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ings: but it may be applied to new converts, to|| the mother, so is the daughter." Nor was returning backsliders, and to true believers, there ever a heathen city, or kingdom, on the who are thus instructed and disciplined by their face of the earth, of which the iniquities, crudaily experience.-The conclusion of this re-elties, and unnatural lusts, the whoredom and markable chapter clearly predicts the abolition|| adultery, corporal and spiritual, have not been of the Sinai-covenant, the introduction of a justified, and far exceeded, by the church of new dispensation, and the union of Jews and Rome and her dependences; which long formGentiles in the church of Christ; events against ed so large a part of Christendom, as to give which the Jews, in the time of our Lord and occasion to her assuming the arrogant title of his apostles, entertained the most invincible the Holy Catholic Church! prejudices. "They erred, not knowing the scriptures:" and indeed they continue to do so to this day.


N. B. The peculiar arrangement of these
tical Observations renders it impossible to di-
vide them according to the verses of the chapter;
the distinct subjects therefore are only separated
by a break.

If we turn our attention to the reformed and protestant churches, which were brought forth out of this antichristian community, in a low, feeble, and despised condition, (as Israel was out of Egypt,) we shall again find cause of laPrac-mentation and shame. When they were ready to be overwhelmed in infancy, by the merciless power of their enemies, and seemed to have no helper; when they were still polluted with many of the errors and superstitions of that church from which they had separated, as well as with other corruptions; the Lord in a time of love looked upon them, and said to them, "Live:" he rescued them from their oppressors, increased them abundantly, reduced them to regular order, afforded them abundant means of grace, took them under his protection, espoused them to himself, and they became his. And he continued to purify, instruct, prosper, and adorn them, with eminent and excellent ministers and writers; until they became very "renowned among the nations, through the comeliness which the LORD had put upon them." But, though they have not run into the gross outward idolatríes and enormities of the church of Rome; yet they have become proud of their beauty and "played the harlot." In many places forms, creeds, and establishments are nearly the whole of what is left of their former excellency; and this dead carcass they idolize: in others, infidelity and skepticism have discarded even the forms of truth and godliness. In covetousness, pride, luxury, and every worldly lust, they have been grievously guilty of idolatry: in impiety, perfidy, perjury, and licentiousness, many of them have vied with Rome herself: and, though more free from the blood of persecution; yet the blood shed by unjust wars and cruel oppressions in different parts of the globe, from a sordid love of gain, renders the daughter too much like her base and abominable mother. It is not necessary to expatiate further on the painful topic; the inference is obvious and unavoidable: no outward forms can change the propensity of man's heart to depart from God, and rebel against him; but they often give it occasion to rage more vehemently. Whatever nation professing Christianity, whatever sect of Christians, we accurately survey; we shall soon perceive traces of the same spirit, which led Israel into all their abominations.

As men are with great difficulty made sensible of the heinous guilt of their conduct towards God, and as this conviction is absolute- || ly necessary to repentance and faith in Christ; so it is the duty of ministers frequently to set before them their sins, with all the aggravations of them, as the appointed means of this humiliation.-None are with more difficulty convinced of their abominations than hypocrites: nor should any be reproved and exposed, with so great severity and abhorrence.Human depravity is most evident in the wickedness of those, who have been most favored with the means of becoming holy, and in the similarity, hitherto lamentably observable, between the visible church and the rest of the || world; except as the former has produced the most monstrous abominations. Jerusalem has too generally appeared to be the daughter of the Amorite and the Hittite, and the sister of Samaria and Sodom. If we could survey the Christian church, in all the various forms and places in which it has been established in different ages; we should have a picture before us, not much, if at all more attractive than this of the nation of Israel: though there has always been, in both of them, "a remnant according to the election of grace," whose pious and quiet lives have been little noticed in history. Otherwise, the annals of the church would be the most melancholy subject that could be contemplated.-Let us turn our thoughts to the first establishment of Christianity in the Gentile world, and especially in the Roman empire. The state of the Gentiles was indeed such, as rendered them a loathsome object in the eyes of a holy God: yet, in a time of pity and love he passed by, and said to them, as they lay perishing in sin and pollution, "Live, yea, he said unto them, Live." He planted his gospel among them, and caused Christians to multiply exceedingly. At length, the Roman Emperors professing themselves Christians, the church grew great and honorable; Christianity became the established religion; abundance of liberty and encouragement was given to its preachers and professors; the places for public worship were multiplied, decorated, and enriched by ample donations and endowments, and the church prospered into a kingdom. But what were the consequences? The pride, ambition, rapacity, and licentiousness, the furious contests and cruel persecutions, the superstitions, blasphemies, impostures, and idolatries, which came in, and continued to increase for ages, at length rendered the Christian Roman empire a genuine daughter of the Pagan Roman empire; and all that used proverbs might well say, "As was

