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13 Therefore thus saith the Lord God, I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury; and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger, and great hailstones in my fury to consume it.


and it shall fall, and ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

15 Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered mortar; and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it;

16 To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.

[Practical Observations.]



17 T Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy "out of their own heart; and prophesy thou against them, 14 So will I break down the wall, that 18 And say, Thus saith the Lord God; ye have daubed with untempered mortar," Woe to the women that sew pillows to all and bring it down to the ground, so that † armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the the foundation thereof shall be discovered; head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and 9 will

t 2 Kings 21.9. Prov. 12:26. Jer. 23:13-15. 1 Tim. 4:1. 2 Tim. 3:13. 1 John 2:26. Rev. 2:20.

u 16. Is. 57:21. Jer. 4:10. 6:14. 8:15. 14:13. 23:17. 23:9. Mal. 3.15.

*Or, a slight wall.

x 22:28. 2 Chr. 18:12. Is. 30:10. Jer. 5:31. Mic. 2:11.

y38:22. Job 27:21. Ps. 11:6. 13:13,14. 32:6. Is. 25:4. 28:2, 15-18. 29:6. 32:19. Nah. 1:3,

7,8. Matt. 7:25,27. Luke 6:

z Deut. 32:37. Judg. 9:38. 10:


2 Kings 3:13. Jer. 2:29. ye save the souls alive that come unto you?

29.31,32. 37:19. Lam. 2:14,15.

a Lev. 26:28. Ps. 107:25. 148:
8. Jer. 23:19. Jon. 1:4.

b Ex. 9:13-29. Ps. 18:12,13.
105:32. 148:8. Is. 30:30. Rev.
8:7. 11:19 16:21.

c Ps. 11:3. Mic. 1:6. Hab. 3:13.
Luke 6:49. 1 Cor. 3:11-15.

d Jer. 6.15. 8:12. 14:15. 23:15.
e 9,21,23. 14:8.

f Neh. 4:3. Ps. 62:3. 1s. 30:13.

g 10. Jer. 6:14. 8:11. 28:9.
h 1s. 43:22. 57:20,21.

i 4:3. 20:46. 21:2.

k Is. 3:16,&c. 4:4.
I Judg. 4:4.
Luke 2:36.

2 Kings 22:14. 2 Pet 2:1.

m 2. Rev. 2:20.
n 3.

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therefore declared, that they should not be in|| over with mortar made of bad materials, and the assembly of Israel: either they would be- not properly mixed or tempered: and they come open apostates; or they would be detect- should then expect that such a wall would proed and excommunicated, or cut off by death. tect them, or that a house built of such walls Their names also would be expunged from the would serve for a secure habitation. (Marg. registers of the house of Israel; and their fam- Ref. x.-Note, 5.)-The people supposed themilies should either be extinct, or not be able to selves safe from the assaults of the Chaldeans; claim any inheritance among those who re- because they vainly presumed, that, as the peoturned from captivity; which would be an em- ple of God, he was engaged by covenant to blem of their exclusion from heaven, as not preserve them; not considering that they had having their names written in the book of life. forfeited the blessing by their crimes: and the (Marg. Ref. q-s.-Notes, Ezra 2:61–64. Ps. prophets labored to varnish over these pre69:22-28. Is. 4:3,4. Rev. 13:8-10.) They sumptuous expectations, by a variety of spe'shall not be members of the church here, nor cious pretences. But the Lord by his prophet 'partake of the communion of saints in heav-assured them, that this worthless wall should 'en. The Hebrew word Sod signifies a secret || certainly fall down, notwithstanding all their 'assembly, or privy council, such as are ac- daubing. A tremendous inundation with very 'quainted with the most inward thoughts, and large hailstones would tear away all the un'secret intent of a prince: and from thence it is tempered mortar, and the stormy wind would 'applied to God's chosen people, those that are rend the wall itself. This storm, arising from "acquainted with "the whole counsel of God," his righteous indignation, would level the wall and whom he instructs by the secret direc- to the ground and destroy its foundations, and 'tions of his Holy Spirit." Lowth. (Marg. consume those who built it, or sheltered themNotes, Ps. 25:14. Jer. 23:18.) selves under it, in its own destruction. (Marg. V. 10-16. The peculiar guilt of the false Ref. y-c.-Notes, 1 Kings 20:29,30. Is. 28:17 prophets consisted, in seducing the worship-19. Matt. 7:24-27. Rom. 10:1-4.)—That is, pers of God into idolatry and iniquity, and en- | the Lord would send the Chaldeans to besiege couraging them to harden themselves in im- and destroy Jerusalem, and desolate Judah; penitence; by assuring them of peace and pros- they would come with such force and fury, as perity, at the very time when divine judgments the Jews could by no means withstand; "and were about to be poured out upon them. their success would confute the lying predic(Mars. Ref. t, u.-Notes, 17-23, v. 22. Jer. 4:10. tions of the prophets, and subvert the false 6:13-15. 14:13-16. 23:13-17.) In this man- hopes of the people. When these events should ner, perhaps some one of them courted the take place, the false prophets would be refavor of the people; and the rest, finding him proached, and taunted with their folly and precaressed and followed, supported his false pre- sumption; till the Lord had accomplished his dictions by their confident assertions and vain wrath upon them: and then those who trusted reasonings. (Note, 1 Kings 22:13,14.) Thus them, would be reminded by God and his they acted, as if a man were to build a slight prophets, that "the wall was no more, neither wall (10. marg.) with loose stones, or bricks they that daubed it." (Marg. Ref. d-g.without cement; and others should labor to Notes, 22:25-30.)-Ye, O great hailstones, &c. give it an appearance of stability, by daubing it (11) Or rather, "I will send great hailstones;


