting against the resolution were all Republicans; the eight included five Democrats and The three Silver Republicans, Teller, Jones, and Wolcott. resolution is a repetition of what is known as the " Stanley Matthews resolution," it having been proposed in 1878, by the Ohio Senator of that name, (afterward appointed Justice of the Supreme Court by President Garfield), and passed by the Senate. The subject of the gold standard and the equality of silver is certain to be earnestly debated in again the Senate.

THERE is a prospect of an early adjustment of the engineers' strike in England. The joint committee representing the men last week notified the Employers' Federation of the withdrawal, on behalf of the men, of the eight hours, demand. As this was the principal point remaining in dispute, it is not The men in London and expected the strike will continue. the south of England have been anxious for a settlement, but those in the North, and in Scotland held out for eight hours as a day's work.


NEWS AND OTHER GLEANINGS. "THE Feminine Observer," in the Philadelphia Times, says: Progressive euchre has achieved such prominence in the social world that now in many houses there are prize rooms fitted up merely for the accommodation of trophies won at this popular game.

-During 1897, the court records show, the German Emperor spent 57 days in hunting, and during this time killed 8,354 large and small head of game."

—The gold exports last month amounted to $573,538, and the imports to $2,110,013. The exports of silver aggregated $5,800,271, and the imports $1,063,352.

-It is now announced that Prince Bismarck is steadily improving in health. He is again good-humored, and has expressed approval of the seizure of Kiao-Chou Bay, in a letter to the Grand Dukes of Weimar and Mecklenburg."

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