Again, if we consider the subject with reference to ourselves, we shall here too find it applicable. When we recollect the mercies of God our Creator in giving us our being and rational powers; in protecting us in helpless infancy and bringing us to maturity; in sup plying all our wants, and vouchsafing us innumerable benefits; we cannot but remember at the same time, that we have been forgetful of him, and ungrateful and rebellious in numberless instances. How have we abused his bounty, in making provision for our pride and lusts! How have many of us proceeded from one iniquity to another, as we had time and opportunity! How have we stood it out against warnings, corrections, and convictions; and gone on in sin, though evidently exposed by it to manifold losses, troubles, and sorrows! And


A parable of two eagles and a vine, 1-10: explained of the captivity of Jeconiah; and of Zedekiah, who had broken his covenant confirmed by an oath, with the king of Babylon, and made an alliance with the king of Egypt; and of the judg

An emblematic

ments that were coming upon him, 11-21.
prediction of the person and kingdom of Christ, 22—24.

AND the word of the LORD came unto

should we not have still continued in the same objects; of such forgetfulness of God and incourse, through our idolatrous attachment to gratitude to him, and rebellion against his apworldly objects, and our aversion to the spirit-pointments; of such unfaithfulness, unprofitaual service of God, if we had been left to our- bleness, and want of love and zeal; of such selves? Should we not indeed have done still weakness of heart and strength of passions, as worse, if our restraints had been removed, and render them daily more and more sensible, we could have gratified our inclinations with- that they equally need, and are equally unout fear or shame? Many have been educat- worthy of the Lord's mercy, with the most ed amidst good instructions and edifying ex- profligate of their neighbors. They have "the amples, and for a time made some profession witness in themselves" continually, that they of religion: yet the lusts of their hearts have are naturally no better than others, and that broken through all these obstacles, and hurried all the difference in their state, character, them away into apostacy, infidelity, and open hopes, and prospects, arises from the unmerwickedness. In various ways, the same cause ited mercy and grace of God. They look upon produces similar effects, and it is evinced, that those who are living without God in the world, we are all conceived and born in sin, carnally in pride, idleness, luxury, licentiousness, and minded, and enmity against God. cruel oppression of the poor and needy; and If we take a view even of true believers, we are humbly sensible, that it has been the shall not fail to discover abundant evidence of Lord's doing, that they were not left to live, the same mortifying truth. They know, that die, and perish in the same manner. They they were "by nature children of wrath, even look at apostates and hypocrites, at proud as others:" they were depraved and polluted, Pharisees and prouder infidels; and in conand of the same original propensities as Amo- demning them, they condemn themselves: for rites and Hittites. As they grew up, their in- such they have been, or were disposed to be. nate depravity brought forth its fruit in their|| And though, through grace, they now are not words and actions, and proved them to be de-|| such; yet they so often sin against light and serving of God's wrath and indignation, and love, that their conduct seems to themselves meet objects of his loathing and abhorrence. equally aggravated, even when no eye, but Unless he had saved them, they must have that of God and their enlightened conscienperished, without help or pity; and they had ces, can see any thing culpable. This disposno claim on him so that they were "cast out es them to justify God in all his corrections, to the loathing of their persons, from the day which they find to be indispensably necessary that they were born." But, in a time of love for them, and to thank him for them: and and mercy, the Lord passed by them, when whilst they adore his justice in the final dethey lay in this polluted and perishing condi-struction of impenitent sinners, they have tion: "of