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deemed a small matter, an excusable misdemeanor? In all these abominable idolatries, they had not remembered the low and defiled condition, from which God had delivered them, nor any of the favors which he had bestowed on them. (Notes, 3-5,60-63, v. 63. Is. 51:1—

in the manner above described. Thus, idolatry || abhorred as base beyond example, and he dein others might be deemed spiritual fornica- termined to put an end to it: as the jealous hustion: but in Israel it was adultery; a violation band refuses to support the extravagance of of the marriage-covenant, accompanied with his wife, who spends his substance in enterthe basest ingratitude, and evidencing a most taining her lovers.-They had also formed their depraved state of the heart; inexpressibly dis-gold and silver into graven images: and though honorable to God, when the basest idols were these were of various forms, both male and fedeliberately preferred before him; a provoca- male; yet they are here represented as images tion of his jealousy; a forfeiture of all the priv- of men, with whom the adulteress committed ileges of the nation, and an introduction to lewdness: and she even preferred these lifeless every other kind of wickedness. (Marg. Ref. images to the company of her husband; that is, i, k.-Note, Ex. 34:11-17. v. 14.)--The sacred Israel preferred the worship of dead idols to writers in general use this allusion, because of that of the living God. (Marg, and Marg. Ref. the similarity of principles, from which idolatry || n-q.) Not only did they lavish all the producand adultery originate; because both of them tions of Canaan in the service of idols: but they are extremely infamous and hateful; and, per- burned their children in the fire to Molech, haps, because idolatry and lewdness common- who were also the children of the covenant, ly went together. But this prophet spake of it and devoted to the Lord in circumcision: as if in an indignant manner peculiar to himself; a woman should not only waste her husband's and he exposed Israel's infamy, in language wealth on her lovers, but should murder the taken from the conduct of the most shameless children which she had born to him, in order prostitutes, and suited to mark their crimes as to gratify them! (Marg. and Marg. Ref. r-u. most loathsome and detestable. (Notes, 23:5--Note, 23:4.) And could such conduct be 21. Is. 57:3-10. Jer. 2:20-30. 3:1-3,6 -11. Hos. 1:2,3.)-The wretched outcast having been advanced, enriched, adorned, and prospered by her espousals to God; instead of making a suitable return for these distinguishing, gratuitous, and invaluable favors, grew proud of her beauty; and confiding in her at-3. Eph. 2:11-13.) tractions, courted the admiration of other lovers, committed adultery with them, and soon became an infamous prostitute. That is, Israel became proud of their numbers, strength, riches, reputation, and privileges; and thus departed from God, made alliances with the heathen nations, and worshipped their idols. This was in some measure the case, from the time of the golden calf in the wilderness, through their successive generations: but it became more so in the latter years of Solomon, and afterwards when Jeroboam established idolatry in the kingdom of the ten tribes, and under the idolatrous kings of Judah till the captivity. (Notes, 20:11-29, 1 Kings 11:1-8. 12:26-33.) The adulteress also took the garments which her husband had provided for her, and with them formed and adorned splendid tents, in which to meet her paramours: that is, Israel spent their wealth and abundance in building and decorating idol-temples, and maintaining the idolatrous worship at them. (Marg. Ref. I, m.-Notes, Hos. 2:1-13. 8:9,10.) This the Lord

Pass through. (21) The verb Henebir, trans'lated "to cause them to pass through the fire," 'signifies also to dedicate.... (Ex. 13:12.) So the 'words imply, that the Jews, instead of dedi'cating their first-born to God, as the law re'quired, offered them up a sacrifice to the devil that was worshipped in their idols.' Louth. (Notes, 20:25,26,30–32. 23:39.)—Polluted, &c. (22) "Wallowing." "Kicking thyself." ́ Bp. Newcombe. (6. marg.)

V. 23-29. This adulterous wife is represented, as having less and less reserve in her abandoned licentiousness. After all her former adulteries, for which a dreadful woe is pronounced on her, she builded for herself an eminent place, or a brothel, as well as made high places in every street of Jerusalem. (Marg, and Marg. Ref. z-c.) This may refer to the conduct of Manasseh and other kings of Judah, who made the temple itself the scene of their open and abominable idolatries, in addition to all their other idol-temples! So that at length their relation to God, and the temple itself,

30 How "weak is thine heart, saith the Lord GOD, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish.


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blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them:

37 Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken

31 *In that thou buildest thine emi-pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, nent place in the head of every way, and with all them that thou hast hated; I will P makest thine high place in every street; even gather them round about against and hast not been as an harlot, 9 in that thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto thou scornest hire; them, that they may see all thy naked



32 But T as a wife that committeth adul-ness. tery, which taketh strangers instead of her 38 And I will judge thee, as women husband. that break wedlock and shed blood are 33 They give gifts to all whores: but judged; and I will give thee blood in fury thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers, and and jealousy. t hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.

