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and Ardon, close under the town, and
which may be regarded as its suburbs.
The musketry reached the walls of the
town, and continued without intermission
until about eleven o'clock, when the fog
began to disperse. At this time the enemy
was observed to be in force behind the vil
lages of Semilly and Leuilly, with columns
of infantry and cavalry on the Chaussee
towards Soissons. He occupied at the
same time, in force, the village of Ardon.
The enemy was instantly repelled from
Semilly, and Field-Marshal Blucher, the
moment he could observe any thing of the
enemy's position, ordered the cavalry from
the rear to advance, and turn his left flank.
General Count Woronzoff, who was on the
right of the Field-Marshal's position, ad-
vanced at the same time with his infantry,
pushed forward two battalions of yagers,
which drove in the enemy's posts, sustained
a charge of cavalry, and maintained them-
selves in an attitude to keep the left of the
enemy in check until the cavalry could ad-
vance. The Field-Marshal, at the same
time, directed the advance of a part of
General Bulow's corps against the village
of Ardon, from which the enemy, after
sustaining a fire for about half an hour, was
compelled to retreat.-Whilst the cavalry
was taking a circuit round from the rear,
and at about two o'clock in the afternoon,
the enemy was observed to be advancing a
column of sixteen battalions of infantry,
with cavalry and artillery, along the chaus-
see from Rheims. General D'Yorck was
directed to oppose him, and General Baron
Sacken ordered to General D'Yorck's sup-
port. It was here the battle became most
general and decisive. The enemy opened
a formidable battery of at least 40 or 50
pieces of artillery, and advanced with a
confidence from which he must have arro-
gated to himself every success. He form-
ed a column of attack, and was moving
forward with a pas de charge to the village
of Althies, when Prince William of Prus
sia, who was advancing to the village at
the same time, met him half way, and over-
threw him. He then began his retreat,
which soon became a flight. Eight pieces
of artillery, with horses and every thing
belonging to them, were immediately
taken, and successively twenty-two pieces
more. He was pursued as far as Corbeny,
losing baggage, prisoners, &c. by the way,
the details of all which have not yet arrived,
as the pursuit has continued during the
whole of the night, and as it is still going
on. On the right, no particular advan-
tages were gained beyond the expulsion of
the enemy from the villages he had gained
possession of in the morning. General
Conat Woronzoff, towards the close of the
day, again attacked with the greatest vi-
gour, but he had large masses opposed to
him, and the ground presented difficulties
against the active co-operation of his caval-
y.-The promptitude with which General

Count Woronzoff conducted his advance in the morning, and the bravery and deter mination with which his troops attacked, were the admiration of every one.-The losses on either side it is as yet impossible to ascertain, but I have myself seen some hundred prisoners brought in here already.

P.S. Ten A.M.-The prisoners say that Bouaparte is still in frout of Laon, and resolved on pursuing his attack this day.

The cannonade and musketry is already violent in the direction of Sémilly aud Leuilly.

P.S. Laon, Ten A.M. March 11, 1814.The attack continued during the whole of yesterday. The plain below the city of Laon is interspersed with villages and small woods, which became the scene of very warm and obstinate contests. A wood near the village of Clacy, on the right of the position, was taken and re-taken four or five different times, and remained finally in possession of the Allied troops. The infantry of General Winzingerode's corps, under the command of General Couut Woronzoff, were the troops engaged there; in the centre and left of the position the enemy maintained himself, and at about half an hour before sunset, he threw forward a body of skirmishers, supported by two battalions of infantry (the rest of his army remaining in reserve), and attacked the village of Semilly close under the walls of the town; but a battalion of Prussians, of General Bulow's corps, threw itself in the road, and, supported by the fire of the troops on each flank, compelled him to retire in disorder and with loss. This was the last operation attempted during the day. The fires of his bivouac were apparent along a very extended line at the be ginning of the night; but in the morning it was observed he had retired, and the cavalry of the advanced guard are at this moment in pursuit of him, towards Chavignon, on the road to Soissons. Thus, during two days of successive attacks, the enemy has experienced nothing but defeat and discomfiture. The efforts of all his force have been broken against and recoiled from the bulwark which this fine position had afforded. The absence of the corps of D'Yorck, Kleist, and Sacken, which were in the morning pursuing the remainder of the troops that had advanced from Rheims, and which could not be recalled in time, prevented any active offensive opera. tion being undertaken yesterday. But suc cess had crowned the efforts of these corps in other respects, by the capture of between 3000 and 4000 prisoners, besides a great quantity of ammunition and baggage, and 45 pieces of cannon have already been brought in.

