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Friends' Intelligencer Association, (LIMITED.)

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Advertisements of "Wanted," "For Rent," For Sale," etc., 5 cents a line, each insertion. Seven average words make a line. No advertisement inserted for less than 20 cents.

A YOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION, linen room, office assistant, or position of trust. No objection to seashore. Address No. 20, this Office.

YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSITION AS housekeeper, or companion. Willing to travel. Address No. 21, INTELLIGENCER Office. WANTED.-A PERSON AS HOUSEKEEPER,

and also to instruct two small children. Address B., Friends' Intelligencer Office. PARTIES DESIRING TO VISIT WASHINGTON can be accommodated with rooms and board in a Friends' family. One block from street cars passing railroad stations, Capitol, and public buildings. Terms, $1.50 a day. Address FRIEND, 1626 Nineteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.




Practicing in Montgomery and Philadelphia counties.





The "Underground RAILROAD": By

{ 623 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Ambler, Montgomery Co., Pa.

Young Friends' Association.

A regular meeting of the Young Friends' Association will be held in the Lecture Room, 15th and Race Streets, on Second-day, Third month 14, 1898, at 8 o'clock.


[blocks in formation]

All are invited.

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Temperance Lessons (Adult Classes),


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"An Evening with Quaker Poets.”



As one of the oldest houses in the watch trade established three generations ago—ar d up to date in every feature of the business, we are able to offer the best and most serviceable watches for the least money. Give us a call.


1020 Chestnut St.-2d Floor." Established 1810 at 824 North Second Street.


Practical House and Sign Painter,
Office, 907 N. Thirteenth Street,

Residence, 1714 Woodstock Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Durable Work
Reliable Workmen

House and Sign Painting.

. 168



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Residence, 404 N. 32d St.







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176, iii




112 N. TENTH ST,

Richards & Shourds, Jobbing attended to
Carpenters, Builders, and Contractors.
1125 Spring St. (first street above Race), Philad'a., Pa.
Thompson Shourds, 2212 Wallace Street.
Charles W. Richards, 1220 Angle St., Tioga.


For rent or sale, Queen Anne Cottage; 12 rooms, steam heat, and open fire grates. The location is very delightful, directly overlooking the athletic grounds of the College, and very close to the meeting-house; one acre of ground, and plenty of fruit Apply to

DAVID SCANNELL, 814 Arch Street.

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For particulars, address

Locust Valley, Long Island, N. Y.

Chappaqua Mountain Institute,

Boys and Girls.

The building is modern, and the location is the hill country thirty-two miles north of New York City. For Circulars, address

Chappaqua, New York.

[blocks in formation]



“Joseph the Dreamer,” and
"A Child's Religion."

Housekeeping Linens

-offered this week at specially inviting prices.

Bleached Damask

60-inch, extra heavy, 50 cents a yard.

LONGMANS, London; SCRIBNERS, New York, 66-inch, extra heavy, 75 cents a yard.

and all Booksellers.


With Extracts from her Journal, and
Selections from her Writings.

12mo., cloth, 286 pages, with two portraits. Price, $1.00, postage paid.

For Sale by


S. W. Corner 15th and Race Streets, Philadelphia.



Among the Rushes.
What is the World.

Not Changed but Glorified.
Above are uniform with

Peter Noddy.
Tommy's Friend.

The Seed and the Prayer.
What the Sparrow Chirps.
Light After Darkness.

My Times Are in Thy Hands.
Thou Art My God.

Making ten in the set. Price, 5 cents each; full set 45 cents.

FRIENDS' BOOK ASSOCIATION. S. W. Cor. 15th and Race Sts., Philad’a. Please mention FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER, when answering Advertisements in it. This is of value to us and to the advertisers.

68-inch, extra heavy and fine, $1 a yard.


18 by 18 inches, fine full bleached, $1.00 a dozen.

20 by 20 inches, extra fine, full bleached, $2.00 a dozen.

24 by 24 inches, extra heavy, full bleached, $2.50 a dozen.

66-inch heavy Cream Damask, 50 cents a yard.


22 by 42 inches, fine Huck, hemmed Damask border, 25 cents each.

22 by 45 inches, fine Huck, fringed Damask border, 25 cents each.

24 by 50 inches, Cream Bath Towels, extra heavy, 20 cents each. 18-inch all-linen Glass Toweling, 8 cents a yard.

18-inch all-linen heavy Barnsley Crash, 121⁄2-cent quality, at 10 cents a yard. Remnants of Table Linens, Crashes, Butcher's, Pillow and Sheeting Linens at 25 per cent. below regular price.

A lot of fine Table Cloths and Napkins, soiled, at 25 per cent. below regular prices. Mail orders receive prompt and accurate attention Address orders to Department "C."