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19 And will ye pollute me among my || hunted; and ye shall know that I am the people for handfuls of barley and for LoRd. pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and "to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?

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22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not returr. from his wicked way, † by promising him

20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, where-life: with ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.

21 Your kerchiefs also will I tear, and deliver my people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be

r 20.39. 22:26.

s Prov. 28:21. Mic. 3:5,11. Rom. 16:18. 2 Pet. 2:2,3.

t 22. Rom. 14:15. 1 Cor. 8:11.

u Jer. 23:14,17.
x 8,9,15,16.

*Or, into gardens.
y 2 Tim. 3:3,9.

they shall fall; and the storm of a whirlwind shall rend it."




23 Therefore d ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations; for I will deliver my people out of your hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD. See on 9.

11. 23:17. 2 Pet. 2:18,19.

a 9:4. Jer. 4:10. 14:13-17. 23: d 6,&c. 12:24. Deut. 18:20.
9. Lam. 2:11–14.
Mic. 3:6,7. Zech. 13:3,4. 2
Tim. 3:9.

b Jer. 23:14. 27:14-17. 28:16.

Or, that I should save his
life. Heb. by quickening


c 16. Gen. 3:4,5. Jer. 6:14. 8:

e 21. 34:10. Matt. 24:24. 1 Cor. 11:19. Rev. 12:9,11. 13: 5,8. 15:2.

f 9,21. 14:8. 15:7.

encouraging them to expect peace and safety
in their evil ways; contrary to the express dec-
larations of God, that "there is no peace for the
wicked." (Marg. and Marg. Ref. a-c.) He
would therefore speedily terminate their delu-
sions, and deliver his people, and so make his
power and glory known to all concerned.-
To slay and to make alive, signify here to prom-
ise men life, or threaten them with death: (22)
'so the prophet saith, he "came to destroy the
'city," (43:3.) that is, to pronounce the sentence
'of destruction upon it.' Lowth.