The intended future operations of this army have not yet been promulgated, but I apprehend they will be altogether of an of fensive nature. I have the honor to be, &c. (Signed) HLOWE, Colonel.



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The Marquis of Wellington's accounts of the events near Bayonne, are as follow :

Downing-street, March 20, 1814. Major Freemantle has arrived at this Office, bringing dispatches from the Marquis of Wellington, addressed to Earl Bathurst.

St. Sever, March 1, 1814. MY LORD, I returned to garrison the 21st, and ordered the 6th and light divisions to break up from the blockade of Bayonne, and General Don Manuel Freyre to close up the cantonments of his corps towards Irun, and to be prepared to move when the left of the army should cross the Adour.

On the 24th, Lieutenant-General Sir Rowland Hill passed the Gave d'Oleron at


Marischal de Campo Don Pablo Murillo drove in the enemy's posts near Noverrens, and blockaded that place.

Field-Marshal Sir William Beresford likewise attacked the enemy on the 23d, in their fortified posts at Hastingues and Overgave, on the left of the Gave de Pau, and obliged them to retire within the tete-dupont at Peyrehorade.

The 6th and light divisions crossed the Adour on the morning of the 27th at day. light, and we found the enemy in a strong position near Orthes, with his right on the heights on the road to Dax, and occupying the village of St. Boes, and his left the heights above Orthes and that town, and opposing the passage of the river by Sir

Rowland Hill.

Marshal Sir William Beresford carried the village of St. Boes with the 4th division, under the command of LieutenantGeneral Sir Lowry Cole, after an obstinate resistance by the enemy: but the ground was so narrow that the troops could not deploy to attack the heights, notwithstanding the repeated attempts of Major-General Ross and Brigadier-General Vasconcello's Portuguese Brigade; and it was impossible to turn the enemy by their right,

without an excessive extension of our line.

I therefore so far altered the plan of the action, as to order the immediate advance of the 3d and 6th divisions, and I moved forward Colonel Barnard's brigade of the light division, to attack the left of the height on which the enemy's right stood.

This attack, led by the 52d regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Colborne, and supported on their right by Major-General Brisbane's and Colonel Kean's brigades of the 3d division, and by simultaneous attacks on the left by Major-General Anson's brigade of the 4th division, and on the right by Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton, with the remainder of the 3d division and the 6th division under Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, dislodged the enemy from the heights, and gave us the victory.

In the mean time Lieutenant-General Sir


Rowland Hill had forced the passage of the Gave above Orthes, and seeing the state of the action, he moved inmediately with the 2d division of infantry under LieutenantGeneral Sir William Stewart, and MajorGeneral Fane's brigade of cavalry, direct for the great road from Orthes to 3t. Sever, thus keeping upon the enemy's left.

The enemy retired at first in admirable

order, taking every advantage of the muafforded. The losses, however, which they merous good positions which the country sustained in the continued attacks of our troops, and the danger with which they were threatened by Lieutenant-General Sir rated their movements, and the retreat at Rowland Hill's movements, soon accelelength became a flight, and their troops

were in the utmost confusion.

took advantage of the only opportunity Lieutenant-General Sir Stapleton Cotton ral Lord Edward Somerset's brigade, in which offered to charge with Major-Genethe neighbourhood of Sault de Navailles, where the enemy had been driven from the high road by Lieutenant-General Sir Rowland Hill. The 7th hussars distinguished themselves upon this occasion, and made many prisoners.

We continued the pursnit till it was dusk, and I halted the army in the neighbourhood of Sault de Navaille.

I cannot estimate the extent of the ene

my's loss: we have taken six pieces of canbers I cannot at present report. The whole non and a great many prisoners, the num country is covered by their dead. Their army was in the utmost confusion when I last saw it passing the heights near Sault de Navailles, and many soldiers had thrown away their arms. The desertion has since been immense.

Lieutenant-General Sir Rowland Hill has

moved upon Aire, and the advanced posts of the centre are at Casares.

The enemy are apparently retiring upon Agen, and have left open the direct road

towards Bourdeaux.

Whilst the operations, of which I have above given the report, were carrying on Sir John Hope, in concert with Rear-Adthe right of the army, Lieutenant-General miral Penrose, availed himself of an opportunity which offered on the 23d of February, take possession of both banks of the river to cross the Adour below Bayonne, and to at its mouth. The vessels destined to form the bridge could not get in till the 24th, when the difficult, and at this season of the. year dangerous operation of bringing them in, was effected with a degree of gallantry and skill seldom equalled. Lieutenant-Ge neral Sir John Hope particularly mentions Captain O'Reilly and Lieutenant Cheshyre, lins of the royal navy, and also Lieutenant Lieutenant Douglas, and Lieutenant Col Debenham, agent of transports; and I am 2 M 2 infinitely

infinitely indebted to Rear-Admiral Pen rose for the cordial assistance I received from him in preparing for this plan, and for that which he gave Lieutenant-General Sir John Hope in carrying it into execution.