34 And the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms, whereas none followeth thee to commit whoredoms: and in that thou givest a reward, and no reward is given unto thee, therefore thou art contrary.

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35 ¶ Wherefore, "O harlot, hear the word of the LORD:

36 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered, through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the


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39 And I will also give thee into their hand, and they shall throw down thine eminent place, and shall break down thy high places: they shall strip thee also of thy clothes, and shall take thy fair jewels, and leave thee naked and bare.

40 They shall also bring up a company against thee, and they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swords.

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41 And they shall burn thine houses with fire, and execute judgments upon thee in the sight of many women: and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot, and thou also shalt give no hire any

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tended to render them more odious and des- restrain and govern all the inferior inclinations: picable: as even libertines despise women who so that strong and ungovernable lusts prove a are shameless in their conduct. Allured by the weak and inactive mind. (Note, Matt. 26:40,41.) prosperity of the Egyptians, they connected How weak then must be the heart of this adulthemselves with them, and joined in their mul- teress, who was enslaved to her lusts, and coptiplied and abominable idolatries, for which ied the most abandoned prostitutes; and yet they were noted above other nations. (Marg, acted with imperiousness, disdaining authority Ref. d.-Notes, 23:5-21.) And when the Lord or control, and was under the power of pride frequently corrected Israel for their crimes, by and arrogance, as well as of sensuality!-How wars, famines, and other judgments, and by senseless and irresolute must Israel be, who delivering them into the hands of their ene- preferred a rabble of dunghill deities to the livmies; when he especially punished them by the ing God! who scorned his merciful authority, Philistines, the daughters of whom are repre- and yet were proud of their abused privileges! sented as ashamed of the enormous idolatry of In one respect this harlot differed from all the Jews, though idolaters themselves; instead ||others: she did not commit wickedness for hire; of being amended by it, they formed alliances which, though a base motive, might imply with the Assyrians and worshipped their gods; some palliation of guilt, especially when sharp yea, they followed every idol, which was wor- necessity urged: but she was a wife, who shipped by the several nations between Ca- abounded in all things; and yet, from mere linaan and Chaldea; and still they were not satis-centiousness, and aversion to her husband, she fied, but sought out new objects of their abom-prostituted herself to the basest strangers, and inable idolatry. (Marg. and Marg. Ref. e- lavished his wealth in hiring them to come to 1.-Notes, 2 Kings 21:1-8. 2 Chr. 25:14-16, v.||her: that is, Israel always prospered when they 14. 28:22,23.)-"Thou hast defiled thyself with all the idolatries of the heathen, beginning 'with those which were practised by the for'mer inhabitants of Canaan, and by degrees 'learning new species of idolatry derived from distant countries, such as Chaldea.' Lowth. V. 30-34. The powers of the soul should VOL. IV.


adhered to the worship of the Lord; but were always impoverished and enslaved when they forsook God and ran into idolatry: and the alliances they formed with the neighboring nations, (which made way for worshipping their idols,) were very expensive at the time, and ruinous in the event. (Marg. and Marg. Ref.


42 So will I make my fury toward thee to rest, and my jealousy shall depart from thee, and I will be quiet, m and will be no more angry.

" that loatheth her husband and her children; and thou art the sister of thy sisters, which loathed their husbands and their children: your mother was an Hittite, and

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43 Because thou hast not remember-your father an Amorite. ed the days of thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore, PI also will recompense thy way upon thine head, saith the Lord GoD: and thou shalt not commit this lewdness, above all thine abominations.

44 ¶ Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter.

45 Thou art thy mother's daughter,

15:13. 21:17. 2 Sam. 21:14. Is.

1:24. Zech. 6:8.

m 39:29. Is. 40:1,2. 54:9,10.
D 22. Ps. 78:42. 106:13. Jer.


o 6:9. Deut. 32:21. Ps. 78:40. 95:10. Is. 63:10. Am. 2:13.

Acts 7:51. Eph. 4:30.

p 7:3,4,8,9. 9:10. 11:21. 22:31.
Rom. 2:8,9.

q 18:2,3. 1 Sam. 24:13.

r 3,45. 1 Kings 21:26. 2 Kings

17:11,15. 21:9. Ezra 9:1. Ps.