his great love, wherewith he loved nothing to say in their own behalf, but feel, them, even when they were dead in sin," he that though more favored, they are no more said unto them, "Live," and saved them by his deserving. Thus the new convert remembers, grace: he rescued them from the power of Sa- and is confounded, whilst he reviews the infan, brought them to repentance and faith in iquities of his past life, and discovers the enChrist, forgave their sins, and took them into mity of his heart against God and his word. covenant with himself, and they became his The experienced believer is "ashamed and people. Thus were they "washed, and sanc- confounded," whilst he reviews the evils of tified, and justified, in the name of the Lord his heart and life, even since he was brought Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God;" they acquainted with the Gospel; and his mouth is were consecrated to him by this sacred unc- stopped from impatient murmurs, proud boasttion; they were clothed with the robes of right-ing, severe censures, and self-justification: and eousness and salvation, enriched with "the the fuller his assurance is that the Lord is unsearchable riches of Christ," adorned with "pacified to him for all that he hath done,” the heavenly graces and privileges; and the God more is he ashamed of his ingratitude and reof Heaven became unto them both a Father bellion against so merciful a God and Savior. and a Husband: it is his "good pleasure to give This temper of mind distinguishes the true them the kingdom;" and they are made the Christian from all other men: the Lord will excellent of the earth, "through the comeli- bring all those to it, with whom he "establishness which he puts upon them." Far be it es his everlasting covenant;" and will render from us to suppose, that many of those, who them willing to be saved in the same way with have been thus favored and blessed, return to the grossest outward offenders, and to receive the habitual practice of any gross wickedness: them, when penitent, as their brethren in but alas! too often even in them, pride and the Christ Jesus. All others will have their mouths carnal mind recover much force; they back-stopped in the day of judgment; and God will slide from God, and pursue worthless vani- glorify himself, and satisfy his justice in their ties and idols. Some few have been left to punishment. fall from one evil to another, in a most awful But let us rejoice, that, as the Lord would manner; to shew whither the bent of their not break his covenant with his ancient serhearts would carry them, if left to themselves, vants, because of all the abominations of their and if they should cease to watch and pray. descendants; so, he will never forsake his Others have, in an unguarded hour, given church, with whom he has made “a_new_covsuch cause to the enemies of the Lord to blas-enant, established upon better promises;" not pheme, as has imbittered all their future days. And even they, who walk most uniformly in the Lord's ways, are conscious of so many and strong inward workings of pride and ambition; of suca powerful propensities to worldly

will he ever leave the sinner to perish, who is humbled for his sins, and comes to trust in his mercy and grace through Jesus Christ; but will "keep him by his power through faith unto salvation."

2 Son of man, put forth a riddle, and brought forth branches, and shot forth speak a parable unto the house of Israel;

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4 He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffic; he set it in a city of merchants.

5 He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree.

6 And it grew, and became a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches turned toward him, and the roots thereof were under him; so it became a vine, and Chr. 36:9,10. Jer. 22:23-28.

a 20:49. Judg. 9:8-15, 14:12 |
-19. 2 Sam. 12:1-4. Hos.
12:10. Matt. 13:13,14,35. Mark
4:33,34. 1 Cor. 13:12. marg.
b 7,12. Deut. 28:49. Jer. 4:13.
48:40. 49:16. Lam. 4:19. Hos.
8:1. Matt. 24:28.

c Dan. 2:38. 4:22. 7:4.

Heb. embroidering.

d 12. 2 Kings 24:10-16. 2


e Is. 43:14. 47:15. Jer. 51:13.
Rev. 18:9,11-19.

f 13. 2 Kings 24:17. Jer. 37:1.
Heb. put it in a field of seed.
Deut. 8:7-9.

g 19.11.12. Is. 15:7. 44:4.
h 14. Prov. 16:18,19.