The enemy, conceiving that the means of crossing the river, which Lieutenantgeneral Sir John Hope had at his command, viz. rafts made of pontoons, had not enabled him to cross a large force in the course of the 22d, attacked the corps which he had sent over on that evening. This corps consisted of six hundred men of the 2d brigade of guards, under the command of Majorgeneral the Honourable Edward Stopford, who repulsed the enemy immediately. The rocket brigade was of great use upon this occasion.

Three of the enemy's gun-boats were destroyed this day, and a frigate lying in the Adour received considerable damage from the fire of a battery of eighteenpounders, and was obliged to go higher up the river to the neighbourhood of the bridge.

Lieutenant-general Sir John Hope invested the citadel of Bayonne on the 25th, and Lieutenant-general Don Manuel Freyre moved forward with the fourth Spanish army, in consequence of directions which I had left for him. On the 27th the bridge having been completed, Lieutenant general Sir John Hope deemed it expedient to invest the citadel of Bayonne more closely than he had done before; and he attacked the village of St. Etienne, which he carried, having taken a gun and some prisoners from the enemy; and his posts are now within nine hundred yards of the outworks of the place.

The result of the operations which I have detailed to your lordship is, that Bayonne, St. Jean Pied de Port, and Navarrens are invested, and the army having passed the Adour, are in possession of all the great communications across the river, after having beaten the enemy and taken their magazines. Total loss from the 14th to the 17th of Feb. 1814, inclusive.

British 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 22 rank and file, killed; 1 general staff, 1 major, 7 captains, 8 lieutenants, 1 staff, 8 serjeants, 3 drummers, 126 rank and file, wounded; 4 rank and file missing.

Portuguese-1 drummer, 5 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 lieutenant, 2 ensigns, 4 serjeants, 1 drummer, 25 rank and file, wounded; 3 rank and file missing. (Signed) E. M. PAKENHAM. Adt. Gen.

Names of the Officers Killed.

British Killed.

15th February.-Royal Artillery-Lieut. George Moore.

26th February, 1814, inclusive.-2 cap,

tains, 1 ensign, 2 serjeants, 16 rank and filė, 1 horse, killed; 1 major, 1 captain, 6 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, 1 staff, 9 serjeants, 3 drummers, 110 rank and file, 4 horses, wounded; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 27 rank and file, missing. Names of the Officers Killed. British Officers Killed.

Feb. 23.-Royal Engineers.-Capt. T. Pitts.

68th Foot. Capt. James W. M. Leith. Total loss on the 27th of February. British-1 major, 6 captains, 7 lieute nants, 1 staff, 21 serjeants, 3 drummers, 169 rank and file, killed; 2 general staff, 2 lieutenant-colonels, 7 majors, 30 captains, 49 lieutanants, 14 ensigns, 1 staff, 1 quartermaster, 17 serjeants, 11 drummers, 1203 rank and file, 83 horses, wounded; 1 captain, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 27 rank and file, 1 horse, missing.

Portuguese-1 lieutenant-colonel, 2 majors, 4 serjeants, 59 rank and file, killed; 2 lieutenant-colonels, 2 majors, 5 captains, 6 lieutenants, 11 ensigns, 20 serjeants, 6 drummers, 452 rank and file, wounded; 3 serjeants, 36 rank and file, missing. British Officers Killed.

Royal German Artillery-Capt. Fred. Lympher (Major).

Royal Engineers-Capt, Parker, 5th Foot, 1st batt.-Lieut. H. L. Hopkins.

6th Foot, 1st batt.-Lieuts, W. Pattulo and Henry Scott.

20th Foot-Major James Bent; Capt. J. St. Aurin.

42d Foot, 1st batt.-Adj.-Lieut. John W. Innes.

45th Foot, 1st batt.-Lieutenant John Metcalf.

87th Foot, 2d batt.-Lieut. James Fitz gerald.

88th Foot, 1st batt.-Capt. H. M'Der mott; Lieut. Jas. Moriarty.

Chasseurs Britannique― Capt. Charles Millins.

Brunswick Light Infantry-Capt. Ernest de Brexeim; Lieut. Ernest Koshenahr. Portuguese Officers Killed. 21st regt. of the Line-Capt. Samuel Germin. 11th Caçadores-Lieut.-Col. Kilshaw; Capt. Antonio Re du Silva.