21. Mic. 3:5-7. Acts 8:18-24.) They likewise attempted to terrify, with denunciations of V. 17-23. As the Lord endued some women wrath, those pious persons who refused to with the Spirit of prophecy; so there were bribe them; as if life and death, heaven and hell, others who pretended to it from secular mo- were at their disposal! By these artifices they tives. (Marg. Ref. 1, m.-Neh. 6:14.) But the worked upon the fears and hopes of those, who prophet was ordered to set his face against attended to their lies. But the Lord declared, them also, and to charge them with "prophe- that he was "against them," and all their signs sying out of their own heart."-As a token of and charms with which they terrified souls, to the peace and security which they promised, cause them to fly into their entangling net: and they sewed pillows to their own arm-holes, or he would certainly tear them from them, ex"elbows," and to the arm-holes or elbows of pose them to shame, and deliver the people those who consulted them; intimating that from their influence and power: because their they might indulge and repose themselves in lies counteracted the intention and tendency of security, for no enemy would disturb them. his word; by distressing the minds of upright, (Marg, and Marg. Ref. o.)-The meaning of godly men, or grieving them, while they saw the Kerchiefs, or coverings, which they put God dishonored and souls deceived: whereas "upon the head of every stature," (or of per- the whole revealed will of God tended to ensons of every age indiscriminately,) is not so courage such persons, and to make them joyevident. Some think that they were ornaments, ful. On the other hand, their divinations tendwith which they decorated those who consult-ed to harden and embolden wicked men, by ed them, in token of victory and triumph. Others suppose, that this was spoken_figuratively, for their hood-winking them, or keeping them in the dark by their delusions. But probably it was some superstitious observance, a kind of amulet or charm, which they employed to entice the people into their snares. These "... women for lucre would... tell every man his 'fortune, giving them pillows to lean on, and 'kerchiefs to cover their head; to the intent they 'might the more allure them.' So that they "hunted their souls:" and, as it seems probable, not only promised the nation deliverance from the Chaldeans; but professed to protect by some spell, the lives of those who applied to them; nay, even to save their souls, by some absolution or indulgence which they vended. "The easterns had, and still have, frequent am'ulets and ribands of charms, which they put 'principally at their hands and heads. Such 'charms these female prophets fabricated, and, 'as appears, attributed to them the power of 'preserving the life of those who wore them, and of bringing death on their enemies.' Mi-glory, of the evil of sin, the worth of souls, the chaelis. (Note, Matt. 23:5-7.) Thus they entangled the people in their deceptions, as if they could save the lives and souls of men; without any respect to their conduct and character. They seem to have been a company of fortune-tellers; who polluted or profaned the name of God, by pretending to sell his gifts at the most contemptible price; and to deal in divination, and such like impositions, as have in every age found eager purchasers. (Marg. and Marg. Ref. p―z.-Noles, 22:25. Prov. 28:


V. 1-16.

Many possess great subtlety and sagacity, who are utterly destitute of true wisdom: and, whilst the world admires their talents, the Lord brands them as "fools." This is most awfully the case with numbers, who make the sacred ministry a step to worldly consequence and affluence. They profess to speak in the name of God; but have seen nothing of his

glory and preciousness of Christ, the way of salvation, or the beauty of holiness: they follow their own fancies, human traditions, or Satan's illusions; and then ascribe the whole to the God of truth: they are subtle, rapacious, and insinuating, in winding themselves into favor and preferment, and pursuing "filthy lucre;" but they are sure to do immense mischief in the fold and vineyard of the Lord. (Notes, Is. 56:9-12. Rom. 16:17-20. Tit. 1:10 -13. 1 Pet. 5:1-4. 2 Pet. 2:1--3,12-16. Jude


The elders, who inquired of God, while their hearts were set on idols, are sharply reproved, and war oed, 1-5. A call to repentance; with threatenings of temporal and spiritual judg

ments on many, in order to the reformation of Israel, 6—11. No righteousness of a few individuals would avert the judg ments of famine, noisome beasts, sword, or pestilence, from a guilty land; much less these four sore judgments from Jerusa lem. 12-21. A promise that a remnant should be preserved, for the instruction and comfort of the captives, 22, 23.

who repent and believe the gospel; yet he assures us, that "he who believeth not, shall be damned;" and "without holiness no man shall see the Lord."

