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17 For the iniquity of his covetousness


19 I create the fruit of the lips;

was I wroth, and smote him: I hid me," Peace, peace to him that is far off, and and was wroth, and he went on *frowardly to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I in the way of his heart.

18 I have seen his ways, and heal him: I will lead him also, and store comforts unto him and 'to

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will heal him.

20 But the wicked are like the troubled re-sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.


g 1:18. 43:24,25. 48:8-11. Jer.
31:18-20. Ez. 16:60-63. 36:
22,&c. Luke 15:20. Rom. 5:

b Jer. 3:22, 33:6. Hos. 14:4-8.
i 49:10. Ps. 23:2. Rev. 7:17.
Lukek 15. 12:1. 61:2,3. 66:10-13. Ps.

1 Jer. 13:17. Ec. 9:4.

21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.

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hoard, or to lavish in luxury and indulgence.

glory and majesty in the sublimest language: them, and they have ever since gone on "froThe high and lofty One, who inhabiteth eter-wardly in the way of their own hearts," and nity, whose name is Holy." As eternity is the covetousness has all along been the characterhabitation of his immutable existence, and ho-istic of the nation, even to a proverb. Yet the liness is his nature; so "the high and holy | Lord will surely convert and save Judah, and place" of heaven is his special residence, in become again his Guide and Comforter, for his respect of his sovereign and universal govern- own name's sake. This seems the more imment, and the immediate manifestation of his mediate meaning of the prophecy: yet the avaglory. But he has also a habitation on earth, rice of the church of Rome, her enormous exin which he peculiarly delights, (even more actions, and her infamous traffic for indulthan in the temple on mount Zion, except as gences, dispensations, and other scandalous it typified the human nature of Christ;) and impositions, must occur to the attentive readthat is, the heart which is broken down under er's mind; and also the promises of God to rethe sense of guilt and unworthiness, and deep-cover his church from this corrupt state, into ly humbled before him; which is crushed, as it which it has been so long sunk.-By covetouswere, in self-abasement, and broken off from ness, in scripture, we must generally underall self-confidence, self-sufficiency, and self-stand the inordinate love of lucre, whether to preference. (Notes, 66:1,2. 2 Kings 22:15--20. Ps. 51:17. Ez. 9:3,4. Matt. 5:3, 1 Pet. 3:1--4.) V. 19. (Note, Eph. 2:14—18.) This verse With such persons the Lord will dwell, in points out the method, by which God revives, order to revive their drooping spirits, and com- purifies, and comforts his church. He raises fort their dejected hearts, and give them life up faithful ministers to preach his word; he eternal. (Notes, John 14:18–24.) For though qualifies them for their work, and gives them he alarms, convinces, and distresses them, by their message; he creates in their hearts that shewing them his majesty, justice, and holi-zeal for his glory, and compassion for souls, ness, and their own guilt and depravity; and which produce earnest and constant preachfor a time contends with them by frowns, and ing of the gospel, "the fruit of their lips;" by rebukes, and corrections: yet, the end being which peace of every kind is proclaimed to answered, he will cease to contend, and to be Jews and Gentiles, far and near, and thus numwroth with them; lest they should be driven bers are converted and healed. (Notes, Matt. to despair, and incapacitated for serving him; || 10:11–15. Acts 2:37–40. 10:36–43. 2 Cor. 5:18 as no creature can endure his perpetual frown-21.)-In this way religion was revived among and indignation. (Notes, 27:2-6. Ps. 30:5. 61:1 a remnant of the Jews, and the Gentiles were -3. 88:38,39. 103:9-18. 125:3. Jer. 10:23-25. called into the church: thus that nation shall 2 Cor. 2:5-11.) be again converted, the fulness of the Gentiles V. 17, 18. The people are here stated to shall come in, and all Zion's wounds and have imitated the covetousness of their rulers breaches shall be healed. The text may also and teachers: (Note, 56:9-12.) and this covet-refer to the mercies through the gospel beousness was connected with iniquity, fraud, stowed on multitudes, the gratitude excited in oppression, or extortion: therefore the Lord their hearts, and the spiritual worship rendersmote Israel, or Judah, and hid his face from ed by them: for the Lord "creates the fruit of him. Under these rebukes he went on fro-the lips," by teaching and exciting sinners, wardly, in the way of his own perverse heart. But though the Lord saw his wicked ways and hated them; yet of his own mere grace he intended to convert and heal him, to take him under his tuition and guidance, and to comfort V. 20, 21. Wicked men cannot share him, and those who lamented and mourned that inward peace, which springs from the over his calamities.-This may be understood mercy and grace of God. Their turbulent of the conduct of Judah previous to the Bab-passions, polluting lusts, and unquiet conylonish captivity, and during that calamity; sciences, render them like the tempestuous, and of the freeness of God's mercy in his res-restless ocean, when ceaseless dashings against toration. (Notes, 43:22-25. 44:22. Jer. 31:18- the shore "cast up mire and dirt:" so that, 20. Ez. 36:31,32. Hos. 2:6-17. Rom. 5:20,21.)But the nation of Israel was more peculiarly addicted to covetousuess in the time of Christ, and previously to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans; their strictest professors of religion "devouring widows' houses, and for a pretence making long prayers." For this and other sins the Lord was wroth, and smote 204]