Notes, 2 Kings 15:19,20. 16:7—9. Is. 30:6,7. 9,10.)

46 And thine elder sister is Samaria, she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand: and thy younger sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is Sodom and her daughters.

47 Yet hast thou not walked after their ways, nor done after their abominations; but, as if that were a very little thing, thou wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways.

$ 8,15,20,21. 23:37-39. Deut.
5:9. 12:31. Is. 1:4. marg.
Zech. 11:8. Rom. 1:30,31.

t 3.

u 51. 23:4,11,31-33. Jer. 3:8
-11. Mic. 1:5.

x 48,49,53-56,61.

Gen. 13:
11-13. 18:20,&c. 19:24,25.
Deut. 29:23. 32:32. Is. 1:9.10.
Jer. 23:14. Lam. 4:6. marg.
Luke 17.28-30. 2 Pet. 2:6,

Jude 7. Rev. 11:8.

Heb. thy sister lesser than thou.

y 27. marg. 26:6. Gen. 14.8. 19:20. Hos. 11:8.

Or, that was loathed as a small thing. 8:17. 1 Kings


z 48,51. 5:6,7. 2 Kings 21:9,16. Jobu 15:21,22.

mercy. So that, in expounding the chapter, it is very difficult to keep the allegory, and the thing signified by it, so fully distinct as it might be desired.

I also will recompense, &c. (43) “I also have brought thy way upon thy head... yet hast not thou had consideration of all thine abominations." Old Version. I have punished thy but thou wouldest not repent.'

57:||—Notes, 23:22-28,43-49. Hos. 2:1-5.)—This intimates that, after the destruction of JerusaV.35-43. The adulteress having been ar- lem, the Lord would yet have mercy on the raigned, and her guilt undeniably proved, the remnant of the nation.-He would, however, Judge proceeded to pronounce sentence. For certainly execute this vengeance upon them the enormous idolatries, cruelty, and persecu-|| for their ingratitude, because they had grieved tion of Jerusalem and Judah, the Lord had de- and provoked their Benefactor by their crimes, termined to gather the surrounding nations, and in order to destroy idolatry from among both those with whom they had formed alli- them.-The punishment of the adulteress by ances, as the Egyptians and Assyrians; and stoning her, and thrusting her through with a such as had always been inimical to them, as sword, as compared with the subsequent intiEdom, Ammon, Moab, and Philistia; to inflict, mations of mercy in reserve for her, keeps conor to witness, his judgments upon them. (Marg. tinually before the mind the intent and purport Ref. z-b.-Notes, 23:5-10. 25: Jer. 4:30,31. of the allegory, as relating to a collective body Hos. 2:10-13.) Before these nations he resolv- through succeeding generations; at some times ed to expose the enormous crimes of the Jews, exposed to divine judgments sweeping away to deprive them of all their privileges, and to very great numbers, and at other times the put them to shame and contempt: as if a wo-residue brought to repentance, and visited in man should be stripped naked, and publicly exposed; a punishment in some places inflicted on profligate women. Thus he would condemn them for their abominable idolatries, and for burning their children in the fire, according to the judgment on adulteresses and murderers: and he would execute the sentence with jealous indignation. (Marg, and Marg. Ref. c. --Notes, Rev. 17:1-6.) He would give Jerusa-faults; lem into the hand of the Chaldeans, who would throw down the city and temple, which the Jews had polluted by idolatry; level their cities and high places with the ground; slay, plunder, and enslave the people; and drive the reinnant of them as naked captives before them. (Notes, Is. 20:2-4. 47:1-3.) Thus they would serve Jerusalem, as men used to deal with adulterous women, whom they stoned, slew with the sword, or otherwise put to death: (Marg. and Marg. Ref. d-g.-Notes, Lev. 20:10-19. Deut. 13:12-18, v. 16. 22:23-27. John 8:3-11, v. 5.) they would burn all her palaces and edifices with fire, and make her an example to other cities and nations; as the death of an adulter-to the Lord, as Israel was; yet he might, in ess warned other women not to copy her some sense, be called their husband, especially crimes. Then would the fury of the Lord rest when they first renounced his worship to folon Jerusalem: in this manner he would termi-low after idols: and Israel had copied exactly nate her idolatries, and disable the Jews from their conduct, in apostacy from God, idolatry, building or endowing any more idol-temples: and cruelty to their children. (Marg. Ref. s. t. thus his justice being satisfied, his jealousy-Deut. 12:31. Notes, 6-22. Ps. 106:35—38.J would subside; and, having executed his pur- Jerusalem had also copied the example of Saposes of vengeance, he would be quiet, and maria, called here her elder sister; because the cease from his indignation. (Marg. Ref. h-p. kingdom of Israel was larger than that of Ju5061