V. 17-23.

11-13.) Instead of standing in the gap to turn away his indignation from the people, by their prayers, holy examples, and zealous endeavors to promote true godliness; they widen the breach, by their wicked lives and erroneous doctrines, their soothing and flattering delusions, which cause men to think themselves What manifold ways has Satan of deceiving deserving of eternal life, even when "the wrath souls! yet because men are so much more disof God abideth on them." Numbers follow the posed to believe soothing lies, than humbling "pernicious ways" of such false teachers, "by and awakening truths; none of his schemes or reason of whom the way of truth is evil spoken instruments, from the wretched fortune-teller of;" and many are seduced to expect the ac- to the learned heresiarch, are utterly unsuccomplishment of their unscriptural assertions. cessful. The various descriptions of deceivers, But the Lord is against them, and has not sent who revile or despise each other, agree in them: they shall not be "written among the promising happiness to those whom the word righteous," nor share the heavenly inheritance: of God condeinns; and in discouraging and "because, even because, they seduce" the pro- grieving those whom it comforts. The masses, fessed worshippers of God, and promise men indulgences, and protections of the church of peace and salvation, without conversion, faith, Rome, and their anathemas and excommunior holiness.-But indeed there are numerous cations of those as heretics, whom they cannot ways, by which one heresiarch "builds up a hunt into their net; (Note, Rev. 13:13-17.) the wall, and others daub it with untempered mor- pretended candor of numbers to men of alinost tar." Some teach men to expect safety from every opinion, except those who steadily proa comparative decency of moral character; fess an attachment to the doctrines of scripsome on account of formal or superstitious ob- ture; and the delusion of such as connect salservances; some because they belong to an or-vation with any kind of faith, and revile those thodox part of the church, and have got gen- as Pharisees, who judge of the tree by the eral notions of certain important doctrines; fruits: all these, and many others, produce the some because of their impressions and enthu- same effects, in grieving and perplexing upsiastic reveries; and others even by a direct right Christians, and in "strengthening the perversion of the gospel, and encouraging men hands of sinners, that they should not return to "sin on that grace may abound." Each of from their wicked ways."-But confident and these descriptions can find specious reasonings, mercenary impostors are too numerous to be or a few detached texts of scripture, plausibly particularly exposed. Some men's boasts and misinterpreted, to countenance their delusions: pretensions would almost persuade one, that (Note, 2 Pet. 3:14-16.) and men of learning health, life, and salvation were at their dispoand ingenuity frequently employ themselves sal; in order that they might enrich themselves in daubing these tottering walls "with untem- by turning the gift of God into ready money: pered mortar," to prevent their weakness from and the chief difference between modern and being discovered. But they are all alike dis- ancient pretenders seems to be, that the former tant from Christ the true Foundation: they expect a more valuable recompense, than build not on him by a penitent "faith, which "handfuls of barley and pieces of bread:" and worketh by love," and produces obedience; the signs or means, which some of them em(Notes, 1 Cor. 3:10-15. Gal. 5:1-6.) they ei-ploy, are at least as ridiculous, as those used ther leave out his merits and atonement, or the by these ancient prophetesses; and like them work of his new-creating Spirit, or the sub- aptly shew, how they dupe and hoodwink their stantial fruits of righteousness; and in differ-votaries, and "hunt souls into their net." Thus, ent ways endeavor to varnish, paint, and repair the old building, instead of erecting a new one on a new foundation, for "an habitation of God through the Spirit." How fair soever the wall, thus run up and daubed, may appear to the carnal eye, it will seldom stand the storm of temptation or persecution; and it will afford no shelter in the approaching tempest of death and judgment: then the justice and vengeance of God will rend it in pieces, and destroy it to the ground; and "great will be the fall of it," and the ruin of all who have got under it for shelter. (Notes, Is. 8:16-20.) Nor will any of the human species be so loaded with ignominy, as those who have thus seduced their fellow sinners to trust in a lie, to their utter destruction: it shall then be inquired of them, "Where is your wall? and where is the daubing, wherewith ye daubed it?" while those whom they have deluded will execrate them, more than ever they admired and commended them. Let us therefore beware of those false prophets, (Note, Matt. 7:13-20.) who indiscriminately speak peace, and encourage people of every sentiment and character to expect salvation; and let us remember, that though Christ preaches peace to those, near or far off,