having embraced the message of salvation, to offer unto him the spiritual sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. (Notes, Hos. 14:1-3. Heb. 13:15,16.)

whatever external changes take place, "there is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked." The promises before given therefore must not be so explained, as to encourage men to expect reconciliation to God, and peace of conscience, without "repentance and works meet for repentance:" but to excite them to believe and hope and pray, that he would give them repent

ance, and forgiveness of sins, through the promised Redeemer, and according to the gospel: as all the impenitent and unconverted would be given up to final destruction. (Notes, 3:10,11. 48:20-22. Acts 3:19-21.)


V. 1-8.

But we ought at the same time to remember, that except our earnestness be regulated according to the word of God, it will be at best wholly unprofitable. It is vain to dissemble, or to pretend to fear God and seek his glory, if we do not: those who really remember him, will be universally conscientious; and such as allow themselves in known sin, act from some The death of the righteous is the greatest sinister motive which the Lord will detect; and gain to themselves, and the greatest loss to then he will shew the corrupt nature of "their others, which can be imagined. They are ex-righteousness and works," and manifest the empted from the evils, that are impending reason of his rejecting them. His silence and over guilty nations and churches; but their re- patience encourage the presumptuous hopes moval portends, and makes way for divine of transgressors: but when he shall arise to judgments: yet alas, this is seldom attended judgment, the infidel and profane, the pharito, and scarcely ever duly laid to heart.-In all saical and superstitious, the hypocritical and events true believers are safe and happy: and enthusiastical; and all the advocates for vice, even their graves are quiet beds, in which or for false religion, will discover their danger: they sleep in Jesus, and from which he will but it will then be too late to cry for help; nor shortly awake them to everlasting joy and fe- will any of their companions or idols avail licity. (Notes, 1 Thes. 4:13-18. Rev. 14:12,13, them; for they will all be driven into destrucv. 13.) The enormous wickedness of those, tion. But those who trust and love our God who are favored with the word and ordinances and Savior, will "inherit the kingdom preparof God, is a lamentable demonstration of hu- ed for them from the foundation of the world." man depravity. The spurious brood, which-It should therefore be our first care to learn hypocrisy, superstition, and fanaticism have the ways of God ourselves; and then, in our engendered, within the visible church, will several places, to make them plain to others, easily be distinguished, notwithstanding names and to remove every stumbling block, which and splendid pretences, from her genuine obstructs the path. In this respect we have children; and be punished with more marked much to do, and much to pray for.-The abseverity than any other transgressors. We surd and wild opinions, which are propagated; ought then neither to be disconcerted, nor ex- and the crimes which are committed, by men asperated, if they treat us, as Ishmael did Isaac, professing the doctrines of the gospel; the mulwith mockery and derision in every form. tiplied controversies acrimoniously agitated (Notes, Gen. 21:8-12. Gal. 4:21-31.) Scoffs among them; the horrible injustice and profliand calumny are their weapons, when gacy of men called Christians, in every quarmore destructive instruments are placed out ter of the globe; the corrupt state of almost of their reach. Yet they little think against the whole visible church, in doctrine, disciwhom they sport themselves, when they ridi- pline, and practice; and the idolatry, imposcule and mock the humble and faithful servants ture, and enormous covetousness of the church of the Lord: but he will shortly convict and of Rome, have long been stumbling blocks to expose them, silence their mockery and boast-infidels, Jews, Mohammedans, and Pagans all ings, and shew them to be "children of trans-over the world. The Lord calls upon Chrisgression, a seed of falsehood."-Men naturally tians and ministers to remove these scandals love a religion, which inflames and authorizes as much as they possibly can; and we should their unholy passions: and there is no absurdi- unite in constant and earnest prayer to him ty so palpable, no cruelty, even to their own to raise up instruments who may do it effectchildren or bodies, however horrid, of which ually. they are not capable, if seduced into an opinion, that it will atone for their crimes, and purchase indulgence for the favorite lust; if it can be made subservient to the gratification of their pride and ambition; or if it will quiet their consciences, and aid them to hope for happiness, without Christ, or without holiness. This developes that "mystery of iniquity," namely, of idolatry, Pagan, Jewish, or Anti-it" christian: the whole has been suited to one or other of these purposes. And so entirely does Satan blind the minds of numbers, that they expect that God should delight in, and reward them for, such observances, as he has expressly forbidden and utterly abhors!