CHAP. XVII. V. 2. A riddle.] That is, an emblematic representation, which requires attention and ingenuity to unravel it, but which aptly and elegantly depictures the transactions intended by it. This riddle seems to have been put forth about the time, when Zedekiah was devising to revolt from the king of Babylon, and to form an alliance with the king of Egypt. (Marg. Ref. Notes, 20:49. Judg. 9:8-15. 14:10-14. Ps. 49:1-4, v. 4. Prov. 1: 6.)


7 There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

8 It was planted in a good soil by great waters, that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly vine.

9 Say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall it prosper? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither? it shall wither in all the leaves of her spring, even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof.


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emn oath in the name of JEHOVAH, to be faithful to him; and having changed his name to Zedekiah, which signifies "the righteousness of JEHOVAH," he made him king over the nation. (2 Kings 24:17.) Thus he planted of the seed of the land in a fruitful field, as a willow flourishes when planted by great waters. And though the kingdom was depressed and dependent; yet Zedekiah's situation was so favorable, and the conditions granted him so moderate, that by keeping of the covenant, it might have stood. Indeed, for a time this V. 3, 4. (11, 12.) Nebuchadnezzar, king of twig grew, and became a spreading vine of Babylon, was described under the emblem of low stature: and so long as Zedekiah and his "a great eagle," because of his towering am- princes were willing to depend on the king of bition, and his preying on all his neighbors. Babylon, and to submit to him, the Jews enThe great and long wings of this eagle denot-joyed peace and recovered strength, and Zeded the extent of his dominions, both in length ekiah prospered in his kingdom and family. and breadth: the feathers of divers colors, (Marg, and Marg. Ref.) might signify that he ruled over many countries abounding in people and riches, and of different languages and manners. This eagle came to Lebanon, and cropped off the highest branch of a cedar: that is, Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem, and seized on Jeco- V. 7, 8. The other great eagle was Pharaohniah, of the ancient and honorable family of hophra king of Egypt, who was as ambitious David. And though he was the highest and rapacious as Nebuchadnezzar, but not so branch of the cedar, the heir of David's crown; powerful. This eagle had great wings and yet being very young, and newly raised to the many feathers, but not equal to those of the throne, in a very enfeebled state of the king- other eagle. Yet the vine bent its roots, and dom, he was no more able to resist the victor, shot its branches towards it; in order to be than the tender twig would be to resist the watered "by the furrows of its plantation." eagle. He therefore carried him and his princes This may refer to the inundations of the Nile, to Babylon, which was become "a city of mer-and the manner in which Egypt was watered. chants in a land of traffic," being very pros- Zedekiah planned a revolt from the king of perous under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon, and entered into an alliance with the Marg, and Marg. Ref.-Notes, Deut. 28:49- king of Egypt; either hoping to recover inde57, v. 49. 2 Kings 24:8-16. Jer. 22:24-27.)-pendence by his assistance; or preferring to be The word rendered traffic, is Canaan, which his vassal rather than Nebuchadnezzar's, as signifies trade, or merchandise. (Zeph. 1:11. Heb. Zech. 14:21. John 2:16.)

A willow tree. (5) DSDS. The meaning of this word is doubtful; some render the clause, "He set it very circumspectly." Nebuchadnezzar took every precaution to prevent Zedekiah's revolting from him. (Marg. Ref. on 12,13.)

expecting greater prosperity and security under him. But he had no sufficient, or even V. 5, 6. The conqueror did not at that time plansible reason for this treacherous conduct; further oppress or enslave the Jews; nor place being already in such a situation, as would over them any of his own princes: but he took have enabled him to reign in credit, and to be Mattaniah of the family of David, Josiah's useful to his people. (Marg, and Marg, Ref. younger son, the uncle of Jeconiah; and hav--Notes, 13-21. 2 Kings 24:20. 2 Chr. 36:13 ing engaged him by covenant, and by a sol- Jer. 37:1—5.)

the east wind toucheth it? it shall wither || made him king, whose oath he despised in the furrows where it grew. and whose covenant he brake, even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die.