for a time they may, and sometimes do, entan-
gle even the people of God; but "he will deliv-
er them out of their hands." They pollute the
name of God, by using it to sanction their
mercenary impositions, and by covering them
over with a profession of religion: but he will
vindicate his own glory, and make their folly
and wickedness evident to all men: and though
numbers are deluded and amused to their
ruin; yet it will at last appear, that none were
thus fatally duped, except such as hated the
truth "and had pleasure in unrighteousness.
(Note, 2 Thes. 2:8-12.) It, however, behoves
Christians to keep close to the word of God,
and in every thing to seek the teaching of the
Holy Spirit, and to stand aloof from whatever
appears suspicious. We should try every doc-
trine and pretension by its agreement with the
scripture, and its tendency to promote vital
godliness: we should reject all, which tends to
discourage the humble believer, or to encour-
age the presumption of wicked men: we should
shun all superstitious observances, and vain
inquiries into futurity; and so trust the prom-
ises of God, as to obey his commandments,
committing ourselves and all our concerns to
the keeping of his grace and providence



HEN came certain of the elders of| 6 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Israel unto me, and sat before me. Thus saith the Lord Gop, Repent, and 2 And the word of the LORD came turn yourselves from your idols; and unto me, saying, "turn away your faces from all your abominations.


3 Son of man, d these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling-block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them?


4 Therefore speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling-block of his iniquity before) his face, and cometh to the prophet; the LORD will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols:

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7 For every one of the house of Israel, or " of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, P and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself:

8 And I will set my face against that Iman, and will make him a sign and a proverb, and "I will cut him off from the midst of my people; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

5 That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.


a 8:1. 20:1. 2 Kings 6:32. Acts 4:5,8.

b 33:31. Is. 29:13. Luke 10:39. Acts 22:3.

c 1 Kings 14:4,5. Am. 3:7.

d 4,7. 6:9. 11:21. 20:16. 36:25. Jer. 17:1,2,9. Eph. 5:5.

28:9. Is. 1:15. Jer. 7:8-11. 11:
11. Zech. 7:13. Luke 20:8.

g 2:7. 3:4,17-21.

h 7. 1 Kings 21:20-25. 2 Kings
1:16. Is. 3:11. 66:4.

i 9,10. Hos. 10:2. Zech. 7:11-
14. 2 Thes. 2:9-11.
Deut. 32:15,16. Is. 1:4. marg.
Jer. 2:5,11-13,31,32.
11:8. Rom. 1:21-23,28,30. 8:
7. Eph. 4:18. Col. 1:21. Heb.

e 3:20. 7:19. 44:12. Jer, 44-16-k 13. Zeph. 1:3. 1 Pet. 2:8. Rev. 2:14.

f 20:3. 1 Sam. 28:6. 2 Kings 3:13. Ps. 66:18. Prov. 15:8,29, 21:27.



18:30. 1 Sam. 7:3. 1 Kings | o Hos. 4:14. 9:10. Jude 19.

8:47-49. Neh. 1:8,9. Is. 55:6, p 3,4.

7. Jer. 8:5,6. 31:18-20. 50:4, q 33:30-32. 2 Kings 8:8,&c.
5. Lam. 3:39-41. Hos. 14:1 Is. 58:1,2. Jer. 21:1,2. 37:1-
-3,8. Jon. 3:7-9. Matt. 3:8 3,9,10,17. 38:14-23.
-10. Acts 3:19. 17:30. 26:20.
Jam. 4:8-10.

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r 4,7,9.

$ 15:7.



Lev. 17:10. 20:3-6.
Ps. 34:16. Jer. 21:10.

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der them contemptible and miserable: seeing they were all totally alienated from him, through an infatuated attachment to idolatry. con-That I may deal with them according to 'their deserts, and thereby convince them, that 'I am a Searcher of hearts, and know the 'secret wickedness of their thoughts.' Lowth. 'He shall be led with lies, according as he 'delighted therein.' (Marg. Ref. g-k.-Notes, 9-11. 7:25,26. Jer. 21:1,2. 37:1-10.)