V. 9-14.

V. 15--21.

While numbers stumble, and fall, and perish, through the offences which every where abound, it is by their own pride, unbelief, and enmity to God and holiness. "For this high and lofty One, who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy, who dwells in the high and lofty place," delights in those who are "poor in spir

and broken-hearted, mourners for sin, and supplicants for mercy and grace. He will make his abode with those, whose hearts he has thus humbled, in order to revive and comfort them: "he will not contend for ever" with the penitent soul; he will not drive the contrite to despondency, nor leave him to perish under his frown. Let then no trembling supThe zeal which men shew in false religion, plicant give way to discouragement, or hard the boldness with which they avow their ab- thoughts of God: but let him continue to wait surdities; their diligence and constancy in pub- and pray, and ere long he shall be comforted. lic and private superstitions; the alacrity, with But though the Lord employs corrections to which they weary themselves in burdensome bring sinners to repentance, and to recover services, or severe penances; the pertinacity, backsliders; yet they are not of themselves efwith which they hold fast their delusive hopes, fectual. Even believers sometimes go on froand labor to "establish their own righteous-wardly for a season, when smitten for their inness," should remind us, who have a better iquity, and under the hidings of God's countecause, how earnest, constant, patient, and dili-nance: (Note, Ps. 32:3-5.) and many who seem gent we ought to be. The very devotees of to be religious in this way, become mere thorny superstition and idolatry avow, that religion is ground, that brings forth no fruit to perfection. the grand concern; that it should be our main-Covetousness is idolatry, and it almost always employment and satisfaction; that every thing produces dishonesty and iniquity likewise; yet should be sacrificed to it; and that no labor, few are much aware of its malignity. (Notes, loss, or hardship should here be regarded. Luke 12:15 -21. Eph. 5:3,4. 1 Tim. 6:6-10, vv.

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9,10. 2 Pet. 2:12-16.) But if we have been de- to the people, and in exposing their hypocrisy. livered from this snare, or are recovered from The Lord primarily addressed this command the state here described; we must acknowl- to Isaiah; but it is equally obligatory on the edge it to be the mere grace of God. He saw ministers of religion in every age: the prophet us, when we were "walking frowardly in the might intend his warnings for the hypocrites way of our own hearts," and graciously de- of his own time; but the Holy Spirit had also termined to heal us by his sanctifying Spirit: those of other ages in view.-The fasts obthus he began to teach and guide us, and to served by the Jews during the captivity merbring us into the ways of holiness and conso-ited the censure here given. (Notes, 3,4. Zech. lation: (Note, 42:13-17, v. 16.) and he has re- 7:2-7.) The Pharisees in the time of Christ peatedly recovered us, when we were depart- fasted often, in ostentation and hypocrisy, and ing from him; causing us to renew our godly to cloke oppression and avarice: the great valsorrow, and restoring our comforts. The gos- ue put upon fasting by the church of Rome, pel was sent to us when "far off" from God; without any regard to a correspondent temper the influences of the Holy Spirit, by which we and conduct in other respects, is well known. were brought near, and that new heart from But Vitringa thinks that this chapter, in its whence grateful praise, "the fruit of our lips," connexion with what precedes and follows originates, are alike his gift. Our salvation, may relate to the reformed, or protestant, with all its fruits, hopes, and comforts, is his churches. They have indeed renounced the work; it comes from him, and to him belongs idolatry and gross abuses of popery; but are all the glory. But the destruction of the grievously deformed by a worldly spirit and wicked is from themselves; their hearts cast conduct, and great formality in religious duup filthy imaginations and desires, and empty ties, where the form is not thrown aside: and themselves in wicked words and works: (Note, this indeed brings the matter home to ourJam. 1:13-18.) their selfish and malignant selves. passions, and constant disappointments and vexations, with anxious forebodings as to the future, exclude them from peace: and as death for ever fixes a man's character; so those who die in sin will be left eternally proud, revengeful, envions, full of enmity against God and man, and given up to the torments of conscience and the rage of despair. (Note, Prov. 14:32.) Were there no other hell, the thoughts of such a condition are enough to harrow up the soul with consternation. Such men are, as it were, turned out of this hospital incurable; because they pertinaciously refuse to be healed, or to use the means of healing. "There is no peace, saith my God, for the wicked:" but "let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon." (Note, 55:6,7.)