11 ¶ Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

12 Say now to the rebellious house, P Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;


13 And hath taken of the king's seed, and made a covenant with him, and hath * taken an oath of him, he hath also taken the mighty of the land:

14 That "the kingdom might be base, that it might not lift itself up, but that by keeping of his covenant it might stand.

15 But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much-people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such things? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered?




16 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely in the place where the king dwelleth that 2.7,30. Neh. 9:36,37. Lam. 5:

o 2:5,8. 3:9. 12:9. Is. 1:2,
P 24:19. Ex. 12:26. Deut. 6:
20. Josh. 4:6,21. Matt. 13:51.
15:16,17. 16:11. Mark 4:13.
Luke 9:45. Acts 8:30.
q 3. 1:2.
2 Kings 24:10-16. 2
Chr. 36:9,10. Jer. 22:21-28.
r Is. 39:7. Jer. 52:31-34.
6 5. 2 Kings 24:17. Jer. 37:1.
Heb. brought him to an oath.
2 Chr. 36:13. Jer, 5:2.

t 2 Kings 24:15, 16. Jer. 24:1.


u 6. 29:14. Deut. 28:43. 1 Sam.

16. Matt. 22:17-21.

† Heb. to keep his covenant, to
stand to it.

x Jer. 27:12-17. 38:17-21.
y 7. 2 Kings 24:20. Jer. 52-3.
z Deut. 17:16. Is. 30:1-4. 36:6
-9. Jer. 37:5-7.

a See on 9.-Jer. 22:29,30.
b 18. 21:25. Prov. 19:5. Jer.
32:4. 34:3. 38:18, 23. Matt. 23:
33. Heb. 2:3.
c Ps. 55:23.

17 Neither shall Pharaoh, with his mighty army and great company, make for him in the war, by casting up mounts, and building forts, to cut off many persons:

18 Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, (when, lo, he had given his hand,) and hath done all these things, he shall not escape.


19 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; As I live, surely mine oath that he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompense upon his own head.

20 And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon, and will plead with him there, for his trespass that he hath trespassed against me.


21 And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the sword, and they that remain shall be scattered toward all winds: and ye shall know that I the LORD have spoken it.

[ocr errors]

d See on 18,19.-16:59 Ex. 20: k 21:23-27. Deut. 5:11. Jer.
7. Num. 30.2. Josh. 9:20. 2 5:2,9. 7:9-15.

Sam. 21:2 Ps. 15:4. Ec. 8:2.1 12:13. 32:3. Josh. 10:16-18.
Hos. 10:4. Zech. 5:3,4. Mal.
3:5. Rom. 1:31, 1 Tim. 1:10.
2 Tim. 3:3.

e 10. 12:13. Jer. 32:4,5. 34:3
-5. 39:7. 52:11.

f 29:6,7. Is. 36:6. Jer. 37:7.
Lam. 4:17.

g 4:2. Jer. 33:5. 52:4.

h 1 Chr. 29:24. 2 Chr. 30:8.
margins. Lam. 5:6.

i See on 15.

2 Sam. 18:9. 2 Chr. 33:11. Job 10:16. Ec. 9:12. Jer. 39: 5-7. Lam. 1:13. 4:20. Hos. 7:12. Luke 21:35.

m 20:35,36. 38:22, Jer. 2:9,35.
50:44. Hos. 2:2. Mic. 6:2.

n 5:12. 12:14. 2 Kings 25:5,11.
Jer. 48:44. 52:8. Am. 9.1.
o See on 6:7,10. 13:14,23. 15.7.
Is, 26:11.