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CHAP. XIV. V. 1-5. It is uncertain, whether these "elders of Israel" were the leading persons among the captives; or, as some jecture, certain elders from Jerusalem, who had come to Babylon about business, and who took that opportunity of seeing and hearing the prophet. They came, however, and sat before him to hear his word, and to make inquiries concerning the affairs of the nation. (Marg. Ref. a, b.-Notes, 20:1-3. 33:30-33. V. 6-8. The only way to escape the threat36:37.) Probably, they appeared very grave ened judgments would be, by repenting, and and devout, and gave great attention to his by "turning themselves," and endeavoring to discourse; and perhaps he was ready to shew turn one another, from all their idols and inithem respect and favor. But the Lord saw quities to the worship and service of God; and through their disguises, and revealed their ||by turning away their faces with abhorrence true character. Notwithstanding fair appear- from all their abominations, that they might ances, their hearts were set upon the most look another way, and act in a contrary manabominable and filthy idols: they preferred the ner. Thus, and thus only, could they expect service of them to the holy worship of God; so an answer of peace. (Marg. and Marg. Ref. 1, that these were "the stumbling-blocks," over m.-Notes, 9:3,4. 18:30-32.) For every Iswhich they fell into all kinds of iniquity; and raelite, nay, every proselyte, or stranger dwellyet instead of casting them behind their backs, ing in the land of Israel, would be dealt with they set them up before their faces, determin- according to the foregoing rule. If in his heart ed to cleave to them at all events. They are any man separated from the Lord, favored 'not only idolaters in their heart; but they have idolatry, and looked towards that great occa'actually set up idols and worshipped them.' sion of iniquity; (Notes, Gen. 19:16–22, v. 17, Lowth. (Marg. Ref. c-f-Note, 7:16-19, v. 26. Luke 17:32.) and then, out of curiosity or a 19.) Could it then at all consist with the glory desire to serve God and idols also, to save apof God to notice, or to give a favorable answer, || pearances, or to obtain reputation, should conto the inquiries of such hypocrites? On the sult the prophets; the Lord would answer evecontrary, the prophet was instructed plainly tory such inquirer, not by the mouth of his prophinform them, that the Lord himself had deter-et, but by himself and his own powerful venmined to answer all Israelites, without respect geance. (Marg. Ref. n−r.) He would exeof rank or station, who came with idolatrous cute such punishment upon him, as should hearts to inquire of him, "according to the mul- render him an example and proverb to all othtitudes of their idols;” either denouncing ven- ers: (Marg. Ref. s, t.-Notes, Deut. 29:19-25. geance upon them proportioned to their ag-1 Kings 9:7-9.) singling him out from his peogravated crimes, or giving them up to be delud-ple, among whom he had impiously intruded; ed to their ruin. Thus he would ensnare them and making known his own omniscience and in their own counsels, leave them to manifest omnipotence by detecting and avenging his the concealed wickedness of their hearts, shew crimes. (Marg. Ref. u, x.-Note, 15:6-8.)all the world their hateful character, and ren-The declaration is general, and affects the VOL. IV 63



9 And if the prophet be deceived when through the land, and they *spoil it, so that he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have it be desolate, that no man may pass through deceived that prophet; and I will stretch because of the beasts: out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. 10 And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him;



11 That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but ⚫ that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord GOD.

[Practical Observations.]

12 The word of the LORD came again to me, saying,

13 Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it," and will cut off man and beast from it.


14 Though these three men, Noah, 1Daniel, and Job were in it, they should " deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD.

15 If I cause noisome beasts to pass 32:38. Zech. 19:9. Heb. 8:10.

y 20:25. 2 Sam. 12:11,12. 1 Kings 22:20-23. Job 12:16. Ps. 81:11,12 Is. 63:17. 66:4.

Jer. 4:10. 2 Thes. 2:9-12.

z 16:27. Is. 5:25. 9:12,17,21.


a 17:18-20. 23:49. Gen. 4:13. Num. 5:31. Mic. 7:9. Gal. 6:5.

11:16. Rev. 21:7.

f 9:9. Ezra 9:6. 19. 24:20. Lam.

1:8,20. Dan. 9:5,10-12.

g 4:16. 5.16. Lev. 26:26. Is. 3:1. Jer. 15:2,3. Lam. 4:9.10. h 17,19,21. 25:13. Gen. 6:7. Jer. 7:20. 32:43. 36:29. i 16,18,20.