V. 2. "The house of Jacob," in the time of Hezekiah, seems to have sat for this picture. They were not openly idolatrous or irreligious; nay, they were earnest and constant in their forms of devotion, "seeking the LORD daily," and taking pleasure in learning his truths and precepts, as if they were a very righteous nation: (Note, Ez. 33:30-33.) but they were pleased with these things, merely because they gratified their pride and curiosity, procured them respect and reputation, and increased their presumptuous confidence. Nay, they "asked of God the ways of righteousness, and took delight in approaching him" in his courts; for this was then creditable, and generally done; and it served as an easy commutation for secret injustice, and as a cheap quietus to their consciences. (Notes, 1:10-15. 48: 1,2. 1 Sam. 15:22-25. Heb. 6:4-6.)-This has often been the case, both in Israel, and in the Christian church, among papists, and among protestants.

CHAP. LVIII. V. 1. (Notes, 57:15-21.) The V. 3, 4. The persons here addressed had prophet, while he protested vehemently against mortified themselves, with apparent sorrow all wickedness, was required especially to "cry and contrition, on stated or occasional fasts. aloud" against the crimes of God's own peo- (Notes, Lev. 16:29-31. Ps. 35:13,14.) They ple; not sparing to reprove them sharply, out deemed this very meritorious; and they inquired of respect to friends, fear of enemies, or regard wherefore the Lord had not noticed their serto interest. He must spend his strength. ven-||vices, and delivered them from their troubles. ture reproach and persecution; and "lift up (Notes, Mic. 3:9-11. Mal. 3:13-18. Luke 15. his voice like a trumpet," in giving an alarm||25-32, v. 29.) But he answered, that, while

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5 Is " it such a fast that I have chosen? || go before thee; the glory of the LORD) *a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it shall be thy rear-ward. to bow down his head as a bulrush, and P to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen; T to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that 'ye break every yoke?


7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou "bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? [Practical Observations.]




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9 Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; 10 And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon-day:


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11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in " drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters ** fail not.

8 Then shall thy light break forth as P the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall n 2 Chr. 20:3. Ezra 10:6. Neh. 11:41. 19.8. Rom. 12:20,21. 2

9:1,2. Esth. 4:3,16. Dan. 9: 3,&c. Zech. 7:5.

*Or, to afflict his soul for a day.

o See on 3.-Lev. 16:29. p 1 Kings 21:27-29.

6:30. Jon. 3:5-8.

q 49:8. 61:2.

2 Kings

Ps. 69:13. Luke 4:19. Rom. 12:2. 1 Pet. 2:5. r Neh. 5:10-12. Jer. 34:8-11. Mic. 3:2-4.

↑ Heb. bundles of the yoke. Heb. broken.

s1 Tim. 6:1.

t 10. Job 22:7. 31:18-21. Ps. 112:9. Prov. 22:9. 25:21. 28:27. Ec. 11.1.2. Ez. 18:7,16. Dan. 4:27. Matt. 25:35-40. Luke

Cor. 9.6-10. 11 n. 5:10.
Philem. 7. Jam. 2:15,16.
John 3:17,18.

u 16:3,4. Gen. 18.2-5. 19:2.
Judg. 19:20,21. Acts 16:15,34.
Rom. 12:13. Heb. 13:2,3.
Or, afflicted.

x 2 Chr. 28:15. Job 31:19,20.
Matt. 25:35-45.