V. 9, 10. It could not be expected, that this go unpunished? He had given the power into vine should prosper: the eagle that planted it Nebuchadnezzar's hand: Zedekiah had acwould certainly root it up, destroy all its fruit, cepted the kingdom upon the terms proposed and cause all its leaves to wither, even in the to him, and had ratified the covenant with a solspring when other trees looked green: and emn oath: and then he did not hesitate to break this would be done very easily, as a small it, that he might form an alliance with another force suffices to pull up a newly planted vine heathen king! And ought he to escape punishby the roots. Though it had been carefully ment, who did such things? or to be delivered planted, and was well watered, yet it would by his base perfidy? (Marg, Ref. y-c.-See on soon wither in its place, as a tree by the blast Note, 5,6. Notes, 21:23-27.) The Lord thereof the unwholesome east wind. (Marg. Ref.-||fore sware by himself, as the living God, Notes, 15-21. 19:10-13.)

(whom Zedekiah had called to witness, when he sware allegiance to the king of Babylon,) that he should die in captivity at Babylon; especially for despising his oath, and breaking

V. 12. Know ye not, &c.] 'Will ye not apply 'your minds to understand what God speaks 'to you? and that, whether he direct his speech 'to you in plain words, or in riddles and para-his covenant. Nor should Pharaoh, whose 'bles? (12:2,9. 20:49.) Lowth. (Marg. Ref.—|| Note, 2.)

formidable preparations threatened the destruction of the Chaldeans, do Zedekiah any good, but should rather occasion the destruction of greater numbers of the Jews: for the Lord himself would fight against them to their ruin. (Marg. Ref. d-o.-Notes, 12:8-15, vv. 13,14. 2 Kings 24:17,20. 25:1-7. Jer. 21:1-7. 34:1-5. 37:1-—5,6—10, v. 10.)-Though Zede

V. 13, 14. Marg, and Marg. Ref.-Notes, 3 -6.-Mighty, &c. (13) 'As hostages for the 'performance of the covenants, agreed between him and Zedekiah.' Lowth.-Base. (14) Or low. It is the same word before used. (6) A tributary kingdom dependent on the king of Babylon: so that Zedekiah was in less honor-kiah's oath had been given to a heathen, a able circumstances than any of his predecessors. (Note, 29:14,15.) Submission, however, to Providence would have been his duty, even if he had not engaged by covenant and oath to be faithful to Nebuchadnezzar.

V. 15-21. Zedekiah and his people expected to prosper by their worldly policy; but would God permit such perfidy and perjury to

conqueror, and a tyrant; and many plausible reasons might have been assigned for violating it; yet God considered Zedekiah's conduct as a most aggravated sin against him, and was determined to punish him for it: "Surely mine oath hath he despised; and my covenant hath he broken.”—-What shall we then say to the maxim, that faith is not to be

22 ¶ Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent.

goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing: in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.


24 And all the trees of the fields shall know, that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low 23 In the mountain of the height of Is-tree, have dried up the green tree, and ael will I plant it: and it shall bring have made the dry tree to flourish: I the forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a LORD have spoken and have done it.

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kept with heretics? or that any human power can absolve men from the obligations of a solemn oath?

t 31:6. Gen. 49:10. Ps. 22:27 | u Ps. 96:11,12. Is. 55:12, 13.
-30. 72:8-11. Is. 2:2. 11:6 x 1 Sam. 2:7,8. Job 5:11. 40:
10. 49.18--23. 60:4-12. .12. Ps. 75:6,7. 89:58-45. Is
Dan. 4:10-14,21-23. Hos.
2:13,14. 9:6,7. 11:1,&c. 26:5
14:7. Matt. 13:32.
Am. 9:11. Luke 1:33,52.
11,12. Gal. 3:28. Col. 3:11. y 12:25. 22:14 24:14. Matt.
Rev. 11:15.