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'captive Israelites, those who still remained in 'their own land; and the proselytes who dwelt 'there.' Bp. Newcombe.

V. 9-11. These inquirers would soon be weary of consulting God's prophets, and be disposed to apply to those of another character; who would be left, like Ahab's prophets, to the illusions of a lying spirit: and thus being deceived themselves, to believe that prosperity would attend the inquirers, they would deceive them also. (Marg. Ref. v.-Notes, 13:7 --16. 1 Kings 22:19–23. Is. 63:15-19, v. 17. Jer. 4:10. 2 Thes. 2:8-12.) This the Lord warned such men to expect: for he fully purposed thus to punish them for their hatred of his truth and service. Though not the Author of the deceived prophet's sin, yet his being left to fall into Satan's delusions was the effect of a judicial sentence against him; and thus God || used him as the instrument of blinding and hardening hypocrites, to their destruction. And, as the false prophet only sought his own interest or credit in his predictions, and for that sin was given up to "strong delusion to believe a lie;" as those who consulted him, only sought encouragement in idolatry and wickedness; and as the enmity of their hearts against God prepared them to welcome these delusions. which emboldened them to further

16 Though these three men were fin it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate.

17 Or if I bring a sword upon that land, and say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man and beast from it:


18 Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves.

19 Or if I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and beast:

20 Though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.

21 For thus saith the Lord GOD; How much more when I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast!

Or, bereave.

p Matt. 18:19, 20. Jam. 5.16. Heb. in the midst of it.

q 20. 33:11. Num. 14.28,29. r Gen. 18:23-33. 19:29. Job 22:30. Acts 27:24. Heb. 11:7. s 5:12,17. 21:3,4,9-15. 29:8. 33:21,22. Lev. 26:25. Jer. 25.9. 47:6.

t13. 25:13. Jer. 33:12. Hos. 4:3. Zeph. 1:3. u5:12. 38:22. Num. 14:12. 16: 46-50. Deut. 28:21,22,59,61. 2 Sam. 24:13,15. 1 Kings 8:37.

2 Chr. 6:28. 7:13. 20-9. Pr. 91:3,6. Is. $7:36. Jer. 14 12 21:6,9. 24:10. Am. 4:10. Matt. 24:7.

x 7:8. 36:18. Rev. 16:5-6 y 14,16.

z 18:20,22. Job 5:19-24. Pr. 33:18,19. Is. 3:10. Hos 10:12. Zeph. 23. Acts 10:35, 1 John 2:29. S:7.10.

Or, Also when.

à 13,15,17,19. 5:12,17. 6:11,12. 33:27. Jer. 15:2,3. Am. 4:6— 12. Rev. 6:4-8.

rebellion: so the Lord would punish them in awful indignation, and cause them to bear the load of their atrocious guilt, which would involve both the deceived prophet, and the bypocritical inquirer, in the same terrible destruction. Yet this severity to individuals would prove mercy to the house of Israel, by warning them against idolatry and iniquity, that they might still continue the people of God. (Marg. Ref. z-e.-Notes, 11:17—2.)

Deceived. (9) (Note, Jer. 20:7—9, v. 7.) 'When any false prophet is deceived, the probable event proving contrary to his prophecy, I Jɛ'HOVAH have so superintended the course of things as to deceive that prophet.' Bp. Newcombe. (Notes, Ex. 4:21. 9:12. 14:3,4.)

V. 13-21. The faith, obedience, and prayers of Noah had prevailed "to the saving of his house," though not of the old world: and he was assured that the earth should not be deluged a second time. (Notes, Gen. 6:8—17. 7: 1,20-23. 9:9-17. Heb. 11:7.-Job's sacrifice and intercession in behalf of his friends were accepted: (Marg. Ref. m.-Note, Job 42:7-9.) and Daniel had prevailed with God for the discovery of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, by which his companions and the wise men of Babylon, were preserved from death. (Marg. Ref.l.-Notes, Dan. 2:)—It was a singular hon

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