Ez. 18:7.

Luke 3.11.

y Judg. 9.2.

Neh. 5:5. Luke

10:29-36. 1 John 3:17.


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12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

c 52:12. Ex. 14:19.

Heb. gather thee up.

d 1:15. 30:19. 65:24. Ps. 34:15-
17. 37:4. 50:15. 66:18, 19. 91:15.
118:5. Jer 29:12,13. Matt.
7:7,8. 1 John 3:21,22.

e Gen. 27:18. 1 Sam. 3:4-8.
f See on 6.

g 57:4. Prov. 6:13.

h 59:3.4. Ps. 12.2. Ez. 13:8.
Zech. 10:2.

i See on 7. Deut. 15:7-10. Ps.
Prov. 11:24,

41:1,2, 112:5-9.

25. 14:31. 28.27. Luke 18:22. k 8. 29.18. Job 11:17. Ps. 37.6. 1 49:10. Ps. 25:9. 32:8. 48:14. 73:24. John 16:13. 1 Thes. 3:

11. marg.


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they denied themselves in one respect, they they would moderate the labors of their serindulged themselves in others; especially their vants, and render their services and situation pride, avarice, and malignant passions. For more comfortable; they would cease from usuat the very time, when they seemed to abase ||rious exactions, and remit the debts which eithemselves before God in fasting; they exact-ther were contracted through fraud and oped the full measure of hard labor from their pression, or which the poor debtor was unaoppressed slaves, or their usurious claims ble to discharge: (Notes, Lev. 26:39–55. Deut. from their starving debtors. Their fasting 15:2,13-15. Neh. 5:1-13. Jer. 34:8-17. Jon. 3: also served to increase their self-preference, 5-10.) they would break every yoke of opand excited them to fierce controversies, or pression, and use their authority and influbitter resentments: it was the cloke of their ence to protect the poor, or rescue them from exactions and oppressions of the poor, whom the injustice of others. They would also be they nost unjustly smote and abused, for not || liberal to the needy according to their wants: complying in every thing with their inclina- and not get out of the way, or frame excuses, tions; or the commutation and atonement for to avoid relieving them; remembering that this unmerciful conduct. And, surely they they were of the same nature, and had the should not fast in this hypocritical, ostenta- same feelings, as themselves. (Notes, 8-12. tious, and unrighteous manner; or call a day Acts 10:1-8. Col. 4:1.) By these things their thus spent a fast; or expect that God would external humiliation before God, in fasting accept their services, or hear their prayers; and prayer, would be shewn to be sincere and which were merely the labor of their lips, and profitable: but in no other way. uttered with a loud voice, but an insincere V. 8-12. When the people should thus "reheart. (Notes, 1 Kings 18:27-29. 21:8–14.||pent, and do works meet for repentance;" they Jer. 36:8-26. Joel 2:12-17. Zech. 7:2-7. Matt. 6:1-4,16-18. 9:14,15. Luke 18:9-14.)

might expect that their inward peace, or outward prosperity, would break forth and inV. 5-7. Could it be supposed, that the fast, crease like the morning-light; (Notes, 9:2. 60:1 which the Lord approved, was "for a man to -3.) and that their personal sicknesses, and afflict his soul for a day;" (marg.) with exter- disquieted consciences, or their public calaminal appearances of sorrow and shame, and ties, would speedily be healed: their good vith mere transient animal self-denial, with-works would go before them as evidences to out repentance or reformation? The fast which God approved would be attended with the mortification of pride, avarice, and worldly lusts; and with the unequivocal fruits of true repentance. They, who observed such a fast, would loose the bonds of those, whom they had iniquitously enslaved or imprisoned;

attest the sincerity of their faith and love, and for "a memorial before God;" and his glorious power and presence would protect them from those dangers, to which they were most exposed, as the guard which covers and protects the rear of an army. (Notes, 52:11,12. Ex. 14: 19,20. Ps. 85:10-13. Acts 10:3-8.) He would