St. Sever, March 4, 1814.

MY LORD, The rain which fell in the afternoon of the 1st swelled the Adour, and all the rivulets falling into that river, so considerably, as materially to impede our further progress, and to induce me on the next day to halt the army till I could repair the bridges, all of which the enemy had destroyed. The rain continued till last night, and the river is so rapid that the pontoons cannot be laid upon it.

The enemy had collected a corps at Ayre, probably to protect the evacuation



Public Affairs in March.

of a magazine which they had at that place. Sir Rowland Hill attacked this corps on the 2d, and drove them from their post with considerable loss, and took possession of the town and magazine.

I am sorry to have to report that we lost the Hon. Lieut. Col. Hood on this occasion, an officer of great merit and promise. In other respects our loss was not severe. I have, &c. The Earl Bathurst. WELLINGTON. Total British loss from Feb. 28 to March 2, 1814, inclusive.

1 lieutenant-colonel, 2 lieutenants, 1 serjeant, 16 rank and file, 5 horses, killed; 1 general staff, 1 major, 4 captains, 7 lieute nants, 9 serjeants, 2 drummers, 112 rank and file, 11 horses, wounded; 2 rank and file missing.

Names of the Officers Killed to the 2d of March, inclusive.

3d Guards-Lieut.-Col. Hon. Fred. W. Hood, (A. A. G.)

50th Foot, 1st batt.-Lieut. Duncan M'Donnell.

71st Foot, 1st batt.-Lieut. James Andersou.

Aire, March 13, 1814. The excessive bad weather and violent fall of rain, in the beginning of the month, having swelled, to an extraordinary degree, all the rivers, and rendered it difficult and tedious to repair the numerous bridges, which the enemy had destroyed in their retreat, and the different parts of the army being without communication with each other, I was obliged to halt.

The enemy retired after the affair with Lieutenant-general Sir Rowland Hill, on the 2d, by both banks of the Adour towards Tarbes, probably with a view to be joined by the detachments from Marshal Suchet's army, which left Catalonia in the last week in February.

In the mean time I sent, on the 7th, a detachment, under Major-general Fane, to take possession of Pau; and another on the 8th, under Marshal Sir William Beresford, to take possession of Bourdeaux.

I have the pleasure to inform your lord ship, that the marshal arrived there yesterday, (the small force which was there having, in the preceding evening, retired across the Garonne,) and that this important city is in our possession.

Lieutenant-general Don Manuel Frere joined the army this day, with that part of the 4th army under his immediate command, and I expect that Major-general Ponsonby's brigade of cavalry will join to


I learn from Major-general Fane, who commands Lieutenant-general Sir Rowland Hill's out-posts, that the enemy have this day collected a considerable force in the neighbourhood of Couchez, and I therefore conclude that they have been joined by the detachment of the army of Catalonia,

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which, it is reported, amounts to 10,000


Nothing important has occurred at the blockade of Bayonne, or in Catalonia, since I addressed your lordship last.

Aire, March 14, 1814.

I enclose Marshal Sir William Beresford's private letter to me, written after his arrival at Bourdeaux, from which you will see, that the Mayor and people of the town have adopted the white cockade, and declared for the house of Bourbon.

[Marshal Sir William Beresford's private letter, to which Lord Wellington's dispatch refers, is dated Bourdeaux, 12th March, 1814.

It states, in substance, that he entered the city on that day. That he was met a short distance from the town, by the civil authorities and population of the place, and was received in the city with every demonstration of joy.

The magistrates and the city guards took off the cagles and other badges, and spontaneously substituted the white cockade, which had been adopted universally by the people of Bourdeaux.

Eighty-four pieces of cannon were found in the city; and an hundred boxes of se creted arms had been produced already.]


On the 8th of March, the British army sent to assist in expelling the French from this and the adjoining countries, attempted to take the strong fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom by storm, but failed, with the loss of nearly its whole force, in killed, wounded, and prisoners. The following is the dispatch of the commanding officer, describing this tragical affair.

Bergen-op-Zoom, March 10. SIR, I have now the honour of report. ing to your excellency, that the column which made the attack on the Antwerp side got into the place about eleven o'clock on the night of the 8th, by the clock of this town; but at about half-past eleven, by the time we were regulated by, a delay having occurred at Bourgbliet, occasioned by my finding it necessary to change the point of attack, on account of the state of the ice at the first intended spot. Every exertion was made by Lieut.-Col. Smyth and Capt. Sir G. Hoste, of the Royal Engineers, in getting on the ladders and planks requisite for effecting the enterprise, and in directing the placing them for the descent into the ditch, and passing the feet in the ice, and ascending the ramparts of the body of the place; during which operation several men were lost by a fire from the rampart. After we were established on the rampart, and had occupied some houses, from whence we might have been much annoyed, and had sent a strong patrole towards the point at which Major-Gen. Skerrett and Lieut.