Strawbridge & Clothier,


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I SHOULD say to all Friends trying to do mission work that any one going out under the uame of Christ, who has not in his heart the vital essence of the Truth, is sure to bring harm to the cause.

Gilbert GILKES.

From the proceedings of the Friends' Conference on Foreign Missions, at Darlington, England, Ninth month, 1896. The speaker had been visiting South Africa, and inspecting the mission work among the Kaffir tribes.


GOD sends sometimes a stillness in our life,
The bivouac, the sleep,

When on the silent battlefield the strife
Is hushed in slumber deep;
When wearied hearts exhausted sink to rest,
Remembering nor the struggle nor the quest.
He giveth rest more perfect, pure, and true
While we his burden bear :

It springeth not from parted pain, but through
The accepted blessing there;

The lesson pondered o'er with thoughtful eyes, The faith that sees in all a meaning wise.

Deep in the heart of pain, God's hand hath set
A hidden rest and bliss:

Take as his gift the pain, the gift brings yet
A truer happiness.

God's voice speaks through it all the high behest
That bids his people enter into rest.

-Lucy Fletcher.

From Friends' Quarterly Examiner, London.


By the death of Anna Maria Fox, of Falmouth,* an interesting chapter of social and intellectual life has been closed.· It is with no intention of writing a biographical memoir of my dear kinswoman, but rather in the hope that I may convey to my younger readers some idea of the circle in which she moved, and of her influence upon it, that I write these "Memories."

My first visit to Falmouth was nearly fifty years ago, in 1848. How well I remember my first view of that wonderful landlocked harbor, spread out as a map before me as I crossed the hill above Penryn; the streets of the town, which are narrow at this day, but were then even more ludicrously narrow; and the mail-coach dashing through them while the driver cracked his whip and the red-coated guard sounded

*She died at "Penjerrick," near Falmouth, England, Eleventh month 18, 1897, aged 81 years.

Volume LV. Number 10.

his horn. Then the boundless hospitality of all the Falmouth Friends; and, lastly, the quiet little meetings in the old-fashioned meeting-house. At the head of the meeting sat two Friends, a mother and a son, the former a minister, the latter an elder-Elizabeth Fox, and her son Robert Were Fox. The mother was rather a fragile-looking old lady, verging upon eighty, dressed, of course, in the orthodox Quaker costumecylindrical bonnet and (I think) white silk shawl, but all of best material, and scrupulously neat. The son was already elderly, near the end of his sixth decade. His noble forehead was almost bald, but, with his strongly-marked black eyebrows and beautifully carved profile, he was still and always to uttermost old age a strikingly handsome man. One knew that this plain "Friend," who sat with his mother at the head of the meeting, was a Fellow of the Royal Society, the improver if not the inventor of the dipping-needle, and author of some valuable papers on the relation of magnetic currents to the distribution of mineral veins in the earth's crust. This knowledge made it all the more charming to see the tender deference and respect with which, when the family gathered up after meeting, at the "Bank House," Elizabeth Fox's home, he, the eminent man of science, himself already a grandfather, spoke to his mother, the honored head of the clan.

The two Friends whose appearance I have attempted to describe were the grandmother and the father of Anna Maria Fox, who has just died at the age of eighty-one. I like to think that, having known Elizabeth Fox, I have seen six generations of the same family; for the great-great-great-grandchildren of that venerable lady will before long be out of the nursery.

I must not tarry too long over that earlier generation, but I wish I could give my readers a picture of the plainly yet daintily dressed little woman who sat on that day at the head of Falmouth meeting. So slight-looking (according to my remembrance of her) she was, and yet so strong: certainly an illustration of the truth of the maxim that the mothers of remarkable men are generally themselves remarkable. She was married very young; her eldest son was only twenty years younger than herself, and she was left a widow at fifty; her husband (R. W. Fox, Sr.) having died suddenly at an inn in Devonshire when they were traveling up to London to attend the "Yearly Meeting." Yet, left thus in middle life with a family of ten children growing up around her, she faced her duties bravely. With the help of that wise, studious eldest son, she not only governed her household, but had a voice of some power in the management of the family business. In earlier days while her husband was still living, there were many times when a hostile visit from

French cruisers was hourly expected. There was a quiet farm-house, some miles from Falmouth, which belonged to the Fox family, and to which Elizabeth Fox had planned to carry her children as soon as the French guns should be heard in the bay.