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be as ready to answer their prayers, as they had been to answer the cries of their oppressed and afflicted brethren; whom they now no longer treated with scorn or menaces, or put off with vain pretences or deceitful promises. And when, from their intnost souls, in genuine compassion and love, they were habitually ready to relieve the hungry and distressed; their trouble and inward grief should be exchanged for comfort and joy, resembling the noon-day light. The Lord himself would guide them, and supply their wants in every emergency; cause their bones to be full of marrow through health and plenty; make their souls pleasant and fruitful like a watered garden; and render their consolations abiding like the unfailing springs of water. (Notes, Prov. 3:7,8. 11:24,25. 13:4.) Then should they become the honored instruments of repairing the waste places of Zion, and building upon those foundations which were laid in former ages, but not further completed; and be named the repairers of Zion's breaches, and the restorers of her ways, that men might come from all around to worship and dwell there. (Notes, 61:4-6. Judg. 5:6,7.)-This might apply to Zerubbabel, Nehemiah, and others, who rebuilt Jerusalem, the temple, and the walls of the city after the captivity: and to all those, in every age, who have been, or shall be, instrumental in promoting true religion: and doubtless, from the church, which shall first and best answer this description, will those instruments be raised up, who will be principally honored in bringing forward that extensive and glorious promulgation of the gospel, which we are taught to expect and pray for continually. This is chiefly meant of the spiritual Jerusa'lem, whose builders were the apostles.'

Make fat thy bones, &c. (11) pm, liberabit, expedita reddet. Shall make them free from disease, feebleness, or whatever unfits them for performing, with ease and comfort, their proper office.

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The ministers of God have need, not only of great tenderness and skill to comfort the broken-hearted and tempted believer; but likewise of intrepidity and firmness, that they may "exhort and rebuke, with all authority," those who act inconsistently with their profession. (Note, Tit. 15.) They should be disinterested, zealous for the glory of God, prepared for persecution, superior to personal considerations, to the fear of men, and the shackles of party and bigotry; that with all plainness they may detect the transgressions, and expose the hypocrisy, of those who "profess to know God, but in works deny him." This requires far more courage in the minister, and will generally expose him to far greater trials, than all possible severity against avowed infidels, profligates, and open opposers of the gospel. Self-love, selfish friends, and injudicious or timid Christians, will say to a man in such a case, “Spare thyself." "Ambition, avarice, love of ease, and aversion to the cross will suggest to him, Spare the rich and powerful: but God says "Spare not;" and “we must obey him, and not men," please him and not ourselves.-When the ministers of the reformed churches shall thus loudly protest against all the iniquity which prevails in them, (as well as against erroneous doctrines, and antichristian abuses,) we may hope to see them still further reformed and purified, and for a more extensive progress of the reformation.

We all need continually to beg of God to assist us in examining ourselves: this appears most clearly, when we consider, how very far men may go in the appearance of religion, with an unsound heart.-As Herod heard John gladly, V. 13, 14. As these prophecies evidently re- vet loved his brother's wife more than either late, or extend, to the times of the Christian God or his own soul; and as they "who have dispensation; a cogent argument may be de- no root in themselves, may receive the word duced from them, for hallowing the Lord's day. with joy," we should remember, that great de(Notes, 56:3-7. Matt. 12:7,8. Acts 20:7-12, light in outward forms, and religious speculav. 7. Rev. 1:9—11, v. 10.) The rule here given tions, may spring from pharisaical pride or implies, that men must not profane that day by diabolical delusion: and it must do so, when it doing their ordinary work, or seeking their consists with the love, and allowed practice, secular interest; or by spending it in worldly of one known sin. For, without "repentance pleasures and recreations, or sloth and animal and works meet for repentance," "knowledge indulgence; or by vain and trifling conversa-puffeth up," faith is dead; hope, presumptuous; tion: but that they should delight in the sab-joy, carnal; and profession, hateful hypocrisy. bath, as a holy day especially consecrated to Such, as are strangers to "the power of godli the Lord, to be spent in the public and private ness," either neglect, or grow proud of the duties of religion; honor it above all other days, and honor God on it and for it. (Notes, Ex. 20:8-11. Am. 8:4-10.) Thus they will find much joy and comfort in him, and his service and worship will become more and more delightful to them, (Votes, Ps. 84:1,2,10.) they will be rendered triumphant over and exalted above their enemies; be plenteously provided for, as the Israelites had been in Ca

form: in their estimation good works rise ir value, in proportion to their scarcity: and when it is owing to God's infinite patience, that they are out of hell; they deem him unjust, if he slightly afflict them, and if he do not reward them with eternal happiness! But the Lord will manifest the corrupt motives of their tasks of reluctant devotion: and their conduct to their poor brethren, whom they enslave, op.

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