Col. Carleton had entered, I detached Lieut. Col. Clifton, with part of the 1st Guards, to secure the Antwerp Gate, and to see if he could get any information of the column under Lieut.-Col. Morrice. Lieut. Col. Clifton reached the gate, but found that it could not be opened by his men, the enemy throwing a very heavy fire up a street leading to it. It was also found they Occupied an outwork, commanding the bridge, which would effectually render that outlet useless to us. I heard nothing more of this detachment, but considered it as lost, the communication having been inter rupted by the enemy.

Lieut. Col. Rooke, with part of the 3d Guards, was afterwards sent in that direction, drove the enemy from the interme diate rampart, and reached the gate, when he found it useless to attempt any thing, and ascertained that the outwork was still occupied. We were joined in the course of the night by the 33d, 55th, and 2d battalion of the 69th regt. but the state of uncertainty as to what had passed at other points, determined me not to weaken the force now collected, by attempting to carry points which we could not maintain, or penetrate through the streets with the certain loss of a great number of men, particularly as I heard that the troops at the Water Port Gate, under Lieut.-Col. Muller, were very seriously opposed. I sent the 33d to reinforce him.

The enemy continued a galling fire upon as, and at one time held the adjoining bastion, from the angle of which they completely commanded our communication with the exterior, and brought their guns at that angle to bear against us. They were charged and driven away by Majors Muttlebury and Hogg, with the 69th and 55th, in a very spirited and gallant style.

Finding that matters were becoming more serious, and being still without any information from other points, excepting that of the failure of Lieut.-Col. Morrice's column near the Nourd Gate, I determined, at the suggestion of Colonel Lord Proby, to let part of the troops withdraw, which was done at the ladders where they entered.

About day-light the enemy having again possessed themselves of the before-mentioned bastion, they were again driven from it by Majors Muttlebury and Hogg, with their weak battalions, in the same gallant manner. I soon afterwards began sending off some more men, when Lieut. Col. Jones, who had been taken prisoner in the night,, came to me, (accompanied by a French officer, who summoned me to surrender) and informed me that Lieut. Col. Muller, and the troops at the Water Port Gate, had been obliged to surrender, and were marched prisouers into the town; when I also learnt the fate of Lieut.-Col. Clifton's detachment, and of Major-Gen. Skerrett,

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37th regt. 2d batt.-Ensign Sandes. 44th regt. 2d batt.-Lieut. Col. the Hon. G. Carleton; and Ensign James Maxwell.

91st foot, 2d batt. Ensign Hugh M'Dougald.

Royal Sappers and Miners-Sub.-Lieut. Adamson.

WOUNDED.-Royal Artillery-Capt. E. Michell (B. M.), severely.

Royal Engineers-Lieut. Abbey, severe ly, since dead.

1st Foot Guards-Lieut.-Col. Clifton, severely, since dead; Capts. Lindsey, Dukenfield, and Trelawny, severely, not dangerously, prisoners; Capt. Bulteel, severely, since dead; Ensign Pardoe, severely, not dangerously, prisoner.

ColdstreamGuards-Capt. Shawe,severely, not dangerously.

3d Foot Guards-Capt. Stothert (B.M.), severely, not dangerously.

Royal Scots, 4th batt.-Capt. Purvis, se verely, prisoner; Lieuts. Stoyte, Robertson, and W. Midgley, severely.

21st Foot, 2d batt.-Major Robt. Henry (Lieut.-Col.) severely, not dangerously; Capt. Darrah, severely, not dangerously; Capt. Donald M'Kenzie, severely, leg amputated; First Lieutenants the Hon. F. H. Morris, slightly, H. Pigou, slightly; Second Lieutenants John Bulteel, severely, since dead; D. Moody, severely, prisoner; D. Rankin, severely, prisoner; Ensign Sir W. Crosby, severely.

35d regt.-Lieut. Col. Elphinstone, severely, not dangerously; Capt. Guthrie, ditto; Lieut. M'Quarrie, slightly; Lieut. Kerr, severely; Lieut. Buck, slightly; Lieut Pode, severely, prisoner; Ensign Bannatyne, severely; Ensign Canning, ditto; Ensign Howard, slightly; Adj, Priestley, ditto.

37th regt. 2d. batt.-Lieut. Dyer, se

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