Of the ten children of Robert W. and Elizabeth Fox, I will only mention the four sons who lived to old age, and all of whom I have known. They were certainly an extraordinary group of men, not least because of their very different characters. There was first Robert Were Fox, F.R.S., of whom I have already spoken-steady, cautious, accurate, methodical, just the type of the patiently plodding English man of science. Then came Joshua, as unlike Robert as it is possible to imagine-" a child of nature," living with his three daughters a sort of hermit-life (if one may think of a hermit with daughters) in his beautiful wilderness of Tregedna, feeding his birds, which flew fearlessly about him and picked the crumbs from between his lips, in all things a poet except that he never (I believe) wrote two lines of verse. Then Alfred, large-hearted, genial British merchant, but also keenly interested in scientific discoveries, a good mathematician, and a mineralogist of some eminence. And, lastly, Charles, whose intellectual range was in some respects the widest of all the brothers; for, though not an original worker like Robert, he kept himself thoroughly au courant with all the scientific discoveries of his day, read all that was best in general literature, was a judge of paintings, had an extensive knowledge of history, and in his later years especially was an earnest student of whatever conduced to the better understanding of the Bible.

I must not, however, be tempted to diverge into the interesting lives of these men and their descendants. My object is not to write the history of the Fox family, but only to indicate the kind of influences which helped to form the characters of Anna Maria Fox and her more famous sister. Her father married, in 1814, Maria, daughter of Robert Barclay, of Bury Hill. The new bride, whose mother was one of the Gurneys of Norwich, was one of that band of cousins among whom Joseph John Gurney and Elizabeth Fry were the most conspicuous, who, having been brought up in a wealthy and rather worldly circle, when they came to the parting of the ways made their choice for downright earnest Christianity, and incidentally for Quakerism with all its crosses and social self-denials. Maria Fox was a minister in the Society of Friends, gentle and acceptable, but by no means so powerful as her namesake of Tottenham, who was one of the most eloquent female preachers that the Society of Friends has produced. "Aunt Robert " was, however, no mere pietist, but entered heartily into the intellectual interests of the circle into which she was brought by her marriage. Though not exactly "a learned lady," she had received the sound and solid education which was at that day rather conspicuously the special privilege of the daughters of wealthy Friends, and her influence. on her children's education was always of a stimulating kind—perhaps, according to our present notions, rather too stimulating, for these were the days of Miss Edgeworth's stories, and Mrs. Marcet's "Conversa

tions," and Joyce's "Scientific Dialogues," and there was something of the atmosphere of the forcing-house in many Friendly homes.

Robert Were Fox had three children:

1. Anna Maria, who was born February 21st, 1816. 2. Robert Barclay, born in 1817.

3. Caroline, born on the same day as Queen Victoria, May 24th, 1819.

The fact that the brother came between them, and that there was a difference of three years in their ages, must at first have somewhat separated the work and the play of the two sisters; but naturally as they grew up to womanhood this difference disappeared; and, in fact, Caroline, who had the more philosophical and critical mind of the two, rather took the lead of her sister in all literary discussions and literary friendships, whilst in artistic faculty Anna Maria remained foremost. But, though it is impossible to avoid thus comparing the powers of the two sisters, it may be truly said that there was never any shade of rivalry between them. They were very different: in many respects it might be said that each had what the other lacked, but it was truly a marriage of the heart which welded them. together. Their friends always thought of them and talked of them as one blended personality: “Anna Maria and Caroline"; and SO we can again speak of them now that death has joined what for twenty-seven years he had put asunder. The bright patience with which the surviving sister bore her long widowhood (for such it really was after Caroline's death) is not the least noble side of her character.

Growing up in the stimulating, intellectual atmosphere of Falmouth with her father's scientific friends. watching the unfolding of this young and eager intellect, Anna Maria Fox accomplished a feat which is, I should think, unique in the story of feminine achievement. At the age of seventeen she was the virtual founder of a scientific institution which lasts to this day, and which has powerfully influenced the intellectual development of her native county. It was, I believe, after a visit with her father to an early meeting of the British Association that she formed a plan for the creation of a society which should foster habits of study, stimulate invention, and raise the standard of art in Cornwall. For this purpose, not only lectures were to be delivered, but there was to be a yearly exhibition, both of pictures and of manifold mechanical inventions, especially those connected with the two great industries of Cornwall, the fisheries and the mines. This was the origin of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, which held its first exhibition in the autumn of 1833, before its originator had celebrated her eighteenth birthday, and which, having continued its annual exhibition, without interruption and with great success from that time till the present, shows still no signs of decay.

To us who since 1851 have been almost surfeited with industrial exhibitions, the thought of founding this society in Cornwall may seem a very obvious one. But in 1833 the scheme had all the freshness of absolute novelty; and I believe I am correct in saying that even the Great Exhibition of 1851, the prolific parent of so many similar gatherings, was itself in a certain

sense the child of the Falmouth Polytechnic. True, to the late Prince Consort is rightly attributed the first public proposal to hold such an exhibition, but I have heard that the late Robert Hunt, the author of " Panthea," who had been first brought into notice by the Cornwall Polytechnic Society, and who had gone up to London to make his way there as a man of science, first suggested the idea to his princely patron.