V. 44-47. Those who framed or used sententious sayings, would form a proverb concerning Jerusalem, or apply an old proverb to her, and would say, "As is the mother, so is her daughter;" intimating that the nation of Is rael was just such a people, as the Hittites and Amorites whom they had supplanted had been. (Marg. Ref. q, r.-Notes, 3-5. Lev. 18:24—30.) The Canaanites had early apostatized from the God of their fathers, and were among the first idolaters after the deluge: they had loathed and abhorred the worship of the Lord, and had burned their children in the fire to their idols. Though they had not been solemnly espoused

48 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, || sisters, bear thine own shame, for thy sins Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor that thou hast committed more abominaher daughters, as thou hast done, thou and ble than they: they are more righteous. thy daughters. than thou: yea, be thou confounded also, and bear thy shame, in that thou hast justified thy sisters.



49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.


51 Neither hath Samaria committed half of thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they, and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done.

52 Thou also, which hast judged thy Matt. 10:15. 11:24. Mark 6: e Gen. 19:5. Lev. 18:22. Deut.

11. Luke 10:12. Acts 7:52. b 28:2,9,17. 29:3. Gen. 19:9.

Ps. 138:6. Prov. 16:5,18. 18:

12. 21:4. Is. 3:9. 16:6. Dan. 4:30,37. 5:23. Ob. 3. 1 Pet. 5:5.

e Gen. 13:10. Deut. 32:15. Is. 22:13,14. Am. 6:3-6. Luke 12:16-20. 16:19. 17:28. 21:34. d 18:12. Prov. 21:13. Is. 3:14, 15. Am. 5:11,12. 8:4-6. Mic. 3.2-4. Luke 16:20,21.

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23:17. 2 Kings 23:7. Rom.
1:26,27. Jude 7.

f Gen. 19:24. Deut. 29:23. Job

18:15. Is. 13:19. Jer. 20:16.

49:18. 50:40. Lam. 4:6. Am.
4:11. Zeph. 2:9. 2 Pet. 2:6.
Rev. 18:9.

g Luke 12:47,48. Rom. 3:9-

h Jer. 3:8-11. Matt. 12:41,12.
i 56. Matt. 7:1-5. Luke 6:
37. Rom. 2:1,26,27.


53 When I shall bring again their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, then will I bring again the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them:

54 That thou mayest bear thine own shame, and mayest be confounded in all that thou hast done, Pin that thou art a comfort unto them.

55 When thy sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former estate, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.

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maria. (Notes, Gen. 38:26. Matt. 12:41,42. Heb.
11:7.)-Pride and luxury make men expensive
'in their own way of living, and regardless of
the wants and miseries of others. (Luke 16:
"20,21.)-The ingratitude of Jerusalem was
'greater than that of Samaria; because God
had placed his name there: whose worship
she forsook, and profaned the temple, by plac-
'ing idols in it; which was a degree of idolatry
'beyond any thing the ten tribes had been guilty
of. (5:11. 7:20. 8:6,16. 23:38,39. 43:8. 2 Kings
'16:14. 21:7,9.)' Lowth.-It is highly worthy of
notice, that want of charity to the poor and
needy should be mentioned among the crimes,
which brought tremendous judgments on
abandoned Sodom: yet the poor also were
profligate, and involved in the same destruc-