Acts 10:


righteous God, to perform a part of his grand design; and till their work be done, they prosper in their enterprises. It is far more desiraBy casting up, &c. (17) The Jews, expect-ble to be like "a spreading vine of low stature" ing help from Pharaoh, persisted in the deter- which brings forth fruit, than to prosper in mination to defend the city, and to employ doing evil: and if we be "planted in the courts every means of fortifying it, against the assail- of the LORD," if our branches turn towards ants: but these efforts served only to prolong him, and our roots draw nourishment from and increase their miseries, and multiply the him; we shall be "like a tree planted by the number of those who perished during the rivers of waters, which bringeth forth its fruit siege and after the taking of the city. (Marg.in due season." (Notes, Ps. 1:1-3. 92:12-15. g.) Jer. 17:5-8, vv. 7,8.) And should we be kept

Ref3-24. The Lord would not, however, poor and obscure, and live hardly by honest

forget his engagements to the family of David, while he punished this degenerate branch of it. He would plant a tender shoot cropped from the highest branch of this high cedar. Some refer this to Zerubbabel, who ruled over the Jews after the captivity: but if he were at all meant, it could only be as a type of Christ. This plant was first at his incarnation apparently a tender one; but after his humiliation, ufferings, and death, he was exalted to the right hand of the Father, and made "Head over all things to his church;" and thus became a "Plant of renown." (Marg. Ref. p, g. -Notes, Ps. 80:14,15. Is. 9:6,7. 11:1–10. 52: 13-15. 53:1-3,9-12. Zech. 6:12,13.) The high and eminent mountain, on which he was planted, signified the Christian church, of which mount Zion was the type. There he grows, as "the true Vine," or as the stately Cedar, or both in one, and all his people are united to him, and live in him. Under the shadow and among the branches of this tree, "dwell all fowl of every wing:" that is, sinners of every nation, rank, and character find refuge in Christ. And all the inhabitants of the earth, and especially the rulers of it, will know the power, truth, justice, and love of God, in these events; in bringing down the kingdom of David when it was exalted, and withering when it flourished; and then in exalting it from its depressed state, and causing it to flourish when it was withered. Or the high and green tree may refer to the kingdom of Babylon and all those other kingdoms, which have been and will be destroyed to make way for the kingdom of Christ. (Marg. Ref. r-y.-Notes, 21:23-27, vv. 26,27. 34:23-31. Is. 2:2-5. Dan. 2:34,35,44,45. 7:13,14,23-27. Am. 9:11,12. Zech. 8:20-23. John 15:1-8. 1 Cor. 15:20-28. Rev. 11:15-18.)

industry: we shall notwithstanding be more comfortable, as well as more useful, than the most successful of the ungodly. But they, who depart from God, can only vary and multiply their crimes, by exchanging one carnal confidence for another: and, notwithstanding their fair prospects and sanguine hopes, they never can attain to durable prosperity.-Princes and politicians are very apt to trifle with solemn oaths and treaties, and to devise specious pretences for violating them: but the Lord "will not hold them guiltless, who thus take his name in vain:" and few of them will be able to plead more plausibly for perfidy and perjury, than Zedekiah might have done; against whom these awful threatenings were denounced, for breaking his covenant with the king of Babylon, and "despising the oath" sworn to him.-Rulers and nations seldom prosper who commit atrocious crimes: but no man shall escape the righteous judgment of God, who dies under the unrepented guilt of such iniquity and impiety: for, as sure as the Lord liveth, he will recompense them upon the sinner's head; and the sinful methods, which men take of extricating themselves out of difficulties, are sure to entangle them in snares and nets, to their great misery or ruin. it-Blessed be God, our Redeemer, to whom all the prophets bare witness, differs wholly from these degenerate branches of the family of David. flis word is truth, his arm is power, and his heart is love. He is "planted upon a high and eminent mountain," that he may be conspicuous even to the ends of the earth: he is loaded with most precious fruit: sinners of every name find refuge from the wrath to come and from every enemy and danger, under his shadow: and believers not only partake of his precious fruits, but are also made fruitful by him; yea, many of them are "filled with all the PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. fruits of righteousness, which are through him The greatest exploits of mighty conquerors, to the praise and glory of God the Father." when impartially represented, resemble the May every power, however flourishing and exravages of birds and beasts of prey; except as alted, which opposes his cause, be brought low their power and success render them more ex- and withered: may his kingdom be exalted and tensively destructive, and as they devour their prosper; and may the whole earth behold and own species. But they are employed by abe filled with his glory. Amen and Amen. VOL. IV.



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