Of course such an important scheme as the founding of the Cornwall Polytechnic Society could not have been carried into effect without powerful assistance to its young projector. Her father, with characteristic modesty, remained very much in the background, but several influential members of the county aristocracy, foremost among them Sir Charles Lemon, and hist brother-in-law Lord de Dunstanville, gave a hearty and life-long support to the new Society, and to them in great measure its success ought to be attributed. The relation of the Fox clan to the hereditary landowners and nobility of their native county was very creditable to both parties. There were mutual courtesy and hearty co-operation for good ends without sacrifice of independence on the one side, or airs of patronage on the other. Any one who is acquainted with the curious phenomena of English social life, and who knows how absurdly wide is the chasm which sometimes yawns between "Town" and "County," will admit that Science in this case did a good work in bringing together kindred spirits whom a foolish class distinction might otherwise have kept separate.

Soon after the foundation of the Polytechnic Society the celebrated journals began to be written. Their origin was a curious one. The two sisters were, I imagine, a little short of pocket-money, and their father offered them each an extra guinea if they would keep a faithful chronicle of the events which happened in each year. Begun in this way for so trifling a reward, the journals became before long objects of intense affection to their writers for their own sakes. The hours of study in the morning, the hours given up to social claims in the afternoon and evening, must not be trenched upon; so, after an interesting day, far into the small hours of the night the sisters would sit up filling those wonderful little volumes with records of conversations in which they had shared, reflections on books that they had read, or sometimes notes of sermons to which they had listened. The habit thus ⚫formed was kept up till late in middle life, long after the offered guinea had lost its attractive power; and often, I should think, must the patient journalists have laughed together over the paltry reward which first lured them into a path which they found so pleasant.

It is out of Caroline's journal thus written that a small percentage of interesting extracts was culled and given to the world under the title of "Memories of Old Friends," a book which has had thousands of readers on both sides of the Atlantic. Many persons have come from far, in some cases even from America, to visit the home of the writer of these "Memories ; " and in one instance at least some enthusiastic readers took up their permanent residence at Falmouth, that the place which had been her home might be theirs also.

The thought perhaps suggests itself to some minds, "Since the Journal of the younger sister was so full of interest, would it not be well that the elder sister's also should in the same way be given to the world?” This, however, is out of the question, as Anna Maria has left express injunctions that no word of her journals is to be published. Even had this not been the case, however, I doubt whether the publication would have been desirable. For, as I have before hinted, the intellectual qualities of the two sisters were essentially different. In Caroline there was great subtlety of perception, and—though readers of her published Journal may hardly recognize it—a decided tendency to sarcasm, not ill-natured, but pungent enough to make her rather formidable to the general run of her acquaintance. In her later years, though she never lost her quiet perception of the ludicrous, this tendency to sarcasm was kept under strong restraint; but its existence, and the keen insight from which it sprang, were the qualities which made her little "thumb-nail sketches" of character so graphic and so precious.

Anna Maria, on the other hand, with all her brilliancy of intellect, had an essentially uncritical nature, and was under no temptation to be sarcastic. She saw-she could not help seeing all that was good in people whom she met, but she was almost blind to the bad; she was apt to credit them with as much earnestness of purpose, as keen an intellectual appetite as she herself possessed; and she was thus too incurably optimistic to be an accurate judge of character. Probably, therefore, the result of her midnight labors, though bright, genial, and sympathetic, would be much less valuable in the eyes of strangers than the work of her keener-eyed sister Caroline.

(Conclusion to follow.)


(Continued from Last Week.)

I AM informed by John S. Brown, now of Swarthmore, formerly for many years editor of the "Bucks County Intelligencer," that some time in 1837, he having finished his apprenticeship, and living with his mother in Plumstead during the temporary absence of his father in the West, he was one day in Doylestown on business, and as he passed the Temperance Hotel, then kept by his brother-in-law, Kirk J. Price, Mr. Price stepped out and asked him, in a somewhat mysterious manner, to keep a sharp lookout as he passed a cornfield along Academy Lane, and a passenger would present herself, whom he was to take to the house of Charles and Martha Smith, in Plumstead (Martha being his father's sister), ask no questions, and leave her in their care. He did as directed, and soon saw a woman looking cautiously out from between the corn rows, stopped and took her in, conveyed her to the house of his aunt, and they gladly received her and no doubt forwarded her on her way to the next Underground station at either Quakertown or Stroudsburg. In that way, he says, he became for one day a conductor on the Underground Railroad.

From Isaac Warner, of Hatboro, I learn that his

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