dab, and because Israel had led the way in many aggravations, as Jerusalem had done. open apostacy and idolatry, which Judah had (Marg. Ref. a-f.-Notes, Lam. 4:6. Matt. 11:20 followed. Nay, Jerusalem proved her relation-24.)-Nor yet had Samaria stood it out to Sodom itself, which had been an inferior against so many warnings and mercies, or city and state, to the east of Jerusalem; for the multiplied idols, or persisted in idolatry in opJews had copied the abominations of Sodom position to the efforts of several pious reformand of the other cities which had been destroy-ing kings, and such a long contínued succesed with her. (Marg. and Marg. Ref. u-y.) sion of eminent prophets, as Jerusalem had Nor must Jerusalem take umbrage at being done. (Note, Jer. 3:6-11.) So that the conduct considered as of the same family with Samaria of the Jews tended to justify, or by comparison and Sodom: seeing she thought it a small mat-extenuate, the guilt of both Sodom and Sater to imitate their crimes; but had improved upon them and exceeded them, as if ambitious of pre-eminence and distinction in wickedness. (Marg, and Marg. Ref. z.-Notes, 48-51. 5:5 -10. Jer. 2:33—37.)—As if that, &c. (47) "That was loathed as a small thing." Marg. (Note, 8: 17.) The daughters of Samaria and Sodom, signify the cities and towns dependent on them. Samaria lay northward of Jerusalem, and 'Sodom southward, which two quarters of the 'world are expressed by the right and left,... 'being placed in such a position to those that 'set their faces eastward.... Gen. 13:9.' Lowth. V. 48-51. The Lord here confirmed it with a solemn oath, for fuller assurance, that the sins of Sodom were not equal to those of Jerusalem. Being situated in a very fruitful country, the inhabitants of Sodom and the adjacent cities grew proud of their wealth and prosperity, indulged in luxury and sensuality, and attended to nothing but present gratification; for which they had abundant leisure, not being constrained to much labor in so productive a region: and in general they lived in peace and presumptuous security. At the same time, they neglected to protect and uphold the poor and needy, and probably their rulers oppressed and enslaved them. In short they were proud, and despised warnings or reproofs, when given up to unnatural lusts; and the Lord took them away by a tremendous judgment as he saw good. (Noles, Gen. 13:13. 18:20-32. 19:1-29.) Yet they had not sinned against so clear a light and such abundant advantages, or with so

V. 52-55. The Jews had perhaps proudly judged and condemned the Samaritans and Sodomites, as justly punished: and yet their own conduct tended to justify them; for they had followed and far exceeded their abominations. (Marg. Ref. i, k.-Notes, 48-51, v. 51. Matt. 7:1-5. Rom. 2:1-3.) As these two ruined cities had been more righteous than Jerusalem, could that city expect to escape the punishment due to her enormous crimes? Multitudes of the Jews would therefore be as dreadfully destroyed as the Sodomites had been; others would be dispersed and lost among the Gentiles, as the Israelites were. Many of the Israelites would return with the Jews after the captivity; and many of the Jews would bear


56 For thy sister Sodom was not my covenant with thee in the days of thy mentioned by thy mouth in the day of youth, and I will establish unto thee an thy pride, everlasting covenant.


57 Before thy wickedness was discovered, as at the time of thy reproach of the daughters of Syria, and all that are round about her, "the daughters of the Philistines, which despise thee round about.

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r Is. 65:5. Zeph. 3:11. Luke 15: | Or, spoil. 28-30. 18:11.

x 23:49. Gen. 4:13. Lam. 5:7. *Heb. for a report, or, a hear-Heb. borne them. ing.

Heb. prides, or, excellencies.

8 36,37. 21:24. 23:18,19. Ps. 50: 21. Lam. 4:22. Hos. 2:10. 7:1. 1 Cor. 4:5.

t2 Kings 16:5-7. 2 Chr. 28:5, 6,18-23. Is. 7:1.

Heb. Aram. Gen. 10:22,23. Num. 23:7.

u 27.

y 7:4,8,9. 14:4. Is. 3:11. Jer. 2:
19. Rom. 2:8,9.

z 17:13--16. Ex. 24:1-8.
Deut. 29:10—15,25. 2 Chr.
34:31,32. Is. 24:5. Jer. 22:9.

a 8. Lev. 26:42,45. Neb. 1:5-
11. Ps. 105:8. 106:45. Jer. 2:
2. 33:20-26. Hos. 2:15. Luke

their shame by continuing in their dispersions. As they had kept the inhabitants of Sodom and Samaria in countenance by their crimes, and thus been a comfort to them; so Jerusalem should never be reinstated in her former glory, nor the Jews be wholly restored from their captivity, until Sodom and Samaria were restored likewise. This may mean, that they never would be thus restored: but it rather relates to the conversion of the Gentiles, who are frequently spoken of by the name of some nation, which was most given up to idolatry and iniquity. (Marg. Ref.I-q.—Notes, Is. 34: 63:1 -6. Jer. 48:47.49:6. Rev. 11:7-12, v. 8.) Then, and not before, should the captivity of Judah be fully restored. This took place in part in the apostolical age, but its most signal accomplishment is doubtless yet future. (Notes, Rom. 11:11-15,25-32.)

61 Then thou shalt remember thy ways, and be ashamed, when thou shalt receive thy sisters, thine elder and thy younger: and I will give them unto thee for daughters, but not by thy covenant.

62 And I will establish my covenant with thee; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD,



63 That thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame, when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord GOD.

b 37:26,27. Is. 55:3. Jer. 31:31 | f Jer. 31:31. Heb. 8:13.
-34. 32:38-41. 50:5. Hos. g 60. Dan. 9:27. Hos. 2:18-
2:19,20. Heb. 8:10. 12:24. 13:

c 63. 20:43 36:31,32. Job 42:
5,6. Jer. 31:18-20. 50:4,5.
d 53-55. Cant. 8:8,9. Is. 2:2
-5. 11:9,10. Hos. 1:9-11.
Rom. 11:11. 15:8,9,16. Gal. 4:
26,27. Eph. 2:12—14. 3:6.
e Is. 49:18-23. 54:1,2. 60:4.


b 6:7. 39:22. Jer. 24:7. Joel 3:17.

i 61. 36:31,32.

k Job 40:4,5. Ps. 39:9. Lam. 3:39. Rom. 2:1. 3:19,27. 9:19, 20.

1 Rom. 5:1,2. 1 Cor. 47. Eph. 2:3-5. Tit. 3:3-7.

ham and Israel; and even that made with the nation at mount Sinai: and he would establish with them a better and more enduring covenant. If this at all refer to the return of the Jews from Babylon; no doubt it more directly predicts the conversion of Jews and Gentiles to Christ, and their future restoration to the church and their own land, when "the fulness of the Gentiles also shall come in." At these periods, the Jews would remember, and be ashamed of their former evil ways; and willingly receive into communion with them the worst of the heathen, when converted to Christ; the Lord will then give unto Jerusalem "for daughters," those very persons whom she had disdained to acknowledge as sisters; that is, the Gentile converts would be brought into God's family, as the children of his ancient church. (Marg. Ref. d, e.) This would be efV. 56-59. Either the Jews entirely over- fected, not by the national covenant made with looked the example, set before them in the Israel; but by the new covenant of grace in the desolations of Sodom; or, being proud of their hands of Christ our Mediator; a covenant esprivileges and prosperity, they would have tablished upon better promises, and they would disdained to mention so infamous a place, es- then indeed know the Lord. (Marg. Ref. a, b. pecially as standing in any near relation to g.-Notes, 36:25-27. Gen. 17:7,8. Er. 19:5. 24: them. (Marg. and Marg. Ref. r, s.-Notes, Is. 3-11. Lev. 26:41,42, v. 42. 2 Sam. 23:5. Is. 55: 1:7-9, v. 9,10—15, v. 10.) This was peculiarly 1-3, v. 3. Jer. 31:31-34. 32:39–41. Heb. 8:7— the case, before the iniquity of the Jews was 13. 13:20,21.) All these events would concur discovered, by the punishments inflicted on in humbling them for their sins; and they would them, during the invasions of the land by the then remember all their shameful behavior to Syrians and Philistines, in the reign of Ahaz: their merciful God; which would cover them (Marg, and Marg. Ref. t, u.-Notes, 1 Kings with confusion, and silence their boasts of be16:5-16. 2 Chr. 28:5,16-23) but on the con- ing the peculiar and exclusive favorites of heatrary, at the time when Ezekiel wrote, the ven, their complaints of the Lord's dealings Gentiles reproached and despised the Jews, as with them, their self-justification, and their rea most abominable people. (27. Note, Lam. 4: vilings and contemptuous abuse of the poor 13-16.) These and other judgments had come Gentiles. When the Lord had shewn himself upon them for their idolatries, of which they reconciled to them, they would scarcely be had openly borne the shame: but the Lord able to forgive themselves, and would only meant further to deal with them after their have their mouths open before him in humbl deserts; especially in violating their covenant-confessions and fervent prayers, praises, and engagements, which they had so solemnly rat- thanksgivings. (Marg. Ref. c. e. í-1.-Notes, ified, but now despised as of no value or obli- 20:40-44, vv. 33,34. 36:31,32. Job 42:1-6, vv. 5, gation. (Marg. Ref. y, z.) 6. Jer. 31:18-20. Rom. 3:19,20. 6:21-23, v. 21.) V. 60-63. The Lord did not, however, in--This seems particularly to refer to the case tend finally to cast off the whole people of Is- of the Jews, at their future conversion to their rael. Of his mere mercy and abundant grace, long rejected Messiah; when their former enhe would remember his covenant with Abra-mity will effectually silence their proud boast508]

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